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#104 Introverts and Extroverts

As the height of summer approaches and social distancing restrictions continue to lift, many of our social calendars are filling up fast. For the extroverts among us, this is unequivocal good news — coffee dates, happy hours, and weekend adventures with family and friends are back! But for introverts like me, it can be… a little overwhelming. And though things may soon get “back to normal” (knock on wood), it’s only natural for our muscles to feel a little stiff as we flex them for the first time in a long time!


In any case, whether you’re a staunch introvert or the biggest social butterfly in the world, you should relate to at least one of our prompts this week — and hey, if you end up writing an interesting story, that’s great conversation fodder for your next party.


Before you get to writing, one more thing: you’ll have to forgive me for asking you to enter your stories 24 hours earlier than usual. The deadline for submitting a story to this week’s contest is 11:59PM EDT on Thursday, July 29th. We’ll be going offline for a few hours to make some changes to Prompts — so watch this space!

⭐️ Shortlisted

This week's prompts


How to Write a Novel

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How to Write a Novel
Prompts | Big Blue Hand | 2024-11

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