The Name Of The Fame Game šŸŽ¤šŸŽ¶šŸ˜”

Submitted into Contest #141 in response to: Write a story about someone struggling to swallow some harsh (but fair) constructive criticism.... view prompt


Fiction Funny Fantasy

Cassie stood frozen to the spot trying to slow her breathing as she felt the embers of her fury start to drift upwards from her toes towards the top of her head. From an early age sheā€™d had a temper but had done all of the necessary and recommended therapy and training to master and contain it for the most part. However, on this occasion she could feel the emotional lava creep further up her legs.

Itā€™s not like sheā€™d not done an audition before but she had not expected such harsh criticism for this kind of job. Her brain was trying to fully compute what she had just heard from the people sat in front of her with little success.

ā€œLike a fish asking for more foodā€¦. Underwater!ā€

ā€œCats and dogs are running up to their TVs all over the countryā€¦ to switch them off.ā€

ā€œYou werenā€™t awfulā€¦ it was worse than that.ā€

ā€œIgnore them, theyā€™re being harsh. But you were pitchy throughout.ā€

And then in unison, these so called glittery experts said the words that had struck and bulldozed through the one nerve Cassie, and especially her agent, had hoped they would avoid.

ā€œNo offence!ā€

Throughout the annuls of time there has never been an instance where the use of these two words together has actually meant that the person using it didnā€™t mean to offend the person theyā€™re referring to. Itā€™s a get out of jail free card used by idiots to say the first offensive thing to come into your head and then flippantly excuse it with that throwaway phrase. Well to Cassie she had been deeply irreversibly offended, she was Miss Offended from Offended St, Offendedshire, OFF 3ND. She remained fixed in position in front of these over-opinionated odd balls, wondering what exactly brought her to this moment in time.

Whilst she tried to construct a polite professional response to the harsh critiques, Cassieā€™s whole life and career flashed before her eyes. Meanwhile the hot mental magma continued to flow past her waist heading for the summit.

Her mind drifted back to where this crazy journey began, on the stage in the sports hall of Shelfry Park Primary School. Dressed as a giant snow ball, Cassie was selected at the age of nine, to be the lead singer in the school production of ā€œWhen The Ice Meltsā€ . It was a triumphant show which had a host of memorable songs including ā€œThis Snowā€™s Not Going to Fallā€, ā€œCold Openingā€, ā€œHaving a Ball!ā€ and the classic title track that Cassie made her own. 

Outside of her memories, though her body temperature continued to rise to volcanic levels in front of her harsh critics, Cassie started to hum the catchy chorus quietly to herself:

When The Ice Melts,

Iā€™m in a spin!

The wintry tundra is burning my skin

If only the sun would come out Iā€™d win 

When The Ice melts,

My life can begin!

Her two performances, one in the morning and then afternoon, were so impressive that she made the local paper and a YouTube video posted by her parents went viral thanks to various C-list celebrities picking it up and retweeting it. Within two days, 10 million people had seen that video and some of them even genuinely liked it. 

Before Cassieā€™s school had broken up for Christmas, she was already having meetings with local talent agents that saw something in her high-pitched singing voice and Alice in Wonderland looks that had the potential to make her a star. Over the next five years Cassie was put forward for every role you can possibly imagine, movies, radio, TV, theatre and, when the number of Nos had hit triple figures, eventually she got her first Yes as ā€œYoung Cindersā€ in a pantomime. 

Cassie relished this opportunity and grabbed it with both hands. She may have been performing in front of lots of empty seats, noisy impatient children and incontinent pensioners but, putrid smells aside, she loved acting and singing her heart out in eight shows a week. It may have only been a five week run but Cassie was buzzing and wanted more. Her agent had lined up three auditions for adverts and this was where Cassie became a household name for the next decade. You name it, she has been in the ad for it. Some of the most famous include:

Dolly Dookey

The only toy doll that used real smells and aromas for when it pushed out a fake wee and plastic poo from its foam filled orifices. The ad showed Cassie in her pretend back garden dressed up to look younger pushing Dolly around in a tiny pram. When out of nowhere she does an over the top sniff towards the camera. What followed was the tag line that Cassie had probably heard the most from randoms in the street during her entire career, ā€œDolly, have you done a Dookey?ā€

Horace Lost His Marbles

This was the number one Christmas board game five years running. Up to five players take it in turns to roll the spherical dice and move around the board and collect Horace the Spiderā€™s marble tears. The winner is the first person to collect five marbles and get out of the cave at the end of the board without being captured and wrapped in a cocoon. 

The advert was set in a cave where a family are playing the game when a huge spider creeps up behind Cassieā€™s character. The actor playing her brother says ā€œSis, Horace is behind you?ā€. Cassie bursts out laughing before she sees her entire family running out of the cave. She slowly turns around, sees this huge - and clearly fake - animatronic spider and screams. The ad ends with Cassie jumping around completely enclosed in a cocoon before being dragged away by the spider. The accompanying voiceover uttered the haunting line, ā€œCan you find Horaceā€™s marbles before itā€™s too late?ā€.

Barryā€™s Burger Sauce

Cassie played Diner number three, where for 20 takes she had to bite into a Barryā€™s anchovy burger sauce-covered bun before saying, ā€œThereā€™s nothing fishy about this burgerā€¦ except the sauce!ā€.

Queenā€™s Chunky Fruit Salad

Cassieā€™s first voiceover job saw her playing Polly Pineapple who would jump into the can of Queenā€™s Chunky Fruit Salad screaming ā€œWheeeee!ā€. This was not her finest acting hour but ironically one of the most lucrative jobs due to the repeat fees. Recently ranked in the top five adverts of all time.

Pizza My Mind

The first pizza chain that updated their menu based on ideas from the general public. In this advert, Cassie was dressed in a pizza outfit playing the Full English. For six hours she had to say the line, ā€œIā€™m the ultimate breakfast feast!ā€ whilst fresh egg, bacon, sausage and beans slowly dripped down her deep pan front. This was the final nail in the ad cash cow and led to Cassie sacking her agent, despite her parents pleading with her to reconsider.

Looking back at those crazy times gave Cassie the warm and fuzzies, even though most of that was down to the ever increasing rage brewing in her chest.

The next few months were quiet where the phone didnā€™t ring at all but eventually Cassie found a new agent who set her sights on bigger thingsā€¦ movies. Her first audition was with a debut director who saw her potential and offered her the lead role almost immediately. Cassie couldnā€™t believe her luck, she was ecstatic. This was the big break she had been waiting for! ā€œHidden Treasuresā€ was going to be huge.

Cut to a closed set three months later on Cassieā€™s 22nd birthday. Sheā€™d been given some new pages of the script that morning. The director was also the screenwriter and decided to add an unnecessary sex scene. Two hours later a nervous and naked Cassie lay in bed on her back whilst an also naked male actor wearing a pink sock over his bits pretended to make love to her. She tried to make the right orgasmic noises and take it seriously but the ridiculousness of it all caused her to burst out laughing which lasted for most of the next 50 takes. The intimacy co-ordinator quit that night and a body double for Cassie was brought in to finish the scene. 

The movie failed to find a distributor and eventually was dropped on a streaming platform unannounced but winning ā€œWorst Sex Sceneā€ at the Razzles the next year.

That memory did nothing to cool Cassieā€™s simmering anger as it reached her throat with the flames licking at her tonsils.

With her career in tatters Cassie came back to the UK and needed to do something fast to remain in the public eye and that meant one thingā€¦ soap opera. 

ā€œHumber Park Roadā€ was a regional drama set near the Humber Bridge in the North of England. Cassie was the character of Tina, the lovable bar maid in the local pub, The Humber Arms. In five years of playing this character she became the ā€œMost Loved Soap Actressā€ according to Soapy Magazine and the only person to win ā€œEars of the Yearā€ two years running. Cracking catchphrases like ā€œWotcha!ā€ and ā€œEhhh Iā€™m not doing that!ā€ made her a firm fan favourite as the audience figures rose up to 12 million per episode. This was it, Cassie had the job of her dreams and she was getting the praise from the press and the public sheā€™d always craved.

Sadly the best job Cassie could ever wish for disintegrated in a matter of hours after she lashed out at a paparazzi photographer in the street, grabbed his camera and chucked it at him. Heā€™d leapt out of the way into the road and was unexpectedly hit by a bus. These events may sound like the storyline of an average Wednesday night episode of ā€œHumber Park Roadā€ but it was not a laughing matter. Within four weeks Cassie avoided any prosecution for those events but the programme makers bowed to the social media frenzy around #cassieisakiller and fired her from the soap. No big storyline ending for Cassie, just dismissed and replaced by a new actress playing Tina without anyone batting an eyelid.

Cassieā€™s reflections on her brief dips in the pool of celebrity were complete, but how did she get to be on a stage in front of these bizarre critics who were also in front of a huge studio audience? Because thatā€™s where her career had got to, rock bottom, and saying No to anything was no longer an option. Her agent couldnā€™t believe it when the offer came in and they warned Cassie knowing her history, ā€œJust donā€™t take it seriously! They might slag you off but itā€™s just for fun!ā€. Maybe Cassie thought her singing voice was so strong, even though sheā€™d not held a tune for years, that there was no chance she would receive harsh feedback. Famous last words.

Whilst reminiscing on her career may have felt like minutes, only 15 seconds had passed in reality with Cassie giving her adversaries the death stare. She had hoped the deep breaths and flashbacks would have helped but in truth it was the root cause of why her hot molten temper was about to explode out of the top of her head. Throwing caution to the wind, with steam pumping out of her ears Cassie blurted out a response nobody expected including herself,

ā€œNo offence? No offence! Well letā€™s see how you like itā€¦ā€

Cassie turned to the first critic on the far right end of the sparkly desk, with overly coiffured hair, dressed in a polka dotted black and white suit.

ā€œYou! Looking like Cruella Devilleā€™s stupid brother. No wonder no one famous wants to go on your chat show anymore!ā€

Turning to the overly made up woman in a bright orange jumpsuit sat next to her first victim Cassie continued:

ā€œAre you a singer? Iā€™ve never heard a single song of yours. Youā€™re only famous because you know Ed Sheeran and are dating that director who makes movies about Thor and happy bunny loving Nazi children.ā€

She was on a roll as Cassie directed her attention towards judge number three:

ā€œAs for you, havenā€™t you got a shampoo or fitness dvd to promote? Iā€™m surprised you found the time in your busy schedule to be here. I used to like you when you were on that reality show telling people not to swear. But now youā€™re just a sad old woman trying to fool everyone youā€™re still 30 instead of 60. Spoiler alert - youā€™re fooling nobody!ā€

Judge number three burst into tears whilst Cassie kept going. Her penultimate critic was in a dapper three piece suit and bright red shoes. He looked genuinely worried.

ā€œHere he is. Mr Up and Comer. You have the nerve to criticise my singing. Youā€™re not even a funny comedian or talented interviewer but at the moment your face fits for the channel. I look forward to seeing and laughing when your career dries up in five years time.ā€

At this point the audience started to cheer and boo in equal measure. The crowd couldnā€™t believe what they were seeing but they were on the verge of turning against Cassie. Sensing she may have outstayed her welcome she turned to her fifth and final target, the host standing next to her, dressed in his bright blue glittery suit which matched his huge overly perfect white smile and large quiff.

ā€œI remember you. You went into the jungle after someone posted a video of you having a wank. You think weā€™ve all forgotten about that. We havenā€™t! We never forget! Youā€™ll always be a wanker to me. You may think your career is back on track but you are only a second away from another disaster.ā€

With all four judges brought to tears, threatening to storm off, the shocked host looked around for support from the production staff and listened to the voice in his ear piece. He lifted the microphone to his mouth.

ā€œWell thatā€™s a first for this show, we may need to introduce gags beneath the masks.ā€

The jeering crowd behind the cameras filming the TV show burst out laughing, Cassieā€™s outrage instantly thawed, replaced with fear and regret. Enclosed in this oversized outfit with a small fan blowing air in her face the realisation of what she had done was clear. She looked through the eye holes towards where her agent Sally was sat. The seat was empty.

The host returned to the autocue which had been quickly updated,

ā€œDid their performance bring the juice or were their comments too fruity for some? Weā€™ll find out when their mask is possibly removed later. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Pineapple!ā€

With the catchy theme tune ringing in her ears, two assistants either side helped Cassie off the stage. In her ridiculous outfit she waddled down the walkway to a cacophony of boos from the crowd and the judges, while coming to terms with the reality that she had done it again and must have one of the most stupid and pointless jobs in the world.

April 12, 2022 14:07

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Tanja Riley
13:48 Apr 13, 2022

Haha brilliant take on the prompt. And so funny, I laughed all the way from Miss Offended from Offended St, Offendedshire, OFF 3ND until the very end. It is a bit thought provoking too, though, the theme of subjecting oneself openly to such criticism while at the same time having to contain the urge of lashing out. Good job!


PJ Aitken
13:58 Apr 13, 2022

Thanks Tanja - it was emotional šŸ˜


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04:29 Apr 13, 2022

Don't take this wrong way but.. you have amazing creativity and talent with language, all the tidbits about Cassie lol. I loved the ending. I have wished so much in the past someone would have done that on live television. Perhaps on the Gordon Ramsey show.


PJ Aitken
04:36 Apr 13, 2022

Thanks Scott. Your comments were lovely and glad you enjoyed reading it as much as I loved writing it. I think Cassieā€™s journey is just beginningā€¦


06:40 Apr 13, 2022

Cassie could be a good YA novel, the trending genre, maybe add some texting and instagram;). had to laugh bcz i just heard the observation days ago IRL about when someone says 'no offense but..' something really insulting is coming. And maybe we should just immediately stop anyone who says that lol.


PJ Aitken
10:51 Apr 13, 2022

Maybe šŸ¤”


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12:30 May 02, 2022

no offence but I wish I owned this story :0


PJ Aitken
13:35 May 02, 2022

None taken, Corrina.


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Sol Campbell
14:57 Apr 29, 2022

I laughed way too hard at this


PJ Aitken
15:04 Apr 29, 2022



Sol Campbell
04:03 Apr 30, 2022

You're welcome !


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22:15 Apr 21, 2022

Great story! There's lots of funny bits here, like the ads, and it was interesting to see Cassie's bumpy career. That she was angry was obvious, but by showing us her history you also got across her desperation. This is someone who had dreams, who gladly took on humiliations to reach those dreams, who struggled to finally make it, and then who pissed it all away. This puts everything into context, and it makes her more human. The volcano metaphor was also pretty good.


PJ Aitken
22:19 Apr 21, 2022

Cheers Michal - glad it made you smile šŸ˜ƒ


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Andrea Mariana
20:46 Apr 21, 2022

This was a really clever, thoughtful and funny story! It was also a bit wistful and sad, which is a hard balance to strike in a story like this, but you definitely do really well! And the POV character is very realistic and believable. My only note is that a few of the sentences do run a bit long (I do this a lot in my own writing, too) but otherwise its a really funny, well-written piece with lots of punch.


PJ Aitken
21:40 Apr 21, 2022

Thanks Andrea and I really appreciate your constructive feedback. Thereā€™s definitely more story to tell.


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Aeris Walker
08:46 Apr 20, 2022

Your story was a entertaining, clever, smooth and easy to follow. I liked how you wove them theme of anger, hot and bubbling like lava, throughout the whole story. There was one line in the beginning that I will say distracted me juuust a bit because the visual indicated something different than what I think you were trying to say: ā€œMeanwhile the hot mental magma continued to flow past her waist heading for the summit.ā€ Iā€™m assuming you mean to show that her anger is rising, bubbling to the surface, ready to explode, but ā€œflowā€ suggests th...


PJ Aitken
08:59 Apr 20, 2022

Thanks Aeris- yes the word flow is a danger zone. Glad you enjoyed the rest of it.


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Dragos Marcean
08:36 Apr 20, 2022

I actually laughed at the "no offense" part :)). Relatable It was an enjoyable story. I liked how it went from calm to holly cr*p and exploded at the ending. It was funny and at the Taika Waititi part I actually googled who he is dating. I couldn't figure out who the rest of the judges were. I felt like it was rushed, tough. Those parts about the ads, I must admit I skipped most them. I feel like they did not bring anything to the story. I was reading about a young girl getting viral and not that further down the road she had a sex scene...


PJ Aitken
08:41 Apr 20, 2022

Wow! Thank you for taking the time to feedback so thoroughly šŸ˜ƒ


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Frank Lester
03:02 Apr 19, 2022

Very good job with the prompt. I could feel her fury and her caustic comments were spot on. I know I couldn't take what she went through and still laugh. I laughed out loud at the Dolly Dookey. The absurdity of it all. Well done. I have only one comment: it ran a little long. Thanks for sharing it. Stay well.


PJ Aitken
05:39 Apr 19, 2022

Thanks Frank - glad you enjoyed most of it.


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Jay McKenzie
01:52 Apr 19, 2022

Very funny take on the prompt. I particularly enjoyed the Tina stuff.


PJ Aitken
05:47 Apr 19, 2022

Iā€™m glad you liked meeting Tina. I enjoyed creating a soap opera that felt real whilst also throwing in enough comedic elements.


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Emmanuel Bakare
23:38 Apr 18, 2022

I really enjoyed this one. The theme of criticism was strongly depicted in this piece, hence making it very thought provoking. I laughed out loud a couple of times too. Really hilarious piece


PJ Aitken
05:49 Apr 19, 2022

Thanks Emmanuel - I didnā€™t hold back. I think if I carried the story forward it would be Cassie gaining a level of fame from her extreme honesty.


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