Drama Thriller

Trigger warnings: domestic abuse, suicide


Jenna Davidson was an astonishing woman. She was the epitome of society’s standards of beauty; she was funny, intelligent, talented, and very business savvy. Her ultimate goal in her life was to become an international public speaker and advocate for woman who suffer in silence from domestic violence.

Jenna made short work of climbing those metaphorical ladders at her job, and even sooner than she had expected, she was leading multiple anti-domestic violence protests and rallies. But, these protesters couldn’t care less about her beautiful face, though. Their captivation came with Jenna’s actual back story. The one behind her pretty face and tales of success, but let’s back up a little bit here, shall we?  

Jenna was in a 5-year long relationship with a man named Lucas, who seemed to love her dearly. At all of the cocktail parties and Christmas parties for her work, his chivalry was envious. He held her closely, lovingly, and took every conversational gateway possible to brag about how well she was doing, how he’d never seen a passion or drive like hers in all of his life. He seemed very proud of Jenna. Lucas supported her and the motivation behind the domestic violence protests she was creating and leading. 

 Her back story is as follows: Jenna watched her mother being brutalized by her father as a child for as long as she could remember, and would recall to Lucas (and to anyone else who would listen,) the trauma she endured on a daily basis. Until, that is, one day, her father finally decided he'd had enough of Jenna’s mother’s mouth and took her life away forever, with one bullet, right before young Jenna’s eyes. Orphaned and traumatized, she lost her mother and her father in one fail swoop. 

 After that, foster homes, group homes, and just general displacement for Jenna had statistically stacked the odds for success against her. But, instead of focusing on the negativity, she pushed herself to not be defined by her traumas, and to be a beacon of hope for the millions of other girls going through hopelessness in similar situations. 

    Jenna became a modern-day hero. She threw her metaphorical, “victim’s card.” right out the window, and encouraged others to do the same. The praises to her bravery and strength rolled in like tidal waves. She even found herself on the covers of various magazines, declaring her, “Triumphant Against Magnificently Negative Odds.” All public eyes were on Jenna, and Jenna played her part well. 

 In the meantime, behind closed doors, PTSD, bi-polar disorder, borderline personality disorder, extremely violent outbursts, and uncontrollable anger issues reared their ugly heads. Everyone on her team tried to keep her psychotic breaks under wraps, including Lucas. 

 No, no. Jenna was not who she appeared to be, and everyone on the inside knew it. She was so emotionally, mentally, and physically abusive to Lucas, he was often absent at her biggest public appearances. If he were to show up with claw marks across his face or a black eye or two, Jenna’s facade of the, “Anti-Domestic Violence Queen,” would be destroyed, and Lucas knew there would be only one person she would project her anger onto, and that was himself. But, the more and more famous Jenna had gotten, the worse and worse the domestic violence actually became.

Facades only last for so long, and on this particular night, Jenna’s karma would be in full swing, and she would soon become known as social justice’s public enemy #1. 

Jenna was going off the rails over something, ranting, raving and smashing things. Lucas knew he couldn’t calm her when she was like this, so he stayed out of sight, but not too far that he couldn’t assist her if she went overboard. Sadly enough, these nights were common place for Jenna and Lucas.

Walking into her kitchen, Jenna went straight to her butcher’s block and retrieved a small, serrated knife. Lucas quickly came out of the shadows and tried to remove the knife from Jenna’s hands, albeit unsuccessfully. 

“Leave me alone or I swear to God,” Jenna took in a deep gulp of air. “…I will slit your throat.” The words came out like butter from Jenna’s mouth, but the Hell fire blazing in her eyes told Lucas everything he needed to know; she meant every single, solitary word of it. 

   “Who do these people think they are?” Jenna was speaking to herself now. Lucas was clueless as to who she was talking about. “Don’t they know who I am?”

   Jenna glared at Lucas. She began twirling the tip of the blade on her bottom lip playfully, as if unaware that the thing was sharp enough to slice those pretty lips right off of her face.

 She continued, “I AM JENNA DAVIDSON!! I AM A HERO!!” Again, she paused directing a very hateful stare at the ceiling. “They’ll never appreciate me. Don’t they realize what I’ve done for them?” 

   Lucas’s confusion intensified. He had no idea what she was talking about. He unintentionally gave her a questioning look.

 “DON’T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT!!!” Jenna shrieked while simultaneously jumping so swiftly towards Lucas, he didn’t even realize she had pointed the knife directly at his heart.

 “You’re out to ruin me….out to…to get me.” Jenna began to inch closer. There weren’t too many more millimeters between the knife and Lucas’s skin.  

 Lucas was beyond frightened so he tried to convinced himself she was just speaking nonsense and it woud pass, but, yet and still, he didn’t dare move, or speak. “You men always get away with your lies and bullshit.” Her playful/sinister smile returned, as she if she was recalling a bittersweet memory. She continued, “...but my father didn’t get away with it.” She giggled. A giggle so disturbing, it sent goosebumps across Lucas’s entire body. “I taught him a lesson. A lesson so good, he doesn’t even realize that it was me who enlightened him …but he was an abusive man, he had to learn….”

Lucas's eyes grew wide. ‘Did she just confess to killing her mother?’ his thoughts were racing. Nothing was making sense. 

   Jenna continued, “But you’re not going to get away with the lies and the bullshit anymore. No, no. I’ve had quite enough of that.” 

Jenna stabbed the knife as hard as she could on the counter beside them. The blade entered the countertop by at least two inches, but she still had it clinched firmly in her grip. 

 Lucas grabbed Jenna’s wrist and twisted it hard. She removed the knife from its resting place with ease, causing Lucas to panic, and twist even harder. Her grip released immediately and the small knife fell to the floor. Lucas grabbed it on instinct to keep it out of her reach.

 “Stop it!!” he screamed upon deaf ears. “You’re out of your mind, Jenna!”

“I’m only fighting for what is right!” she screamed at him in the shrill tone of a maniac. 

“Bet you want to hit me, don’t you?” Jenna smiled that maniacal smile again before leaning her face towards Lucas’s. “Well, you just try and hit me, Lucas.” 

She pushed him. Hard. He stumbled backwards and fell. Jenna seemed not to noticed. 

“Just TRY.” The last demand came out of her mouth in a way you would sing a lullaby to a child. 

But Lucas wasn’t going to hit her. He had much bigger fish to fry. Like, dialing 911 with his hands in his front hoodie pocket, without Jenna noticing. He did, and he was pretty sure he had someone on the line listening.

 Sporadically, Jenna began throwing wild punches and again, Lucas grabbed her wrists to protect himself. Jenna began screaming. 

“Help me!! Help me!! I’m being attacked!!” 

  Lucas’s mouth hit the floor. The irony was just too much. He’d been being abused for 5 years by this woman, while she openly spread her man-hating, anti—domestic violence, hypocrisy campaigns all over the States. But, enough was enough. Lucas let Jenna go. 

Instantly, she began her parade of punches, this time hitting him as hard as she could, yelling things that Lucas couldn’t make a lick of sense out of. 

The final blow came just as the police busted down their front door. Jenna had socked Lucas right in his nose. Ferocious and unrelenting shots of pain spread across his face like nothing he’d ever felt before, accompanied by a very audible cracking sound that seemed to have come from the inside of his head as opposed to something heard by his ears. Lucas’ s nose was undoubtedly broken. Blood began pouring from his face, gushing down his chin, and onto his life saving hoodie, the one that he had used to conceal his call for help to the authorities. 

After watching the surveillance cameras and speaking to the two of them separately, the police arrested Jenna that same day for terroristic threats, assault with a deadly weapon, and felonious assault with intent to cause bodily harm. 

 Unfortunately, the surveillance cameras did not have audio, so the highly suggestive comments Jenna made about her, “teaching her Father a lesson,” weren’t recorded, but Lucas reminded himself that all the police needed was a statement in order to start the investigation into the death of Jenna’s mother, and let’s be honest here, after all the police witnessed just entering the house that day, combined with the 5 years worth of the horror stories Lucas was about to recall for them, he had no doubt Jenna would be held responsible for what she had done. 

After Jenna was arrested, the officers made it a point to escort her out of the front entrance of her building so Jenna’s hundreds of adoring fans would finally be able to see her for who she truly was: a psychopath, being led away in handcuffs and shackles, covered in Lucas’s blood, and being led straight to the back of a police car. The ruthless paparazzi would later refer to this moment as, “Jenna Davidson’s Walk of Shane.”

 Lucas was taken out by paramedics and placed into an ambulance immediately after. 

 Jenna lost all of her endorsements and all air- play, (including access to her very lucrative social media accounts such as her Instagram and her YouTube, and a recently started Monday Morning podcast,) as soon as Lucas decided to tell the world of the secret domestic violence he had been enduring behind closed doors the entire time Jenna was parading herself around, as if she was a God send for victims, and preaching anti-violence to everyone.

Everyone came to testify at Jenna’s court hearing, the maids, the butlers, her assistants, even Lucas himself, although the surveillance camera footage was damning enough.

Jenna was convicted on all three original counts, but the best part of it all is after only 3 weeks in solitary confinement, Jenna confessed to shooting her mother with her father’s gun because she wanted to, and I quote, “teach him a lesson.”

Jenna was convicted of killing her mother, tampering with evidence, and perjury.

After 28 years, 17 days, 6 hours, and 45 minutes, Jose Davidson was a free man. However, Jenna was not. She was sentenced to 85 years with no possibility of parole. She would most certainly die in prison.

Jenna was placed in the last cell of the solitary confinement block. It was a Tuesday morning; mail day. Jenna never received any letters, well at least not any that the corrections staff could give her, just the basic death threats and, of course, the ”Kill yourself,” letters. But, nope, other than that, no mail.

Mrs. Summers, posibly the most pleasant and respectful corrections officer in the world, was on mail and commissary duty that sun-shine filled morning, and a particular letter seemed to put Mrs. Summers in a rather jollier mood than her usual one. She was as pleasant as humanly allowable considering her job, but she was extra bubbly and bouncy that day.. All of her inmates smiled and waved at her as she headed down to solitary. Jenna Davidson’s cell was the very last one. Mrs. Summers practically skipped there. However, that was a mistake.

A shriek so loud echoed across the prison halls. Male officers came running to Mrs. Summers, seemingly out of nowhere. Some officers held Mrs. Summers to keep her from going weak at the knees, others grabbed the bundles of mail she had accidentally dropped. The rest, well, the rest went in for Jenna.

About two inches off of the floor, dangled two tiny feet, the toe nails barely covered in the sparkly lilac polish from Jenna’s last pedicure.

The officers untied the bed sheet from her neck and applied CPR swiftly, but nothing was working. Jenna was declared D.O.A. as soon as the medical examiner showed up.

Scrawled across the dim, yellowish-green cinderblock-walls, Jenna had scribbled one final piece of advice,( probably with a Sharpie,) to anyone who wanted to take it.

‘If you lie, you die, even if it’s only on the inside. PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH. I’m sorry to everyone that I didn't do that, especially with you, Daddy. I've got to go now. See you on the other side.

                         XOXO Jenna”

Mrs. Summers starred at Jenna’s lifeless body begrudgingly, clutching the letter she was supposed to have given her. It was from Jose Davidson. The letter said he had forgiven his little girl, and wanted a chance for a fresh start.

Tears fell down Mrs, Summers’s face a she walked away. ‘Practice what you preach,’ she thought as she slowly walked back to her post, all previous signs of her jolliness had been lost.








August 31, 2020 17:28

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Rayhan Hidayat
00:37 Sep 10, 2020

Brilliant first submission! You nailed all the suspense and shocking reveals of the thriller genre, and Jenna’s psychopathy was terrifying. Also, great job capturing the evil present on both sides of the gender spectrum. Keep it up! 😙


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Sue Marsh
16:12 Sep 09, 2020

Autumn, that was perhaps one of the best stories I have read in a while. It touched a few raw nerves but it is very much a part of life. I really enjoyed it. It was well thought out and well written. I am glad you enjoyed My Uncle the Priest, it was true and as they say sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. Sue


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Kristin Neubauer
13:44 Sep 08, 2020

What an intense story, Autumn. The twists and turns were so well constructed, that I couldn't stop reading. You've highlighted so many sensitive and important topics - mental disorders, trauma, domestic abuse, male domestic abuse, social justice, prison reform, suicide, forgiveness. How you managed to pack all of that into one excellent story is beyond me. Hope to see more work from you!


Autumn Williams
19:04 Sep 08, 2020

Wow. That was honestly the best compliment I've ever gotten on any of my work. Thank you, so very much. I'm very glad you liked it. Thanks for reading 🥰🥰🥰


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Hriday Saboo
15:30 Sep 03, 2020

Hey I found this story brilliant. I am a 11 year old hehe 😜 Would you mind reading my stories and liking them.


Autumn Williams
19:46 Sep 03, 2020

I would love to! It's amazing to me to find such a ayoung man who actually LIKES to read and write. That is incredible. Knowledge is power, and the more you read, the more you'll learn, and the more you learn, the easier it will become to start recognizing certain writing styles, formats, and characteristics from other authors, (even when they're writing from a narrator's POV.) All in all, you'll pick up on a bunch of different necessary skills that will ultimately allow you to write with ease about pretty much anything. Keep your excellent ...


Hriday Saboo
03:40 Sep 04, 2020

Thank you 😊. Do read all of my stories


Autumn Williams
14:47 Sep 04, 2020

Yes, sir, I will. I don't have much in my plate today, so I will definitely check them out!!


Hriday Saboo
15:41 Sep 04, 2020

Thanks a lot.


Autumn Williams
13:29 Sep 05, 2020

No problem. I wasonly able to read one yesterday because I ended up getting busy, but from what I can tell, your imagination and creativity are going to take you places.


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Autumn Williams
13:29 Sep 05, 2020

No problem. I was only able to read one of your stories yesterday because I ended up getting busy, but from what I can tell, your imagination and creativity are going to take you places.


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B. W.
17:36 Sep 09, 2020

I liked this story and you did a good job with it ^^ i also really liked the names, i know that the names are ones that you would see almost all the time but that doesnt matter, the names and really everything is good about the story. I give everyone this because their stories are really great and they deserve it, so ya know what? 10/10. I also saw that in your bio ya like Percy Jackson, i do to and i've actually made a small series of it ^^ do you mind checking out "Goddess child" and "The camp" and give me some feedback?


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Avery G.
15:20 Sep 09, 2020

Wow, this was super good! I loved how you developed the characters! You are an awesome writer! Please write more, when you have the time! Amazing job!


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Sjan Evardsson
13:38 Sep 08, 2020

Well done! Strong story, and a timely take on the prompt given the whole "Ellen" debacle. Stay safe, and keep writing!


Autumn Williams
19:01 Sep 08, 2020

Lol I didn't even think of it until you brought it up but now, I can't not think of it that way. Haha. Thanks for your spin on it! And thank you for reading. I'm glad you liked it! 🥰🥰🥰


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. .
23:48 Sep 07, 2020

I love your writing style so much! The detail was on point and the characters were very thought out. Can't wait to see more from you. Hope to see you around ~Sarah


Autumn Williams
18:59 Sep 08, 2020

Thank you, Sarah! You're very kind! Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my story. It means a lot to me 🥰🥰🥰🥰


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Liya Mariyam
15:33 Sep 07, 2020

beyond brilliant story it was amazing . p.s will you please check my latest story .


Autumn Williams
18:52 Sep 07, 2020

Thank you, so much. Of course I will. I'm a little busy today, but I will out it on my "To-Do" list for today. 💜 Thank you for reading my story!


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Hriday Saboo
15:42 Sep 04, 2020

And also follow all the people on the leaderboard till the 10th place. They’ll help you a lot in your stories


Autumn Williams
16:34 Sep 04, 2020

Thanks for the tip. I really appreciate it. <3


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09:23 Sep 03, 2020

Wow that was an exciting read! I can imagine stretching this whole thing out into a book! Great first story :-)


Autumn Williams
16:39 Sep 04, 2020

Thank you, so much,Victoria. I just found this website maybe 3 days ago, so I wasn't sure what to expect but, you guys have been so kind and giving as far as advice for improvement goes, I was actually quite blown away. I appreciate your input! It really means a lot to me. <3


16:51 Sep 04, 2020

You’re an amazing writer and have so much passion and imagination. Can’t wait to see what your next story is about!


Autumn Williams
17:09 Sep 04, 2020

Thank you so much! I'm so excited to see what the new prompts will be. I wrote a story based on one of last weeks prompts but when I went to submit it, the challenge was over for about an hour at that point. I'm hoping I can get a prompt that will allow me to submit that story because I really liked it. I'll keep my fingers crossed! But, seriously, thank you for all of your encouragement and positivity. It's a very welcomed change in my life. Thanks again for reading 💜


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Doubra Akika
19:25 Sep 02, 2020

Hey Autumn! Thanks for checking my story out. Just wanted to tell you I think you’re a fantastic writer! You did such an amazing job with this. I think you did a really great job especially because it’s your first story. I think you should work on showing and not telling a bit more because a story like yours requires a lot of it. The overall idea was genius! Can’t wrap around how much of a psychopath Jenna was! Hope you’re staying safe! And just a suggestion... I think you should change goose flesh to goosebumps and that you should ...


Autumn Williams
22:33 Sep 02, 2020

Thank you, so much for reading it. I honestly didn't think anyone would. I will definitely take your advice on editing, I have a few sore spots I wanted to fix myself, anyway. I am curious about one thing you suggested, you said to concentrate on showing more instead of telling, I was wondering if you could explain to me in dummy terms what you meant by that? I'm very open to any advice because I really do want to improve. Thank you for your input! Hope to hear back from you soon. <3


Doubra Akika
22:58 Sep 02, 2020

It was my pleasure! You can always ask for feedback from other authors if you want to get more opinions. Reading short stories here can also help you know what to do or what not to do. By showing not telling, I mean your story was really thrilling and her personality was so psychotic. I think the story would have come out better if you had described more on her backstory, and present like let us get more of a feel of her pyschotic personality. Also, in places with verbs like walked, I think you could use like stronger verbs, but if you're ...


Autumn Williams
14:57 Sep 04, 2020

Oh, ok. I understand. I just didn't want to delve too deep into her back story because I think I would've inadvertenly spilled the beans, beacause the whole thing was a lie lol. However, I did edit it quite a bit and added some things that you suggested. I would be honored if you coud find the time to reread and let me know what you think. Now that I'm done with it, I'm going to try to read a few more stories from a few more of you guys. Thanks, again, for being so kind,


Doubra Akika
16:39 Sep 04, 2020

It was honestly not a problem, I really enjoyed it! Trying to work on a new story but I’ll be sure to reread and give you feedback!


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Katina Foster
04:50 Sep 11, 2020

Nice take on the prompt! Lots of twists and surprises. From a story arc perspective, I think you could have had the climax of story end with the reveal of her being an abuser, but that’s just my opinion. Keep writing!


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Mark D
00:32 Sep 09, 2020

Wow. There's a lot going on there. Disturbing and emotional. I would make 2 suggestions however: 1. With such a dark and somber subject matter, the light-hearted "but let’s back up a little bit here, shall we?" is a little off. And you don't need "Her back story is as follows:". You can just say, "As a child" or something to that effect. 2. Proofread your work before submitting. I'm guilty of this myself at times, but catching the little spelling errors and punctuation errors will help the readers really be able to fully inv...


Autumn Renee
18:16 Sep 26, 2020

Thank you for taking the time to read my story. I've had 2 other authors on here pretty much point out exactly the same things that you did, but they did it with much, much less respect. I appreciate constructive criticism, not criticism, so thank you. I will try and be more careful with my grammar next time. Hope you're having a good day. Thanks, again.


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The Cold Ice
02:16 Sep 05, 2020

Brilliant story.Great job👍keep it up.Keep writing.Waiting for your next story. Would you mind to read my story “The dragon warrior?”


Autumn Williams
13:45 Sep 05, 2020

Awe, thankyou! Of course I will read it. I'm actaully just waking up now, just drinking my coffee so I've got time. Thank you again for being so nice to me. I feel like the new kid in class, except everyone is so being supportive of each oither,including me, even though we're all technically in competition. it's definitely a positive space for me and I'm veryglad I've found it. But, enough of my ramblings, lol, I will go read your story right now, <3


The Cold Ice
03:11 Sep 09, 2020

Would you mind reading my story The dragon warrior part 2


Autumn Williams
14:05 Sep 09, 2020

Sure thing 😊


The Cold Ice
06:23 Sep 26, 2020

Would you mind to read my story “Leaf me alone?”


Autumn Renee
18:03 Sep 26, 2020

Of course! I'll do it right now. 💜


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Autumn Williams
15:00 Sep 04, 2020

Trigger Warning: This story conatins depictions of violence, child abuse, and murder. Read with caution, Love, Autumn


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Spencer Steeves
18:56 Oct 24, 2020

Wow. All I can honestly say is wow.


Autumn Williams
20:43 Oct 26, 2020

Thank you, I think? Lol Thank you for taking your time to read it. I appreciate that 😊


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Hriday Saboo
05:02 Oct 13, 2020

Hey would you mind reading my new story


Autumn Williams
20:43 Oct 26, 2020

Sure thing, bud 💜


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L.A. Nolan
02:54 Sep 29, 2020

I very much enjoyed the juxtaposition of stereotypical abuse roles. Hiding your MC behind a list of successes at the beginning made the reveal more dramatic. A few style critiques if I may, Pay close attention to your dialogue tag punctuation. It was a little inconsistent. Try to avoid using present tense in your narrators voice, such as 'but let’s back up a little bit here, shall we?' It breaks the flow of your narration. Also, trust your readers, they are smart, you don't need to fill in every blank...only use adjectives and adverbs ...


Autumn Williams
19:28 Sep 29, 2020

Hi, Mr. Nolan! Thank you for taking the time to read my story! As much as I hate to admit it, I feel as if your vocabulary is much more sophistacated than mine, so I had some trouble trying to make out some of the tips you were giving me. As far as the comment about me breaking narration and using present tense, my only defense is that I grew up on Stephen King novels, and he has a habit of making comments like that. Of course, he does it way better than I ever will, but I always considered it a way for him (and myself) to make it seem like ...


L.A. Nolan
02:31 Sep 30, 2020

Hello Autumn, Typical day for me, facing demons and squeezing some prose from their abuse lol. Okay,...the first thing you need to get clear on is viewpoint. You have written the bulk of your story in a limited third person omniscient voice, and that statement switches to first person narration. It's difficult to follow, anything can be done, but switching viewpoints usually leads to disaster. Show don't tell is something every writer is at constant odds with. It is a skill you need to master (and the better at it you become, the ...


Autumn Williams
18:30 Oct 24, 2020

Wow, thank you. The explample you gave me about showing not telling was actually really good. I was able to see the difference and the writing was good. I don't know why you think it was crappy. I truly do appreciate the time you've spent trying to help me. I never took writing classes or anything, just basic English, and college prerequisites. I've always just written because I like to tell stories. I've got A LOT to learn, especially with the technicalities. I will definitely look into some videos, and your stories also. Again, thank you f...


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