Aliens, Zombies and Climate Change, oh my!

Submitted into Contest #60 in response to: Write a post-apocalyptic story that features zombies.... view prompt


Adventure Funny Fantasy

Dear Diary,Β 


Hey, it’s Alana!

For my 13th birthday, my parents presented me with this diary. Apparently, it isn’t any normal diary though, it’s a different kind of diary. I’m supposed to write here every single year, on my birthday, June 19th.

My parents said it is supposed to help me β€œdocument my life” and see how things change throughout my lifetime.Β 

Got to go now,Β Mom and Dad are taking us out to a special birthday dinner and I don’t want to be late! Talk to you next year!

Dear Diary,Β 


The worst words in the world, COVID-19. Ugh, I hate to even see that word, let alone write it.Β 

The COVID-19 outbreak, commonly known as the coronavirus, is horrible.Β 

My next-door neighbor got it and the entire neighborhood had to quarantine for 2 weeks!

The Corona Virus isn’t the only thing bad about 2020, there are also murder hornets, fires all over the place, and people claiming a zombie apocalypse is coming! And that’s just the beginning.Β 

Β Life sucks. Even though it’s my birthday, I’m trapped inside as if I’m in jail. I don’t get a party, none of my friends can come over. It’s awful. 2020 is a terrible year.

Dear Diary,


Well, guess what?! There was a zombie apocalypse after all! And I don’t even care. After you have survived the coronavirus, you can survive practically anything!

I made a new friend. His name is Brains, cause that’s all he says, so I assume that’s his name. He does stare at my head a lot, though. I think he might like me!

Dear Diary,


All the scientists are getting really worried cause we had a sudden change in temperature.

Β A month ago the average temperature for the world was about 59 degrees, now it is around 49. I don’t understand what the big dilemma is, 70 degrees high in summer is way better than 95.Β 

Guess what? Now I can DRIVE!! The people on the news don’t advise it in the winter, thanks to the cold weather, but it doesn’t matter to me! I’m still going to swerve on the road and go as fast as I can!

Dear Diary,Β 


I should’ve listened to those news reporters…

A few weeks ago I was driving on a super icy and slippery road and I swerved off the side of the road! I landed up in the hospital with a broken leg and spine. I can hopefully get back to my normal lifestyle in two to three months. Luckily my friends have been visiting almost every day so I’m not that bored!

Dear Diary,


Brains and IΒ have been official for 4 months now! I guess I was right about him liking me. Some of our best dates have been:

  • Watching our new favorite movie, β€˜Zombies and Humans’. Guess what? We spotted Brains as one of the background characters!
  • Caroling around the holidays! Brains didn't really sing though, he just repeated the same word the whole time.Β 
  • The amusement park! Brains thought that one of the kid’s heads was cotton candy, though, so we had to leave.

Dear Diary,


Sorry that I’m writing this after my birthday, but everything was frozen! What the scientist predicted had turned out to be right! The temperature is dropping, and fast. The average temperature is now around 20 degrees, almost 25 degrees colder than what it was a few years ago. The good news out of this is that I can go ice skating and sledding whenever I want.

But then this spaceship came over the earth and you’ll never guess who came out! It was somebody who looked just like Brains and the other zombies! But instead of coming to earth and living here, they took all the zombies back! I’m going to go sob upstairs. Goodbye

Dear Diary,


Ever since all the zombies were taken away by some mysterious person, the world has become quite dull again. Some scientists are still trying to figure out what happened while others have completely given up.Β 

I moved out of my parents house a few months ago and am now living in a small apartment in Los Angeles. Things are definitely a lot different without having your parents around, and a lot more expensive. Luckily I got a job as a grocery store manager, so I can afford all the bills. Maybe next year I will try college.Β 

Dear Diary,


Guess what?!?! The zombies came back! Apparently the people that captured the zombies were using them as slaves! The zombies fought back and somehow got all of them all back to earth, where they belong.Β 

Brains and I have decided to try college, though we cant decide where. Brains wants to go to ZU- Zombies University - while I want to go to UCLA. I am sure we will figure it out.Β 

Dear Diary,Β 


I know you’re all wet, and I’m sorry! There was this massive flood, and everything got soaked! I almost drowned, but to be honest, it was kind of awesome! I went swimming for two days straight!Β 

Bad news, though. Brains and I broke up, as we decided that we couldn’t do a long distance relationship. I’m handling it just fine, but Brains has been a mess. I hope we both get accepted into our colleges! Even though we’re not dating anymore, I still wish the best for him, and we have stayed fast friends!

Dear Diary,Β 


I got accepted into UCLA!!! I am so excited!! I can’t wait to get to college! Nothing interesting this year really happened. Aliens from outer space visited, so that was cool! I met this little alienette named Maya, and she was so cute! I think she was only a few light-years old!Β 

I can't believe it has been 10 years since I got you! You’ve been with me through my highs and lows. I just wanted to thank you for giving me this chance to document everything that’s happened! Wow, I can’t believe I’m talking to a book. Well, I wish me luck! Bye!

September 25, 2020 20:21

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. . .
19:42 Oct 02, 2020

Good job! I really liked the diary format!


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Amany Sayed
18:33 Oct 02, 2020

Heyo! I have a new story. Would you mind checking it out and leaving your valuable feedback? Or not, It's a little short and not too well written but yeah.


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Raquel Rodriguez
13:04 Oct 02, 2020

Upvote spree for upvote spree? Lol, I read your bio.


Raquel Rodriguez
17:01 Oct 02, 2020



Sure. Going to do yours now :)


Raquel Rodriguez
17:17 Oct 02, 2020

I just did yours! :)


Raquel Rodriguez
17:45 Oct 02, 2020

I got downvoted right after, wow. Whoever's downvoting, they really need to stop. I don't understand why they can't just earn their points by being nice, but whatever. But anyway, thanks Blair! :)


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Blair, this was such a sweet story! I loved the idea of writing in her diary once a year. Some suggestions for you: - make the entries longer and more detailed - try to show how Alana has changed over the course of 10 years Also, corona sucks :( But anyway, great job on your first story, it was very interesting to read! BUT DON'T GIVE 2020 ANY MORE IDEAS, IT'S ALREADY HORRIBLE ENOUGH :) One more thing, upvote for upvote spree???


Thank you! Thanks for the suggestions! I will definitely use those for my next diary story. (Wow, me over here being ambitious) I know right. :( Thank you so much! Haha, I hope it doesn't get any worse. Sure!


Cool! Just got you to 1606!


Wow! Thanks. Going to upvote you nowww


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Charles Stucker
00:04 Oct 01, 2020

This is a nice, tight story. All tell, because it is diary entries, but what they show is a very humorous look at "It could be worse." You made an intriguing choice of style- one entry per year. It allowed snapshots of odd events and left us wondering why Alana remained so upbeat. I saw nothing wrong with grammar etc. I want so suggest something witty for the title, but the best I can come up with is no better than what you already have. Kudos on doing good work.


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B. W.
22:26 Sep 28, 2020

Up-vote spree?


What? Do you mean upvote spree for upvote spree?


B. W.
15:20 Sep 29, 2020



B. W.
17:04 Sep 29, 2020

just however much we can


Ok going to upvoted your stuff now!


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B. W.
16:08 Sep 28, 2020

Hey Blair? could ya maybe help me with something? i'm not sure if i already asked for help with the thing so sorry if i have.


B. W.
16:19 Sep 28, 2020

Well i'm working on a new novel and i need some help with it, i'm not sure if i asked ya but could i tell you the plot for it?


sure. I may be too late or you may have already talked to me about it. lol


B. W.
17:50 Oct 04, 2020

alright ^^


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B. W.
22:32 Sep 27, 2020

Okay- so i just joined AllPoetry. Though i suck at anything to do with Poetry, any advice?


Ooh! You did! What is your user?


B. W.
23:16 Sep 27, 2020

I mean it's just the same name on here so just B.W. and i just made a poem i guess a couple minutes ago


Commented and private messaged you!


B. W.
23:22 Sep 27, 2020

Alright ^^


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D. Shikha
20:04 Sep 26, 2020



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The Cold Ice
03:52 Sep 26, 2020

Hey I had attend your quiz it is awesome.Waiting for the next.Keep writing.


Thanks! I will try to make the next quiz soon!


The Cold Ice
03:17 Sep 27, 2020

Waiting for it.


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Neomi Shah
16:29 Dec 03, 2020

I really enjoyed reading your story. It's humorous and amusing since the girl reacts so normally to all the unusual things that are happening. The diary entry inputs were quite creative.


Thank you so much! :) I wouldn't say that there are diary entries, more memories, but I kinda see from you are coming from.


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Felicity Anne
14:56 Oct 29, 2020

I upvoted you around 400! I hope you have a great rest of your day!!


Wow! Thank you so much!! :) I will go upvote you noww


Felicity Anne
22:33 Oct 29, 2020

Thank you!! :)


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Felicity Anne
14:25 Oct 29, 2020

Hey Blair! Want to do an upvote spree?


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Sia S
13:58 Oct 07, 2020

New story out! Its Fantasy!


Okie dokie, heading there now.


Sia S
02:26 Oct 08, 2020



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. .
00:27 Oct 05, 2020

I love this so much! It's super creative and engaging. Btw I upvoted u a bit and will do some more later. Hope to see you on the leaderboard soon!


Thank you so much! Aww! And thanks for upvoting me, that means a lot! I'm gonna go upvote you now! :)


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I upvoted you a bunch! :) Hopefully, we can see you on the leaderboard sometime soon!


. .
09:27 Oct 05, 2020

Ty! <3


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B. W.
13:15 Oct 04, 2020

Do any of this weeks prompts seem good enough to do something for spooky month? at least to you?


Hmm. Yeah, you may be able to do something with them. Maybe Reedsy will do a week with Scarier prompts for Halloween.


B. W.
17:48 Oct 04, 2020

ya think?


B. W.
17:51 Oct 04, 2020

i hope they'd be good


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B. W.
23:13 Oct 03, 2020

:D can you check out "Crossover: the traitor" and leave some feedback?


B. W.
17:50 Oct 04, 2020

what did ya think?


I responded on there. I already read it and thought I responded but apparently not.


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B. W.
14:42 Oct 03, 2020

what do you think of this weeks stories?


B. W.
18:52 Oct 03, 2020

yeah i mean that


Umm. They are better then last week. I may be able to do something with them.


B. W.
19:27 Oct 03, 2020

maybe i could help ya?


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B. W.
16:10 Oct 02, 2020

:D go check out 'a savior' and leave some feedback ^^


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Raquel Rodriguez
15:12 Oct 01, 2020

I love this story and the way you show Alana's excitement is so adorable! I love the extra exclamation points and everything. Great job and this story is NOT dumb! Could you check out my stories?


Thank you! Thanks! hehe thanks. Sure!


Raquel Rodriguez
18:52 Oct 01, 2020



Raquel Rodriguez
18:54 Oct 01, 2020

Aw, you're so nice! :D I don't know you, but from your comment to my comment, I think you're a fun person! Keep writing! ;)


Aww! Thank you so much! You seem like an awesome person too. :)


Raquel Rodriguez
22:02 Oct 01, 2020

:D Thanks, Reedsy buddy(?)


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