
9-1-1, what’s your emergency?

Hi, I’d like to order a pizza.

Excuse me, ma’am? Did you say a pizza?


You do realize who you’re calling, right? 

Yes, I know exactly who I’m calling. I’d like to order one large pizza with—  

If this is a prank call, ma’am, I am not amused. But if it’s not, I’m more than happy to transfer you to Papa John’s or Domino’s. 

No, no, don’t transfer the call.

Is there an emergency, then? If not, I’m going to hang up. You are wasting precious time I could be using to save lives. A woman at your age should have no problem ordering a pizza on their own.

Don’t hang up, just... whatever you do, don’t hang up! Please, listen. I... I’m really, really hungry, and I think I’m gonna starve to death if a pizza doesn’t get here soon.

Oh. Oh, I think I’m getting you now. Just stay on the line, ma’am. Help will shortly be on its way.

Send your fastest deliveryman, please.

Of course. We’ve traced the call to your apartment complex. What floor and what number?

Fifth floor, number forty-six.

That’s quite high up. We’re contacting the fire department too, just in case. Hang on a sec; just getting someone to pull the channel.


Okay, ma’am, now you have my undivided attention. Help is on its way, so please stay on the call until we get there. Are you alone right now?

A large pizza with mushrooms and cheesy crust, please. I’m sharing it with my boyfriend.

Your boyfriend? Is he the reason you’re calling?

No pepperoni, no. I’m sick of sausages.

Mhm. And he’s listening to you order pizza as we speak, is that right?

Yes, that’s right.

Okay. Has he injured you?

Are black-eyed peas a topping?

I see. Are you bleeding?

Extra sauce, please.

Right. And where are you bleeding from?

Um… corn. Do you have any corn?

Corn? Ma’am, what do you… oh, an ear of corn. Okay, that’s not too bad. Are you in immediate danger now? Is he still trying to hurt you as we speak?

He’ll… he’ll be very hungry if the pizza doesn’t come soon. 

Okay. Understood. Is there any way you can... hello? Hello?

What was that, babe? Oh, okay. Sorry, babe. I’ll tell her. Hello?

Ma’am, please don’t hesitate to put the phone down if you believe this conversation will endanger you. Is it safe to speak now?

Yes. My boyfriend doesn’t want black-eyed peas on his pizza. Or corn.

Listen, ma’am, where exactly are you in your apartment right now?

We’ll probably be eating in the living room.

Is it possible to get away from him? Can you leave the building?

Oh, you know, we’ve just been in that stay-indoors, lay-in-bed-all-day mood lately.

He’s holding you captive, is that what this is?

Don’t worry, he’s a really sweet guy. I can hardly hang with the girls these days because he spends all his time with me, haha.

Okay. Is it possible to leave the living room? Can you get someplace safe, maybe the bathroom?

No, you don’t have to cut the pizza. My boyfriend always does it himself.

What, cut the pizza? Oh, I see. He has a knife, or some other sharp object, am I right? Is that what he used on your ear?

Don't worry, he's had a lot of practice.

And you think he’ll use it again if you try to leave the living room?

Yeah, just ring the doorbell. I won’t be going anywhere.

Okay. Does he let you go to the bathroom? Can you try to excuse yourself for a bathroom break?

I... I don’t know. I guess I could try.

Calm down, ma’am. Think this through. Whatever you do, don’t let him find out that you... hello?

What did you say, babe? Oh, sorry. Don’t worry, I’m almost done, she’s just going through our order. Okay, okay, I will. Hello?

Yes, hello?

We’d also like one large diet coke, please. I think that should be everything. We’re paying with cash.

Ma’am, you can put the phone down if you think it will make things easier, but try get to the bathroom and lock yourself in. That will reduce the likelihood of a hostage situation when we arrive, which should be within the next seven minutes. Is that all clear? Ma’am? Hello?

...just five minutes, babe. I just need the bathroom for five minutes, please. No, babe, I promise I won’t do that. We’ve been in here for a week and I’ve never done that before, have I? Hm? I just wanna play Pocket Camp while I’m on the toilet, is that so bad? No, no one’s on the phone. I just finished ordering, why would they still be there? Hey, babe, what are you… No, don’t, babe, please don’t. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I… no, please, NO! STOP IT! STOP IT! HELP! BABE, PLEASE! Fuck, oh, fuck… fuck… shit… oh my god… oh my fucking god, I can’t believe I made it… oh my god...

Hello? Ma’am? Is everything alright?

No… I mean, I don’t know. Oh, god, it hurts. I made it to the bathroom, just like you said, and I locked myself in. But he cut me in the... in the stomach, it’s bleeding and it hurts so much.

I warned you not to take the phone with you, ma’am.

No, I had to. I just… I can’t do this alone. God, I’ve been so lonely. I need to hear from someone that isn’t him or I’ll go crazy.

Okay. Stay strong, ma’am. Help is on its way. First, are you sure you’re safe?

I think so.

What’s that sound?

He’s banging on the door and yelling my name. I... I think it'll hold, but could you please hurry up?

Okay. If you’re sure you’re safe for the time being, you need to treat your wounds as soon as possible. Is there a first aid kit in the bathroom?

I think… yes, there is. There’s… um… iodine, and some bandages.

It’s better than nothing. Now I need you to tell me if there is any way to exit the building from where you are, without using the door.


Ma'am? Is everything alright?

Yeah, it’s the iodine. It stings. Ow. Okay, I think I’m done. It hurts a lot, but I don’t think it’s too serious.

That’s very good to hear. Have you found an escape route?

Yeah, the window, but he nailed boards over it.

Can you find a way to take off the boards?

He keeps a crowbar under the sink. I… I’ll try my best.

Stay strong, ma’am. The fire department will be here soon to rescue you, while the police will take care of your boyfriend. How are the boards coming along?

Just one more… fuck… okay, okay, that’s got it!

Can you get the window to open now?

Yes, I can, but there’s no way down.

Don’t worry about that. Ma’am, can you describe for me what the window looks like from the outside, so that the firefighters know where to deploy the inflatable cushion?

Oh, there’s the truck! I see them! It’s… uh… tell them it’s a window overlooking a blue recycling bin.

Perfect, just hang on a sec.

Babe, what the hell are you doing?!

Okay. Now, you should be able to see them inflating the… what’s that noise, ma’am?

He keeps a hatchet under the bed, for emergencies. Shit. Shit, he’s trying to break in!

Two officers are on their way up. When the cushion is done inflating, the firefighters will signal for you to jump. Can you see them now?

Yes, I see them, and they see me, but please tell them to hurry up!

They're going as fast as they can. Keep that crowbar close. Whatever happens, ma’am, stay strong. Can you do that for me?


Thank you. Now… ma’am, what was that sound?


There, that’s the signal! Ma’am, you have to jump!

Shit, shit, SHIT!

Ma’am? Hello? Hello? Is everything alright?

Hi. Yes, sorry, I dropped the phone when I landed, they were waving at me, so I jumped, yes, I’m fine, I can’t believe it, I only got a scratch, thank god, thank fucking god.

Oh, that is such a relief to hear. Did your boyfriend manage to hurt you again?

No. I’m watching him get put into the police car.

Good. Ma’am, thank you for being cooperative and listening to my instructions.

No, it’s you I should be thanking. For getting here on time.

Well, you did say to send the fastest deliveryman. Enjoy your pizza, ma’am.

August 19, 2020 05:04

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Jubilee Forbess
02:37 Sep 06, 2020

hey hey, Rayhan, I love the titles of your stories. They're definitely eye catching, which was great because they lead to very interesting stories such as this one. Did you base this off the real phone calls made by a woman to 911 about her abusive boyfriend, because I've read that in the news more than once. So while I did appreciate the story and enjoy your writing, I don't think it should be in the funny category just because even if it's not based off the calls, it's a little close to the story. It's more of a personal thing but just tho...


Rayhan Hidayat
08:02 Sep 06, 2020

Hey hey Rhondalise, thanks for stopping by! Sometimes it takes ages to come up with a clever title so I’m glad you like them! ☺️ To address your question, I definitely did get the idea for this story from an article I saw about a 911 call disguised as a pizza order (which apparently happens quite often), but the specific series of events I featured is completely original. I slapped a funny tag on because of the subtext part in the first half of the story, which a few commenters found humorous, but I removed it because in hindsight it isn’t f...


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Doubra Akika
22:21 Aug 19, 2020

Amazing story! I think you should capitalize God in your story but that may just be me🤷🏽‍♀️. Your story was so creative! I felt so many emotions reading this. Well done honestly. Your manner of writing is fantastic! And your flow is wonderful. Would you mind checking out my story when you’re free? Your feedback would mean a lot.


Rayhan Hidayat
04:25 Aug 20, 2020

Thanks for the kind words Doubra! 😊 I really don’t know about the “god” spelling, it was never underlined red so I assumed it’s no problem, but I’ll consider changing it. And sure, I’ll head on over.


Doubra Akika
08:57 Aug 20, 2020

Thanks so much!


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Scout Tahoe
20:37 Aug 27, 2020

I was just clicking around Reedsy until I found this story. The first lines really lured me in. Great job, even though it is a painful topic to read/write about. But, even though I hate to admit it, it made me want to giggle a little. Can't wait to read more of yours!


Rayhan Hidayat
20:54 Aug 27, 2020

Well I’m very much glad that you stumbled upon my story! There’s nothing wrong with finding this funny, it just means you have a penchant for dark humor haha. But yes, I will say this was painful to write, in many ways. Thanks so much for the comment!


Scout Tahoe
20:56 Aug 27, 2020

Dark humor indeed! Haha. Your welcome :)


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Laura Everly
21:40 Aug 29, 2020

I really like this story...captivating original intense style nice job


Rayhan Hidayat
21:55 Aug 29, 2020

Thanks for stopping by! 😁


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Woah Rayhan! This story gave me the chills. It was brilliant and scary and the double meaning in the words was genius. Great job!


Rayhan Hidayat
03:24 Aug 25, 2020

Thanks so much for the kind words Lizzie! I’m glad you got a kick out of the double meanings 😁


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Maya W.
14:31 Aug 24, 2020

Nice story! I really loved the concept and how it's all gradually revealed. I actually wrote something similar a while ago, haha. It's not on reedsy, but would you mind checking out some of my stories here? Thanks!


Rayhan Hidayat
03:26 Aug 25, 2020

Thanks for stopping by! 🙂 Sure, I’ll head on over.


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Lily Kingston
18:06 Aug 23, 2020

I was so worried for her! You really know how to pull on the heart strings. Keep up the good work and keep writing!!


Rayhan Hidayat
18:23 Aug 23, 2020

Thank you so much for the encouragement! 😊You too, Cara!


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Elle Clark
09:14 Aug 20, 2020

Wow, this was powerful. I’ve followed you so I can keep up with your work. I don’t tend to follow many people but your writing style is just so good that I don’t want to miss out on any stories! This was great though. ‘Enjoy your pizza’ was a perfect line to end on - very poignant for such simple words.


Rayhan Hidayat
09:47 Aug 20, 2020

Thanks for commenting! Haha well I’m quite flattered I must say ☺️ I’m glad you liked this one, getting to 1000 words on dialogue-only was tough. It took me a while to come up with that end line!


Elle Clark
09:51 Aug 20, 2020

It’s pretty much the only story that I’ve seen in this prompt that properly hits it, too. Excellent writing.


Rayhan Hidayat
11:35 Aug 20, 2020

I honestly don’t blame people, this prompt has to be one of the hardest ones lately. If you haven’t already read it, Harken Void has a brilliant take on this prompt!


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Elle Clark
09:52 Aug 20, 2020

Also - I’ve got a new one if you’re interested. It’s quite dark, just as a warning.


Rayhan Hidayat
11:37 Aug 20, 2020

I’ll head on over!


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Amany Sayed
19:04 Aug 19, 2020

Wonderfully written story, revolving on the kind of issues we have today. I love the ending, and this was very creative. It was sad and kind of painful to read, seeing as it could very well be non-fiction. Great job and keep writing.


Rayhan Hidayat
19:44 Aug 19, 2020

Sorry if this was painful to read, I tried to make this as realistic as possible, so it means so much to me that you compare it to non-fiction! 🥰 Thanks for the kind words. And yes, this is unfortunately the sad reality we live in...


Amany Sayed
21:17 Aug 19, 2020

Don't apologize, it's a good thing as a writer to instill emotion into the reader! No problem.


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Bianka Nova
13:14 Nov 10, 2020

Bfff, this one had my heart in my throat the whole time. I wasn't sure if she was going to make it, the police seemed to be taking a bit long to get there. But then, the ending was suspenseful and lovely. Well done!😊 I would make the following comments: - The story is not funny and you shouldn't try to make it look like it. The "lighter" elements are OK, but they don't need to be funny. - Nowadays it's become pretty common knowledge that a "pizza call" is a cry for help. I would have the phone operator get it from the beginning :)


Rayhan Hidayat
13:42 Nov 10, 2020

Thanks for stopping by! Well noted, this story was definitely a learning experience, especially since I’m more of a sci-fi/fantasy writer than a thriller/contemporary. But I still consider this one of my favorites because I remember it being so fun yet painful to write because it’s a difficult subject matter and the prompt was highly unconventional


Bianka Nova
13:46 Nov 10, 2020

Yes, this was indeed a very clever use of the prompt. Among the best ones I've read actually. :)


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Kanza (kna)
14:30 Oct 25, 2020

Creative and Amazing story 👍🏻


Rayhan Hidayat
14:41 Oct 25, 2020

Thanks kna! 😙


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Chris Stewart
21:18 Sep 29, 2020

Really great story. Took me a second to grasp the back and forth - really witty, cool idea. Kept you wanting to know what was coming next.


Rayhan Hidayat
21:33 Sep 29, 2020

Thanks for the comment! Do you mind me asking what about this story led you to clicking it? Because people seem to still be reading this even though I wrote it ages ago :P Just curious.


Chris Stewart
14:31 Sep 30, 2020

The title.....was catchy and grabbed my attention. Then convention of having the title character forced to use witty language to hide her intentions on the phone reeled me in...


Rayhan Hidayat
21:47 Sep 30, 2020

I see! Oh yay I’m glad you like the title—I’m proud of this one haha


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. .
02:13 Sep 11, 2020

A bold story, I really enjoyed it. The detail was great and the dialogue was also really clear. Talent-


Rayhan Hidayat
02:27 Sep 11, 2020

Thanks for stopping by Sarah! 😙


. .
02:28 Sep 11, 2020



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21:45 Sep 05, 2020

That was exciting from beginning to end!


Rayhan Hidayat
21:57 Sep 05, 2020

Thanks! Glad to see people are still checking this out haha 😂


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Pooja Lathwal
05:33 Aug 27, 2020

The story is amazing . I can say,I have many things to learn further . Your story make me realize that writing is all about making a scene or conversation alive.


Rayhan Hidayat
05:34 Aug 27, 2020

Thank you so much for the comment Pooja!


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D. Holmes
02:18 Aug 26, 2020

This was some incredible subtext!


Rayhan Hidayat
03:31 Aug 26, 2020

Thanks, D. 😁


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Sayani Sarkar
12:50 Aug 23, 2020

Holy shit . It's brilliant!


Rayhan Hidayat
13:16 Aug 23, 2020

Glad you think so! 😁


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Mustang Patty
22:59 Aug 22, 2020

Hi there, Great story to go with the prompt. This is very original. Good luck to you, ~MP~ Would you mind checking out my story?


Rayhan Hidayat
02:59 Aug 23, 2020

Thanks for stopping by 😊 Don’t mind if I do!


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Shreya S
05:23 Aug 22, 2020

Oh yes I heard of this kind of thing before, where the victim orders a pizza to like, remove suspicion and still get help- but this is the first time I’m reading it this big and like, case closed. The title, the start, the actual story and the ending were all perfect. Your stories never drag and that’s really amazing. Every line makes me want to read the next. And I see you mentioned in another comment that this was black comedy- I could see that yes. Again, I love it!


Rayhan Hidayat
12:11 Aug 22, 2020

I appreciate your words, thank you so much! Yeah haha, this is was my own spin on a real life issue. This was also a very hard story to write so it means so much to me that it gave you the experience you described.


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Rambling Beth
20:02 Aug 20, 2020

Nice story!


Rayhan Hidayat
20:17 Aug 20, 2020

Thanks for stopping by! 😊


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