Frost giants in summer

Submitted into Contest #77 in response to: Write a story set in the summer, when suddenly it starts to snow.... view prompt


Fantasy Science Fiction

I sat on the edge of my seat. My fingers flew across the keyboard. My story had reached it's climax and my heart thumped with my character's, I paused, grinning. I glanced down at my hands, they were slick with suspenseful sweat. Still smiling, I wiped my palms on my shorts and stood. My back ached from sitting for so long and I needed a break.

I opened the back door, the hot summer air rushing to meet me. I took a deep breath. The trees were an array bright greens, the millions of leaves sounded like the ocean as the warm breeze tickled the treetops.

I stepped out, the grass springing back up after my bare feet lifted away. As I walked under the trees, I felt the odd sensation of being watched. I shook off the feeling and hefted myself into the large climbing tree that towered over the roof of my home. None of my family was home, they had gone to some movie; I preferred to write instead. I watched the empty street and seemingly uninhabited homes of my neighbors. They never came out.

Suddenly, I was snapped out of my thoughts by something icy-cold on my arm. I glanced down. A small white dot rested on my skin, I lifted my arm to examine it. It was a snowflake. I stared in utter disbelief at the tiny dot. How was it possible for it to be snowing? It wasn't. I craned my neck to look at the sky, I could see the vivid blue through the trees; not a single cloud hung in the sky and the air had to be at least eighty-five degrees. I looked down again and started in surprise; the snowflake was still there. It hadn't melted. As I watched, another flake fell onto my wrist. I shook my head, trying to make sense of the unbelievable phenomenon. I brushed the snowflakes off of my arm and quickly climbed down from the tree.

I started towards the house, when more snow began floating down around me. They began to grown and fall faster. I stood frozen in the midst of it. The sharp cold stung my bare arms and legs, but I could still feel the summer heat as if there wasn't snow falling around me. The snow became so thick, I couldn't see a few feet in front of me. I gasped for breath in the cold and began to feel hysterical tears welling in my eyes. This shouldn't be happening. Suddenly, I saw a massive shape in the blizzard in front of me. It was moving. Towards me. Something very large hit the ground next to me. I screamed and fell backwards, surprised to find several inches of snow on the ground now. I was facing upward and a looming black shape was falling towards me. I rolled quickly out of the way and scrambled to my feet. I gazed at the spot where whatever it was had fallen and gasped in shock. It was a boot. A massive one.

While I was distracted, something loomed behind my unsuspecting figure and wrapped around my body. I screamed as the ground grew small below me. I twisted in the vise-like grip holding me captive. My breath caught in my throat at what I saw. It was a man. Fifty feet tall and dressed in furs, he had me held in his massive hand. Next to him, there was another one, but younger and with long blond hair. They had serious expressions and their eyes were full of grief. I stopped crying and watched their massive faces in confusion. The snow had stopped for a moment, but now it fell faster again. It became almost blizzard-like as it had before and I was aware of an almost spinning sensation.

The snow stopped as abruptly as it started and frigid cold bit my bare skin. I shivered uncontrollably, glancing around me. Where did the green trees go? Where was the grass and all the houses? Towering over even my captors were massive ice structures that looked suspiciously like twisted towers and steps.

"Who are you and what have you done with my home?" I demanded, my voice breaking and trembling. The giant sighed, his breath was a giant white plume and I shivered. His breath didn't even have warmth to it. I felt light-headed and I shivered so violently, my entire body shook. The giant's fingers were tight around my body, squeezing the breath from my lungs. I gasped for breath, my vision growing dark. The giant didn't answer my question, or if he did, I never heard it. I passed out.

When I woke again, I was being jostled about. Though my eyes were open, everything around me was black and felt rather like fur. I trembled still, but felt slightly warmer. With a start, I realized I was in the giant's jerkin pocket. I craned my head and saw the crack of light where the top of the pocket was and jumped. My fingers caught the edge of cloth and I hung there for a minute. I pulled myself up and gasped. The cold hit me like a fist and I could see that the two giants were running over a vast, frozen lake. I could hear them talking in hurried, serious voices; I couldn't understand what they were saying.

I turned, still gripping the fur and then jumped. My hands burned as they slid on the fabric, but I finally got a grip on the massive hairs and began to pull myself up. The giant didn't seem to notice my tiny figure climbing up his furs. My mind seemed to have accepted the fact that I was climbing up a massive man who had just made it snow in summer and now had me in the north pole or something like it.

It took me several minutes to reach the man's shoulder. I was shivering again, my teeth clattered together and I shivered so much, my body ached. I gripped the fur at my feet, staying down low to avoid the frigid, rushing wind. I glanced up. I could see the man's ear through his long white hair; I needed to reach it.

I allowed myself a small grin as I caught the giant's hair and began to shimmy up it like a rope. Three minutes later, I swayed next to the giant's massive ear. I leaped to his ear, I began to laugh uncontrollably as I stood in a massive ear, the hole big enough that I could fit in. Tears fell from my eyes, chilling my face as I laughed. I slowly regained my sanity, but felt like I was in a dream. I decided I must be, I had fallen asleep while typing and was dreaming of laughing on a giant's ear.

The man had stopped; he felt the tugging as I climbed his hair and he heard me laughing hysterically. He rumbled something to his companion and they stopped. "Where are you taking me?" I asked, feeling faint again. The dream trick hadn't worked. I was very much awake and my sanity was slipping. "I want to go home." I cried, tears falling now. I was definitely going crazy. The giant reached into his ear, plucking me out like a bug. One could imagine my shock when he spoke in English. "You are going home," He said. "Our home."

January 18, 2021 18:33

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Creed .
15:22 Jan 27, 2021

Thank you Hannah B. for following! And thank you everyone for the likes!


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Tessa Takzikab
00:40 Apr 01, 2021

Wow. I want to read more! Did you write a continuation?


Creed .
13:39 Apr 01, 2021

I haven't. I am currently writing a novel that will include the same character, but I dont know if I'm going to post it or not.


Tessa Takzikab
15:09 Apr 01, 2021

Okay, let me know if you ever do.


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TJ Squared
00:40 Mar 14, 2021

ooh, interesting. There should be a part 2! I noticed that people haven't really talked to you much, so here I am. Anything you want to talk about?


Creed .
20:09 Mar 14, 2021

Thanks! I am planning on either writing a part 2 or making it a full book.


TJ Squared
00:13 Mar 15, 2021

either would be cool :) Do anything interesting lately?


Creed .
00:19 Mar 15, 2021

Hmm... not really. I'm listening to Lauren Daigle right now, she's a christian singer, do you know of her?


TJ Squared
00:25 Mar 15, 2021

YES I know her! I listen to her songs all the time! I especially like her "You Say" one, it digs deep :)


Creed .
00:26 Mar 15, 2021

Really?! That is my favorite too!!


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Angel {Readsy}
14:08 Apr 21, 2021

You too fought?


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Angel {Readsy}
13:29 Apr 22, 2021

I wrote a story as ; you asked to write that would be last


TJ Squared
20:48 Apr 22, 2021



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Phoebe DeNeve
22:23 Mar 11, 2021

Hey, I noticed you liked all my stories. Thank you for that!!


Creed .
22:27 Mar 11, 2021

You're welcome! I like making people happy!


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Phoebe DeNeve
22:33 Sep 20, 2021

Thank you for liking some of my stories Jagger! This was an amazing piece of work, and I liked how you kind of ended it off with a cliff hanger. Keep up the amazing work.


Creed .
23:00 Sep 20, 2021

You're welcome! Thank you! I'm continuing the story in Genesis, but not for a while.


Phoebe DeNeve
00:18 Sep 21, 2021

Alright, I'll read that when I have time.


Creed .
00:20 Sep 21, 2021

It won't be out for a while.


Phoebe DeNeve
00:54 Sep 21, 2021

Oh, there were other stories on the profile called Genesis, so I thought that was it.


Creed .
00:55 Sep 21, 2021

Those are the other peices of the series.


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Angel {Readsy}
14:06 Apr 21, 2021

Why did you fight with miss bia??


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