Romance Adventure Funny


They were sitting on the roof of Muz’s car. Gervassi was almost asleep, his eyelids kept falling and his head kept dropping, knocking against Afra’s shoulder. She would have let him sleep, she didn’t mind knowing he was comfortable enough to just be while she was around. She liked being able to sit with him and not think of anything, but she had been thinking about something, and one of the other best things about Gervassi is that he would listen. Undeniably. 

“Vassi.” She poked him in the side. “Hey.” He sat up and yawned, wanting nothing else but for the crickets to stop chirping and the sun to stop setting and for Afrassi to stop trying to bring things up that he had interest in talking about, at least not in the moment. 

“Mm, yeah?” Gervassi knew what she was going to say. They had gotten home from the hospital two hours ago. Once Eleanor had been safely escorted out of Colorado by her parents, they felt it okay to get back to the Colorado cabin with the rest of their friends. Gervassi and Afra had left the group to finish packing up some things. The upstairs room was quiet and still busy with the scattered new memories the week had brought the two of them. Afra and Muz had to get back home before the weekend was over. School. Parents. Reality. Whatever it was, Gervassi was sad to see it coming to take Afra from him, literally. He leaned on his hands, still sitting on the roof of Muz’s fragile vehicle, and slid shy sideways eyes at Afra. “What’s up?” 

“You know when we first met?” 

“Of course.” His hand found hers in the cold and their fingers crossed, brushing the fading paint of the car. Muz was meaning to get it fixed, but she hadn’t yet. No one was thinking about the car or the paint, though. They were thinking of goodbyes. “Box and Liberace.” 

“Two of my favorite words,” Afra said, smiling and sighing. “And remember I was scared to talk to you because I had just eaten a massive onion sandwich for lunch and I didn’t want to knock you out?”

Vassi moved closer to her. “You had already knocked me out way before that- soon as you got on the bus- and it had nothing to do with your breath.” He traced her jawline and despite the fact that his fingers were numb from the bitingly bitter night winds, it was still a warm gesture. “I was so nervous because you were just staring at me and I wanted to move seats because I thought you were a serial killer.” 

“Or a regular bus perv.” 

“Yeah, or that.” He could see Muz and Triscin walking back towards the car in the distance but he ignored them and yawned again. He really was exhausted no matter how much he hated to admit it. Emotional stress made him sleepy. “But I didn’t move. I stayed where I was and I’ve never left since.” 

Afra rolled her eyes, but it was the way that meant, at least to Gervassi, that she loved his ridiculous brand of John Green romance. She sat up all the way and swung her legs off the side of the car, back to Gervassi. Maybe because she was going to laugh if she looked at him too long, with those deeply gray earnest eyes and orange hair and all the things that made her want to stuff him in the trunk of Muz’s car and take him home forever. Maybe because those same things were going to make her cry. “When we were driving back, earlier, I noticed this huge sale on fresh onions and they smelled just like my horrible breath did on the first hiking day. I was just like, wow, sometimes really pretty things come out of the scenes that seem the worst, you know?” 

Gervassi slid across the car and threw his legs over the side of the car too, tapping Afra’s shoes with his socked feet. He had tossed his shoes to the ground, saying that he felt lighter without anything holding him to the earth, and then regretted it very much when he realized things like fingers and toes were one of the first things to snap off when frostbite set in. 

“I know.” He set his face in his hands and didn’t say anything else. Muz and Triscin were getting closer and closer, no longer dots on the horizon but now people again; Muz laughing and Triscin the one making the jokes. 

“They’re coming for us.” Afra’s voice was dark, ominous, and even though she was just kidding, Gervassi snaked his arms around her and pulled her close, never ever wanting to let go. He buried his head in the soft fabric of the worn jacket he had given to her just months ago, wondering how it was that when he had owned it, it smelled like old socks and desperation but when she wore it, it was oranges and roses and hot cement. 

“How am I going to call my dad, Afra?” His voice was muffled but his words were clear and he was worried. He knew she wouldn’t want to talk about his stupid old dad while they were about to not see each other for the next who knows how long, but he had to ask. Afra was all about asking questions, after all. “Do you think he’s like, actually going to listen or what?” 

“He said he would.”

“But he’s always said that and it hasn’t gone over well.” 

“I don’t know, but you can have me on one phone while you guys talk if you want to.” Gervassi shook his head. Afra arched an eyebrow. “Too much?”

“Yeah, now who’s John Green? I’m kidding, but yeah, no. This is a thing I have to do alone.” He needed to change the subject soon. Muz and Triscin were getting louder and closer. Afra tucked her fingers into the sleeves of Vassi’s sweater and looked up at the stars. They were blinking in and out, but always there in the sky and she liked that. “What’s something you need to do alone?” 

“Be with you.” Muz waved to both of them, probably wanting them to get off the car, but they didn’t respond. Afra let her tears slide down her face but didn’t look at Gervassi so she didn’t know he was doing the same. So close and yet knowing they would have to leave soon made them seem already a million miles away and it was painful. Gervassi hated it. Afra wondered if she had let her guard down too far. She put walls up to not get hurt and here she was, sitting on a car roof and being melancholy with an orange hair boy who most of the time looked like he fell off an indie album. The air was still despite the movement in both their chests; aching and missing someone who they saw right there beside them but who would soon be reduced to pictures and calls and dreams. Afra looked at Gervassi and maybe it was a mistake. 

“Why are we both so sad?” He was quiet in asking. Afra could really imagine him being an indie singer now, with his orange hair and sad boy eyes and words that made her feel strange, being the one who made him sad and not knowing exactly why. “I’ll see you soon. Actually,” he brushed tears away and turned to face Afra, “I’ll call you everyday, just like we were doing before. And you’ll tell me about school.” 

“And you’ll tell me about work.”

“And you’ll tell me stories about Tim Gunn.”

Afra did miss her dog. “And you’ll tell me stories about your roommate.” 

Gervassi didn’t miss his roommate. “And it’ll be good. Not the best, but good.” 

“Yeah.” Muz was about ten feet away from the car and she was bringing donuts as a parting gift. Afra jumped off the car. She held out a hand to Gervassi and he took it, hopping down to join her and being glad he wasn’t wearing makeup because that would have made it so obvious that he was being interrupted from a sob carnival. (As opposed to a snooze fest, duh) 

“I come bearing gifts, young Padawans!” Muz gallantly bowed low, donut bag presented to Afra and Gervassi as though made of gold. Triscin grinned. While Afra and Gervassi had been recollecting their very first memories, Muz and Triscin were just starting to make theirs. It was unclear where they stood, exactly, but they were friends and sometimes friends can be the best kind of soulmates. 

Afra took the bag and peered inside. “Huh.” She handed Gervassi the pink one and took three glazed ones for herself. “Thanks, Muz.”

Muz pointed at Triscin. “Don’t thank me. It wasn’t my idea.” 

“Okay, thank you, Triscin.” 

He nodded and stuck his thumbnail in his mouth. It had been his idea, but only because Muz was getting worked up about how late it had gotten, and how she and Afra needed to get on the road, and how she blah blah blah blah. To be terribly honest, Triscin wasn’t paying too much attention. He knew she was upset, but after being with Eleanor so long he’d gotten used to tuning people out when they were in a tizzy, mostly because Eleanor’s rants ended in shoes being chucked at his head. He’d suggested they walk down to the nearest donut shop and Muz, much to his surprise, stopped yelling and blinked. 

“You’d walk over seven miles for donuts?” She shifted softly in her giant black boots. “You would?” 

And Triscin couldn’t help but nod, still a pushover for people he thought he was responsible for making happy, which was everyone. He wanted to give Afra and Gervassi more time. He wanted Muz to stop worrying and have fun. He wanted the other people in the cabin- Ander and everyone- to be able to finish their card game in peace. He wanted himself to move on from Eleanor, and he just wanted Eleanor to get home safely and forget about him. “Sure, I’ll walk if you come with me.” 

“Awesome.” She nodded, and they were off. 

Now they were back to the cabin and Triscin could feel the walls falling around him. Afra had been crying. Gervassi had been crying and sleeping and crying more, from the look of it. The goodbyes they were saying must be so much heavier, Triscin thought. He and Muz were getting the easy end of the deal. 

“So, uh,” Muz bounced on the heels of her black boots, crunching deep into the soft snow that was falling again. “We should get on the road, Afra.” 

Afra shoved another donut in her mouth. “We can’t go.” 

“Well, why not? You guys literally had over two more hours together and we have to get on the road. You know that. Don’t be disillusioned. All good things must come to and end. Say goodbye for the millionth time and get in the car.” 

“No,” Afra’s mind was spinning, “I mean, have you seen the weather?” She gestured to the ground and the sky. “It’s snowing.” 

“So what? It’s Colorado. It snows all the time and we’ve been driving in it for a week.” Muz stepped forward and Afra backed into Gervassi. “Dude.” She glanced at Gervassi over the top of Afra’s hair. “Her parents are going to kill me if we stay any longer.” 

Gervassi knew this all too well. “Afra, hey, let go. Call me the whole drive there if you want but you have to go.” He realized the pink donut was still in his hand and was now getting frosting all over Afra’s jacket. “Afra.” She turned around to stare right at his stupid fantastic face. 


“I love you, is all.” 

She sniffed. “Okay.” 


“Yeah, well, I love you too.” 

“I’ll still love you when you’re not here.” 

“Man, I’m not dead yet.” Afra pulled the strings of Gervassi’s hoodie together, tied them in a bow, and stepped on his socked feet with her shoes. “We’re not actually John Green characters.” 

“Ow.” Gervassi didn’t have all that great bone structure, the tops of his feet were slowing unnumbing and the blood was rushing back, but he didn’t tell Afra to get off. He kissed her and set her back on the ground. “Okay?” 

She shrugged. “I guess.” She kissed him back and Muz stomped her foot and Triscin wandered off to go look at some trees. He felt intrusive. “Better?” 

“Mm hm. You’d better go now.” 

“Okayyyy. Eat your donut, though.” Afra waved at her new friends, watching her from the window. “Okay, bye.” 

Gervassi let go of her fingers. “Bye.” She pulled the car door open and jumped in before she could change her mind. Then she rolled down the window and rested her elbows in the frame. “Bye.” 

Muz yelled, “Adios, champ!” to Triscin, who grinned and waved to her, and then she nodded to Gervassi and thanked him for the nice trip before getting in the car. It was time to go home. 

They pulled out of the Colorado cabin driveway, past the broken tree where Eleanor had crashed Triscin’s car, past the donut shop Muz had walked to. They drove in silence past the hospital Eleanor had been brought to after her accident, where the power had gone out. The Colorado mountains fell behind them in deeply snowy peals. Afra eventually tried to turn on the radio to fill up the silence, but Muz swatted her hand. 

“I’m driving. Passengers don’t get a music choice. And besides, you have to talk to me sooner or later. We’ve only been in the car thirty minutes.” 

“Oh.” Afra stared out the car window. She caught herself in the side mirror and laughed because her hair was sticking out every which way and her lipstick was all over her teeth and her jacket had pink frosting drying on the sleeves. “I’m not mad at you.” 

“You seem mad.” Muz kept her hands steady on the steering wheel, ready to turn onto the highway exit in a few miles. “And I already said I was sorry, even though it’s not my fault we had to go and it’s not my fault you’re so clingy.” 

“What?” Afra wasn’t intending to fight with her best friend. In fact, though the two girls teased each other relentlessly on a daily basis, they weren’t too bad when it came to actual arguments. She didn’t want to start being good at it now. “I’m not clingy. He’s my boyfriend. It’s natural to miss someone you love when you know you won’t be able to see them for a while. You should know that.” 

“I do know that, and that’s why I’m saying it worries me that you seem so miserable already. You weren’t this mopey sad when you couldn’t see Gervassi before. You told me yourself, it was for fun.” 

“But I lied.” Afra rubbed at the lipstick stains on her front teeth. “It was never just for fun. But,” she decided to change the subject, “I know you had fun so don’t pretend you weren’t sad to leave either.” 

“Fine, I was sad, but I didn’t have a Mayday Parade fest like you. I brought you donuts and you almost jumped across the country. Gervassi may be cool, I agree, but I’m me. I’m forever.” 

“I know!” Afra knew that. She knew Muz would outlast Gervassi even if they got married and moved to the North Pole. “I know.” 

“Good.” Muz turned on the radio and her Oliver! CD played so loud it rattled their teeth. “Now, where do you want to eat?” 

Afra’s phone buzzed with a message from either her parents or Gervassi, but she left it where it was. “Let’s eat at Waffle House.” Muz approved. She loved Waffle House more than she loved her own mother. 

“Yes! Let’s.” She turned off the highway and started her maps towards the nearest Waffle House. The roads took them into a small, buggy buzzed town and the Waffle House sign was broken, missing a f in the middle. The girls climbed out of the car and walked into the restaurant, the smell of onioned hash browns filling the thin air.

Posted Sep 26, 2020

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74 likes 179 comments

B. W.
22:31 Oct 08, 2020



Jubilee Forbess
22:32 Oct 08, 2020

hey hey what's up?


B. W.
22:52 Oct 08, 2020

I'm just kinda bored and want someone to talk to


Jubilee Forbess
23:26 Oct 08, 2020

Oh okay, well, I was reading. :)


B. W.
23:28 Oct 08, 2020

I'm playing pokemon sword cuz i got nothing better to do


Jubilee Forbess
23:29 Oct 08, 2020

Hmm, not sure what that is but sounds cool!


17:29 Oct 08, 2020

Wow I liked this! The emotions you protrayed through your wordds were great!
I feel like I am missing something though..did you right a part before
But anyways I really liked the two main characters Vassi and Afra! They were so sweet..and that onion parts really freaked me out I hate raw onions😂. Especially bad breath that smells like onions.
But yeah I loved it Rhondalise!!
Your punctuations were perfect, the plot flowed nicely with no rush! And the end makes me wanna read more..! So hopefully write more, but no rush😊
Keep writing!! Cause your great at it!


Jubilee Forbess
17:49 Oct 08, 2020

Hi! So this is part of a collection (soon to be novella I hope!) I've been working on for a while now. There are several parts before this one, um, let me see if I can get the titles all together in case you want to read what happened before this story took place.
1.) Box or Mattress?
2.) Afra and Gervassi Get Lost
3.) Afra and Gervassi Off Road
4.) Afra and Gervassi Sleep in Boxes
5.) The Colorado caravan
6.) Sunrises over Afra and Gervassi
7.) Her name is Eleanor
8.) Triscin’s Interlude
9.) Muz’s Intermission


18:20 Oct 08, 2020

whew! That is a lot! I'll try to read as much as I can though-
Feel free to read my stories if you want!
And is a novel the same as a novella?


Jubilee Forbess
18:22 Oct 08, 2020

A novella is a little shorter than a novel but it's longer than a novelette and a novelette is longer than a short story! I will do my best to read your stories. :D


18:48 Oct 08, 2020

Ohh I didn't know there were so many different types of novels-
And yay!


B. W.
01:03 Oct 08, 2020

I'm freaking out a little bit, i need some help


Jubilee Forbess
01:30 Oct 08, 2020

Hi I was at church l, what’s up??


B. W.
01:33 Oct 08, 2020

It's because of everyone kinda leaving from what's been going on. I have a lot of friend's on here and people that i'm starting to know really well on here but a lot of people on here are leaving from all this down-voting and stuff so i've been worried and freaking out that they all might leave and i just don't know what to do. I don't wanna lose some friend's on here. Like what if Brooke leaves forever?? What if Vayd leaves forever?? what if really everyone leaves??


Jubilee Forbess
01:57 Oct 08, 2020

Yeah, that’s a common fear with online friends. I wouldn’t mind giving you my email if you’re worried about losing contact though.


B. W.
02:01 Oct 08, 2020

It's kinda like those things of like "Hey i'll be back tomorrow" and then "-person- last online 4 years ago" or something. Maybe your phone number if that's alright? though i'm not sure if you really want to.


B. W.
02:01 Oct 08, 2020

It's kinda like those things of like "Hey i'll be back tomorrow" and then "-person- last online 4 years ago" or something. Maybe your phone number if that's alright? though i'm not sure if you really want to.


B. W.
02:01 Oct 08, 2020

It's kinda like those things of like "Hey i'll be back tomorrow" and then "-person- last online 4 years ago" or something. Maybe your phone number if that's alright? though i'm not sure if you really want to.


Jubilee Forbess
02:10 Oct 08, 2020

Ugh yeah, online friendships are super rough BUT they can also be the most rewarding. I could email you my number...? I feel like putting it online is a but much. :)


B. W.
18:13 Oct 06, 2020

I think that i still need someone to talk to, if that's alright?


Jubilee Forbess
18:18 Oct 06, 2020

Sure, what's up? I'm at work but I can chat a bit


B. W.
18:19 Oct 06, 2020

I just kinda feel sad about something. It isn't really with my self hate or something but it's because i know i'll never find someone. I just want to talk to someone to get off my mind off of that. I think i might be lonely for the rest of my life


Jubilee Forbess
18:24 Oct 06, 2020

Are you still in middle school? because you don't have to tell me if you are, but just guessing from some things you've said I don't think you're very old... feeling like you'll be lonely the rest of your life is a very valid feeling, but just speaking from past experience, the times when I felt the loneliest were the times when I found who my real friends were. And if you are talking about romantic partners or whatever, that's a different story but also kind of the same thing. Like I've always been a "RA who needs dating when I have friends and good books" girl, but recently I've been noticing that changing too... it's like the saying goes, "a watched pot never boils!" but if you don't want to talk about that it's okay.


B. W.
18:27 Oct 06, 2020

Huh? What things make you think that i'm not that old? Man- the stuff probably sound's really stupid or it's really bad spelling. How old are you though? if that's alright to ask, i don't like saying my stuff but maybe you do. You said ya even have a job so i have some small guesses.


Jubilee Forbess
18:34 Oct 06, 2020

oh well that's cool we're close in age then! Makes more sense for me to talk to you now. :)


Jesna Anna S.
16:13 Sep 29, 2020

Awesome story! Keep writing!
I appreciate if you can read my story, "Agnes" and give your valuable feedback.


Sia S
14:59 Sep 29, 2020

Hey! My poems over!

In a world so dark and distasteful,
what do you expect me to be ?
all I want to do to get up and fly free.

In a world so grim and cruel,
what do you expect me to be?
to be happy or drooling over a pile of money ?

As I came into the world,
My eyes closed, my body cute, curled and cold
My eyes flutter open and I see a lady with a bun,
She was nice, but to my dismay she was on the run,

She dumped me in a Foster home,
It was sadness in a dome,
It was depression in a vial.

We were beaten, we were abused.
We were ridiculed and misused.

By the age of five,
We were taught to survive
In the desert, or in the sea, in space or at the beach,

At the age of 10
I was alone, nor friends nor family ,
For family was dead and friends had fled,

By the age of 16
There was no vaccine,
Because VIDOC 91 hit
If you had it you would go mad,
Happiness would be sucked and you couldn’t even recognise your dad,
This was the baddest of the bad,
The worst of the worst.

I heard the sirens and was told to run,
But that’s when I saw the lady with the bun,
She told me she was sorry,
And hopped into a trolley.

I followed here too,
I heard a “boo" and someone jeered,
It was just as I feared,
The lady with the bun had got VIDOC
I jumped of the trolley and started to run.

As I left alone, the lady with the bun.

I ran, and I ran and I found my paradise,
It was a garden, so precise.
Ahead it lay a castle,
So wonderful, so beautiful,

I lay below the willow tree,
wondering what awaits me,
Is it good or is it bad?
I’ll just let it be,
As I lay under the Willow Tree...


Jubilee Forbess
15:28 Sep 29, 2020

Wow, that's beautiful, thank you for sharing!


Sia S
02:11 Sep 30, 2020



Laiba M
20:48 Sep 28, 2020

Hi Rhondalise~!! Very long time no 'see'~ I missed talking to you! Ahh, this story is so so great!! Good job with it, I liked the ending a lot "...the smell of onioned hash browns filling the thin air"! You're such a good writer!
I recently posted a story called Batool after not posting for a while, I was really busy and had a lot of events. It would mean a lot if you checked it out!
How's the show going? I think Daryl told me it was on hold for now, has it started again?


Ariadne .
17:10 Sep 28, 2020

OMG Rhonda, you're writing a NOVELLA?!?!? I need it ASAP!!!!
In terms of this story, it was crazily well-written. I couldn't find any mistakes. I loved how you described Muz here: "Muz approved. She loved Waffle House more than she loved her own mother. " Very nice description 👏😂👏😂👏
Oh, and I know I'm kinda late to this, but that downvoted poem in your bio? I stand. 👌
Mind checking out my stories? Thanks!


Jubilee Forbess
17:46 Sep 28, 2020

The novella is just the collection of Afra and Gervassi stories. :) And thanks, I like the poem too! Did you watch the video I linked in my bio too...?


Ariadne .
17:55 Sep 28, 2020

I'm totally checking all of those out! And yes, I love the positive self-image encouraged by the song! I've felt super self-conscious in my body in the past but I've learned that I'm not what I look like. The song is so motivational - excellent choice! I love seeing/listening to things that are nice to hear and include a positive message to live by. Y'know? Like some things are so negative but then others... are not. (That sentence sounded much better in my head but eh whatevs)


Jubilee Forbess
18:29 Sep 28, 2020

I hope I can do more for the body positivity/ self love movement. It makes me so sad to think people can't love themselves when I know they're pretty cool. Like... my friends are all super attractive and yet they're always criticizing themselves for looking a way the media doesn't present as pretty enough or whatever and I'm over here going, "nooo don't listen to them! you're beautiful and I love you!" but sometime they can't hear that so I love that song SO MUCH/


Ariadne .
21:41 Sep 28, 2020

IKRRR!!!! I only hope that they realize someday (hopefully soon!) all of these people out there realize that society's norms for beauty don't define them. Everyone is beautiful simply for their existence. Everyone is unique; there is no "norm" that everyone can fit under. And that is OK! Our uniqueness makes us human, which in turn, is what makes us beautiful.
Sorry about the long response! I'm just really passionate about self-love. 😉


Jubilee Forbess
22:29 Sep 28, 2020

Ahh me too! And yeah, beauty is a made up standard and no one should hate themselves for not being able to fit someone's imaginary rules. That's silly but it's so ingrained in our media and culture. Wild wild stuff. The best thing we can do is just tell people they are worthy and valllllllllid and enough and hopefully one day everyone will believe that and help other believe that and it'll be awesome. :D


B. W.
13:56 Sep 28, 2020

Hiya there. I've decided to come check out your stories and so far this is the only one, though i think after this i'll try to look at the rest of your stories and leave something like this ^^ This was a really good story and i think you did a great job with it, i just really liked everything about it really along with the characters names in this. I know you already have a TON of stories out and you probably don't need advice or really anything but i will say that you should still continue to make some more stories. Sorry if that wasn't the advice you wanted or if ya even wanted some sort of advice though. So can you guess what i'm gonna do now? I'm giving this story a 10/10 :)


Jubilee Forbess
13:57 Sep 28, 2020

Aw, thank you so much! :) I appreciate youuuuu.


B. W.
14:00 Sep 28, 2020

No problem ^^ i'm not sure if you've seen some of my stories or if ya like Greek Mythology but could you maybe check out first "The goddess child" and "The camp" and leave some feedback? those are the first two parts to something


Leya Newi
00:06 Sep 27, 2020

Yay! Another part! This one was so sweet and heartfelt, you really captured how sad it is to leave someone you love (I know, I've moved a lot) and how each person reacted to the situation.
I love Triscin, he's just so darn sweet and thoughtful, and I love Muz, who is absolutely stubborn and ridiculous and a bit like me with my friends. I love Gervassi and Afra, the ship of the century.
Really, I love these stories and there's nothing you can do about it.
But I did notice a typo second to last paragraph, "Afra’s phone buzzed with a message from either her parents of Gervassi." Of should've been or.
Otherwise, incredible job, as usual.


Jubilee Forbess
14:17 Sep 28, 2020

Thank you so much, Leya! And I fixed the typo so thanks again for reading and pointing that out to me. :)


Leya Newi
01:12 Sep 29, 2020

Of course! I love Afra and Gervassi too much to allow such a tiny mistake to mess it up. :) And you have a novella of them already? I wish I could read it, I bet it's amazing!


Jubilee Forbess
01:13 Sep 29, 2020

It's a collection of all their stories. :)


Leya Newi
01:34 Sep 29, 2020

I still think that's amazing, having all the stories in one place. I would definitely buy it if you ever decide to get it published.


B. W.
02:32 Oct 25, 2020

how would you describe me? ^^


Jubilee Forbess
03:18 Oct 25, 2020

Sweet girl, a bit nervous at times but always invited to conversation and contributes well just by existing. From what I know has had some rough times but always tries her best to cheer others up even when upset herself; uses resources well and intrepid investor to Reedsy.


B. W.
03:25 Oct 25, 2020

Aww thanks ^^ Yeah, i've kinda been having some bad days with things or just some rough times because 2020 is kinda terrible and not a lot of good stuff has happened.


B. W.
20:40 Oct 12, 2020

I need help with a new novel i'm working on and it's kinda with romance.


Jubilee Forbess
20:44 Oct 12, 2020

Okay, let me see what I can do :)


B. W.
20:45 Oct 12, 2020

Well first, could i tell you about the novel so it would be easier for you to help?


Jubilee Forbess
20:45 Oct 12, 2020

mm hm


B. W.
20:48 Oct 12, 2020

Here: Mika and Ryder are both good friends but they have a future that has been told to them since a very young age which is that they'd free and save the demi-gods which the others don't like and Ryder doesn't even like either (at least for a while though) and the two demi-gods that they would save are Harmony (daughter of iris) and Arren (son of Apollo) and i really wanna get Mika and Harmony together and get Ryder and Arren together but again i suck at romance and i don't know how i'd do it.


Jubilee Forbess
21:01 Oct 12, 2020

Hmmm, have you read a lot of romance before? Also remember, not every YA book has to end in romance! You can always just do an action fantasy story without that aspect, but if you still do, here are some tips for when writing romance:
-make sure it's not a forced storyline, you want it to be natural
-not everything has to be super flirty for romantic dialogue. sometimes just caring for the other person can be sweet enough
-make sure the story doesn't always revolve around the romance; you have a good rest of the plot so use that!
-romance isn't one thing or another, it's a whole lot of little things adding up to a feeling that sometimes lasts a long time, but sometimes it's just a hit of the moonlight thing and that's okay too
-don't over describe personal appearances
-make sure the characters have actual reasons to like each other and not just, "oh hey, you're here, let's hook up yaaaaaay!" which in all honesty that could happen too, it's not unrealistic, but I think for a ROMANCE plot you want more of a basis
hope that helps a little bit!


B. W.
23:16 Oct 11, 2020

Okay, i'm kinda getting mad about something and i need someone to talk to so i could probably calm down


B. W.
20:14 Oct 11, 2020

I think i still need some more advice


B. W.
15:17 Oct 11, 2020

Wait, so are you not sick with it or anything? I think yesterday or something i was bored so i was looking through comments on one of the stories when you said something about it.


Jubilee Forbess
16:09 Oct 11, 2020

Oh it’s allergies, I’m good! 🎉


B. W.
16:27 Oct 11, 2020

:D yay! i was kinda starting to worry but i'm glad it's just some allergies


B. W.
22:12 Oct 10, 2020

Up-vote for up-vote spree? i really wanna get into 7th


B. W.
19:26 Oct 10, 2020



B. W.
22:59 Oct 09, 2020

Up-vote for up-vote spree?


B. W.
21:27 Oct 09, 2020

So, did you ever check it out? ^^


Jubilee Forbess
14:47 Oct 10, 2020

I did! I've just been getting ready for a trip so I haven't had time to comment and give feedback like I'd like to.


B. W.
15:01 Oct 10, 2020

a camping trip?


Jubilee Forbess
15:05 Oct 10, 2020

No, a road trip.


B. W.
15:06 Oct 10, 2020

Oo nice ^^ if ya don't mind me asking, where are ya going?


Jubilee Forbess
15:08 Oct 10, 2020

just a place around four hours from where I live, staying in the state cause of pandemicachaos


B. W.
17:23 Oct 09, 2020

I made a new story ^^ could you check out "Adventure with friends: part 2" and leave some feedback?


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