Harriet Olson stellar pixie part 2

Submitted into Contest #40 in response to: Write a story about friends who wind up on a misadventure.... view prompt


Adventure Fantasy Romance

The story so far

The stellar pixie Harriet Olson, and her elf friend Takeshi Trescothik, are running from the troll king and his army. After badly hurting her ankle Harriet ran away with Takeshi into the dark wood in search of a cave in which they can hideout.


Chapter 3

Harriet awoke the next morning; the sun was shining brightly above her. She was still wrapped in Takeshi’s arms, everything was perfectly fine, except for the fact that she was now a wanted criminal, and her ankle hurt worse than ever. She closed her eyes, thinking of what trouble may lay ahead.

   “Ah well,” she thought, “What’s the point of worrying about the inevitable? It’s bound to happen in the end, I just hope Takeshi doesn’t get too caught up in it. I would hate for anything bad to happen to him.” She rolled over to face Takeshi. He looked so calm when he was asleep, like there wasn’t anything wrong in the world. Harriet gave him a half-smile, closed her eyes and snuggled in closer. It was warm and cozy in his arms, then she realized something; for once in her life, she felt safe. She fell back asleep..

   Hours later, it seemed, when it was nearly dark, Harriet awoke, sitting up suddenly, as she realized Takeshi was gone. A thousand thoughts raced through her head, as she scanned the trees. "What happened to him? Was he taken away by trolls? Was it all her fault? Why would he just disappear on her like that?" Panicked, and unsure as to what to do, she cried out.

   “TAKESHI!” she screamed her voice breaking. “I NEED YOU.” No reply. She started to cry. “WHERE ARE YOU?” Still no reply “Please.” She begged, through broken sobs. She slumped back, tears streaming down her cheeks. Why was it always those she was close to that got taken? She heard a rustle in the bushes, and looked up waiting for a troll to jump out of them.

“Jeez, no need to yell.” Takeshi emerged from the trees. “I could hear you from a mile away. What is it?” Harriet felt as if she could murder him.


   “Aww do you really care about me that much?” Takeshi said teasingly and then on seeing the murderous look on Harriet’s face “Okay, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have left without you.” And then after a pause to think he added; “I promise I won’t go for a walk ever again without your say so.” 

“Next time you decide to go on a little stroll, maybe wake me up and tell me. Or so help me I’ll…” and she started muttering nasty things under her breath.

Chapter 4

When she had finished her mumble and grumble, Harriet began asking Takeshi about the cave that they were going to.

“That was what I was doing today” he said “And it’s not actually that far from here. If we leave now, we could probably get there by morning, if we go on foot.” And then, as if he only just remembered mothers’ day, he added “Well, we could, if your ankle wasn’t all messed up.” He looked down, as though he was ashamed of what he had said.

“What’s the matter?” Harriet asked, noticing the look on his face. “It’s not like it won’t get better.” 

“Yeah, but we don’t have the time to rest. We need to get moving. The troll king could find you at any moment now, and I mustn’t let that happen.

“Okay, so, what do you propose we do? I’m not exactly in the best of moving conditions at the moment in case you didn’t notice” she indicated her now bruised and swollen ankle. 

“It’s getting dark; I think I might go get some wood so we can start up a fire.” And with that he got up and left into the ever-growing darkness of the forest around.

Once Harriet could no longer hear Takeshi’s footsteps, she began to worry.

“What if he doesn’t find his way back before it is fully dark?” she thought to herself, wishing she could do something besides sit there and wait. She turned her head around to see if there was anything that she could do, and then at the edge of the clearing, she saw a long stick, with a fork, at the end of it. Dragging herself across the ground and fighting through twigs and leaves, she finally managed to get it.

“Perfect,” she said, to no one in particular. She sat up and used the stick to push up onto her good leg. It was the perfect crutch. Next, she hobbled around, looking for another, slightly smaller stick, in which she would later, turn into a broom so that she could sweep the twigs and forest debris from the clearing.

After what seemed like forever, Takeshi finally came back, his hands full of logs and twigs, and within a few moments, they had a nice warm fire, its' flames dancing merrily in front of them. Harriet had found some edible roots and mushrooms by the trunk of a big tree, just out of their clearing, and was making a salad on a piece of bark that had come off one of the logs.

“You know,” went Takeshi through a mouthful of roots. “You did a pretty good job today with that ankle of yours. Good thing that you found that stick or we’d still be sitting on twigs.” He faked a shiver and took another mouthful. “Never want to do that again.”

After they had finished their salad, they both laid down beside the fire, Takeshi immediately wrapping his arms around Harriet. Not even twenty minutes after they did this, Harriet fell fast asleep, warm and safe as ever.

It was nearly morning when Harriet woke up. She wriggled out of Takeshi’s arms. He barely stirred. Quietly picking up her crutch and standing up, she walked to the edge of the forest to get something for breakfast. They had eaten most of the roots last night for dinner, so she had to go a little farther in. 

After a short while, she found a blackberry bush, and it was full of dark, ripe berries. As she began to pick them, she heard a quiet shuffling in the forest behind her. Thinking it was Takeshi getting up, she continued with the blackberries. All of a sudden there came a loud grunt of pain from the clearing and dropping the blackberries she went hobbling as fast as she could back to Takeshi.

He was standing in the middle of two dwarves, clutching his waist and swinging his sword wildly.

“Where’s your little friend?” asked the smallest of the two. He was brandishing his pickaxe menacingly, a wide toothless grin on his face. “We need little miss pixie for our buddy the troll king. He says, she made him hurt, real bad.”

“Leave my friend alone,” Harriet shouted, from the shadow of the trees. Distracted by the voice of the one they were trying to capture, they looked into the trees, trying to see where the sound had come from. That split second was all it took, soon they were both lying on the ground dead, Takeshi had struck them with his mighty sword.

“I think we should probably get going.” Declared Takeshi, as if he wasn’t stating the obvious.

“Yeah, that’s probably the best idea.” And they began to walk through the bushes, to the place that would soon be both their savior and their doom…

May 08, 2020 05:23

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Blane Britt
07:46 Jun 03, 2020

Will this story be a trilogy?


C.J Dunstall
22:22 Jun 03, 2020

well I'm not entirely sure but I do know that I am planning on making it into an actual novel so maybe I'm just going with the flow and submitting them in accordance to the prompt.


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C.J Dunstall
05:25 May 08, 2020

hi guys part 2 of the Harriet Olson book thingy i hope you like it also i am fixing up the grammar as i go


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16:07 Sep 07, 2020

Ahhh how did I miss part two? Anyways, awesome job! A really good second edition to Harriet Olson‘s tale. These fantasies are soooo creative! Keep writing, C. j! ~Aerin P. S. Would you mind checking out my latest story? It’s a bit different from my normal ones lol....


C.J Dunstall
22:44 Sep 07, 2020

Is it the one in a letter from Corinna?


23:08 Sep 07, 2020

I think...oh wait did you already read that???


C.J Dunstall
23:14 Sep 07, 2020

Yeah, I just forgot to comment. I was doing school work at the time.


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C.J Dunstall
22:45 Sep 07, 2020

Thanks. I'm kinda having a little writer's block for this one tho.


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Pragya Rathore
14:02 Aug 15, 2020

Hi CJ! This story was written very creatively. I had to go back and read the first part because it interested me very much. This is amazing! I loved the names you have to the characters, so unique! Great story. Keep it up. Please check out my stories too :)


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Pragya Rathore
14:02 Aug 15, 2020

Hi CJ! This story was written very creatively. I had to go back and read the first part because it interested me very much. This is amazing! I loved the names you have to the characters, so unique! Great story. Keep it up. Please check out my stories too :)


C.J Dunstall
22:57 Aug 16, 2020

Hey Pragya! Thanks so much for the feedback. I really appreciate it. Sure thing would love to read some of your stories


Pragya Rathore
01:52 Aug 17, 2020

You're most welcome :)


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Amany Sayed
00:15 Jul 24, 2020

Hi! First of all, I wanted to say your comment on my story kind of made my day because everyone is hating on that certain story for it being too repetitive lol. Anyway, I read both parts of this story. Let me just say, I love them! I love the action and the dialogue flows perfectly! I also like their names. I feel like this story/story series(lol) would be better told as first-person from Harriet's perspective. It feels like you already have it that way, as we only see her thoughts, but I think you should completely switch over. Also, when ...


C.J Dunstall
00:44 Jul 24, 2020

Thanks for the feedback. I have had quite a few comments on my grammar and punctuation and grammar so I got grammarly and a few friend to help be my editors. Look I was also kind of hating on all those people that were hating on your story. they made me so mad. I mean, you spent precious time and effort on that story and all they were were doing was picking out what they didn't like. That isn't right. I really liked it too. it made me want to read your other stories as well, and you know what they are all so amazing. please keep writing. yo...


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Sadia Faisal
11:00 May 27, 2020

i have followed you please follow me too


C.J Dunstall
04:26 Jun 09, 2020

hi thanks for that, also I'm not an idiot I knew what u were doing so please don't be like that. it isn't right to get people to return follow you and then unfollow. technically that is a form of entrapment so yeah thanks


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C.J Dunstall
11:39 May 08, 2020

oki doki how about that also thank you to Roland Aucoin for the tip on using grammarly it really helped me up-level my writing please tell me if there are any more punctuation mistakes i tried my best with what i had. please enjoy p.s. thanks to all the awesome peeps who have followed me it really helps lift my spirit


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Elliot Thomas
12:28 Aug 25, 2020

You asked me to read so here I am. I love the fantasy setting. It ensnares most readers. Your grammar definitely improved from the first part. There's a lot of potential in your writing. I definitely want to see more of this. Keep writing, CJ ~ Elliot


C.J Dunstall
22:50 Aug 25, 2020

Thanks Elliot. I really appreciate you checking over it for me -CJ


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The Cold Ice
06:28 Aug 23, 2020

Interesting story. It was very creative. I enjoyed the story . Great story.


C.J Dunstall
06:40 Aug 23, 2020



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Maya W.
00:28 Aug 21, 2020

Hey, thanks for following me! I really like the premise of this story! Would you mind reading some of mine? Thanks!


C.J Dunstall
00:31 Aug 21, 2020

You're very much welcome. I'd love to read some of your stories


Maya W.
00:32 Aug 21, 2020

Thank you!


C.J Dunstall
00:35 Aug 21, 2020



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Kristin Neubauer
13:59 Aug 20, 2020

I love the cliffhanger ending! This is such a magical and creative story and I think you are doing a great job weaving it into the prompts. Looking forward to the next few chapters!


C.J Dunstall
22:43 Aug 20, 2020

Thanks, look forward to what you think of it. I am also writing a short romance type story that I would love you to read when I finish it


Kristin Neubauer
23:38 Aug 20, 2020

I will, for sure!


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Blane Britt
12:00 Aug 20, 2020

Part two is as good as part I.


C.J Dunstall
22:43 Aug 20, 2020



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