H L McQuaid

Author on Reedsy Prompts since Dec, 2020

27 Stories

2829 karma pts


Author bio

Short story writer and screenwriter. Just finished my first short sci-fi film based on Beth Jackson's short story (on Reedsy), "A Positive Contribution". For news on that (https://www.instagram.com/apositivecontribution/). My stories have also been made into audio-dramas, etc. Check out Beth Connor's writing and captivating podcast, Crossroads Cantina: https://crossroadscantinapodcast.com/ The Lorelei was turned into an immersive audio drama on Crossroads Cantina . Listen here: (https://crossroadscantina.captivate.fm/episode/the-lorelei) Listen to 'The Debate' on Katie Kanning's podcast 'Unpublished, not Unknown' https://bio.link/katiek If you're still reading, a bit of background. I went to school for a long time and collected a number of degrees (Cognitive Psychology, Professional Writing, German), some more useful than others. I did some creative writing when I was a teen, but that was interrupted by decades of non-fiction, so I'm trying again. Copyright © 2023 Heather McQuaid - All Rights Reserved. Using content without written permission is prohibited.

Shortlisted 3 stories ⭐️