Science Fiction Contemporary Speculative

The Parker residence, with its sun-kissed yellow façade and verdant garden, seemed almost impossibly picturesque under the soft glow of the setting sun. Sam stood on the doorstep, a tangle of nerves intertwined with a smattering of anticipation, clutching the handle of her bag as if it held the answers to life’s most baffling riddles. Here she was, about to embark on a night of babysitting—a seemingly simple job that promised respite to her rather depleted bank account and an escape from the cacophony of her own thoughts.

As if on cue, the door swung open to reveal Mrs. Parker, a radiance embodied in human form. Her warm hazel eyes sparkled with the kind of hospitality usually reserved for guests on a cooking show, where everyone’s already been sworn in as family members by the time dessert rolls around. The faint aroma of freshly baked cookies wafted from within, a scent that seemed to wrap around Sam like a comforting blanket.

“Oh, you must be Sam! Come in, come in,” she chirped, ushering Sam inside with an encouraging sweep of her arm, as if coaxing a butterfly into the warmth of a greenhouse. The interior matched the exterior in its inviting cordiality—a delightful cornucopia of classic and contemporary, where a sleek, modern clock shared wall space with a vintage, hopelessly stubborn cuckoo.

As Sam crossed the threshold, she did her best to shelve her worries—the most pressing being the slight issue of her finances, resembling the remnants of a dessert table at the end of a particularly ravenous gathering. Mrs. Parker’s tour of the home was narrated with the kind of affectionate detail others might use to describe their favorite pet or the long spin cycle on a washing machine. The living room was a cozy crater filled with enough light to ruin any plans you might have had of complaining about it later. And there, amid cushy sofas and familial trinkets, stood Lily.

To call Lily precocious would be like calling the ocean damp. Her presence was a curious blend of childhood innocence and adult sagacity. Clad in a simple dress that somehow retained an air of sophistication, she looked at Sam with a seriousness that would make a statue sweat.

“Hello, Samantha,” Lily said, extending a hand in a manner that suggested she regularly closed multi-million-dollar deals between snacks and bedtime. Her voice resonated with a clarity that was eerily reminiscent of the familiar yet surreal sensation of déjà vu.

“Oh, just Sam is fine,” Sam replied, chuckling nervously as she accepted the formal greeting.

“Well then, Just Sam, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” Lily returned with a nod and an ever-so-slight smirk that seemed to suggest she was in on a joke no one else could fathom. Mrs. Parker beamed at the exchange, oblivious to the undercurrent of mystique that seemed to flow through the room.

After a series of instructions that were primarily a testament to Mrs. Parker’s foresight—bedtime, emergency contacts, and the sacrilegious notion of chocolate proportions—she finally departed. But not before adding, “Oh, and Sam, feel free to help yourself to the cookies in the kitchen. I baked them fresh this afternoon.” Her warmth lingered in the air even after she had gone, leaving Sam with a strange mix of comfort and curiosity.

Sam found herself alone with Lily, whose eyes seemed to twinkle with a wisdom that belied her tender years.

“So, what do you want to do?” Sam offered, nose-diving into the arsenal of babysitting classics: Monopoly, a Pixar movie marathon, perhaps some air guitar to an embarrassingly eclectic playlist.

“Chess,” Lily replied without missing a beat, gesturing toward a chessboard already set up with a precision that suggested the pieces had reassembled themselves through sheer willpower.

Sam blinked. “Oh? Uh, sure. I don’t think I’ve played chess since… you know, the dawn of time.”

Lily merely smiled, the kind of serene smile one might associate with a zen master or a particularly insightful house cat.

As they started the game, it became apparent that Lily was not only a skilled strategist but also possessed an uncanny ability to steer the conversation like a seasoned sailor through tempest-tossed trivia. Somewhere between Lily’s knight swooping in for a textbook fork and Sam wrestling with an irritating incident of pawn-capture indigestion, the comments began.

“Have you considered switching your major?” Lily asked, her words hovering in the air like the sweet sap of curiosity dribbling from an inquisitive tap. “Psychology might suit you better.”

Sam bristled, internally jabbing at the unraveling tapestry of her life. “Um, how do you—?”

“Because you have great empathy,” Lily replied smoothly, smoothly guiding her queen on a dominating path, bringing Sam one step closer to her inevitable checkmate.

The conversation meandered through treacherous terrain, picking up details like Sam’s recent breakup and the looming shadow of Brad—the kind of guy who thought a handful of daisies could mend a heart cracked open by betrayal. Each revelation was delivered with the nonchalance of suggesting a new nail polish color, yet it landed with the weight of ancient prophecy.

“No one your age should know that…” Sam stammered, trying to wrap her head around the impossible. She attempted to steer the conversation into safer harbors, away from the jagged rocks of personal revelation, but Lily danced nimbly back to the subject with the ease of a ballroom virtuoso.


The evening unfolded like a dusty manor’s hidden room, revealing within its cobwebbed corners the bizarre and the uncanny. The once-cozy ambiance of the Parker home now felt as if the very air vibrated in anticipation of revelation. Lights flickered intermittently, as if partaking in a cosmic Morse code competition. Each flicker was another lighthearted dig at Sam’s sanity, barely holding itself together with the lint of rational explanations.

Adding to the madness were faint whispers that seemed to arise from nothingness—gentle, self-assured murmurs that swirled around the room, echoing concerns buried within Sam’s mind. She shook her head, chalking it up to an overactive imagination and a little too much caffeine. But when Lily excused herself momentarily, curiosity swept over Sam like an artist’s careless brushstroke on a blank canvas.

She found herself drawn to Lily’s room, a place she had pictured to be bedecked in princess pink and perhaps one loose-winged fairy trapped in a mason jar. What she found instead was a laboratory that defied her expectations. It was the inner sanctum of an inventive mind, peppered with gadgets that had no business existing within the confines of suburban sensibility. Books on quantum physics were stacked haphazardly, some sprawled open to pages adorned with calculations and the spidery lines of earnest annotations.

Sam couldn’t help herself; she picked up a gadget that hummed in her palms, its surface sleek like polished silver, and her heart raced, driven by the realization that Lily was no ordinary child. As she turned the device over in her hands, a small piece of paper fluttered to the floor. Sam bent to retrieve it, her eyes widening as she recognized her own handwriting on the crumpled note: “Remember the cookies – they’re the key.”


The confrontation was inevitable. Sam felt like she was walking across a rickety bridge of nerve, one wrong step away from plunging into a cold sea of insanity. When Lily returned, Sam stood resolutely, equipped less with bravado and more with the momentum of a woman who had discovered an unexpected portal in her wardrobe.

“Lily, or whatever your name is, just what exactly is going on here?” Sam demanded, her voice a collage of apprehension and impatience. “How do you know so much about me? Why does your room look like some kind of time-traveling laboratory? And what’s this about the cookies?”

Lily hesitated, taking a deep breath as if summoning courage from the cosmic ether—a composite of hesitance and determination formulating behind her calculating eyes. “I am you, from the future,” she declared, the words falling like honeyed arrows aimed for the uncertain wilderness of Sam’s comprehension.

“Excuse me?” Sam replied, eyebrows ascending to heights only rivaled by her incredulity.

“I’ve been sent back to prevent you from making a decision that will lead to years of regret,” Lily continued, eyes brimming with a sincerity that defied skepticism. “Dropping out of college for Brad is a mistake—a mistake future you knows all too well.”

Sam laughed, a reflexive chuckle born from disbelief rather than amusement. “You can’t be serious.”

“I can be serious,” Lily said, and the tenderness in her voice quelled Sam’s mirth. “I know how your breakup threw you off balance. I know how Brad keeps drawing you in with promises as flimsy as soggy paper towels. But I also know how it turns out.”

Swallowed by the gravity of these revelations, Sam found herself questioning the very foundations upon which she had teetered through uncertainty. Lily’s words greedily consumed her resolve like tiny fires, and all at once, doubt unfurled within her—a tempest of choices and untended dreams.

To pierce through Sam’s wavering disbelief, Lily revealed a sleek gadget, its design so foreign it may as well have been crafted by alien hands. She activated it, and a lifelike hologram flickered into existence, its dimensions expanding to envelop the room in its vivid tapestry.

Two possible futures unfurled before Sam. The first vision was bleak: a dreary job devoid of inspiration, a life shackled by routine, an odyssey of quiet despair under the shadow of Brad’s infidelity. Yet, the second scenario unfolded like the first bloom of spring, each petal an assurance of her flourishing success as an author, a life of fulfillment and independence intertwined with the journey of self-discovery.

Sam saw these potential lives play out before her eyes, and the choice, once hidden behind the veil of hesitation, presented itself clearly. But something nagged at her, a loose thread in the tapestry of revelation. “The cookies,” she murmured, “what do they have to do with all this?”

Lily’s eyes twinkled with approval. “Ah, you found the note. The cookies are a constant—a small detail that remains unchanged in both timelines. In one future, they’re a bitter reminder of paths not taken. In the other, they’re the spark that ignites your writing career.”

As if on cue, the aroma of Mrs. Parker’s cookies wafted through the air, carrying with it the weight of possibility. Sam closed her eyes, inhaling deeply, and in that moment, she could almost taste the words of her future novels on her tongue.

“Alright,” she whispered, half to herself and half to this tiny sage who wore younger Sam’s face and carried the gravitas of aged wisdom. “I’ll stay in college, and I’ll keep writing. But how can I be sure I’m making the right choice?”

Lily smiled, a gesture so familiar it was like looking in a mirror. “You can’t be certain, but that’s the beauty of it. Every choice is a leap of faith, but some leaps lead to softer landings.”

She handed Sam a list, a collection of advice that read more like a treasure map leading away from the storm toward calmer seas. “This should help guide you. And remember, the story you’re meant to tell is already within you—sometimes it just needs a little cookie crumb trail to find its way out.”

Mrs. Parker returned just in time to find Lily resuming her childlike guise, hands clasped before her with perfect innocence. As if bidding farewell to a long-lost friend, Sam gave Lily a knowing glance, a silent exchange of gratitude for the road no longer traveled.

“Thank you for looking after Lily,” Mrs. Parker said, oblivious to the profundity that had transpired in her absence. “I hope you two had a pleasant evening. Oh, and don’t forget to take some cookies with you!”

Sam nodded, accepting the proffered bag of cookies with a newfound reverence. As she stepped out into the cool night air, her heart was a gentle balloon of hope floating toward uncharted horizons. Just as she reached the garden path, she caught sight of a soft, ethereal flash from Lily’s room—a comet’s tail of light carrying future Sam home.


Years later, in an atmosphere thick with the scent of fresh paper and subdued excitement, Sam stood in a bustling bookstore. Her debut novel, “Time-Baked Memories,” had captured hearts and imaginations, a vivid testament to the choice made that fateful night. As she signed books for eager admirers, Sam’s eyes scanned the crowd until they fell upon a familiar figure. A young girl who bore Lily’s likeness watched her with eyes that told of shared history.

The girl gave her a playful wink before disappearing into the crowd, leaving Sam enveloped in a warm sensation of gratitude that blossomed within her chest—a blossom resilient against the changes of time.

Beside the stack of books lay a plate of cookies, their aroma a sweet reminder of the night that changed everything. As Sam picked one up, savoring its familiar taste, she smiled at the thought that perhaps the ordinary will always hide the saplings of the extraordinary, waiting for recognition, ready to be unearthed by those with the audacity to dream—and the wisdom to follow the cookie crumbs of destiny.

September 08, 2024 10:40

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Kristi Gott
16:05 Sep 17, 2024

Wisdom and whimsical paired together in a clever, creative story of meeting another version of oneself. Fast paced, suspenseful and an enjoyable read. The intriguing Lily character is so interesting. Skillfully written.


Jim LaFleur
16:55 Sep 17, 2024

Thanks, Kristi!


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Gracie Hutton
15:37 Sep 17, 2024

I am currently at school, on my break, eating a home-baked chocolate chip cookie as I read this. This story was so real, so smooth and elegant while still having a bit of a fun streak. It was so fresh and refreshing as I read this, almost like a cold sip of juice on the hottest day of summer. Loved it! In an unfortunate turn of events, my story was not submitted to the right contest, but I am totally happy that another really deep but fun story got put out here. I really hope you win, Jim! Keep writing! Also, I would love to hear more of Sam...


Jim LaFleur
16:54 Sep 17, 2024

Thank you for your inspiring and encouraging comment, Gracie!


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Helen A Smith
13:59 Sep 16, 2024

A “curious blend of childhood innocence and adult sagacity.” Lily is the creation of a brilliant character. I like the discovery of who she really is and the way it unfolds. If only we had the power to change the future for the better, how much happier we might be. Wonderful lines and I enjoyed the unexpected turn of events and the message of not losing sight of our dreams. I will savour all cookies from now on 😊


Jim LaFleur
16:09 Sep 16, 2024

I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks, Helen! 🍪🍪


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08:10 Sep 15, 2024

Interesting character and could relate to her situation. Enjoyed the detailed scene setting, smoothly written. Good portrait of the unusual child. Story fascinated me as I tried to figure it all out. Enjoyed the revelations along the way and was smiling when I read the very satisfying conclusion. Well done.


Jim LaFleur
09:13 Sep 15, 2024

Thank you, Tempest!


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11:07 Sep 13, 2024

Wow what a twist. Just when I thought Lily was such a creepy child, it all made sense in a fantastical way. From the smell of cookies, to a precocious child, and a visit from the future over a chess game. Wow! Very cool.


Jim LaFleur
12:58 Sep 13, 2024

I'm glad you liked it, Kaitlyn!


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Renate Buchner
05:10 Sep 13, 2024

Wonderful captured! Some of us probably would need cookies one or two...but I think every choice we make, bad or good, adds to our personalities and experiences. What kind of adventure would be like if we all knew what awaited us? Another great story, Jim!


Jim LaFleur
08:58 Sep 13, 2024

Thanks for your inspiring words!


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Trudy Jas
00:32 Sep 12, 2024

Aw, and just when I have given up cookies. :-) Wouldn't it be lovely if someone could come and tell us which choice to make?


Jim LaFleur
12:30 Sep 12, 2024

Absolutely, Trudy! Sometimes a little guidance can make all the difference.


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McKade Kerr
13:38 Sep 10, 2024

Wow, super creative and fun! I don’t know how you come up with ideas like this, but I loved it! Great work!


Jim LaFleur
17:00 Sep 10, 2024

Thanks, McKade!


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Mary Bendickson
21:36 Sep 08, 2024



Jim LaFleur
22:21 Sep 08, 2024



Mary Bendickson
04:29 Sep 09, 2024

Thanks for reading and liking catching up on some of my latest stories. I am falling beyond behind in my reading.


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Alexis Araneta
16:49 Sep 08, 2024

The cookie crumbs of destiny ! Splendid work, Jim ! As per usual, the details were impeccable !


Jim LaFleur
17:11 Sep 08, 2024

Thank you, Alexis! I'm happy you liked it.


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