‹16 |2020| 11:59›
“I just want to die.”
Air condition fills the air… through my nose… A pointy needle pokes our arm as wires trail around our body. But you smile.
Before the clock hits 12 you turn to me and ask slowly- “What flowers do you want at your grave?”
You had never asked me that question before usually you told me to hope…to live like you wanted, like we all wanted at some point. But its been 16 teen years, that dream has come and gone. I’m still here.
“I…don’t know.” I responded, I have never thought of that question before.
“I see.” you responded weakly, the sleeping drug has started to take effect. “If this is the year you die, you must tell me what flower you want so when I visit you I…I can bring it to you.”
I glance outside, that’s true, but how many flowers are there? How could I possibly know which one I want? “What flower do you want on yours?”
“What?” I ask you.
“…nothing, goodnight.” you said as finally giving into the sleep.
“What does anemone mean? Is that a flower?” I asked to your seemingly lifeless body. Of course you didn’t respond, you wouldn’t have answered even if you were awake. You were a girl of a few words, you didn’t speak much. I couldn’t read your mind, I always asked you “What’s going on in your head?” but you always smiled with those blank eyes of yours, and replied; “Nothing.”
Anyone would believe you, in fact it sometimes surprises me how you always wanted to live… you didn’t care for much, your expression showed nothing but blank. We both had the same dream at one point; to leave this hospital. All kids had that dream… but when you see all those kids never reach that point, it kills a petal in you. When you watch your friends being carried away in a chair, lifeless. The memory never leaves you. But here is the thing…it was inevitable. Every child, person, or teenager in this section of the hospital are not expected to live pass their teens. Actually its a miracle in its own that I am still here…
But here is the real reason why I want to die. See, the thing is, I am never allowed to leave this hospital…and even if I do, it won’t be long before I pass out. My body is weak, I am hanging by a thread. But you are hanging on a thread thinner than my own…in fact the only thing keeping you alive is your will. Your will to live. While me? Well I guess its these machines.
I look at the clock… 11:59 clicks then 12:00, and it is now December 29. 2 more days until 2021, I look over at your little body… you can do it…I know you can. Just 2 more days.
“I just want to live”
You muttered out that early morning… your body looked weaker as the days went by. But mine somehow stayed the same.
“I just want to die.” I said in response to that. You side eyed me…I still remember the struggle it took just to do that, and you smiled.
I remember your ruffled hair. You had doubled black eye bags, and your arms showed more veins. I remember thinking in that moment “I wonder what I look like.” You didn’t look good at all.
You turned to me that day, I was prepared for your of guard statement but I was not prepared for this one. I watched you take me in, your eyes flew all over and landed on my eyes. “You look good” you said lightly.
I remember, your lingering look, your expecting eyes- pleading with me to say it back. I didn’t say it back, I couldn’t lie to you like you did to me. You turned away…I did the same, except I did it simply to hide my lingering tears.
“I want to live to see the new year. That’s all I want” you whispered.
Our personal nurse came in, you could tell the empathetic look on her face when she looked at you. I cursed her for being unable to hide her expressions. When she looked at me, I looked away. She was just another face, she will be replaced in a month. A month… I wondered if we had a month.
I cursed myself that evening…why was I getting better? Why were you dying. You were the one who wanted to live. You’ve always been the one…
Today you talked with a raspy tone…you used to have a smooth sweet tone, I remember. Your voice reminded me of beautiful sunshine and rainy clouds. But, that’s not what made your voice so extravagant… back then everything excited you even the painful surgeries and the cafeteria food, your voice had something most sick children did not; Life. Even though you wished for life now, you and I both know those are empty words… “I just want to live” are those words supposed to hide you from reality? Well…I guess, I too, am doing the same.
Today you cried… “I’m not going to live.” you repeated twice.
“Yes you will!” I said to you, trying to redeem myself since that day. “I know you will!”
“How would you know?! You want to die” you said in a loud voice. It was the loudest I had ever seen you talk. “The doctors…they talked to my parents…I don’t have much time left.”
“How much?” I blurted out. Tears stinging my eyes.
“Not enough…not enough to live. I have known that for quite sometime.”
“What does living even mean?” I asked you calmly.
“Living is…” you started off.
“Never mind, I’ll answer. Life to me, is doing something on your own…growing in mind and strength…Living is having a purpose. Living is…”
“Living is…?”
“Well…living is whatever you want it to be.” I said to you in a shrug. You glanced over at me, looked away and wiped your eyes.
“We aren’t doing that here.”
“Yes…but you can. We don’t have to be out there to live. You don’t.” I responded with ease. It was surprising…you were always the calm one. It must have been fate that we switched roles. Or maybe…repayment?
“But…I want to be out there.”
“Then…” I said as I thought to myself, “what could I possibly say to that?” the only words that came to mind was- “…break free”
To that you smiled. And that’s all that mattered.
New years eve.
You didn’t speak much at all today…and before I knew it, it was 9 pm. I fell asleep to the sound of the ticking clock, soon it would be new years. And you would see it too once you woke up.
But…something told me to wake up. And I did, for once that whole week I sat up. But that was nothing compared to the sight beside me… your bed was empty. For a slight second I thought you had died but no…I felt your spirit. I felt your soul. I heard your voice.
So I got up and left too. I searched for you everywhere, in the bathrooms, in the Lunch room. In the kids hall. You were no where to be seen, as much as I wanted to ask one of the nurses for help- something told me I shouldn’t. I wouldn’t. Then something sparked…and I remembered what I said to you.
“…break free”
I dashed up the stairs, my weary legs were tired and my breath was leaving me but when I opened that door I knew… it was worth it.
There you were out on the roofs ceiling sitting below the stars and the moon with your pillows…
You didn’t have to turn around to know I was there, you didn’t have to speak for me to know you knew. I walked closer to you…you sat peacefully. When I got close enough you handed me your pillow with a smile.
“Join me.” you said. I took your pillow and sat on it…I too was under the stars. The buildings lit up with people waiting…waiting for the new year to change their problems. But here we were…waiting for the new year to come so we could let go.
“Why…” I asked you. The idea that you got up here with your wheelchair was baffling. And terrifying.
“I… I wanted to see them. Not through a glass window, but with my very own eyes. I broke free.”
I don’t respond and we sit there watching the view, sometimes life and time fly better in silence.
“You were right. I broke free.” you finally said.
“I’m happy for you.”
“Can I ask you something?” you said slowly. “What is it?”
“Why do you want to die?”
That night…I didn’t think the simplest words I spilled out on anger would have to be searched thoroughly for an answer. We sat in silence as you patiently waited for me to answer.
“Well…when I first said those words…I felt the same as you. I wanted to live but when I realized I couldn’t have that simple thing called life. I decided to despise it instead. While you…fantasied over it. When you told me you were going to…die. I wished badly I could die in your place. Die in place of all the people here who have to die.”
You laughed slightly. “That’s a terrible wish.” I could hear your heavy breathing, your not supposed to be out here…but I knew there was nothing I could possibly say to you now. You knew you were almost gone…you accepted it. The rest is my problem. I can’t accept it.
“That is not needed…I wouldn’t want that. And I don’t think any of your friends would have wanted that either. As for me…I have already accomplished all I need too. I have seen the stars… the moon. I have traveled 2 flights of stairs on my own, I have lived. And that’s all I ever wanted. I would never have realized that without you.” you say as you give out your hand patting my shoulder.
“I…” I whimper and start to cry my eyes out. I forcefully try to pull myself together, I am not the one about to die.
“May I ask of you one more last thing…?”
I nod as I wipe my eyes.
“This is rather selfish of me to ask…you can think it over it is not a must.”
“What is it?”
“Live for me…no- live for yourself, I will be much happier to know my only friend lived her life to the fullest. That’s all I ask for.”
I cursed the world for giving me more time, but I was grateful. You were dying and was still kind enough to wish for me to live… you were too kind. Much too kind for this world. My only hope is that you die with no regrets, I think you’ve accomplished that much.
“I promise, Poppy.”
Fire works, pop in the sky…I remember you holding your hand over my nose. You knew it was a lot for me to be out here like this. You knew, me smelling the toxins of the air could cause me to die.
The fireworks were beautiful yet deadly. Soon, you fell over on your chair, tired.
“Happy… new… year…” you whispered out to yourself. “I made it…I made it.”
And with that…you close your eyes…
“Aster?” you said my name. You never said my name and I barely said yours.
“Yes?” I called out placing a hand over yours.
You heaved in…and then out. I waited for your unprecedented words once more.
But this time, you said “Thank you.” and passed away right underneath the stars.
I sat there holding your hands in mine. Your soul, your spirit…was gone. And I knew there would never be another like it.
I let go of your arm…and well, I did the only thing I knew how too. I screamed and passed temporarily. Oh, how I wish you did the same.
Life is precious…Precious things soon lose their meaning in our eyes because that’s how life is. When you have something for so long it begins to lose it value. Sometimes you need something to give it back that meaning, to remind you…that life is a one time thing. Live it out to the fullest, and well…break free.
‹|✿Poppy|16| January 1|2021✿|›
‹16 |2021| 11:59›
Its been a year since you passed Poppy. I have never forgotten you…you made me into who I am. You helped me beat the thing that tied me to that hospital. You helped me fight another day. And with that strength, I have lived to see another year.
Poppy…December 29, 2020, you told me you wanted Anemone’s at your grave. It hasn’t been long since I finally figured out what you meant. For the longest of time I never brought those flowers to you because I never understood why…why did you want those flowers at your grave? I brought you Lilies, Daisies, Irises, anything that reminded me of the you, I remember. I never brought you Anemone. Until now.
I realize now that maybe at some point you knew you were going to die. Or maybe you knew that your whole life, which is why you constantly stated you wanted to live. “We always want what we can’t have” is what you told me at one point, it was your favorite quote, maybe unconsciously you started living by it.
I’m at your grave stone today… your name is printed out in deep letters – Poppy Freyja-Evie Potter. “A beautiful old soul…that will live forever.”
“I brought you the flowers you asked for Poppy… I know your not here anymore but..its the least I could do. I’m sorry it took me so long.” I say to the silence its like I can see you smiling.
“I know, you only wanted Anemone’s but…I got you a little something else with it too. I hope that’s okay.” I sigh.
I place the red Anemone’s with Chrysanthemum right on your grave. You wanted Anemone’s cause you died but…I brought you Chrysanthemum’s cause …well… you lived.
And that’s all that matters.
ᴅɪᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀᴛᴄʜ ᴀʟʟ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʟᴜᴇs? ʟᴇᴛs ɢᴏ ᴏᴠᴇʀ sᴏᴍᴇ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇᴍ.
«❀Anemone is a flower that is usually associated with death.
Chrysanthemum or for short ‘mums’ is also a flower, is usually associated with fidelity, optimism, joy and life.
Freyja-Evie (Poppy’s middle name) - Freyja is a name given to the lady of love, beauty and death. And Evie is a Hebrew name that means ‘life.’
Poppy is also a flower… that have long been used as a symbol of sleep, peace, and death. (I didn’t even mean for this one to happen ahaha)
Aster (main characters name) is also a flower that means love, wisdom, faith, and color.❀»
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HEY! Wow its been awhile! First how are you? Come on be honest!
I myself have not been caring for my winter break and decided not to do a thing! Which is why I have not written in so long. Also I didn't like the prompts...and it seemed like we had those for like 3 weeks!
1) This is a story that took me soooooo long to come up with. I had some serious writers block honestly. And I couldn't figure out how to get my ideas on the page. But I ended up doing it! Yay!
2) what do you think? All comments and likes are welcome!
3) Oh and I have a question, if you want to answer, of course- why do you write?
4) Thank you for reading as always! thank you to those who asked whether I was okay cause of my absence, I'm fine! And thank you!
Have a great day!
Well, meh, cause school and stuff.
1) Yay indeed! Was just missing your stories and came and poof! The universe answered me!
2) Love it! So so so deep and sad. I was gonna cry. It was hopeful and meaningful and wow. Good ob Snow, I mean it.
3) Well... I guess cause I'm good at it(my opinion ofc lol). I get stories and ideas in my head, so why not put them down? I love to read so I want to make something others can read. Poetry I write so I can put feelings down. Overall, it's a hobby.
4) Welcome!
You too <3
Same! I'm slowly trying to adjust to school.
Thank youuu Amany!!
And ouu those are good reasons! You are definitely good at it!
😊Thank you for reading!
haha, thanks
we ever getting another part? you know what I'm asking about... ;)
Haha, soon soon! When the prompts are good you'll be the first to know😉
LOVE-LAY!! Really liked this one, Like, is right, tho. You could include sole flashbacks or something of that sort. I liked the mention of flowers too. :) wonderful.
Thank youuu Sia!
Hey sis! Wassup?
Hey Sia! Nothing much! Just been supperr busy, how are you?
Same heree my brain is clogged with stress from all 9f my hw
Saaaame I have been studying for dayyss But I try to come on here every day to take a break or something
Hey, to answer your question I write because I have a lot of ideas and lots of things to say. I also have a lot of time on my hands. I guess I also write because I like creating worlds or scenarios in my head that I have to write on paper. (I don't know really why I write I've never thought about it before).
Also, I'm doing okay. It was my first day back from break and I already have 2 assignments that I haven't done. (That's what I get for not paying attention in class) I'm probably gonna regret staying up all night reading and writing but I'll be fine. (For one of my assignments I have to watch an hour-long documentary)
Now your story. It's beautiful. I love all that the flowers had a deeper meaning to them instead of just being flowers. The idea is just wonderful and I love it. This story was just great and I have no words to describe it.🤍
(sorry this was so long)
Hey Blue! Lol I love the way you comment, its like you type with your inner thoughts. For example; "I exercise- (like only once a month)"😂 something like that. It was funny for the moment.
Thats a good reason! I just thought of this question like a month ago, and I thought it would be a good question to ask other people! thanks for answering!
Its good that your doing okay! And ugh! I know how it feels, literally every month my chemistry teacher makes us watch hour documentaries. Then I spend hours watching it cause its so boring! Good luck! And remember to take a break whenever needed, sleep early, drink water and everything else!
Thank youu SO much Blue! No worries I love long comments since I do them myself haha!
thanks cus i get anxiety commenting on things (anxiety lol)
asking people why they write is a really good question to ask cus most people haven't thought about it
i still haven't watched the documentary yet and it's due at the end of today
you're welcome :)
Aw I'm sorry! Anxiety is no fun. I have a few friends who have anxiety and when we were in class they would get so scared to walk across the classroom.
Thank you!
Did you ever finish watching it lol?
i didnt finish it but i still answered the questions and turned it in so i dont really care
Hi , Ugochi .👋👋
This story was really sad , comforting and cute .
I really like how you wrote this in second person as I am really bad at it and am trying to improve it .
I am amazed.
This was unique, not like the ones I normally find .
I am happy you posted a new story as I was waiting for so long.
Answers of the questions you asked.
1) I am much better, thank you.
2) I perfectly understand. I too have been going through writer's block. I am literally struggling. 😩
3) I love it .
4) I write because.... It's my passion and I don't find any books that I personally would enjoy reading [ not that I don't love the ones I have already read ] but the plot , the twists and the characters are not the same as I want them to be , so I write how I want them to be . You know what I mean, right ? I am really bad at explaining things 😭
5) you're welcome!
No problem! Hey, its the least I can do for you. 😄
Thank you!
You too have a great day .
Thank you Alina!!
Oh, I'm sure you will get great at it! This is actually my first time writing in second person without changing it mid way! (I had to keep re reading the parts I had written already to make sure I didn't magically change it)
1) That's good!!
2) Writers block is the worst!! Don't fight it though, it will come to you eventually.
3) Thankkkk youu!
4) No, it totally made sense! And its definitely a good reason to write.
My pleasure!
Thanks! I am trying.
It's very good for a first time.
2]If you say so .😁
3] you're welcome!
4] oh, good to know.
Hey Ugochi :D :D :D
I Like Your Stories, so creative!!
Can you read my stories and leave comments and likes when you can?
Hey Xander! Thank youu! I really appreciate that!
And sure! I'm a bit busy right now but I will try to get to it!
Thanks for reading!
Hi Ugochi! No Problem! :D
Thank You! :)
Take your time :)
Yay!! Finally another story by none other than our favorite...SNOW!!! 🤩🥳👏🏻
I just absolutely LOVED this story so much! I think that this was such a comeback story for the year! Great job girl! :)
Ah you flatter me too much🥺!
Thank you so much Hari!! Hopefully I never have to stop writing for that long again lol
Your welcome! Also, me too! :)
For awhile, I was perhaps a bit confused and was reading it kind of like one character was her body, and the other character represented her spirit. And in my temporary delusion lol this part was really beautiful 😂:
“Well…when I first said those words…I felt the same as you. I wanted to live but when I realized I couldn’t have that simple thing called life. I decided to despise it instead. While you…fantasied over it. When you told me you were going to…die. I wished badly I could die in your place. Die in place of all the people here who have to die.”
Well thats very interesting too lol!! Thats a cool idea though Hope!
Ah thank you!!
I read it back over again with the right understanding/clarity now.
when she "sees' Poppy smile - good touch 😭
And wonderful transition btwn the beginning of the 30th and before
Aw thank youu Hope! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and even had the patience to read my story twice!
OMG YOU DIDN'T TELL ME????? I LOVED THIS!! The one thing I would recommend is to show their backstory, show us all aspects of their relationship. Great job and yes I did catch most of the clues, just not the Jewish name!!
😂😂I was going tooo!!
Thank youu Luke! Hm yeah, thank you for the critique. I really didn't add any back story now that you mention it.
OH? Good job! I didn't think anyone would sooo I decided to put it in there!
Thank youuuuuuuuu for writing moreeee
Hello Ugochi! I loved this! The perspectives were a little unclear, but I think that could easily be fixed up by just saying Aster's name a couple times. Also, you could instead of putting the clues at the bottom mention them in the story. I love love love flower symbolism, so naturally, I loved this story. Great work!
To answer your question, I write because I like to, and it keeps me sane. When I don't write, I'm less productive for some reason. Idk. I also write to get my frustrations off onto the pages.
I wrote a few stories about flowers last week! Wilted, Ten Seconds of Jessamine, and Falling Petals all include flower symbolism. I think you'd like Falling Petals best! If you could, could you check them out?
Hey Maya!
Thank you for your critiques and suggestions! I will try to put Asters name in the story. As for the clues, at first I thought of putting them in the story. But I think it goes better at the end, thanks for the suggestion though!
Oh yes same! I write to get my frustrations out too!
Ouu! I'll go check them out soon! Thanks for recommending them!
Thank you so much for reading Maya!!
Of course, do what you want. And thank you, I'd love to hear your comments!
This is beautiful.
Thank youuu!
For the Saph thing I'd probably make a mistake and spread a rumor by accident. :(
I love hr story and it made me cry, almost, but the grammar, spelling, and flow wasn't as good as some of your other's. was this one rushed? Just Jade here. Don't mind me
Thank you for reading Jade! I don't think I was. I think its because I used time stamps, but I wasn't rushing when writing this.
Once again thank you for reading!
Okay! Yeah, stuff like that can happen.
What happended D:::::::::::::::
???? what do you mean?
Sia D::::::::::::
She's leaving reedsy, because too much stuff was going on surrounding her...that was what she told me, but you can always ask her.
Oh nevermind she told you to talk to me haha...
Um so, well a spam page kept on commenting on her page saying she was a terrible writer and other rude stuff. And another person she got in a heated argument with and the person also said some rude things too. So Sia wants to take a break from everything and just leave for awhile because of all the drama surrounding her at the moment.
You a good frien
Thank you!
Thankk you Ash!!!
Heyyy Ash, happy to be back!!! Ahh hope you enjoyy!
I'm baaaack 😁
I love, love, love it!
I've been pretty meh lately. My cat is awesome. Heath hasn't dumped me yet! I've missed talking to you. I was gonna ask how you've been but I realised u already said.
Hey CJ!! Thank youuu! I'm glad to here yall are still going strong!
I missed talking to you too! Hows life!
Lifes pretty meh atm. My pops mum passed away and that made my pop pretty sad. wbu? hows covid over where u are?
Oh no I'm sooo sorry for your loss! How are you taking it? May I ask what she died from?
Covid is I guess getting better, ut just slightly. We have come out with vaccines and stuff but many people have to stand in lines to get them and stuff like that. And more variants of covid have come out. We have about 7 different variants...
She died of emphysema. It was because she spent her life smoking. I wasn't that close to her and we were waiting for it to happen so I wasn't as affected by it as I would have been. I guess its good that things are a little bit better. 7 DIFFERENT VARIENTS??? Holy Moley! We haven't gotten access to any vaccines yet. May I ask if anybody you know has gotten covid? I personally don't was just a little curious.
I <3 your poem, Ugochi! I also voted for you! :)
Thank youuu so much Hari!
Your welcome!
wow...you have a beautiful soul for such a beautiful piece
you tought me greatly
I'll remember this. I truely hope that one day..ill behold this book on net and save in my library.
its too wonderful to over look
please take a look at my books
' my reson for leaving and
favourite hobby'
please also comment and do critics on them. Thanks
Thank you so much Ijeoma, that just made me sooo happy, thank you
anddd sure
Hey, I submitted a new story would love your feedback in my free time.
i cant believe she's leaving
Sammmeee🥺. I mean I knew it was coming though...she threatened to leave many times before. But its still SO sad. Reedsy is not the same anymore
yeah, i just didn't know she really meant it. It's weird, wondering if she was planning it the past few days while we never knew. and she didn't even say goodbye, which is probably the part that hurts the most.
yeah, it is.
Yeahhh not saying good bye is hardd! I find it annoyingly upsetting whenever I go to one of my friends page and they just say bye. I mean I know they obviously don't have time to write paragraphs to everyone but still...it hurts.
I think this all started with Vayd. I mean people were already leaving way before him but like he had alot of friends on here and he was loved my many people too. I personally didn't talk to him at all though or read any of his stories.
But like why I think it started with Vayd is because once he left..I could feel the disconnection from everyone who was close to him. Its like a boy band, once one person leaves the group is never the same and it eventually falls apart.
I feel like when Vayd left a few weeks later thats when she started threatening to leave..
But hey. Don't leave tooooo!😥
hi, I've a story out, so feel free to check it out whenever you want :-)
thank youu!
New story! I know you have a list, but it's romance sooo if you're bored :)
Ahh romance, feels like I haven't wrote that in agessss!
Yay! I'll go read it(when I have time lol!)!!