Differences Among the Stars

Submitted into Contest #43 in response to: Write a story about transformation.... view prompt


Transgender Teens & Young Adult LGBTQ+

Like the azure sky, like the silver moon, like the small, glimmering stars; everyone has a place in this universe. Everyone can feel welcome, even if it is in some small way. But me...I'm not part of this world. I don't feel right here. My mother used to say to me, when I was little, that every person on this earth was like a little comet; apart from each other, yet drifting in the same sky. But I don't feel like I’m even there; though I have a family- though I have friends- I don't feel right, and I don’t feel like I am who I say to be.

Jacqueline stared at the ceiling of her bedroom. She had been avoiding her family for days now, not wanting to see her older sister or younger brothers. She just felt…off; it wasn't school, or grades, or anything related to the outside world. It was a strange feeling, perhaps a sign of growth? No, it wasn’t. Anyone else would look at her and say, “a bad day- we all have those once in a while.” But it wasn’t just that; it was deeper- stronger- more involved than any other thought or feeling was. Jacqueline had been ignoring it for months- ever since she had started seventh grade, it had been there with flashing lights like a shower of shooting stars. Unlike any other, this small comet was one that had lasted and grown over time, burning a fiery streak through her atmosphere. 

She stood up, walking over to the large, circular mirror that she had hung above her desk. Jacqueline looked at the spiral, vine- like designs framing the glass, coated with silver paint, and at the tiny name inscribed on one of the leaves in the corner, saying that it had belonged to her grandmother. When she finally, reluctantly looked at herself, her hand automatically went to her long, chocolate brown hair. She ran her fingers through the locks, staring numbly at her reflection. Dropping her hand and lifting the other one, she wiped the layer of shiny, pink gloss off of her lips, glancing at the rosy stain it left on the sleeve of her white sweatshirt. Lip gloss…long, wavy tresses…it didn’t feel right to her. It almost felt… like she was pretending to be someone who she wasn’t. 

"Jackie?" said a soft voice. She turned around and stared at her sister, glancing at the blonde hair tied back in a ponytail. She met the blue eyes that portrayed worry, quickly looking away. "Are you okay? You've been in here for a while." 

For a moment, Jacqueline felt like lying. One side of her wanted to say, "I was drawing. You wouldn't believe how long anime hair takes." But the other side disagreed; the other side remembered how much she trusted Kendra, and how much she wanted to get the truth that she had been hiding off of her chest and into the real world. 

Kendra was someone who was never prejudice or wounding. She could listen to people for hours on end, helping them sort out the tangled mess of thoughts and emotions that they called their lives. She would be a great therapist after she finished her school; everyone knew that. She was trusting, calm, and always compassionate to those who needed a shoulder to cry on. 

But the question: was Jacqueline ready? 

Telling Kendra could impact the rest of her life; was she ready for that? Was she ready to face the single, overwhelming asteroid of a thought that had come blazing into her head over the past few months? Was she ready to disclose a truth that she had kept hidden away from everyone, including herself? 

"I'm...not." she admitted quietly, sitting back down on her bed, hugging her flower- patterned pillow. Her chest tightened as her sister looked at her, anxious about what she would say, what she would think. "It's not school." she said before Kendra could open her mouth to speak. "It's not Leilani, or Maya, or Aeryn." Jacqueline looked down at her hands. "I just...don't feel right. Like who I am outside doesn't match who I am inside." 

Kendra nodded slowly, gazing at her younger sister and taking her hand, eyes full of reassurance as if she understood. "Do you want to tell mom and dad, or should I?"

A few days later, Jacqueline found herself looking into a mirror at the barber shop, wearing clothes not designed for girls, but made for boys. She didn't shed a single tear as her hair was cut short; on the contrary, she felt happier than she had in weeks. She gave Kendra a small smile as her older sister held up her phone for a picture as she stood up from the chair. 

"How does it look?" Kendra asked, showing her the picture as they walked out. 

"Perfect." she responded, hazel eyes bright with contentment and satisfaction.

Jaden waved as one of his best friends, Maya, ran up to him. She didn’t seem cautious, or nervous, or even sad that he had changed from his previous self. 

“Nice hair.” She said, giving something in between a smile and a smirk, offering her hand for a high five. Despite the transformation and everything that had happened in the past few days, Maya seemed like her regular self.

 Just like “the ancient times,” or what they called the previous months that she had come over to their house, the two of them sat on the deck and drank ice- cold, raspberry lemonade. They watched their little brothers play in the backyard, laughing as they joked and conversed. 

Maya didn’t seem different, which was a reason that Jaden regarded her as such a great friend. In this universe with things constantly changing, he was glad that there was at least one person who hadn’t altered their behavior or thoughts.

 In this world, in this sky, his star had finally started to glow among the others. His family had been accepting, and Maya had been happy that he had become who he really was. Maybe, just maybe, things would be fine again in this world- in this universe, in which he had finally found his place.

May 25, 2020 22:26

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Sophia Wayne
10:45 Jun 24, 2020

I always love stories with a beautiful ending


Mira Caplan
14:20 Jun 24, 2020

thank you so much for reading!


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Rody White
20:26 Jun 08, 2020

Lovely story Mira. I really wished we lived in the world you created there. Its a powerful story but seems effortlessly written, really flows. Thanks for the read.


Mira Caplan
21:34 Jun 10, 2020

Thank you! I'm so glad that you enjoyed it and took the time to read my story.


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A. Y. R
16:54 May 26, 2020

I love the symbolisms in this story, it was all just beautifully written!


Mira Caplan
13:46 May 27, 2020

Thank you so much! It took me a while to edit it so that the story had the star throughout it, but I managed to pull it off! :) This story is based off of a real life event, so I had experience in the situation, which made it a little easier to write.


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Sapphire 🌼
00:42 Mar 10, 2021

You went from this story above ^^^^ To having a super popular soon-to-be bestselling series. What's your secret? XD


Mira Caplan
01:00 Mar 10, 2021

Oh.My.Gosh. I HAVEN'T READ THIS IN FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeell.... uh... I read ALOTALOTALOT. And...establish one universe fully, like the Riordanverse of the KOTLC world. (Or am trying to, lol, without getting distracted.) If I make myself focus, then it works out well. Usually XDDD) And... I take parts of myself and add em into characters. I usually have one or two who are literally me, and others who have other of my qualities or are inspired by other people. And... Would you believe it if I told you the Ald...


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Mira Caplan
01:00 Mar 10, 2021

Oh.My.Gosh. I HAVEN'T READ THIS IN FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeell.... uh... I read ALOTALOTALOT. And...establish one universe fully, like the Riordanverse of the KOTLC world. (Or am trying to, lol, without getting distracted.) If I make myself focus, then it works out well. Usually XDDD) And... I take parts of myself and add em into characters. I usually have one or two who are literally me, and others who have other of my qualities or are inspired by other people. And... Would you believe it if I told you the Ald...


Sapphire 🌼
16:29 Mar 10, 2021

LOLOLOLOL OooOOooh you actually revealed your secrets eheheheheehehehehehehehEHEHEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE LOL Then I guess I'm on the right track XD people are getting annoyed at me for literally living in books lol (seriously, I don't live on Earth anymore, I live in my own world XD) OOoooh! Wait- What. WHAT??!! HARRY POTTER FANFICTION??? TDR???? WAAAAAAAAT Oh wow. Wowowowowowoowowwowwow. It does? I guess finding the actually helpful articles/YT videos is a talent I don't have XD Do you have any favourites? I'll check them out! O...


Mira Caplan
16:37 Mar 10, 2021

You're my online bestie, of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XDDD EHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE SAME!!! (I now live in the Altorian Universe, on Mykris, in Alcator. And am in love with Theirn Caius XDDD) YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IKRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR??????????????????????????????????? Alden was the HP FanFic. TDR came outta that, and...it's amazing. (It takes place like 20 years before Alden, I guess.) I started the FanFic about...a year and a few months ago. The main character...


Sapphire 🌼
16:44 Mar 10, 2021

wHy tHaNk yOu! XDDD THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS NOT LIKING THERIN CAIUS AND I WILL FIGHT ANYONE ON THAT XDD Oh wowwowowwowowowowow O-O I can see the similarities from the original plot to the current one lol XD. Aw cmon your names were ALWAYS so GOOD. Like, those were from a YEAR ago? They're still much better than any of the ones we can make up XD Oooh a DIVERGENT FANFIC NOW? WOw Aldenverse has GROWN- like A LOT XD. Still can't believe it used to be a FanFic XD ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh! lemme try it out


Mira Caplan
16:49 Mar 10, 2021

np!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SAMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XDDDDDDDDDDD Yep!!! There was a whole Divergent-esque thing where the students sixteen and older (LIKE IN TDR) were sent out to fight for Sinistra, because of the Sinistra-Alcator-Alderon treaty. (It takes place in Alderon.) UH... Kahala, Saarva, and Manasi Naga? Darius and Alwyn Loire? Leetah, Janaya, and Heather Nightshade? (I copied leetah from ElfQuest, LOL) Celestia and Connor Griffin? Sorren and Angel DEVERLL (Yes, I stole their last name and made them, Everlys...


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Mira Caplan
16:49 Mar 10, 2021

np!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SAMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XDDDDDDDDDDD Yep!!! There was a whole Divergent-esque thing where the students sixteen and older (LIKE IN TDR) were sent out to fight for Sinistra, because of the Sinistra-Alcator-Alderon treaty. (It takes place in Alderon.) UH... Kahala, Saarva, and Manasi Naga? Darius and Alwyn Loire? Leetah, Janaya, and Heather Nightshade? (I copied leetah from ElfQuest, LOL) Celestia and Connor Griffin? Sorren and Angel DEVERLL (Yes, I stole their last name and made them, Everlys...


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✰ Jennie ✰
15:41 Dec 09, 2020



Mira Caplan
15:42 Dec 09, 2020



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The transitions in your story seem so effortless. Wonderful job.


Mira Caplan
13:41 Nov 16, 2020

Thank you!


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Echo Sundar
20:00 Oct 21, 2020

Wow! This story is absolutely amazing! I had such a fun time reading this, it just sped by so quickly.


Mira Caplan
22:24 Oct 21, 2020

Thanks for reading!!


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✰ Jennie ✰
15:39 Dec 09, 2020

"Maybe, just maybe, things would be fine again in this world- in this universe, in which he had finally found his place." i feel some lorax vibes here! no jk, I LOVED it!!! such a good writer for your first story!


Mira Caplan
15:42 Dec 09, 2020

Lol! This was inspired by an actual event that happened two years ago. (Don't worry, i got the person's permission.) I was the Maya in real life.


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Jubilee Forbess
18:10 Jun 27, 2020

Especially since SO many people I know are lopping off their hair right now during the pandemic, this story resonated well with current times without even mentioning what year or place it was in. Also! Little thing but my sister's name is Leilani and we don't usually get to see her name in stories so I like that you used it.


Mira Caplan
19:13 Jun 27, 2020

That's a really funny coincidence! This story was based off of an event from a few years ago...I wanted to write a story that did what you said- "resonated well with current times." :)


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