That One Midnight

Submitted into Contest #96 in response to: Start your story in an empty guest room.... view prompt


Horror Fiction

Ryan laid on the bed in the empty guest room. It had nothing in it except for a wall clock and the bed. He was lost in the book he was reading, but the doorbell pulled him out of the endless depth of the engaging story.  

"Who could that be?" he thought as he walked up to the front door. He proceeded to unlock the door and was frozen when he saw a girl standing in front of him. She looked scared, and her teary eyes begged for help.

"You have to save me, please! They're after me!" she said just before she fell on his shoulder.

Ryan was perplexed. It was almost midnight, and that stranger had fallen unconscious. He had no choice, so he carried the girl in the guest room. The bruises on her arms revealed themselves as the blood began escaping from the fresh wound on her head. 

He hurried to the kitchen and brought a cup of water. The girl's eyelashes fluttered as the water was sprinkled on her face. She gasped as she sat up with a jerk. 

"What's your name? And how did you get injured?" he inquired.

"I'm Leah," she answered, her eyes unleashing a tsunami, "They've killed my parents, and now it's my turn."

"Do you know who they are?"

"No." she wiped her tears. 

"I'm Ryan, by the way. And I should get some band-aid."

"Thanks for letting me in, Ryan."

"Don't mention it." he stood up and ordered his legs to move.

"Though you shouldn't let strangers into your house. Especially when you're home alone."

"How did you know I'm home alone?"

"I don't see anyone else except you."

"Touché," he said as he stepped towards the door, "Well, you needed help, didn't you? That's why I brought you inside."

"Bold of you to assume that I needed help," she mumbled. 

The first aid kit rested on the chair as Ryan filled a glass with water and plopped two ice cubes in it. He clutched the aid kit while holding the glass in his other hand. The lights flickered on and off and made him uneasy. He put the glass on the table as he reached for the switch. 

Off, on. Off, on. 

The lights went back to normal. Ryan smiled at his stupidity and at the fact that he was fearful for a bit. He proceeded back to the guest room and noticed Leah staring at him.

"You want water?" he questioned.

"Yes, please."

Their fingers brushed as she took the glass from him. 

"Your hands are cold," he stated.

"They are?" she said after she gulped down all the water in one go. 

Ryan sprinted to his room and gripped the blanket. The stench of rotting fish filled his nostrils on his way back to the guest room. He handed Leah the blanket and walked towards the window. 

Twinkling stars searched for the moon, but it hid in the clouds. The darkness had taken over the forest; a beautiful land full of different creatures. The roads were silent as if they would get punished if they allowed a single car to run over them. 

The disagreeable smell of the rotting fish was still present in the atmosphere. Ryan couldn't understand where that smell was coming from. Thinking that there might be a dead rodent, he looked under the bed. But there was nothing. 

"Do you smell something?" he queried.

"No. Nothing at all."

"Okay, that's weird because-"

The doorbell interrupted him. Ryan told Leah not to come with him, but she insisted. She encouraged him to peek through the peephole before opening the door. He peeked. Two men were standing there.  

"They're the people who killed my family." She said, stepping a few inches back. 

Ryan's body trembled with terror, but he built up the courage and took Leah to the kitchen. He frantically searched for his phone but failed to find it. Leah stood there in silence and observed everything he did. 

Ryan grasped two knives from the kitchen cabinets, handing one of them to Leah. Then he took her to his room and gave her the baseball bat.

They heard a loud burst which indicated that someone had broken into the house. They heard footsteps approaching. They both stood there, ready for whoever was coming for them. The footsteps came closer, and closer, and closer. And then they stopped. 

Ryan and Leah stood there for a while, ready to strike, but it felt like the men had disappeared. When Ryan was sure that there was no one standing outside, he peeked out. His knife ready in his hand just in case someone pops up. But nobody did. He turned around and beckoned Leah over. But as she came out, someone began shooting black blobs of paint. The culprit was invisible. They rushed back into the room and shut the door. 

Leah was calm. As if she had no problem in dying. While Ryan was utterly horrified. They again heard the sound of footsteps progressing towards the room. They planned to stand behind the door and launch at whoever comes in. 

The door slowly opened, making a squeaking noise. The smell of dead rats arose, making Ryan want to puke. The lights have again begun to flicker as the creature crawled inside the room. 

It looked like a pile of jet-black meat. The two different-sized eyes gazed at Ryan. Its mouth wide open as the long tongue moistened its sharp teeth that were too large to fit in its mouth. Its long human-like legs curled up and almost reached its mouth. A black inky substance dripped from its eyes. Its arms —that had sharp claws at the end— advanced toward Ryan. 

He was scared. Very scared.

He stabbed its hand with his knife. The creature absorbed the blade in his hand and spat out a black blob. It tilted its head and peered at the black substance which was releasing reddish smoke. Leah slowly forwarded towards its head. as the creature was busy inspecting the smoke. Leah smashed the baseball bat on its head. 

It screeched. 

Ryan pounced on its hand as he tried to reach Leah. The creature turned around and got smacked on his face by the door. The pile of black meat fell to the ground. Ryan leaped to the door but was seized by the creature's hand. It dragged Ryan towards its mouth.

Ryan struggled to free himself from its grasp. He firmly held onto the door. The monstrous being refused to let him go even after he successfully ejected various kicks at him. Leah hurled the frying pan towards the creature's head which she had brought from the kitchen. It let go of Ryan's foot as he snarled in pain. 

They both hasten to the kitchen but caught another black creature wandering around in it. Ryan locked the door and trapped it inside. 

They raced to the lounge as it was the nearest place and hid behind a sofa. 

"What is happening!" Ryan shouted, full of rage and confusion.

Leah didn't respond. 

The black creatures crawled towards the lounge. The flickering of the lights made Ryan capable of seeing their shadows. As well as making the whole situation more discomforting. The shadow of the creatures advanced deliberately towards them. The dreadful noise of dogs being beaten by someone increased, as well as the weird smell with every step they took. 

"We're going to die!" He whispered. 

"Not we. Only you are going to die."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm already dead."

"What! No, you're not!"

"I am." She said as she pulled her hand closer to her mouth. 

Ryan shrieked when he saw Leah bite off a piece of meat from her hand. She shoved her nails into her face and peeled the skin off all the way down to her lips. Blood covered her hand, and the peeled-off skin swung to the left as she bent her head. 

Ryan almost tripped over when he stood up and dashed towards the front door without thinking. The lights went off and made it impossible for him to comprehend. He fought to unlock the front door but failed. 

He darted to the guest room and locked himself up. He scrutinized the room as the lights turned on. The first aid kit was launched at the window by him as an attempt to break the glass. But it was hopeless. The aid kit wasn't strong enough. 

The door swung open. Leah was standing there. She enormously smiled as she licked her bloodied fingers. The creatures stood silent on either side.  

He nictitated and observed Leah a few inches closer to him. She snapped her finger, and the two creatures took a step forward. They transformed into a black blob as if they had just melted. The smell of rotting fish joined the environment. The black substance began to boil. It turned baby pink, then blood red, and then finally skin. The sensation of uneasiness caused Ryan's bones to shiver. It grew taller as the unpleasant sound of someone squeezing a mayonnaise pouch became louder and louder. It finally built up into two human bodies. Two men.

"They both weren't following me, Ryan. They are my protectors."

"What do you want! And what are you?"

"The thing that matters is what I want, not what or who I am. I'm here to take you with me. To take you to my world."

"What makes you think I'll come with you, you monster!"

An atrocious laugh spread across the room. And within a blink of an eye, she stood a few inches away from Ryan.

"I'm not a monster, dear. You are. You, humans, are the actual monsters. We relish devouring perfect souls, and you humans make us beg for them." She said, moving closer as every word came out of her mouth. 

Ryan was forced against the wall.

"Every single one of our kind starved to death because they couldn't discover the perfect souls to consume. Why are humans so self-centered? Why can't they sacrifice some souls for us? What are they going to do with those perfect souls? Sharing is caring, you know." 

She put her hand up in the air, and the glass drew towards her. She clenched her fist hard, forcing the glass to break.

"Come with me, Ryan. This hideous world doesn't deserve you. You're too precious." she leaned forward, "I assure you it doesn't hurt that much. Just close your eyes, and let me gently and delicately slit your throat." 

The stink of the garbage emitted by her mouth almost made him vomit. He didn't know what to do. He could just surrender himself. He snatched the broken glass from Leah's hand.

"I'm not gonna go anywhere with you!" he asserted.

"You can't kill me."

He smirked and stabbed his heart. The blood fountain poured out from his heart. Blood surrounded him as he fell to the ground. He heard Leah yelling just before he closed his eyes...forever.

June 02, 2021 13:23

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Black Rose
17:47 Jun 02, 2021

Omg! Hey Aiden i love your story and was waiting for a story like this.


Aiden Otaktay
17:51 Jun 02, 2021

I'm glad you liked it :D


Black Rose
18:02 Jun 02, 2021

What is your favorite song?


Aiden Otaktay
18:07 Jun 02, 2021

Lol, I'm indecisiveeee


Black Rose
18:08 Jun 02, 2021

Oh!! Ok


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Black Rose
18:08 Jun 02, 2021

Oh!! Ok


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Black Rose
18:09 Jun 02, 2021

Oh!! Ok


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Woah! this was really amazing story! Literally had goosebumps all over my hands as I read. The ending was super unexpected! Keep writing :)


Black Rose
17:49 Jun 02, 2021

So true!


Aiden Otaktay
17:49 Jun 02, 2021

Awww thank you!!


Aiden Otaktay
17:51 Jun 02, 2021



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Please vote: And share! Thank you :D


Black Rose
17:49 Jun 02, 2021



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Aiden Otaktay
17:50 Jun 02, 2021

oki :DD


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Kate Reynolds
13:51 Jun 02, 2021

Oh wowwwwwwww That story was POWERFUL Woah legit CHILLS XD


Aiden Otaktay
14:01 Jun 02, 2021

:DD Shanks


Kate Reynolds
14:06 Jun 02, 2021

Ofccc Btw you're new, aren't you? Welcome to Reedsyyyyyy!!!


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Philia S
10:57 Jun 12, 2022

0.o when are we seeing a new story?


Aiden Otaktay
14:02 Jun 20, 2022

I was just editing it- although it doesn't fit the prompt, so I guess I'll have to wait


Philia S
14:33 Jun 20, 2022

I spose so. I shall wait very patiently.


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Maraika!!! 😎
23:06 May 05, 2022

I some how fell for every trick in the fun fact part of your bio. Well played, my friend, well played


Maraika!!! 😎
23:07 May 05, 2022

*prepares to get payback for making me look like a dog*


Aiden Otaktay
22:49 May 06, 2022

*waits patiently*


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Aiden Otaktay
22:48 May 06, 2022

Why, thank you, dear *bows* >:)


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Philia S
17:33 May 05, 2022

Hey! I usually don't like horror a lot but this was amazing! I loved the descriptions(teach me your art TvT) Just a teeny weeny thingy: I'd recommend that you don't use ellipses outside of dialogues--in the last line, I mean. Otherwise, great job! Also, your bio made me laugh ngl, especially that list. Hope you're well!


Aiden Otaktay
20:37 May 05, 2022

Hello! Really? I'm so glad you liked it because it was my first time writing a horror story- I had to control myself from excessive description XD I have this problem- I describe things too deeply, and it's a problem sometimes, haha. (lol, I'm no expert but write scenes as if you were describing them to a blind person?) Oh, I'll keep that in mind! Thank you! I'm glad that put a smile on your face! I'm super happy! I wish the same goes for you :D


Philia S
08:40 May 06, 2022

XD (oh yeahhh, that's something i should def try--I did one of those once--a blind kid describing his classmates through colours as he perceives them to his grandfather, lol. Unfortunately it never got past the draft stage. Oof, now I'm rambling.) That's great! :D


Aiden Otaktay
23:10 May 06, 2022

X D (coool! lol dw I always ramble)


Philia S
06:10 May 07, 2022

Loll Also, you're a Harry Potter fan?


Aiden Otaktay
13:09 May 07, 2022



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Aiden Otaktay
22:33 Jul 27, 2022

New thread cuz I couldn't find shoot in the previous one- #drunkbuddies


Philia S
10:58 Jul 29, 2022

yeS indeed-


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Ace Quinnton
15:10 May 05, 2022

The DRAMA, the INTRIGUE, the pure TRUTH? HELLO? THIS IS AMAZING? WHAT- HOW DO PEOPLE NOT THINK THIS IS GENIUS? BECAUSE IT TOTALLY IS! (Excuse me and my all caps, I'm just excited. The entire story is awesome, and I can't wait to see what you do next.)


Aiden Otaktay
15:18 May 05, 2022

OMG- tytytysmm I've read ur story and wanted to comment but my shy butt didn't allow me TvT don't know why I get so flustered lol (I could literally feel your excitement radiating through the screen haha)


Ace Quinnton
15:37 May 05, 2022

It's okay. We all get a little shy sometimes. (ALL MY PENT ENERGY GETS CONVERTED INTO AGRESSIVE SUPPORT!!)


Aiden Otaktay
15:49 May 05, 2022

XD it's just online tho- if I saw u irl I wouldn't even hesitate to strike up a conversation (now that I'm feeling comfortable with you, I can finally comment on ur stories 😅)


Ace Quinnton
16:47 May 05, 2022

Then comment. I'd like the feedback on my stories. SHARE YOUR OPINION. It's much appreciated.


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Crows_ Garden
20:32 May 04, 2022

WOAH- That.. I didn't expect that. I mean- I expected the chick, Leah, to like- attempt to kill him but that- woah. Amazing job. I really like it.


Aiden Otaktay
09:12 May 05, 2022

Aw shanks 😊 I really appreciate you reading my story, although it's kinda ~old~ and needs heavy editing 😅


Crows_ Garden
12:44 May 05, 2022

It's really cool nonetheless. I wonder what else you'd come up with :eyes:


Aiden Otaktay
13:09 May 05, 2022

Tank u! Lol writer's block go brrrr~


Crows_ Garden
14:29 May 05, 2022

Of course! It really does XD


Aiden Otaktay
14:31 May 05, 2022

Ikr writer's block sucks- why does it even exist


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Graham Kinross
15:27 Apr 30, 2022

Weird, brutal ending. Be careful to stay in past or present tense. Other than that great job building to an end that came out of nowhere like number 10 out of 8 in your profile list.


Aiden Otaktay
18:22 May 02, 2022

Thank you very much, Graham! Yeah, I just posted the story without editing or re-reading it, and then I kinda forgot I made this account- my bad. And now, it wouldn't let me edit it, so, yeah... I'm doomed. I'll try not to make that same mistake again, though. Again, thank you for reading!


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Charlie Murphy
23:57 Jun 09, 2021

AWESOME STORY! I love monsters! Great descriptions! Can you read mine? It's part of a series. Read my bio.


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18:49 Jun 07, 2021

Woah! Shocked! Shaking! This story was... AWESOMEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!


Aiden Otaktay
19:34 Jun 07, 2021

Thank you so much!! :D


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Kate Reynolds
14:11 Jun 03, 2021

Heyyyy Sign this and share it pleaseee


Aiden Otaktay
14:17 Jun 03, 2021



Kate Reynolds
14:18 Jun 03, 2021



Aiden Otaktay
14:19 Jun 03, 2021

Npp :))


Kate Reynolds
14:22 Jun 03, 2021



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Unknown User
04:35 May 26, 2022

<removed by user>


Aiden Otaktay
18:22 Jun 04, 2022

Yay, new nicknames! How's everything goin', Skie?


Unknown User
20:07 Jun 04, 2022

<removed by user>


Aiden Otaktay
14:00 Jun 20, 2022

I'm great! I love summer-


Unknown User
01:44 Jun 21, 2022

<removed by user>


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Unknown User
01:28 May 06, 2022

<removed by user>


Aiden Otaktay
23:07 May 06, 2022

thank u YAY POTTERHEADS UNITE oh-em-gi - YOU'RE LITERALLY THE FIRST HUFFLEPUFF I'VE MET- WHERE ARE YOU GUYS HIDING- Y'ALL HAVE BECOME A RARE SPECIES IM SLYTHERCLAW FGEWUKFGEUW I FORGOT TO UPDATE MY BIO *facepalm* Kid of Hades-we're cousins! Lol we've inherited the ~intelligence~ (cuz we both are ravenclaw some days)


Unknown User
00:43 May 07, 2022

<removed by user>


Aiden Otaktay
12:48 May 07, 2022



Unknown User
17:31 May 07, 2022

<removed by user>


Aiden Otaktay
18:03 May 07, 2022



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Unknown User
20:11 May 05, 2022

<removed by user>


Aiden Otaktay
20:26 May 05, 2022

Skysiee :D Aww thank you! I'm trying, but this stupid writer's block is killing me. It's nothing compared to your awesome stories, though!


Unknown User
20:34 May 05, 2022

<removed by user>


Aiden Otaktay
20:35 May 05, 2022

Hewoo :D Aw shanks <3 I hope so *nervous laughter*


Unknown User
02:16 May 07, 2022

<removed by user>


Aiden Otaktay
13:01 May 07, 2022

Hewo :D <3 Glad to have someone who could help me!


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