Aliens, Zombies and Climate Change, oh my!

Submitted into Contest #60 in response to: Write a post-apocalyptic story that features zombies.... view prompt


Adventure Funny Fantasy

Dear Diary, 


Hey, it’s Alana!

For my 13th birthday, my parents presented me with this diary. Apparently, it isn’t any normal diary though, it’s a different kind of diary. I’m supposed to write here every single year, on my birthday, June 19th.

My parents said it is supposed to help me β€œdocument my life” and see how things change throughout my lifetime. 

Got to go now, Mom and Dad are taking us out to a special birthday dinner and I don’t want to be late! Talk to you next year!

Dear Diary, 


The worst words in the world, COVID-19. Ugh, I hate to even see that word, let alone write it. 

The COVID-19 outbreak, commonly known as the coronavirus, is horrible

My next-door neighbor got it and the entire neighborhood had to quarantine for 2 weeks!

The Corona Virus isn’t the only thing bad about 2020, there are also murder hornets, fires all over the place, and people claiming a zombie apocalypse is coming! And that’s just the beginning. 

 Life sucks. Even though it’s my birthday, I’m trapped inside as if I’m in jail. I don’t get a party, none of my friends can come over. It’s awful. 2020 is a terrible year.

Dear Diary,


Well, guess what?! There was a zombie apocalypse after all! And I don’t even care. After you have survived the coronavirus, you can survive practically anything!

I made a new friend. His name is Brains, cause that’s all he says, so I assume that’s his name. He does stare at my head a lot, though. I think he might like me!

Dear Diary,


All the scientists are getting really worried cause we had a sudden change in temperature.

 A month ago the average temperature for the world was about 59 degrees, now it is around 49. I don’t understand what the big dilemma is, 70 degrees high in summer is way better than 95. 

Guess what? Now I can DRIVE!! The people on the news don’t advise it in the winter, thanks to the cold weather, but it doesn’t matter to me! I’m still going to swerve on the road and go as fast as I can!

Dear Diary, 


I should’ve listened to those news reporters…

A few weeks ago I was driving on a super icy and slippery road and I swerved off the side of the road! I landed up in the hospital with a broken leg and spine. I can hopefully get back to my normal lifestyle in two to three months. Luckily my friends have been visiting almost every day so I’m not that bored!

Dear Diary,


Brains and I have been official for 4 months now! I guess I was right about him liking me. Some of our best dates have been:

  • Watching our new favorite movie, β€˜Zombies and Humans’. Guess what? We spotted Brains as one of the background characters!
  • Caroling around the holidays! Brains didn't really sing though, he just repeated the same word the whole time. 
  • The amusement park! Brains thought that one of the kid’s heads was cotton candy, though, so we had to leave.

Dear Diary,


Sorry that I’m writing this after my birthday, but everything was frozen! What the scientist predicted had turned out to be right! The temperature is dropping, and fast. The average temperature is now around 20 degrees, almost 25 degrees colder than what it was a few years ago. The good news out of this is that I can go ice skating and sledding whenever I want.

But then this spaceship came over the earth and you’ll never guess who came out! It was somebody who looked just like Brains and the other zombies! But instead of coming to earth and living here, they took all the zombies back! I’m going to go sob upstairs. Goodbye

Dear Diary,


Ever since all the zombies were taken away by some mysterious person, the world has become quite dull again. Some scientists are still trying to figure out what happened while others have completely given up. 

I moved out of my parents house a few months ago and am now living in a small apartment in Los Angeles. Things are definitely a lot different without having your parents around, and a lot more expensive. Luckily I got a job as a grocery store manager, so I can afford all the bills. Maybe next year I will try college. 

Dear Diary,


Guess what?!?! The zombies came back! Apparently the people that captured the zombies were using them as slaves! The zombies fought back and somehow got all of them all back to earth, where they belong. 

Brains and I have decided to try college, though we cant decide where. Brains wants to go to ZU- Zombies University - while I want to go to UCLA. I am sure we will figure it out. 

Dear Diary, 


I know you’re all wet, and I’m sorry! There was this massive flood, and everything got soaked! I almost drowned, but to be honest, it was kind of awesome! I went swimming for two days straight! 

Bad news, though. Brains and I broke up, as we decided that we couldn’t do a long distance relationship. I’m handling it just fine, but Brains has been a mess. I hope we both get accepted into our colleges! Even though we’re not dating anymore, I still wish the best for him, and we have stayed fast friends!

Dear Diary, 


I got accepted into UCLA!!! I am so excited!! I can’t wait to get to college! Nothing interesting this year really happened. Aliens from outer space visited, so that was cool! I met this little alienette named Maya, and she was so cute! I think she was only a few light-years old! 

I can't believe it has been 10 years since I got you! You’ve been with me through my highs and lows. I just wanted to thank you for giving me this chance to document everything that’s happened! Wow, I can’t believe I’m talking to a book. Well, I wish me luck! Bye!

September 25, 2020 20:21

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B. W.
20:52 Sep 30, 2020

Hey, i'm almost done with a novel :)


B. W.
21:12 Sep 30, 2020

Yep :)


B. W.
17:50 Oct 04, 2020

ya think?


Of course! You have only been working on it for like a few weeks right?


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B. W.
17:10 Oct 16, 2020

Blair i made a new story ^^ could you check out "A strange place" and leave some feedback?


B. W.
14:53 Oct 19, 2020

thanks ^^


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Skyler Grey
18:16 Oct 14, 2020

wow yall really have forgotten me


Skyler Grey
17:32 Oct 15, 2020

wrong forum... i meant to put that on but i accidentally had it on this tab


Skyler Grey
15:28 Oct 19, 2020



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B. W.
14:32 Oct 14, 2020

Hey, what do you think of this new update on here?


I don't like it. It's way harder to write and stuff in my opinion,


B. W.
03:30 Oct 15, 2020

maybe they could change it?


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B. W.
15:16 Oct 11, 2020

Up-vote spree for up-vote spree?


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B. W.
19:26 Oct 10, 2020



B. W.
00:58 Oct 11, 2020

so what are you doing?


B. W.
20:13 Oct 11, 2020



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Zea Bowman
02:18 Oct 07, 2020

Hey, Blair! First of all, great story! Second, I wanted to let you know that I wrote a "Zombies Sound Safer Than My Family - Part 2." You had read the first and seemed to enjoy it, so I was just letting you know that I had made a second if you wanted to check it out. :)


Thanks! Sure, I will go check it out now.


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B. W.
00:07 Oct 07, 2020

Do you possibly know how to draw really well?


Know how to draw? Uh, I like to sometimes, I'm not super good at it though. Why?


B. W.
04:13 Oct 07, 2020

well i was wondering if you could do some cover art for my novels?


Um. I don't know. My artwork isn't THAT good. Its mostly for fun. You can ask β™‘ 𝕂π•ͺπ•π•šπ•– β™‘, I know her irl and she is a much better drawer than me. I don't know if she will actually do it but...


B. W.
17:19 Oct 07, 2020

Aw come on, can't ya show me what your art work looks like? i'm sure it's good


I don't know... it really isn't any good.


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Kate Reynolds
23:27 Nov 30, 2020

Hi Blair! This was a great first story! I really liked how you formatted it as a diary, with the entries and dates. It was like reading a real diary! Great job! γ‚·


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00:43 Nov 05, 2020

This is a fantastic story. I enjoyed it very much. I do not understand the top ten leaderboard system. You are not on the leaderboard yet you have much better stories than, say, 2nd place. Aerin Rebecca has somehow secured 2nd place with her basic stories that try too hard; you should be higher up the leaderboard with outstanding stories like these. Good job.


Why thank you, Caterina, lol. Two things... 1. I know that this is your (Aerins) side account. You told me, remember? 2. I saw your other comments as welllll! Cholmondeley Frink's, Scouts etc. So, get unstressed from the elections (again saw your comments) *takes a deep breath because I am also tense and stressed* and yeah..........


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But here is a response that I WOULD HAVE said IF I didn't know. Thank you but I think Aerin (As well as Zilla, B.W. Anamy, and others) stories are REALLY good. Much better than mine and they completely deserve it. They have worked VERY hard to get up high and definitely deserve it. As much as I appreciate your comment, I have to disagree with you on that part. Please do not talk about people like that in a negative way, if they see it then they would be very hurt and offended. With all the downvoting going around we want to feel happier a...


02:40 Nov 05, 2020



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B. W.
22:31 Nov 02, 2020



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B. W.
01:14 Oct 29, 2020

I am almost done with one of my novels :D I have about two more chapters or so and then ill be done


WHAT! Omg, that's great! I can't wait to read it.


B. W.
21:19 Oct 29, 2020

done :)


You did it! Wow, that is AWESOME! Congrats Oh and is it just me or is there something up with Reedsy? I don't see the new weeks prompts


Never miinddddd they JUST came out


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B. W.
15:45 Oct 30, 2020

thanks :) would you read it if I publish it?


Oops, I think I just deleted my comment and your comment! Sorry! But yeah! I would love to read it, what one is it?


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B. W.
17:51 Oct 28, 2020

Hola ^^


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B. W.
01:43 Oct 28, 2020

heya amiga ^^ how are you?


hi, I am good. How are you?


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B. W.
22:53 Oct 26, 2020

Please check out "He isnt real...or is he?" and leave some feedback ^^


B. W.
01:29 Oct 27, 2020

thanks ^^ im excited to see what ya think


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B. W.
16:22 Oct 25, 2020



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B. W.
02:35 Oct 25, 2020

How would ya describe me?


Personality-wise or how-I-think-you-look-irl wise?


B. W.
23:48 Oct 25, 2020

like as a friend ^^ but i'd also love to hear what ya think I like in real life as well ^^


Hmm, I would describe you as nice, friendly, always-on-reedsy, and don't take this the wrong way, peppy.


B. W.
01:27 Oct 27, 2020

Hm? what would i take the wrong way? and what do ya think I look like irl? that's still really interesting ^^


I don't know, some people think it is a bad trait. Uh, irl? Hmm. Blondish-redish straight hair, down to your midback. Dark blue eyes, dark pale/super lightly tanned skin. Uhh yeah, what do you think of me?


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B. W.
20:18 Oct 24, 2020

I got a new story out ^^ could you check out 'A strange night' and leave feedback?


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B. W.
17:29 Oct 23, 2020



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B. W.
19:00 Oct 22, 2020



B. W.
04:04 Oct 24, 2020



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