collecting mushrooms and meeting death

Submitted into Contest #37 in response to: Write a story that takes place in the woods.... view prompt



Avery looked in the mirror and admired the outfit she had just sawn yesterday. It was a long flowing dress, that ended just before it hit the floor. It was tight at the waist and the colour reminded her of a forget-me-not. 

But it wasn't what she needed today. When you are strolling around in the woods, collecting things, a long flowing dress is not the look you should go for. Instead Avery went and changed into a more practical outfit. A pair of olive-green shorts and a tight white shirt. 

She took her basket, that she already lined with a dish cloth, so that the things she collected wouldn't fall out and went to go out into the woods. 

"Honey I'm leaving. Would you be so kind and wait for me before you eat lunch! I'm planning on picking up some mushrooms." she shouted while putting on her sandals. 

"Of course. And while you are out there can you pick up some flowers? Ours have gone a bit dry." he answered from upstairs where he was probably reading. Avery chuckled to herself. Since they moved into this small cottage, he has done almost nothing than read. 

She went outside and the warm summer breeze hit her face. She took a few deep breaths and enjoyed the sun on her face. Technically she could walk through the forest with her eyes closed, but since she wanted to collect mushrooms, she had to open them. 

The path that she created over the months, went deep into the forest, stopping only when it reached a small creek. Not planning on going there today, she went slowly into the woods picking up a few small and nice looking flowers that would not on her kitchen table. 

Avery found the first few mushrooms under a tall oak tree. There were three or four and she knew they were edible. Mark made her study a book he brought with him about all the mushrooms you could find in this area, when she first told him she wanted to collect them. 

These were chanterelles, one of her favourites. She knew that there was a similar looking one that was poisonous, but she knew the differences. 

She carefully placed them into her basket and went on. The sun shone through the tall trees and directly into her face. But the light didn't want to go away. It blinded her and she had to close her eyes in order not to lose her sight. 

The light dimmed and carefully she tried to open her eyes. Instead pf the old oak tree she was standing under before, she was at the river, that should have been several minutes of walking away. She was confused. Surely, she didn't walk, did she? 

"Hello my dear! How are you this fine evening?" a deep voice came from behind her. She turned around and saw a man sitting behind her on an old tree stomp. He was handsome to say the least. He had sharp features and jet-black hair styled in a messy bun. He wore a bleach white shirt and brown trousers with suspensors. 

"Who are you? And what are you doing in my woods?" The man giggled. It was like a grumbling thunder. The opposite from what it was supposed to sound. 

"My dear I was living in these woods, at times that you can't imagine. I know every nook and cranny of these woods. I know every animal. Every animal, rock, creek, mushroom. On the subject of mushrooms, I wanted to give you something." For the first time they met he really looked at her. 

He took in all of her. From her brown short hair, her freckles that sprinkled all of her nose and forehead. Her shirt that she sewed herself in a sleepless night. Her shorts that hang loosely on her hips down to her sandals. And then back up to the basket in her arms.

Oh, I see you are collecting mushrooms. What kind have you got yet?" Avery didn't want to talk to this man. She knew he had something dangerous about him. 'Just turn around and run. You know you are fast. You could outrun him' she thought, but she also didn't want to.

She wanted to stay and see what this man had to say. So, she did. 'Just listen for a bit and if he stays so mysterious then you run' 

"Darling, I see that you are collecting mushrooms. Do you want any help with that?" Avery's parents always kept her save and one of the first things they thought her, was to never except gifts from a stranger. 

"Yeah why not. I want to make a mushroom sauce for lunch. Do you have some for that?" She didn't know why she said that. She didn't want to. But she did and you can't take words back. That was also something her parents had taught her. 

Once you say something it is said. You can say you didn't mean it, but the other person already heard it. So, when the strange man started walking, she followed him. 

They didn't walk far, just a little up stream. They reached a fallen tree, with mushrooms all over it. Avery had never noticed it. Weird. 

"What kind of mushroom is this?" she asked. She did not know it and that worried her. "Oh, darling you don't have to worry about that" Avery felt a wave of calm wash over her. But it felt like the wave pulled her back into the ocean with it. 

But she didn't ask any more questions. She bent down to begin with picking the mushrooms. As she plucked the first one, a wave of an unpleasant smell hit her. She didn't think about it. In fact, she didn't think about anything at all. She just went on and put mushroom after mushroom into her basket. 

By the time she was finished her basket was heavy and Avery was out of breath. She had to put it down and sat on the wet ground next to it. For some time, she just listened to the river, forgetting about everything. 

She was tossed back into reality by the man speaking. She didn't really listen to his words. His voice was warm and felt like honey. It was soothing, in such a way that Avery couldn't focus on everything else. 

She felt like the weight of the world was on her shoulders. Her eyelids felt heavy and she just wanted to sleep. So, she did, lying her head on the piece of wood. 

The last think she saw before she drifted into a deep sleep was the face of a mysterious man.

April 13, 2020 15:07

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