Say What Now?

Submitted into Contest #76 in response to: Write a story told exclusively through dialogue.... view prompt


Friendship Funny Fantasy

*me trying to have a conversation with my characters* 


Me: Heyo guys! How ya doin’? 

Everyone: . . . 

Me: Ooook? Azeria! What’s up?! 

Azeria: Like you don’t know . . . 

Me: ??? Lykos? How’s it goin’ bro? 

Lykos: It’s goin’. 

Me: What’s wrong with you guys? Klokan? Got any jokes? 

Klokan: Ugh . . . Why did the dragon cross the road? 

Me: I dunno . . . Why? 

Klokan: So that he could eat the chicken and make it shut up. 

Me: Wow. Uh . . . Tiikeri? 

Tiikeri: HI!

Me: Fiiinally! Guys, what’s wrong?

Gavran: You know perfectly well what’s wrong.

Ceyran: Don’t play dumb, missy.

Me: Wait, what? 

Azeria: You left us on a cliffhanger, remember?!

Lykos: A literal cliffhanger . . .

Me: I did???

Elnias: Seriously. We’re literally dangling off a cliff. How much more literal can you get?

Me: Oh yeaaaaah . . . 

Sowa: . . . So . . . Can you get us down?!?

Me: No.

Everyone: WHYYY?!

Me: Because . . . Uh . . . I have my reasons . . .

Azeria: Pfft. More like you have no idea.

Me: . . .

Gavran: Seriously?!

Sowa: She’s serious.

Tiikeri: Hey, it’s kinda fun dangling off a cliff, right . . .?

Gavran: Tiik. No. 

Tiikeri: . . . Oh . . .

Lykos: Hey, are ya ever gonna fix Elnias’s clothes?

Me: Oh yeaaaaahhh . . .

Elnias: What’s wrong with my clothes?!

Lykos: Dude. They’re purple. 

Elnias: So what?

Ceyran: Purple is sooo not your color, El.

Me: She’s not wrong there . . .

Elnias: Well I like it, and it’s the color of a scholar, so hah. Nyah.

Lykos: Oh, c’mon. Don’t you know how ridiculous you look? Besides, it’s too bright.

Tiikeri: I think it looks fine . . .?

Azeria: El, you’re literally a homing beacon of color. 

Elnias: And?

Azeria: Oh brother . . .

Me: Sorry, but I do sorta need to change your clothes . . .


Sowa: Dude. Why in the world would you say it spelled like that?

Me: Sorry, but Az is right. You are a beacon . . .

Elnias: Oh, please don’t! I’ll do anything!

Me: *ideas for new plot twists*

Me: Ok, we’re gonna flip a coin. Heads for new clothes, tails for Elnias decides. Ready?

Everyone: Yep.

Elnias: No . . . ?

Me: And it’s HEADS!

Tiikeri: Um . . . El just fainted . . .

Azeria: Hey, you know that was a double-headed coin, right?

Me: Yep.

Everyone: Hehe . . .

Me: Don’t worry, I’ll have him in normal clothes real soon. Now can somebody wake him up?

Gavran: On it.

Tiikeri: GUESS WHAT?!

Elnias: WHAT?!


Gavran: HEY! I DO NOT!

Klokan: OOO!

Tiikeri: Gavran and Ceyran sitting in a tree.

Gavran: Why you little—

Tiikeri: K-I-S-S-AHHH!


Me: Wait Wait Wait. You two like each other?!

Lykos & Azeria: Bleh.

Ceyran: NO!

Sowa: Ugh... Their names are so close I can’t think of a good ship name . . . 


Elnias: Well you are the one who wrote them . . . ?

Me: Yeah, but . . . Huh?


Tiikeri: Suuuuure . . .

Gavran: GRRR!

Tiikeri: EEK! HIDE ME!

Azeria: If things are seriously about to get mushy over here . . .

Ceyran: THEY’RE NOT.

Lykos: Good. ‘Cause I’d have to eliminate Gavran . . .

Me: NUUU! That’s my job!


Me: Gavran, quit it. Or I just might let Lucky do it . . .

Gavran: . . . Fine . . .

Me: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight . . . Waaaiiit . . . Where’s Orel?

Lykos: He be dead.

Klokan: Out to pasture.

Me: WHAT?!

Sowa: Gone.

Gavran: Ded.

Ceyran: Obliterated.

Me: Nononono. He wasn’t supposed to die! Hang on . . . Lemme fix something . . .

Everyone: ???

Orel: I am ALIVE!

Tiikeri: AIEEEEE!

Orel: Woah, wait. Tiik, it’s just me. 

Tiikeri: GHOST!

Azeria: Calm down. It’s just Orel and he’s not a ghost.

Tiikeri: A-A-Are you sure . . .?

Lykos: Very sure. Go kick him in the shins to prove it.

Orel: Hey, now just wait a- OOF. Still as painful as ever . . .

Tiikeri: OREL!

Orel: Nice to see you, too, kid.

Sowa: So . . . How’s he alive . . .?

Me: Well, it’s simple. I just rewrote his death scene, 

Orel: And THANK GOODNESS! I survived many an ambush, shipwreck, prison, sickness, and Klokan’s jokes—

Klokan: HEY!

Orel: —only to be eaten by a giant bug . . . Lamest. Death. Ever

Me: Oh, c’mon! I thought it was kinda cool!

Azeria: Uh . . . That is literally the worst death ever. It’s not even cool, much less heroic.

Orel: Yeah, couldn’t you have thought of anything better?

Me: Excuse me?!

Gavran: Maybe something with a little more excitement,

Sowa: More adventure.

Ceyran: More mystery.

Tiikeri: Wait. Are we seriously planning Orel’s death . . .?

Me: You guys think it’s so easy to write a book? Well, why don’t you try?!

Lykos: Maybe we will.

Elnias: I’ve got a scroll and quill. Fire away, 

Azeria: Ok, ideas?

Klokan: A rampant army of manticores?

Sowa: A daring voyage across the sea!

Ceyran: A fashionable gala infiltrated by spies?

Gavran: A mob of mind-controlled warlocks?

Tiikeri: A giant flying whale!!!

Everyone: . . . ?

Me: Pfft. You guys suck at this . . .

Azeria: Hm . . . What about a renegade group of rebel heroes who overthrow their oppressing and evil author?

Everyone: YEAH!!!

Me: WHA-?


Me: Stay back! I’m warning you! I could replace you all with new characters . . .

Elnias and Sowa: NUUUUU!

Ceyran: We’ll be really good!

Me: Nope. My mind is made up.

Klokan: What?! No!

Tiikeri: Hey! Wait!

Me: New characters comin’ up . . .

Lykos: Now just wait one spell castin’ minute . . .

Me: Aaaaaaaaaand . . . Introducing Jaxion! New character number one! 

Jaxion: Um . . . Hello?


Jaxion: AHHH!

Me: Az, you’re next in the replacement list . . .

Everyone: NOOOOO!

Me: Heh. Sorry, you had your chance . . .

Azeria: And you had yours. 

Everyone: REBELLION!!!!!


So here it is! A very, very jumbled mess of...well...nothing really...  

ANYWAYS, meet the characters of my WIP story, FOREVERMORE!   

- Azeria is the strong-willed adventurer. Nobody crosses her and gets away with it, she doesn’t back down from a fight. 

- Lykos is the loyal protector. He will do anything for the ethers and often puts his life out on the line for them. 

- Tiikeri is the energetic bookworm. She is always happy and upbeat, and loves adventure. 

- Klokan is the ridiculous jokester. His jokes are so dumb that they’re funny, and he can always brighten any situation. 

- Sowa is the silent observer. She is quiet, but very intelligent and nothing gets past her. 

- Orel is the sporty athlete. He’s strong, loyal, and courageous, everything a hero should be. 

- Ceyran is the stuck-up diva. She is very concerned about her looks and hates to get dirty. 

- Elnias is the intelligent nerd. He is very smart and randomly rattles off knowledge in words nobody knows. 

- Gavran is the cocky show-off. He is sorta like a Keefe [[KOTLC]], very concerned about his hair.  

Well, it’s still a very much WIP, but I totally love this guys! :D

January 16, 2021 01:29

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Amel Parvez
03:00 Jan 16, 2021

Wow! The idea was AMAZING 💙


03:01 Jan 16, 2021

Aw, thank you! :D


Amel Parvez
03:03 Jan 16, 2021

You're welcome😀


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02:14 Jan 16, 2021

Oh, wow, Fearless! This was amazing! I kinda want to do this, but I'm not far enough into my novel... lol Great job! Your friend, Brooke


02:49 Jan 16, 2021

Aw, thanks Brooke! I’m not very far either, just enough to include all my characters. XD Yeah, you should totally do it sometime! :D


14:17 Jan 16, 2021

You're welcome! XD I'll let you know when I do! :D


20:19 Jan 16, 2021

Ok! Yay! :D


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01:37 Jan 16, 2021

So here it is! A very, very jumbled mess of...well...nothing really... ANYWAYS, meet the characters of my WIP story, FOREVERMORE! - Azeria is the strong-willed adventurer. Nobody crosses her and gets away with it, she doesn’t back down from a fight. - Lykos is the loyal protector. He will do anything for the ethers and often puts his life out on the line for them. - Tiikeri is the energetic bookworm. She is always happy and upbeat, and loves adventure. - Klokan is the ridiculous jokester. His jokes are so dumb that they’re funny, and he c...


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12:46 Jan 29, 2021

Okay, so I just need to call out two lines that I absolutely find myself in "Me: Ok, we’re gonna flip a coin. Heads for new clothes, tails for Elnias decides. Ready? Everyone: Yep. Elnias: No . . . ?" "Me: Stay back! I’m warning you! I could replace you all with new characters . . ." Jilarious!


14:40 Jan 29, 2021

Haha! XD Those are a few of my favorites, too. Glad you liked them! :D


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Ari Berri
17:26 Jan 16, 2021

This is awesome! Smart use of the prompt.


20:19 Jan 16, 2021

Thank you! :D


Ari Berri
20:38 Jan 16, 2021

No problem.


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02:12 Jan 22, 2021

This is so creative, nice job!! Very relatable take on the promptXD Also your characters sound really cool! The names are rly unique!


14:15 Jan 22, 2021

Aw, thank you! Haha! Thx! It literally took me foreeever to decide on the names... XD


14:38 Jan 22, 2021

Well, the time definitely wasn't wasted!!!


14:55 Jan 22, 2021

Haha! XD


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Megan Sutherland
18:09 Jan 18, 2021

I'm laughing so hard right now XD This was a really unique take on the prompt. If I tried... let me just say I have so many characters XD it would take foreverrrrrr I love the name Lykos, by the way!!!! Great job, Fearless!!! You have a real gift for writing. ;) -Meg


00:37 Jan 19, 2021

Me too XD Hehe! Oh, these are just my MAIN characters in ONE book... XD If I wanted to add all my villains... Uh... XD Oh, thanks! Each of my characters’ names actually means something... Bonus points to whoever figures them out! :D Aw, thank you! I dunno about that, but thanks! ;D


Megan Sutherland
00:38 Jan 19, 2021

Cooooool. Like- wow. And don't doubt me. You're awesome. ;)


00:39 Jan 19, 2021

Awww! You’re awesome, too! :D


Megan Sutherland
00:43 Jan 19, 2021

Awwwww fanks hehe


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21:36 Feb 25, 2021

LOL this is the best.


21:45 Feb 25, 2021

Haha! Thx! XD


21:58 Feb 25, 2021

Uh, are you gonna join? You don't have to, but...


22:35 Feb 25, 2021

YES! I’d love to! :D


15:33 Feb 26, 2021

Ok! Thanks!!


15:44 Feb 26, 2021


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