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How to Write a Thriller in 7 Heart-Stopping Steps

Oct 01, 2018 – Perfecting your Craft

Learn how to write a thriller in 7 steps and get 4 bonus tips from top professional editors on writing your own page-turner. Read more →

How to Build a Rocking Author Media Kit: a 7-Step Template

Sep 28, 2018 – Understanding Publishing

Discover how to create an essential author media kit that wins over everyone from the press and book reviewers to indie bookstores. Read more →

70+ Plot Twist Ideas and Examples Guaranteed to Blow Your Mind Away

Sep 28, 2018 – Perfecting your Craft

Looking for your next plot twist ideas? Here are 70+ of the best plot twist examples to fuel your story and blow your readers' minds away. Read more →

How to Create Suspense in Your Writing (in 5 Thrilling Steps)

Sep 26, 2018 – Perfecting your Craft

Every good novel needs a little suspense. In this guide, you'll learn all about literary suspense, from its many varieties to how you can create it in your writing! Read more →

60+ Eye-Catching Book Cover Ideas to Get You Inspired

Sep 26, 2018 – Book Design

If you're looking for some top-notch book cover ideas to inspire your own design, look no further! Read more →

What is a Character Arc? 3 Common Types and Examples from Fiction

Sep 21, 2018 – Perfecting your Craft

Learn what a character arc is, what are the most common types, and how to craft a strong one. Read more →

Protagonist vs. Antagonist: A Must-Know Literary Pair, Defined

Sep 17, 2018 – Perfecting your Craft

Learn how to kick your story's primary conflict up a notch through the age-old narrative rivalry of the protagonist and antagonist. Read more →

About the Author Examples (That You'll Actually Want to Read)

Sep 14, 2018 – Perfecting your Craft

For any writer wondering the right way to talk about themselves, here are 13 About the Author examples you'll want to skip to the end of the book to read. Read more →

How to Write a Book Blurb (+ Free Template)

Sep 12, 2018 – Understanding Publishing

Three publishing experts show you how to write a blurb for a novel and optimize it for Amazon. Includes advice on keywords and tips for testing your blurb. Read more →

How to Write an Incredible Synopsis in 4 Simple Steps

Sep 12, 2018 – Understanding Publishing

Your synopsis can decide the fate of your novel — learn here how to write a synopsis full of intrigue and spark! Read more →

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