Dear Girl from the Library

Submitted into Contest #261 in response to: Write a story in the form of a series of thank you cards.... view prompt


Romance Christian

This story contains sensitive content

(Sensitive content: One, brief mention of losing a pet.)

May 3rd, 2015

Dear Girl from the Library

“You might never find this note, and I can only pray that you visit the YA section on a regular basis, but you said you liked romance novels, so I slipped it into one of them. I wanted to thank you, even if we don’t exactly know each other. I lost my dog yesterday morning, which is why I seemed downtrodden, and I was at the library to find a book to escape the misery. Naturally, I went to the YA section to look for some Jeff Wheeler novels—maybe ‘Whispers from Mirrowen’ was finally in stock—and that’s when I ran into you. Funny how a little nudge could get this fantasy guru to try romance, but I’m actually finding myself intrigued by this book. It definitely ebbed my sadness. Thank you for recommending it. So far, chapter fourteen is my favorite!”

Thank You.

August 10th, 2016

Dear Girl from the Library

“Hello, friend! I had to run to class, so I slipped this into your laptop. Well done on your presentation! Your voice was perfectly controlled, and your topics were organized flawlessly! Even better, all that made me realize I have more to thank you for. Thank you for being inspiring! I knew you were nervous about that speech, and watching you do it anyway made me realize I needed more bravery in my life. You showed me that fear’s greatest weapon is its greatest weakness—us. See you on campus this afternoon!”

Thank you.

May 3rd, 2017

Dear Girl from the Library

“You’re probably upset for missing me on our meetaversary, and I can only imagine the guilt that’s eating you alive right now. But it’s really okay. Your mom is such an amazing person, and I understand you want to care for her. That makes you an honorable daughter, and I’m proud of you. Also, thank you for the pictures—they touched my heart and reminded me of so many things! And WOW, did I ever need some facial hair back then! Or at least a decent goatee!”

Thank you.

October 13th, 2018

Dear Girl from the Library

“I didn’t have a lot of words to write this morning, but I woke up feeling grateful. Honestly, I think it’s because of you. You keep me grateful every day, always reminding me there’s good in this otherwise depressing world. Whenever I write one of these notes, the words flow out of me like a waterfall, spilling onto the paper in a rush I can hardly contain. Thank you for being my northern star, one of the few things that guide me back to the understanding that miracles exist.”

Thank you.

December 23rd, 2018

Dear Girl from the Library

“I must confess that I was in awe of you today. Yes, there was no denying how indescribably beautiful you looked, but something changed when we were on the rink. For one moment, everything about you amassed into a single thing: your bravery, your laugh, your temper, your love for romance novels, your insistence on starting a fire with flint stone—EVERYTHING! You became something entirely new at that moment, something that transcended beauty, something only I could see: the very definition of YOU. So, if you’re thinking about what happened today, that’s why I did it. That’s why I kissed you. Thank you for being you.”

Thank you.

April 30th, 2019

Dear Girl from the Library

“I was so nervous tonight, and it only got worse as we neared the bridge. I was certain you were on to me, and my lip was positively chewed up, but the look on your face made it all worth it. Thank you for saying yes! I can hardly think of anything except the minute we say ‘I do’! We’ve been planning this for months now, and it’s finally in motion. After next week, we will never be apart! We will be one in spirit forever! We are going to have a house! We are going to have kids! We are going to have adventures! I’m so excited to meet tomorrow and write our vows! Goodnight, Love.”

Thank you.

November 12th, 2019

Dear Girl from the Library

“Today was a rough one, as you know. Another job lost, another sore reminder that we’re young and still starting out. When I came home, I was drenched in sweat and feeling utterly hopeless. I felt like a failure. I didn’t feel like a man and was afraid, but you saw through that and comforted me. Most often, it is our own voices we do not trust, and that’s why we need someone who knows us—usually someone who knows us better than we know ourselves. Thank you for giving me courage, Love. It’s you who makes me feel like a man.”

Thank you.

January 20th, 2020

Dear Girl from the Library

“Our baby is so small, and I’ll bet the most adorable in the world! This little one may be the greatest among everything I’ve thanked you for, Love. You spent months of vomiting, hormonal shifts, and terrible agony to bring a life into our family. You sacrificed yourself to make our story bigger, to add another stroke to our painting. Thank you so much for bearing our sweet child. She’s a blessing every single day and every single moment. Plus, she loves it when I read her ‘The Wishing Lantern.’”

Thank you.

May 3rd, 2020

Dear Jesus

“Thank you for giving me this woman whose beauty outshines every human on Earth. All my life, I’ve known you were there, but I see you in full when she smiles. I see you in full when I get to spoil her with gifts or defend her. Thank you for the day we met. Thank you for our walks around the college campus. Thank you for our first kiss. Thank you for the money to buy the ring. Thank you for our wedding. Thank you for our child. Thank you for our beautiful family that will only grow. You have given me so much to be thankful for. Amen.”

Thank you.

July 30, 2024 00:39

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Nicole Marie
16:25 Aug 15, 2024

Really beautiful story of two lives becoming one, told from an interesting perspective. Made me cry.


Michael Hare
16:59 Aug 15, 2024

My mission is to make my audience feel, because it makes for a memorable story. People like the characters they read about but love the characters they can relate to or set goals to be like. This requires hard writing, but in the end, it isn't what's ON the page that the readers feel. Rather, it is what's IN the page. The words are a mere doorway to the raw heart of the story, which serves the reader so much more. Letters form words, words form stories, and stories form meanings.


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Samuel Kyles
01:05 Aug 09, 2024

These thank you letters are amazing, Michael. I really love how, throughout the letters, you can see how their life together grows stronger. It's really beautiful!


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Mary Bendickson
20:52 Aug 03, 2024

Glimpses into a thankful life and the building of a relationship. Well done. Thanks for liking 'Thank You, Reedsy'.


Michael Hare
21:55 Aug 03, 2024

Thank you for liking 'Dear Girl at the Library' and leaving a comment! As a starting-out author, the points and advice in your piece really help me.


Mary Bendickson
13:42 Aug 04, 2024

Glad I could help.


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Jonathan Jacobs
21:29 Jul 31, 2024

Michael Hare, I gotta say I was inspired. How she was just a girl from the library and then years went by, and now they are married! This story really shows you how life really is.


Michael Hare
18:26 Aug 03, 2024

Thank you! I'm honoring my desire to make my audience feel. As for the years that went by, I love showing how time can change a person (and relationship). That, for me, was the best and most challenging part of the writing.


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