Jan 1889
Excerpt from Rose’s diary
First month of Green Valley School for Girls. I’m excited. Really excited. I met a girl on the carriage ride here. Her name is Isabella. She seems nice. She said I’m lucky to have a twin sister. I’ve never thought about it, actually, but I realize that I am lucky. Aella’s my best friend, but I’m glad that I can branch out now, meet people that are more like me.
I hope Isabella and I become close. It would be nice to have friends, especially since I can sense that my twin sister Aella might not want anything to do with me this year.
There was this other girl who smiled at me, from another carriage. She had this beautiful dark brown hair, braided down to her waist and finished with a green ribbon. I wonder what her name is.
I’ve decided I’m going to try to make as many friends as possible here. After all, I’ll be spending two years in this school.
I know that our classes will be Etiquette, Dance, Culinary Arts, and Form. I think I’m most excited about Culinary arts. I’ve always really liked cooking, and I’m good at it too, much better than Aella. The truth is, I’m better at all of this stuff than Aella. I hope she doesn’t come to resent me for it. I’ve always been the good child. I wish I could act out like Aella, but I can’t. I have to be the perfect daughter. I don’t mind it too much, it hasn’t really been hard. I like all the things they want me to learn. I’ve been told I have a soft voice and good posture and been complimented on my dancing skills. Aella, on the other hand, has often been reprimanded by our mother.
“Stop slouching!”
“You’re so loud!”
“Aella, you’ve burnt it. You’ve been distracted again.”
“Aella, stop stepping on my toes!”
“Sit up straight! Look at Rose!”
It always makes me feel guilty when she says stuff like this. Aella is Aella. I love her how she is. But I’m the quiet one, the gentle one, so I sit silently and watch, like I always do.
But this diary isn’t about Aella. For once, I want something to be about me.
Feb 1889
Telephone Conversation between Rose’s mother (Eleanor Miller) and Rose Miller
Eleanor: Hello darling! How’s the school!
Rose: I love it. I’m having so much fun here, Mother. It’s paradise. I’m getting excellent grades in cooking and dance.
Eleanor: I’m proud of you. I always knew you would turn out to be a fine young woman
Rose: Thank you, Mother. How is Dad?
Eleanor: He’s doing well. He’s working right now.
Rose: Oh, okay.
Eleanor:: Could I talk to Aella?
Rose: I don’t know where she is
Eleanor:: That’s fine, I have to go now honey, the servant is asking for me, but remember that I love you. I’m just so proud. I’ll call Aella later.
Rose: Bye. I love you too.
Eleanor:: Bye.
Excerpt from Rose’s diary.
I went down to the town square today and found this little book. It had a picture of a star on the cover, and it looked very old and dirty. I picked it up with my handkerchief, for I did not want to touch it, and took it back to my room at the school, and tossed it under the bed. I have no desire to read it, but I couldn’t just leave it there, of course.
I think Isabella and I will be really good friends today. And I went and talked to the girl who smiled at me, even though I was nervous. Her name is Mary.
April 1889
Scene, Rose preparing for the Spring Dance
It was the day of the Spring Dance. Rose was dressed in a beautiful blush-colored gown and was wearing a slight bit of makeup. She had decided to go with her new friend, Mary, with whom she had become close with, since neither of them had been asked. She was carefully applying powder to her fair-colored face when her vanity creaked. In surprise, she dropped it and it bounced under the bed. She kneeled on the floor, very un-lady-like, and stuck her hand under the bed to get it. Her hand landed on the star book that she had found 2 months ago. She brought it up, and decided to flip through it quickly to see what it was about.
She became engrossed in the book. It was all about the night sky, which she had loved since she was a little kid. It told her things about the stars and the moon. Powder and dance forgotten, she sunk onto the bed and read. When she looked up, it was past 3:00 in the morning. The dance was over.
May 1889
Scene, Rose thinking in bed
My heart and mind are not the same. I’m sorry, you won't understand.
Aella’s words repeated over and over in Rose’s head. They bounced around her skull and twisted her stomach into a tight knot.
I'm sorry, you won’t understand.
She had stopped Aella after class, to talk, and that was where they ended up, with Aella saying those things. Rose felt as if her heart had been ripped in half.
You won’t understand.
Rose turned over onto her side.
I’m sorry
There was a wall forming between them. Rose didn’t know why.
YOu won’t understand.
My heart and mind are not the same
Over and over and over, they played in Rose’s head, ceasing finally at 2:15 am when she drifted off to sleep.
June 1889
Excerpt from Rose’s diary
Mom and dad called for Aella and my birthday. They said they were very proud of me. I noticed that Aella didn’t talk much, so I tried to make up for it by staying on for a while.
I wonder if they would be so proud if they knew about my star book. They want me to marry, not learn. I’ve almost memorized it now, I’ve read it so many times.
Mary is still angry at me for missing the dance. It’s been two whole months, and she still won’t talk to me. I don’t know what I can do. At least I have Isabella by my side.
July 1889
Scene, the Summer Ball
A boy had asked Rose to the ball this time, but she had said no. He was from the village, a village boy. But Rose, too caught up in her star book, hadn’t been paying much attention to what he was saying. She had waved him off without even learning his name.
As Rose sat elegantly on a bench, her back straight and head held high, she was thinking about this. Guilt jabbed at her stomach. He must’ve felt terrible. She hadn’t meant to say no. She had only realized what he was saying too late. It was too late now, though.
Rose was dressed in a periwinkle gown this time. It shimmered in the light. She wore silver earrings and had her dark hair in a beautiful updo. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Aella sneak out of the ball, probably to visit that village boy she liked so much. Rose felt a pang of loneliness. She was the only one at the dance all alone.
Rose picked up her clutch purse and pursed her lips. She was going back early. There was no point in staying there.
August 1889
Excerpt from Rose’s diary
I’m so glad that I found the tower. More glad than anyone could ever know. It has a glass ceiling, so I can see the stars. I’m tired of the star book that I found on the bench. I need more. I want to learn more. My thirst for knowledge is overtaking me. Tomorrow, I will go down to Green Valley Town Square. They have a library. I won’t be able to bring the books home, but I must read there.
Excerpt from Rose’s diary
I am a terrible human. I am a disgrace to my family. Today, I was reading in the library and I couldn’t help myself. I took a book back to school. I can’t truly check out books, for my family would never approve of me bring a library member. It’s wonderful. I have no regrets. But it’s weighing on me, this secret.
September 1889
Scene, Rose in the tower
Rose is lying on the floor of the tower, skirt spread around her. She knows she doesn’t look good like this but doesn’t care. At the moment, all she can be is mad.
Why must I always be the good one? Aella gets to run around while I cannot. It would break Mother if I did, since Aella took claims on getting to have fun first. All I want is to be able to check books out of the library freely and read in public and tell people everything I learned. I just want to not have to do this in secret anymore.
She layed there for an hour, bitter thoughts like these running through her mind without stopping. A dam had broken in her brain and now the water of her anger, towards her parent, Aella, the world, were flowing freely. She got up and went back to her dorm, feeling inexplicably but drastically better. She laughed with Mary, who had come to forgive her, and then fell asleep late at night, clutching a book to her chest.
October 1889
Conversation between Rose and Isabella, takes place in Rose’s room
Isabella: What is this? (Holding up a star book)
Rose: Oh, that?
Isabella: I found this in your room, just now, when you went to go to the bathroom.
Rose: Oh.
Isabella: It’s a book. You know you’re not supposed to do things like that
Isabella: Tell me what is going on, or I will alert your parents of this.
Rose: Alright! Alright. It’s a book that I like reading. I’ve been sneaking books from the library to learn.
Isabella: Learn? Why?
Rose: Because it makes me happy.
*Isabella turns, leaving the room. She tosses the book on Rose’s bed as she goes.*
December 1889
Excerpt from Rose’s diary,
I have just come home from school. My first year at Green Valley School For Girls is over. Isabella wouldn’t speak to me when I tried to say goodbye to her. Ever since she found out about my love for the stars, she hasn’t talked to me. She has not told anyone, and for this I am grateful.
I will miss Mary while I am here, at home. We are like sisters now, closer than Aella and me. I almost told her about my books, on the carriage, but I decided not to. The scar Isabella has given me is too fresh, too new, for me to risk getting another one. And I like Mary more than I ever did Isabella.
I noticed Aella reaching out to the driver today, about to tell him to stop driving when we passed a stableboy. But she didn’t. I wonder if this is the boy she has been meeting.
January 1890
Excerpt from Rose’s diary
I saw Aella in the tower today, and she saw me with my books. She knows now. I had no idea that she came up to the tower. I know she won’t tell our parents. She’s got her own secrets.
February 1890
Excerpt from Rose’s diary.
Aella’s village boy was beaten today. She cried for them to stop, but I grabbed her by the arm and shushed her. I knew it wouldn’t do anything, and would only get her into trouble.
She must hate me now.
April 1890
Excerpt from Rose’s diary
Poor, poor Aella. My heart aches for her. A handmaiden has started following her around. She looks so miserable and sad. Is it possible for me to be happy when my twin, my closest friend, my confidant, looks so down?
I must not tell anyone about my books. I cannot end up like Aella. I must be perfect,
May 1890
Excerpt from Rose’s diary
Why won’t Aella open up to me? I’m so worried about her, yet she won’t tell me anything. I do not know what is happening. We used to be so close, she would tell me everything. Has she come to resent me?
My grades are slipping for the first time, I’m so worried. I think the librarian is starting to notice me sneaking out all the books. If she catches me, I don’t know what I’ll do.
June 1890
Excerpt from Rose’s diary
I have never been jealous of Aella before. It’s a new feeling. She received a beautiful gown in the mail. I know that it’s from her village boy. I asked her about it, but she wouldn’t answer me.
Why does she get so much attention, doing whatever she wants, while I, who tries so hard, am not given any?
It’s our birthday tomorrow. I’ve never been less excited.
July 1890
Scene, Spring dance.
Rose’s date had ditched her the moment they had gotten there to go talk to his friends. She didn’t care much. She was talking to Aella when she saw a boy toss Aella a rose. It was red and had no thorns. It was beautiful. The boy smiled at Aella, and she smiled back. But before she could pick up the rose, Rose yanked her by the arm and pulled her away. She was jealous, and she was aware of it.
September 1890
Excerpt from Rose’s diary
That was quite a disgusting speech that I just heard. The council told us that there are “right” people and “wrong” people, and we should know which ones to stay away from.
I could tell that Aella hated it just as much as I did, if not more. But I want her to be happy. So I told her that they were right, even though I don’t believe it myself.
I know that it’s wrong, because I know that if people knew my secret, I would be a wrong person, along with would Aella, and how could two girls like us be so bad?
October 1890
Scene, empty classroom
Rose took a deep breath. This was it. Mary blinked at her, waiting. They were standing at the front of the classroom.
“I read. I like learning. I take books home from the library. I love learning about the stars. Science. I think it’s so amazing. But my parents don’t like that. They want me to marry, not learn.” Her words were choppy.
Rose was taken aback.
“You’re okay with it?”
“Of course! I think it’s great!” Mary looked surprised, but she wasn’t mad.
Suddenly, Rose didn’t feel so alone in the world. She grabbed Mary’s hands in excitement!
“Mary! I could teach you stuff! We could learn secretly together!”
Mary shook her head,
“Rose, I’m not like you and Aella. I like these things. This is what I want to do.”
“B-but Mary, you don’t have to do what they say. You can defy them, like me and Aella..”
Mary jerked her hands out of Rose’s.
“Rose, this is what I want to do. And that doesn’t make me any less than you two.”
There was a loud silence that seemed to fill the whole classroom. Rose sighed.
“You’re right Mary. I’m sorry.”
Mary forgave her easily, instantly. That’s how it was with these two. They could never stay mad at one another.
November 1890
Scene, Rose’s bedroom.
Rose held the letter tightly in her hands. The front of the letter, all she had read so far, said “To Rose. From Aella. I’m sorry.”
Rose tore it open. She read it and sank onto her bed, shaking. She was going pale.
“No, no, no.” She kept repeating.
Aella was gone. She had run away, with the stable boy,
“No, no, no, NO!”
Rose started sobbing. Ungraceful, ugly sobs that shook her whole body. She ripped the letter in half and threw it on the ground. How could Aella do this to her? She grabbed her diary and started scribbling furiously, tears streaming down her cheeks and drenching the paper.
Excerpt from Rose’s Diary
I’m happy for her. I am. I know she’ll be alright. I wonder if she will even miss me like I will miss her. It’s just….what about me? I must keep our parents happy, which means resigning myself to be perfect. They won't be able to handle two daughters like Aella. Again, she gets to do what she wants….and I don’t. How much pressure will be placed on me now? Did she even stop to think of me? Once? I must keep my secret safe. For Mother.
December 1890
Excerpt from Rose’s diary
It’s all over. They found out.
I’m done with finishing school. It’s a weird feeling. I will miss it, and Mary, a lot.
I’m home now, sitting on my familiar bed.
I had to return all my books to the library. They weren’t really mine. Except for the first one, that one with the star on the cover, the one that started it all. That’s the one that they found. Mother found it, actually.
“This is a men’s book.” She said to me. She was really, really, sad. She looked like she was about to cry, and it broke my heart.
I told her what I had been doing. There was no point in avoiding it. She had cried.
“No, no, Rose, you’re the only one left.”
I told her that I still wanted to marry, and loved school, and had done well. That cheered her up a bit, but she was mad. She took away my star book. It hurts.
But I won’t let them stop me. Somehow, I will learn. I will discover. I will be the girl I was born to be.
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the formatting turned out weird....sorry about that
Adrienne Flemming and I wrote this story in collaboration. She wrote a story from Aella's perspective, go check it out!
Aww I really liked this!
It really felt as if I was taking a peek into Rose's life since you crafted the dialogue and descriptions very well. Your writing seems to consist most of "slice of life" stories, and this one was just like that! Great job!
I'll be sure to check out Adrienne's story as well!
thank youuu :)
Okay okay I LOVE your new bio! I don't perfectly fit into one of the categories so I'll tell you what I'm a mix of.
Mint green -Target and Michaels obsessed. Healthy sleep schedule, drinks lots of water and probably records how much water they drink in their bullet journal. Can be kinda uptight, creative.
Forest green (literally my fav color btw) -dark clothing, always carrying a satchel of old books. libraries, studying for fun. literature. distant, deep conversations. messy hair, no makeup leaky pens.
AAAAND Muted Black -late-night adventures, mystery novels, driving around aimlessly at 2 am, windows down. Curious, oversized t-shirts, baggy jeans. lip gloss. stubborn, defends anyone they love.
As you can see I have many sides lol
awww I love it! although ur not rly the baggy jean or oversize t-shirts type right?
what do you think I am?
Really?? Well yeah I can see that, but there are many sides to me (as you know)
I have to have deep conversations though, they keep me going. And I also have an uptight side (which I believe you've witnessed many times!)
I think you're a mix of the grape purple and navy blue? (I'm not 100% sure about the navy blue, but yeah for everything elseee!
i asked kianna and broghan and both of them said a mix of lavender/muted red with more muted red. they literally both said the SAME. EXACT. THING. Saba and Sana also pretty much said that (I'll edit all these names out in a bit) and Elizabeth. and maya y.
i feel like you have kinda only seen my writer side, and my random-girl-at-school side, which is where the grape purple comes in yk? idk tho
Okay I forgot something else
Coffee brown- hiker, loves nature, environmental activist, passionate, science lover. . post-it notes stuck all over their things. plant-lover. empathetic, introvert.
omg yeah that definitely is you
I feel like if i could pink only one for u it would be coffee brown
Y 🐭
GIRL, HOW AND WHY ARE YOUR DESCRIPTIONS SO BEAUTIFUL?! Like, seriously. I'm impressed. This one was one heck of a read. So very well done!
dude what really? tysm :)
yessss, ahaha.
"Born to Be"-- I was confused at first by the title but I smiled and nodded when I read the last sentence :) No major critique, though I suggest you read through the manuscript again before you submit to catch things like "YOu" and "Eleanor::"
Also, if I were you, I'd italicize the diary parts, so that you don't need to have "Scene, Rose in the tower" and so that it's easier to understand what I'm reading haha :)
All in all, this was pretty good. Keep it up, Amaya!
thanks Zilla! If I could edit I would change them now, but I'll keep them in mind for next time I do one like this :)
Hi, Amaya! (Is it okay if I call you that? I saw it in your bio...) You asked me to check this story out, so here I am!
First of all, there were a few grammar mistakes and rough patches I saw. For example, you said, “No, no, no.” She kept repeating. It should be, “No, no, no,” she kept repeating. Also, don't start a new line if it is not needed. You should only move on when the topic has changed. I would recommend proof reading by an adult or checking it over by yourself a few times. I like to print mine out and use a red pen. That always helps.
Instead of putting "Excerpt from Rose's diary," you can just put the name Rose and underline it (Ctrl + U). I didn't really get by what you meant with the whole Scene thing... is this supposed to be a play? If i is, I would suggest putting it in Italics (Ctrl + i) along with the date (ie. 1889, 1956, ect.) Oh, and since this was in the 1800s, books were not outlawed for girls. Maybe just say that the main character and the family is conservative, and they think that female literacy is a sin.
Otherwise, good job on this one! I look forward to reading more! :)
yeah, Amaya is good :)
yeah the grammar was rough in this one, because I didn't even edit, I just typed the last word and turned it in on Friday (I know I know! It pained me to do it but I was just so tired and didn't want it to go to waste so...yeah)
The scene thing was supposed to be like it's a mishmash of different things (diary entries, scenes, conversations, etc) to show the story, but I don't think I executed very well. I'll try again sometimes.
Yeah, I was thinking the family was conservative but kind of forgot to relay that.
No problem!
YOu won’t understand. ~ The you is funky.
I must not tell anyone about my books. I cannot end up like Aella. I must be perfect, ~ The comma should be a period.
Couldn't find anything else. Gj! :)
Hey Maya (can I call you that?), Abby and I are working on something called 'Operation Christmas Spirit.' Basically, we're going to go on random upvote sprees of 100 for people. Do you wanna join?
I guess i have some good news now :) I finished one of my novels
NO WAY REALLY?!?!? which one?
Yep, i did ^^ though i don't think you know the one, I don't think that I told ya about most of em.
can you explain the plot to me?
like the full thing?
well yes but like a summary on the back of the book- it doesn't give away the ending but tells you what it's about
Hey, Amaya!
So, I am writing a story using a Reedsy friend cast, and I want you to be in it. If you also want to be in it, please fill this out:
Name (if you want it to be different):
Spirit animal:
Favorite color:
Thanks if you do this! If you don't, that's okay, too! :D
Your friend,
aw ofc! thats so sweet of you!
Name: Amaya
Power: invisibility
Spirit animal: tiger
Eye color: hazel
Hair: thick wavy and dark (black)
Favorite color: lavender and sage green
Weakness: short temper
That all sounds wonderful, but for weakness, I meant that I want to know what that one thing is that your character will do anything for, even if it's really stupid. Sorry...
ohh okay haha
probably...her pets? like her dog? i cant think of anything else rn lol
Lol that works!!!!!
thank you!!!
This is like a diary, right? Like I said in the last story, you have this step by step way to write, and it makes it easier to read and understand. Rose shares a lot of things with us, and I like how Rose tells us her feelings and opinions right after she confesses something that happened in her life. I like it!
Thank you!
Hey, Amaya! Your description just blew me away. It really left me speechless. You really built up Rose's sadness. Fantastic job! -Brooke
P.S. would you mind reading my new story? I think you'll want to...
thank you!!! i'll check it out asap
No prob!
Hey, Amaya! This story was just so beautiful, I felt it really deeply. This is such an amazing piece of writing, I really love it!
Your Friend,
thank you!
Just like Adrienne's partnering story, I'm speechless. You both have such a way of words, and it takes my breath away. Just wow.
Hiyieee! Noice bio!! I'm Cherry red, and muted Red!
Hey, im sorry
what why?
I don't know, lately ive just been feeling that I've been a total piece of crap kinda to you and the other friends on here. Maybe even a bit rude to them. Though maybe not that last part, I ain't sure. Some stuff happened.
WHAT NO! you haven't been mean at all, I don't know why you're feeling that way. Everything I said in my bio about you is 100% true, and still is.
I'm sorry about whatever stuff happened :(
It aint your fault, you don't need to really worry or anything.
I liked it. I do agree with Zilla about rereading to catch those little things, but honestly I've read submissions that were just riddled with spelling errors and punctuation gaffes. Also, using italics or font differences might make smoother transitions, but it was a good story.
ok, thanks!
Has your B-Day already passed? You say its in October but I dunno if its still coming up or not.