A limited embrace

Submitted into Contest #255 in response to: Write a story about someone finding acceptance.... view prompt


Drama Inspirational Sad

This story contains sensitive content

In the heart of a bustling work space, the vibrant echoes of productivity filled the air. Our protagonist, a fiercely strong and independent 20 something-year-old woman, navigated her work with determination and grace. However, a moment of impatience and ego from a work placement student altered the course of her life. The heavy-duty electric wheelchair, a symbol of misplaced arrogance, pinned her foot in a cruel twist of fate.

As co-workers rushed to her aid, a wave of pain unlike any she had known washed over her. The electric jolts and gnawing pains that trickled through her leg and foot left her feeling as if she carried the weight of a thousand worlds. The diagnosis of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome shattered her world, plunging her into a realm of invisible suffering that no medication could fully alleviate.

With each movement, she felt the familiar ache and stiffness that heralded another day of battling CRPS. As she slowly opened her eyes, the weight of the day ahead settled upon her shoulders like a heavy shroud. The simple act of rising from bed felt like a Herculean task, a daunting challenge she faced every morning.

With a deep breath, she mustered the courage to swing her legs over the edge of the bed, steeling herself for the inevitable waves of pain that would soon follow. As she gingerly stood up, the sharp jolts of discomfort shot through her limbs, a harsh reminder of the relentless struggle she endured. Every step she took was a testament to her unwavering determination, a silent battle fought within the confines of her own body

Days turned weeks, turned into months, and months into years, each marked by a relentless cycle of various appointments, doctor visits, medications, and losses. The once vibrant and independent woman found herself trapped in a haze of pharmaceutical drug regime and despair, her spirit dimmed by the relentless grip of her condition. With each passing day, the weight of her struggles grew heavier, her heart burdened by the losses that seemed to multiply and be without end.

As the relentless march of time carried on, the ever-shifting seasons brought with them a cruel symphony of torment, as CRPS unleashed its wrath upon her fragile form. Each flare-up was a malevolent force, a relentless thief that plundered her sleep and shattered the serenity that once resided within her heart. The intricate tapestry of her skin bore witness to the internal turmoil, morphing from shades of desolate greys to icy blues, ghostly whites, deep purples, and fiery reds, a vivid canvas of agony painted upon her very being.

The days of utter confinement to her bed, imprisoned by the unyielding grip of pain, whispered dark temptations of an end to the ceaseless suffering. Lost in a labyrinth of newfound limitations and insurmountable barriers, she grappled with the chilling uncertainty of a future where her essence seemed to fade into the abyss, a shadow of the vibrant soul she once embodied, now adrift in a sea of despair. The once-familiar contours of her existence blurred, a haunting reminder of the cruel metamorphosis that was slowly erasing her identity, leaving her adrift in the tempest of her own afflicted flesh.

In the depths of her struggles, denial of her limitations and a pit of depression enveloped her, casting a shadow over the vibrant spirit she once possessed. Mental anguish and heavy pharmaceutical treatments, creating a codependency addiction intertwined, the necessary treatment becoming a double-edged sword of relief and dependency. Codependency and rage outbursts became her unwelcome companions, a constant reminder of the life she fought so hard to build, now slipping through her fingers like sand.

Each day brought a new layer of mourning for the life she once knew, a life earned with blood, sweat, and tears. The unyielding pain, pressures, poverty, and loss formed an unrelenting storm that threatened to consume her very essence. As the years passed, her youthful independence faded, leaving behind a mere shadow of what once was, trapped in a limbo of existence that felt neither alive nor fully dead.

Amidst the chaos and despair, a flicker of determination burned within her, a stubborn resilience that refused to be extinguished. Despite the overwhelming darkness that threatened to engulf her, she clung to the glimmer of light, even if it meant dancing with her inner demons. She fought for reasons to be stronger than the pain, knowing deep down that she was her only ally in this relentless battle. With no other choice but to push forward, she embraced the uncertainty of the future, knowing that quitting was a luxury she couldn't afford. Though anger and setbacks tested her resolve, she vowed to always find a way, no matter how arduous the path ahead.

The therapist's words pierced through the shattered remnants of her soul, laying bare the raw, unrelenting agony that had long festered within her. The weight of half a lifetime spent yearning for a past forever lost bore down upon her, a burden too heavy to bear. In that moment of stark vulnerability, the therapist's gentle yet profound revelation echoed through the caverns of her wounded spirit, planting a seed of reluctant acceptance amidst the tangled thorns of despair.

"Make peace with CRPS," the words hung heavy in the air, a bitter pill to swallow yet tinged with a glimmer of hope. The path to reconciliation with her affliction stretched before her, a daunting journey into the heart of her own suffering. With trembling hands and a heart heavy with resignation, she embarked on a new chapter, guided by the flickering beacon of the therapist's wisdom.

Days turned into nights as she meticulously crafted a new routine, a tapestry woven with threads of resilience and determination. Embracing a holistic approach to her treatment, she sought solace in the healing touch of a personal trainer, forging a bond with her body anew. Amidst the moments of crushing sadness and the siren call of despair, she clung to the fragile promise of miracles yet unseen, a beacon of light in the suffocating darkness that threatened to consume her.

In the crucible of her anguish, she discovered a wellspring of strength she never knew existed, a quiet resolve that bloomed amidst the ruins of her shattered dreams. Through the tears and the silent screams that echoed through the chambers of her soul, she found a glimmer of peace, a fragile truce with the relentless adversary that had long held her captive. And in that fragile moment of acceptance, she whispered a silent vow to herself – to never surrender, to always find a way through the storm, no matter how fierce.

June 16, 2024 15:33

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Darvico Ulmeli
13:14 Jun 27, 2024

Like the descriptions. Very fine writing.


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Trudy Jas
20:20 Jun 23, 2024

Hey, Lilian. Welcome to Reedsy. A powerful story of Chronic pain. pain is invisible to others and thus often misinterpreted. You showed that the once determined MC, still has that determination and dauly works to rise above her pain part . Thanks for sharing.


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Liliana Tricks
15:46 Jun 16, 2024

This story aims to raise awareness about Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). The portrayal of the anguish and heavy obstacles faced by individuals dealing with CRPS highlights the daily limitations and struggles they endure.


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