Adventure Drama

(Quick Note: These are not the actual myths. These are rewritten by moi, and probably not that mythologically accurate. Also, the vibe song for this story is I'm Ready by AJR. Carry on)


Well, stupid Kraken.

My head flew back and hit the rock. I sank into darkness.

But then I opened my eyes.

A figure, shrouded in darkness stood in front of me. Whispers flew around me. He has been asleep for millenia, they said. But now he is awake. And he will bring us our great victory.

I tried to yell, Who are you? But I couldn’t.

Yes, great victory. But what of the girl?

The girl, the girl, the girl. She will play her part well. 

Yes. But after?

She will die, of course. But her death won’t matter.

I struggled. Get me out of here.

However, we are being watched. We will speak of this later.

And the dream vanished.


I opened my eyes. Everything was blurry and hazy.

β€œWhere…” I croaked.

β€œOh, thank the gods, you’re awake!” Cailen screamed. β€œHow do I get rid of this thing?”

β€œYou can stab it anywhere…” I said through a daze. β€œHaven’t you...fought...monsters before?”


She finally killed the Kraken, and it sunk into the bay.

β€œOh gods, you're bleeding.” She said, looking at my hair.

I touched my head, and my hand came away red. β€œWho put Kool-Aid on my head?” I giggled.

Cailen rolled her eyes. β€œCan you walk?”

β€œCai!” Someone shouted. I giggled.

β€œThank the gods,” Cailen mumbled. β€œMiles!” She shouted. β€œA little assist? I've got injured over here!”

I saw a blob appear above me, and then the sky faded to black.

I faded in and out of consciousness, but finally I woke up again, and could speak in complete sentences without giggling.

But the room started spinning when I saw the person who had healed me.

I had just arisen, when Cailen explained that we were at a friend’s house, in Pinole. But then the friend walked in to check on me, the poor, helpless concussion victim.

And. Oh. My. Me.

His eyes were the color of the sky. He had the cutest splash of freckles across his cheeks, a warm smile, and choppy ginger hair. 

Yeah, reader, I bet you noticed my use of pronouns there. Are you shocked? I am Loki, after all.

β€œHi.” He said, sticking his hand out for a shake. β€œI’m Miles, son of Apollo.”

β€œLoki.” I blushed. β€œGod of mischief. How many Romans are there in the Bay Area?”

He chucked (adorably). β€œYou’d be surprised. But I’m not Roman, I’m Greek.”

β€œGreek?” I said.

β€œYeah, except there aren’t that many Greeks on the west coast. They’re all over on the east coast, like her brother.” He pointed at Cailen.

Cailen mumbled something that sounded a lot like famous show off older brother.

β€œSo, son of Apollo, huh?” I said, trying to manage my blush. When I was a god, I could appear however I wished. Curse your uncontrollable mortal bodies!

β€œYeah. That's why I’m a healer. That's also how I was able to cure you of your giggle-itis.” 

We locked eyes for a second too long. His were blue, the color of Lake Tahoe in the winter.

He looked away and blushed. β€œAnyway, I was telling Cai, I would like to be a part of your quest, if you would have me.”

Oh my gods yes yes yes. I tried to shrug it off, and act indifferent. A god would not be smitten! β€œIf you want to. Doesn’t matter to me.”

I really hoped it sounded convincing.

β€œAlright, I’ll pack my bags, then. I have a feeling that between you and Cai, you’ll need my healing abilities. A lot.” He walked out of the room.

β€œWhat in the gods' names is wrong with you?” Cailen hissed once Miles was out of earshot.

β€œWhat do you mean?” I wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans.

β€œYou need to do better than that next time. If you’re gonna have a crush on him, be a little less obvious.”

β€œI don’t have a crush.” I lied.

β€œSuuuure. Well, even if you did, you would be lucky, because Miles is bi.”

β€œReally?!” I said, my eyes widening. Then I realized what I was doing. β€œI mean, good for him?”

Cailen snorted. β€œYeah, you don’t have a crush. You’re right. Now get up, loverboy, breakfast is ready.”


We walked into the kitchen, where Miles was talking to his mom. Or so I assumed. She had the same ginger hair that he had.

β€œI’m sorry, Ma, but I have to go. They need me. A god needs me.”

β€œOkay, then, Miles. I love you, son. Make sure to come back to me in one piece, boy, or you’re gonna get in trouble.”

β€œYes, Ma. I love you, Ma.”

Both Miles and his mother spoke with a slight southern accent. It made me wonder how long they’d been in Pinole. 

(Also, can I add how cute the southern accent was? Thanks.)

Miles’ mom slid plates in front of the three of us.

β€œSo where are y’all headed to first?”

β€œThe Crockett Hills Armory.” Cailen said. β€œAfter that, I’m not sure. Some signs will appear, I hope.”

β€œYeah.” Miles chewed something that looked like bacon, but wasn’t.

β€œWait. What is that?” I pointed at the bacon-like thing.

β€œThis? It’s facon bacon.”

β€œFacon bacon?” I asked.

β€œIt's like bacon, except fake. It's made of plants instead of animals. Because I’m vegetarian.”

β€œIt still confuses me, but as you mortals say, whatever. So, anyway-” I started, but I paled.

Reno, Nevada.

Spoken in my head as clearly if someone had said it out loud.

Reno, Nevada.

I looked at Cailen, felt my face go paler, and said, β€œThis is not good.”

β€œWhat? What isn’t good?”

β€œReno. Reno, Nevada.” It repeated over and over in my head, like a song stuck on loop. I couldn’t bear it for much longer.

You’ll remember that, Miles?” Cailen turned towards him, pointing her head up to face him.

β€œYeah, yeah.”

β€œHow did you get that info?” Cailen asked.

β€œIt’s…” I gritted my teeth. β€œPlaying over and over. In my head. Like what you modern mortals may call schizophrenia. Except it's not.”

β€œAnd it’s only saying β€˜Reno, Nevada’ over and over?”

β€œYes.” I gritted my teeth harder. My head started to throb.

β€œMiles. Get something to knock him out. Instant.”

Miles ran to his bathroom. β€œAll I have is chloroform.” He shouted back. β€œThat's risky, but it’ll knock him out.”

β€œJust do it.”

Miles came back a few moments later and stuck a damp cloth under my nose. After a few breaths, I slipped away.

End of part 3

April 04, 2021 15:21

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Charlie Murphy
15:51 Apr 12, 2021

Great story! Now, I'll have to read parts 1 & 2! How did you put the snake emojis in?


Thanks! It depends on your device, but on my pc i went to the search bar, right clicked, then scrolled up to where it says emoji. I selected the emoji, then copied it from the search bar and pasted it into my doc :)


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Somegenius Kid
03:02 Apr 10, 2021

Thank u!! πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜Š


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I love this series. So much. Probably too much. You mentioned Percy akshagdvqjebv And Loki’s crush sjavshqhfdhavevd I LOVE LOVE LOVE the conversations between Cai and Loki. I think I said that in a previous comment (?) but it really needs to be said again. I only saw one critique: β€œOh gods, your bleeding.” She said, looking at my hair. β€œYour” should be β€œyou’re” Ahh this series is AMAZING! Can’t wait for part 4! :)


Thank you so much, Katie! oof. I'll be sure to fix that. Thanks for pointing it out! :D


No problem! :D


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I seem to end every chapter with Loki fainting or passing out. Whats wrong with me? (seriously, Loki would like to know whats wrong with me.) Also, Loki has a crushhhhhhhh! Awe, yay! Thoughts/Predictions, anyone?


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Elizabeth Inkim
20:31 Apr 11, 2021

Hey Caroline! Great series! I read parts 1-4, but I am gonna leave my collective thoughts here. I absolutely adored this dialogue and the Percy mention!!!! It was defiantly a fun read. I, too, actually wrote a story this week, the same prompt; it's called "An Heir of Shadow", and I completely pantsed it. I am usually a devoted outline, but this time I threw my outline to the side and wrote this instead. It's in the fantasy vein, and I think you'd love it. P.S. If action sequences are your thing, you could also check out my story "Of Bone ...


Thanks, Elizabeth! Hahah, thanks! I've gotten so many compliments on that and i'm glad y'all are enjoying it. I'll totally check that out! Thanks!


Elizabeth Inkim
21:12 Apr 11, 2021

Sounds great!


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Mazie Gray
14:17 Apr 11, 2021

This is another amazing addition to the series, Lina! The dialogue flowed well and Loki’s crush on Miles was adorable. 😍 I’m excited to read what they find in Reno! 😊 Your friend, B


Mazie Gray
10:31 Apr 12, 2021

No problem! :D


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πŸ§ƒ Guess who got Rick rolled :( Lol


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19:37 Apr 05, 2021

Potentialgayromancepotentialgayromancepotentialgayromancepotentialgayromancepotentialgayromancepotentialgayromancepotentialgayromance *happy noises* And you mentioned Percy!! Love the dialogue. The conversations were written well. I honestly laughed at how EVERY. SINGLE. STORY. Ends with Loki passing out. Wonder if that'll happen in the next one, too. My only sort-of-kind-of-maybe critique is that the voice in Loki's head seems a *little* too convenient. I'm going to assume that you're going to give us an explanation soon enough. Maybe ...


Potentialgayromancepotentialgayromancepotentialgayromancepotentialgayromancepotentialgayromancepotentialgayromancepotentialgayromance Yea! Thank you! Yeah, i don't know why i do that. you're probably right, it was a little too convenient. but it helps, you'll see :) Thank you, Annabelle!


00:10 Apr 06, 2021

Got it :) No problem!


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Valerie June
00:46 Apr 15, 2021

By the way...πŸ§ƒ


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Kyra Wilson
20:09 Apr 12, 2021

Omg!This story is probably the best story in the world!Your such a good writer,do you think you could give me some tips?


Hi, Kyra! Thank you thank you thank you! That made my day :) Well, What i like to do when i'm struggling with descriptive words is i describe the things around me. for example, "The morning dew glittered on the green grass. I looked up, and a few feet away was a poppy the same color as the sunset."


Kyra Wilson
14:50 Apr 13, 2021

thanks that helps me out alot!Also I hope when they announce the winner that it's you.(not messing around) you are probably going to get far and I hope you shoot for the moon:)


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Kyra Wilson
14:50 Apr 13, 2021

thanks that helps me out alot!Also I hope when they announce the winner that it's you.(not messing around) you are probably going to get far and I hope you shoot for the moon:)


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Kyra Wilson
14:50 Apr 13, 2021

thanks that helps me out alot!Also I hope when they announce the winner that it's you.(not messing around) you are probably going to get far and I hope you shoot for the moon:)


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15:08 May 08, 2021

Okay, now I'm sounding like a puny polly parrot, but YOU ARE AN AMAZING WRITER AND THIS IS AWESOME!


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AntMan 🐜
11:49 Apr 13, 2021

😁This is such a great story!!!!!! I love the way you introduced Miles and had him join the quest 😊 I feel character drama brewing! πŸ˜²πŸ˜€ I'm back from break!!!


AntMan 🐜
13:33 Apr 13, 2021

😁I really want to get my next few chapters out too πŸ˜… I worked on chapter 14, but never submitted it πŸ˜³πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ I'll get it done though! 😁


Haha, yes! I need to work on all time loki...i've been working on a different surprise project 😏...i'll email you a sneak peak because i don't want it out there until i release it 😁


AntMan 🐜
13:37 Apr 13, 2021

Ooh! sounds super fun! I can't wait!!!!πŸ˜²πŸ˜€


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