Perfecting your craft

Struggling to master the art of writing? Reedsy shares top tips from industry giants on perfecting your craft. Read to find actionable advice on plot, character, storytelling and more!

What is a Novella? Understanding the Form (with Examples)

Apr 02, 2021 – Perfecting your Craft

What is a novella? Discover what makes this fiction form so very special, with examples from some of our favorite novellas. Read more →

How to Become a Better Writer: 20 Hacks and Tips

Feb 11, 2021 – Perfecting your Craft

Want to know how to become a better writer? Check out our 20 essential tips and hacks. Read more →

Nonfiction: 24 Genres and Types of Fact-Based Books

Feb 10, 2021 – Perfecting your Craft

Whether you're writing or reading, you can find the nonfiction genre for you among these 24 types of nonfiction. Read more →

How to Write Fabulous Dialogue [9 Tips + Examples]

Jan 14, 2021 – Perfecting your Craft

Learn how to write great, effective dialogue with this 9-step process, using classic examples from books. Read more →

What Is a Tragic Hero? Definition, Examples & Common Traits

Jan 12, 2021 – Perfecting your Craft

What makes a tragic hero, tragic? In this post, we'll tell you everything you ever wanted to know about this literary archetype, including examples from literature. Read more →

How to Write a Graphic Novel in 8 Action-Packed Steps

Jan 12, 2021 – Perfecting your Craft

Learn how to write a graphic novel that readers will want to read (and illustrators will want to illustrate). Read more →

How to Write a Mystery: The 6 Secret Steps Revealed

Dec 02, 2020 – Perfecting your Craft

A clever trail of clues is thrilling to read and even more fun to pen, so why not learn how to write a mystery of your own? We'll show you how. Read more →

The Best Book Writing Software of 2024: Scrivener, yWriter, and More

Nov 30, 2020 – Perfecting your Craft

Find the right book writing software for your needs. Features quick reviews of Scrivener, yWriter, and the Reedsy Book Editor. Read more →

70 Interesting Character Flaws to Use In Your Story

Nov 20, 2020 – Perfecting your Craft

Character flaws turn your ideas into three-dimensional people. Check out these 70 fascinating flaws to use in your own stories! Read more →

Character Questionnaires: 100+ Revealing Character Questions

Nov 18, 2020 – Perfecting your Craft

Put your character in the hot seat with over 100 juicy character development questions from Reedsy's Character Questionnaires. Read more →

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