Light and Shadow

Written in response to: "Write about a character pretending to be someone they’re not."

Fantasy Teens & Young Adult Lesbian

"Come to the temple." Her mother said with a sigh, standing from her seat and reaching for her silver cloak edged with the embroidered, glimmering pattern of nobility. The Lady swirled it around her shoulders, the beading at the end clanking against the wooden planked floor of the study.

Merallys shook her head. "Mother," she pleaded. "No. Not there."

The Lady froze in her steps, turning back after a moment. "'No?'" 

Merallys regretted the words instantly. Her mother's scrutiny could do that, as could a single look from her dreadfully beautiful black eyes. The cold, even tone made her shudder internally, made

Merallys bite her tongue and follow as her mother walked out. 

The corridors reeked with loneliness, the sharp, metallic clacking of the Lady's heels echoing through and into her ears. Merallys followed obediently, hugging her own cloak tightly around herself. The cold finally hit when the outside air made it's way through her cloak. She glanced to the guards who had opened the large, wooden doors, looking forward to her mother when the Lady's voice beckoned her sharply forward. 

She hurried to catch up with the quickly striding figure, dread filling her as the first arch to the temple came to view. Her mother passed under it without a second thought. Merallys, however, slowed, brown eyes flickering up and around the stone so her gaze touched each engraving once. Then she walked through. The routine was never left undone, her memorization of the swirling patterns some sort of comfort within the mystery of the half-ruined structure. 

The cold turned colder when she stepped through, each walk forward and chattering of teeth worsening the numbing pain. How could her mother feel nothing? Or act like she didn't? Wasn't the cold just as horrible for her?

Wind rustled the ivy curled around the columns as she passed between the doors, the trees to the right swaying their branches and letting Merallys view the crumbled stone of the ruins for the moment before she stepped inside.

"Lady Endari." A hooded woman whispered to her mother, turning to look Merallys's way and giving a dip of her head. She raised her gloved hand, the wooden doors shutting. Lights flickered above their holders when the woman gestured in it's way, casting their golden light upon the center of the room's large platform.

A statue stood on the raised podium, the steps reaching up for it spotless and reflective of the glittering jewels and fabric draped across the figure. Light shined on the two objects held in the woman's hands, all other colors pale in comparison to the shining silver of the crown held in her right. The spokes pointed upwards, and tangled around them lay lines of deep sapphires, the ends hanging to the ground and swaying gently from when the door had shut. The other one held a sword, the hilt pointed upward and point faced down, designed simply like the kind a commoner would have in their home. No precious stones adorned it, save for the few, sad-looking drops of quartz along the hilt. 

"Maelys," she heard the hooded woman murmur, her mother following in suit. "May all flourish under under your hand, whether it be the one carrying the crown or the sword." Merallys didn't recite it. Sure, the deity was her namesake, or so her mother always said, but no. She wouldn't bow to a god who seemingly disapproved of her- of what Merallys couldn't and refused to change.

"Mother, you can't do anything." Merallys said after silence rung out for the few moments after the words echoed through the chamber.

The Lady turned to her and glared. "You will marry who your father and I want you to." she spat. "And that will be a Noble- even of the other regions. I'd rather you wed an enemy rather than that servant." Her eyes flashed dangerously with a streak of shadow. "You wouldn't disobey Mealys. You wouldn't dare to."

Her fists clenched, hidden behind the draping fabric of her cloak, now suffocating in the growing warmth. "I already have." Merallys's voice didn't shake. She willed it not to. "And I would gladly marry a servant and give up this life of luxury. I've told her that I'll offer my hand when we're both of age-"

"'Her?'" The hooded woman echoed.

"A servant girl." Lady Endari hissed. "One that I should replace and have sent away to the furthest regions of this world."

The woman stepped forward to take Merallys's hands. "My child, you're confused." she started, voice raspy and hoarse, tightening her grip. "Allow me to help you. Guide you back to light Maelys has to offer."

She sneered in disgust, letting out a scoff. She waved her hand around. "There's no light here."

And Merallys fled the temple, abandoning her cloak when it flew off her shoulders. She ran back the way she and her mother had come, hardly waiting for the guards to open the doors before passing through. Her swift footsteps echoed in the silent and dark stairwells, light finally emanating down a hallway she turned into. She reached the door at the end of the shallow hall, twisting the knob and slamming the door shut as she stepped inside.

The maid rose from her seated position on Merallys's bed, placing down the half- smoothed down dress. The warm golden color receded from her fingertips and back into her palms, fading in the second it took for her to reach Merallys.

"My lady." she whispered, giving a small smile and brushing the strand of curly red hair that had come loose from Merallys's ponytail back behind her shoulder. Merallys didn't bother correcting her, the mischievous gleam in the young woman's eyes an expression she was all-too familiar with. One that she had come to love. 

Merallys wrapped the maid into an embrace, untying the white ribbon holding the girl's hair back and glancing down as it fell to the wooden planked floor. "Arja." Merallys's lips pressed to her hair before drifting down to her cheek.

Arja laughed, the sound so clear and lovely that Merallys could forget the words said by her mother. That she would send Arja away.

"Sit." Arja instructed, gesturing to the sofa in the middle of the room, waiting for her to take her seat before sitting down herself. Their fingers wound tightly together as Merallys spread a thin blanket over herself, still cold from the encounter. Their eyes met, and they both smiled. "Now tell me what that was."

"Aren't I the one who gives the orders?" she asked, smirk fading to a frown after a moment. Merallys rubbed her forehead. "Mother took me to the temple." Arja looked away. Even the mention of that building struck fear into people. Just how Lady Endari wanted with the people working under her. "And that... woman tried to 'bring me to the light.'" 

Arja's smile crept back at Merally's sarcastic tone. "I'm glad you didn't go." The laughter ceased far too quickly. "Will you run away with me, then?" 

A breath hitched in her throat at the girl's words. How she would love to run away, and find a small home in another, more accepting region and live the rest of her life with the girl next to her. Merallys didn't want to marry into Nobility, much less someone her parents- her mother- had in mind. She didn't want to marry anyone but Arja, once they reached eighteen and would have no trouble relocating in another place. But until then, until she legally could separate from her family, she would stay in the gloomy and desolate wings of their palace, happy to let Arja provide the light. 

"You know how much I would love to." she said with a sigh. "But you

know my answer."

Arja nodded. "Of course." Even curled up against Merallys, body pressed close and fingers entwined with her lover's, she still managed to look like a Lady. Her posture stayed dignified, never collapsed back with limbs thrown uselessly around like how Merallys sat. Arja looked like Nobility- and if Merallys could ever make her part of it, she would have no trouble fitting in. 

"The ball is tomorrow, Mer."

She shut her eyes, groaning and pressing her head back into the cushion. "I don't wanna go."

Arja sighed. "But you have to." 

"I'm not going."

"...Do it for me?" Her voice was soft, quiet and hardly audible. Merallys paused mid- stretch, looking over and meeting her eyes. "Make a good impression on the other regions then leave. It'll... be easier than not going." Arja paused, face flushing red. "And maybe I want to see you in a dress." Merallys raised a brow, and she shrugged, offering a flirtatious smile. "The benefits of my position."

Merallys nodded, agreeing with everything she had said. She wound her arm around Arja's waist as they both moved closer, casting out any remnant of the palace's chill. 

"If this is what love is," Arja said softly, "I don't want it to end."

"Me, neither."

And though the sun had only just started to set, Merallys closed her eyes, reveled in Arja's warmth, and didn't wake until morning. 

Posted Aug 18, 2021

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17 likes 69 comments

Your stories are so fantastical, so mystical, so out of this world. And yet, it feels so realistic, and so relatable. It's quite amazing how you can do that.

This story fits the prompt in an unexpected way, which I enjoyed. The forbidden love a thread I found intriguing.

Spelling and grammar:

"The cold, even tone made her shudder internally, made" I think you didn't mean to add the second made.

"Merallys bite her tongue and follow as her mother walked out. " I think you mean bit and followed, considering the story is in the past tense.

I loved this story, and am excited for what's to come.


Mira Caplan
13:49 Aug 18, 2021

Thank you so much!

Ah, yes, forbidden love always seems to be a theme in my stories...

Thanks! That must have slipped my editing.



Kate Reynolds
23:53 Dec 09, 2021

Hey I'm in dire need of feedback on this poem I wrote, please try your best to tear it to shreds

I used to have wings.
Big, black wings that stretched past my fingertips.
I used to fly.
I would go,
Spiraling into the great blue sky,
And touching the clouds.
I had friends up there.
We would laugh
And laugh
And laugh
At jokes that
Seem silly now.
But my wings are gone.
All that’s remaining of them,
Are bones.
I can’t fly with bones.
I can’t soar up into the sky with bones.
I can’t laugh with bones.
All I can do
Is lay on the burning ground, watching
As my friends flew above me.
They beckoned me to join them.
I guess they were too blind to notice that my wings were gone.
I wanted to shout up at them
“Can’t you see?”
“Can’t you see that my wings are gone?”
But they left before I could.
They left me all alone,
On the burning ground
While they played
And laughed at jokes.
I tried laughing along with them,
But all that came out
Was a choke where the laughter
Should have been.
It’s lonely down here.
There’s nothing but
Bent feathers
And broken bones.
I used to have wings.

Also I don't know what to call it yet lol so if you have any ideas...
(I thought of Broken Wings but I feel that isn't creative enough)


Mira Caplan
22:28 Dec 10, 2021

OK here's one thing.

You repeated "up" three times, and even though you also said "and laugh" three times, it isn't the name visually. You could move the first "and laugh" to another line just so it's more visually pleasing. BESIDES THAT THERE'S NOTHING I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT. YOU BROKE MY HEART WITH THAT, KATE. GREAT JOB.


Kate Reynolds
16:20 Dec 11, 2021

Oooh, so
I used to fly,
Up, up, up,
I would go


We would laugh and laugh and laugh
At jokes that
Seem silly now.

Like that?

Thank youuuuu :D


Mira Caplan
00:04 Dec 12, 2021

Yeah, or have it like



and laugh,
and laugh

Visually, I personally like having my eyes travel downward like that. It fits the poem and is kind of... foreshadowing, I guess, because the words are traveling downward while the word says the contrary. (Unlike when the reader learns about the grounded character and broken wings.)


Kate Reynolds
18:07 Dec 12, 2021

Ohhhhh okay thank you!!!


Mira Caplan
19:27 Dec 12, 2021

Np! :)


19:12 Oct 11, 2021

I feel like nobody is on this site anymore lol
Including me
But I’m saying hi to random friends rn so
Hullo :)


Mira Caplan
01:18 Oct 22, 2021

OMG HI!!! I haven't been on in forever, lol


01:45 Oct 30, 2021

HIIII!!!! Yessssss same

So how are you?

(random but- I was looking through some random old screenshots of the mallow drama like a gazillion years ago and HAHAHHAHAHA all the drama is— eh nothing beats REEDSY drama lol)


Mira Caplan
23:55 Nov 09, 2021

(Lollll YES!!! XD)

I'm good! How've you been?? It's been a hot minute since I've been on here, lol


04:06 Nov 14, 2021


Noice! I’m doing awesome, just drawing and editing a bunch. Omg same lol


Mira Caplan
23:13 Nov 20, 2021

OhhHHHHhhh, ~Art~ Drawing like drawing-drawing or painting, too? Like... what kind of art? (Sorry, major art nerd here)


ah yes, we stan lesbian powerrrrrrrr

mira, i just found LUKATEEEEEEEEEE

and im probably gonna get killed for saying but will i appear at all? you dont have to answer lol

and wanna be in my reedsycast? :D


Mira Caplan
12:34 Sep 12, 2021


Ohhhh, LUKATE!!!

And it's fine! Sorry that you haven't come in yet, but I do have a character inspired by you. (Sorry for being ominous...) I haven't started on the second book yet, since I've been mostly revising the first, but yes. You will. Eventually....

Ohhhhhhhhh, I'd love to!





okie! pls put ur character here lol
ur gonna be evil if that's fine with you!

(also three parts of it r out!)


Mira Caplan
16:26 Sep 12, 2021

Or she could have whatever name. I just read the other parts, (I read quickly, lol) and I love the premise! I'm excited to see who's gonna get killed off


lmfao dw youll get ur fill of killing peeps XD


Mira Caplan
16:34 Sep 12, 2021

Lollllll ok


Mira Caplan
16:24 Sep 12, 2021

OhhhhhhHHhhh, Evil!!!! Funnn!!!

Uhm... I'll go with Mira for the name. She'll have black hair with a white underlayer and dark eyes, with a kind of light caramel skin tone.

I love the evil idea, so maybe she could be... like... kinda flirtatious? Like... sarcastic and a hopeless romantic, but evil and kinda crazy.




oooooo I love that! hehehehehee youll fit perfectly with- :O WAIT ROMANCE BETWEEN THE TWO EVILS???


Mira Caplan
16:34 Sep 12, 2021

OHHHHHHHHHHH YES!!!!!!!!! That would be AWESOME!!!


Sapphire 🌼
20:04 Aug 21, 2021



Mira Caplan
21:09 Aug 21, 2021

YASSSSSSSSSS!!!! Any edits???


Sapphire 🌼
19:36 Aug 25, 2021


I let you know if there are any though :D


Mira Caplan
20:38 Aug 25, 2021



Mira Caplan
20:41 Aug 25, 2021

But thank youuuuuuuuu for the compliment!!!!!!!

Like... is there anything you wanna see in the next one??? (If I do do a second part to it???)


Sapphire 🌼
21:20 Aug 25, 2021


hmmmmmm definitely more romance because AHHH and maybe lace in humor too?


Mira Caplan
21:57 Aug 25, 2021

because romanceeee

Ohhhhhhhh, yeah... like... maybe a lil bit when she's shutting down the snobby guys trying to flirt and dance with her?


Penny Tang
17:42 Aug 18, 2021







Mira Caplan
17:51 Aug 18, 2021


I might make a Part 2, soooooooooooooooo


Penny Tang
18:57 Aug 18, 2021


this is so good omg


Mira Caplan
20:33 Aug 18, 2021


Do you like Arja or Merallys better??? (AND OMG YOU NEED TO MAKE FANART!!! I'D LOVE TO SEE HOW YOU DRAW THEM!!!))


Penny Tang
22:24 Aug 18, 2021


Idk about fanart lol



Penny Tang
22:24 Aug 18, 2021



Katie May
16:27 Apr 06, 2022

One of the best stories! Keep working on your wonders. :)


Sapphire 🌼
18:30 Mar 29, 2022

mira 😭


00:20 Jan 22, 2022


are we getting a new story soon omg


Mira Caplan
21:57 Jan 27, 2022

Mmmmmmmm probably not SOON, but hopefully sometime in the next few months? Idk, I feel like Reedsy is so different then a year ago. I'm planning on using the prompts to create an anthology of short stories just for practice, but i don't think i'm gonna post any. SORRYYY


✰ Jennie ✰
02:20 Dec 03, 2021

she's back hopefully :)


miraaaaa where have you beeennnn


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