Fantasy Teens & Young Adult Drama

"Nevara Castor." 

The inhuman, mechanical voice echoed through the room. I remember looking up as the tall platform in the middle, squeezing my mother's hand to steady myself. The winding staircase that reached for the podium looked like a swarm of white birds. Their wings were blurs of mist, beady spherical eyes at the tops of every rail glistening with animosity.

The girl was already standing at the front of the crowd. I wanted to throw myself into her arms and beg her not to go. But I knew that my actions wouldn't do any good. Once the name is spoken, there's no going back. Their lives are in the hands of my mother. 

"Please." I whispered, tugging on her deep crimson satin cloak. She looked over at me once, with a gaze as cold and intimidating as the rest of the nobles that filled the room. My callowness was out of place. 

Lady Castor gave a shake of her head as the girl slowly walked towards the staircase. Why wouldn't she do anything to save her eldest daughter? Why had she sped up the clock that counted down to my older sister's death? 


"Lift your arm higher, Saphi." Kate instructed, offering her sister a nod of encouragement as the simulation replayed. 

I wasn't in the mood to train. I wasn't in the mood to do anything.

My mother says that my behavior is uncalled for, and that one in my position shouldn't dwell on events that don't matter. How does Therin being chosen to die- by her, nevertheless- not matter? 

I know he won't truly be gone after the events in the arena come to a cease. He'll be in one of her underground fortresses, forced to supply magic until he breaks. He doesn't deserve any of it. But I do. 

I tear my eyes away from the floor. The dark gray mats aren't much of a sight, anyway. There are no tears to mentally stitch, or small wisps of cushioning to stuff back in. Everything is pristine and perfect. It's sickening to look at.

The dark haired girl, however, is a much better distraction. She wields her bladed staff elegantly, somehow managing to retain her poise while doing so. 

"Good job!" I hear Kate call as the last hologram vanishes. 

I'm glad she's proud of her sister. At least Saphira can have the acknowledgement I never did.

"Lady Castor." It takes me a moment to process the overwhelming hatred that comes from the name before looking up at the maid. She stands timidly, not much older than fifteen. 

"Raya." she looks confused as I stand, nervously fiddling with the

hem of her left sleeve. "Not Lady Castor. Just Raya."

She dips her head slightly, a stray that had come loose of her braid falling into her eyes. She reminds me of a shy, young fawn. The people from Earth had brought their creatures here long ago. The native species had mixed with them, and hybrids slowly covered the lands of the Five Kingdoms. 

Sinistra is devoid of the life that roams through the forests in Forane and swims beneath the waves of Riverdeen's waters. We are a barren wasteland, overrun with dark magic and technology. Nothing here is pure. 

"The princess requested you to meet with her in the North Tower." 

"The...princess?" I repeated, not sure what to make of the news. What did the princess want?

"Yes. She said it was of the utmost importance." 

I glanced over at Kate who had paused Saphira's training. I gave her a small smile to let her know that all was fine. I nodded at the girl, and she turned to exit the training bay. 

I followed as she traveled through the white twisting corridors. She navigated it seamlessly, like she had traveled through them thousands of times. We stopped at a wide set of marble steps.

Circular vases filled with blood red roses stood atop the short columns on either side of the steps. The railings were intricately carved in white flowers and swirls that resembled vines and leaves.

We traveled up the steps in silence, turning to the left and walking up another staircase. 

The hall was wide, doors lining the way. The maid knocked on the door at the end, taking a step back as it opened.

"Princess." she dipped her head, and I managed to, as well. I was still perplexed. 

She ushered me in, pausing a moment to say something that made the girl's face flush a bright scarlet. 

"Thanks, Moria." Was all I could catch before the princess waved and gently shut the door. The smile on her face vanished as she turned to look at me. 

Princess Danelle Loire was only thirteen. Yet somehow, her dark brown eyes bore into my soul and knew everything I was hesitant to tell. The resemblance to her mother was striking, and that terrified me. My encounter with the queen had not been one of ecstasy.

"I don't like my parents much, either." she said with a soft smile, picking up a gold circlet dotted with white flowers. She placed it back on top of her open scroll, moving a small white cube back in line against a stack of thick books. Bright blue veins pulsed pulsed under her fingertips, and she drew her hand away.

I didn't say anything, but raised the walls that kept my mind my own. They must have dropped when I hadn't been paying attention. Her words did bring a little comfort, though, and I managed to nod. 

The princess was silent for a moment before walking across the large room to a wall covered entirely with shelves. Books, scrolls, and what seemed like miscellaneous objects were scattered across the wood. It was the one thing in this whole room that seemed truly chaotic- not in a messy way, but natural. Alive. Free from the perfection that clasped around the white drapes and pristine couches.

She stared for a while before pushing a small blue box aside. Her right hand glowed as she pressed her hand to a circular panel I hadn't previously noticed. 

The contents of the center shelf swam together, a hole growing in the wood until it was as large as a doorway. The princess had cloaked something behind the wall, and had done it extremely well. I hadn't noticed anything.

"Follow me." She stepped through, taking a few steps down the staircase I could just see before looking back. Her eyes pleaded with me to trust her. After a moment I sighed, walking through the swirling doorway. It snapped shut as I came through, just a plain stone wall. 

"Where exactly am I, your majesty?"

"You'll see!" The princess said with a smile, taking a black cloak off a hook and handing it to me. "Trust me, you'll need it." She murmured as she slipped hers on on top of her off-the-shoulder, black floral blouse and knee-length white skirt. 

I hadn't noticed before, but the princess had great fashion sense.

"And call me Danelle. Or Dani." she added. "I'm sick of royal titles." 

"Agreed." I replied, and couldn't help but smile. 

As we walked, I could tell that we were under the Sinistrian palace. I didn't recognize the dimly lit corridors; but if I traced where they went, they formed an underground web of tunnels. It must have been at least ten minutes before we came to a dead end. Danelle extended her arm, pressing her hand against a perfectly square rock. It flashed a bright white, for a moment, before a door hidden to the left swung open. 


"Not really." I muttered. "But sure." 

I didn't know that a place under the Sinistrian palace could reach such sub-zero temperatures.

"Why-and how- is there snow!?" I exclaimed. Now I understood why we needed the cloaks. They provided little resistance against the winds, but radiated warmth I was glad to have. 

"It's an extra precaution." I waited for more, but that's all she had to say. 

I wondered if anyone in the arena was suffering in the cold. What was Therin doing? And would my mother be merciful enough to let him win? 

Danelle suddenly stopped, pushing back her hood and kneeling. She dug through the snow, pressing her hand to a small metal plate. She grabbed my hand just as we vanished in a flicker of white.

"Maybe you could give me a warning next time before Teleporting me off to some mystery location?" 

I couldn't help but laugh at the disheveled state of her hair. She muttered something about how people have no respect for fashion before turning to yet another door.

"Password?" an automated voice asked in a disinterested, even tone. 

She glanced at me before whispering something I could just make out. 


Those birds were creatures that collected secrets form both the living and dead. You can't pass a flock of them without telling something. The consequences of refusal are not exactly ideal- and even then, they will gain form the encounter. 

What secrets are hiding behind this door? 

What secrets do the princess hold?

What secrets am I keeping from myself? 


The door opened silently. All light that would usually have cascaded in from outside vanished. She stepped in, lowering her hood. I did the same, able to make out ten figures in the darkness. Someone snapped their fingers, and a light source appeared in a supernova of white and glowing blue.

"Hi, Raya." said the person who had opened the door. I didn't have to look to know who it was. She had been my only true friend for five years until she and her mother had vanished.

Cressida pulled me into a hug.

"Like my hair?" she asked after a few moments, gesturing to the crown braid circling her head. I couldn't say anything. The familiar, freckled face that I had missed was back. My friend had returned. 

"Sorry, but however sweet this is, we don't have time for reunions." Danelle called once she had reached the other side of the room. 

"How many doors are there...?" I murmured as the princess made her way over to an archway where a white door, obviously, stood. 

Cress chuckled, shaking her head. "I have no idea."

We walked over to her, and it slid open. This place was nothing like the other room. 

This place was massive- larger than the ballroom and the queen's study combined. It looked the exact same as the places where Medics stood watch, slaving over holographic screens and control panels. This place, however, didn't have the hostility of my mother's fortresses. A curiosity and longing for answers filled the air. 

Columns curved along the walls up to the white, domed ceiling. The view out of the windows were all different. There was a blue full of wispy clouds on one, the next a magnificent display of the night sky.

Numbers flew past on screens in the back, while images appeared and vanished on the ones next to those. 

Danelle led me into the center. The control panel was long and continuous, forming circle around a a slowly turning cube. It was almost transparent, lines of bright blue glowing around it like wires. Cress pressed a button and it stopped rotating, one of the square sides face-to-face with the three of us.

"We have a digital library on almost anyone in the Five Kingdoms." She explained, lifting a holographic shape identical to the large cube. "Commoners, royalty, nobility, the Claimed, et cetera. Anyone you want to research, first?" 

Two people came to mind. One of them needed my help. The other, I couldn't save. But if I learned about them, the other person's fate might be changeable.

I looked up at the large cube. The three blue dots pulsed, waiting for my command on what information to bring up. 

"Nevara Castor." She would have the answers I need to find out why my mother is doing all of this- why she did the things she did all those years ago. "My sister."

The circles pulsed before the screen filled. A picture of her-of a younger Nevara- filled the top left of the screen. It showed her full name under that- Lady Nevara Elestren Castor. 

It showed her parentage, bloodline, and the type of magic she had. She had been a Larkwing, like Lex. 

But that was it. 

Everything else was gone. 

February 09, 2021 22:26

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Nainika Gupta
15:12 Feb 12, 2021

new story!


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Sapphire 🌼
17:56 Feb 11, 2021

OF COURSE ITS OKAY THAT KATES MY SISTER!!! OMG THO THIS IS PERFECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT I always said I would read it, but my to-do list kept getting longer and some stuff came up and blah blah blah But now that I read it, I am smacking myself for not reading it earlier I LOVE IT! AND I LOVE MY SPEAR SO MUCH IDK WHY BUT IM OBSESSED WITH IT XD Also is Danelle supposed to be Danielle cause she said "Call be Dani". Danelle is such a pretty name though!!! I LOVE IT! Im so obsessed XD


Sapphire 🌼
17:58 Feb 11, 2021

I've just realised as I was reading it over for the 100000th time, that YOUR WRITING HAS CHANGED SO MUCH! Like WOW compared to the first part to this part, You've improved SO MUCH MIRA!


Mira Caplan
20:14 Feb 12, 2021

THANKS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XDDDDDDDDDDDD A mighty weapon for a mighty friend (idek...) Yeah, I guess Danielle would make more sense. But Danelle is just...Danelle? Idk. It might work? It isn't TOO far-fetched, but yeah. I get it. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKK YES!!! This one was..like... WAYYYYYYY more formal. But it suits the story!!! Also, I forgot what your character looks like... ehehe sorry


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Mira Caplan
20:14 Feb 12, 2021

THANKS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XDDDDDDDDDDDD A mighty weapon for a mighty friend (idek...) Yeah, I guess Danielle would make more sense. But Danelle is just...Danelle? Idk. It might work? It isn't TOO far-fetched, but yeah. I get it. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKK YES!!! This one was..like... WAYYYYYYY more formal. But it suits the story!!! Also, I forgot what your character looks like... ehehe sorry


Sapphire 🌼
23:15 Feb 12, 2021

XDDDD THANK YOU (LOL) Nah, Danelle is still pretty cool :) XD its alright NO PROBLEM!


Mira Caplan
02:25 Feb 13, 2021



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Mira Caplan
02:25 Feb 13, 2021



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TJ Squared
16:23 Mar 10, 2021

I could instantly tell that Saph was in the making of this XDDDDD She uses Saphira for everything XDDD (Not a bad thing) Once again, lovely job, and great details :)


Mira Caplan
16:29 Mar 10, 2021

Yep... I NEEDED to have a character dedicated to her, so... Saphi, Kate's younger sister! XD I need to find a reason behind the name, though...


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Mira Caplan
16:29 Mar 10, 2021

Yep... I NEEDED to have a character dedicated to her, so... Saphi, Kate's younger sister! XD I need to find a reason behind the name, though...


TJ Squared
16:31 Mar 10, 2021



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13:08 Feb 19, 2021

ViCtOrY iS OuRs *Pass it on!* just comment on someone else, but not Amathyst, since she went crazy over it.


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01:31 Feb 19, 2021

ViCtoRy Is OuRs! Apparently its a challenge where you say it to someone and then have them pass it on. I got it from luna who got it from sapphire who got it from kate who got it from jade who got it from emerald sorry this is really random XD p.s. i feel like we haven't talked so um hi?


13:09 Feb 19, 2021

Hi. It's me. Do i have it now? I started it....


21:53 Feb 19, 2021

yeah i think so


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Mira Caplan
14:13 Feb 19, 2021

Hiiiiiiiiiii!!! I'll pass it on! And yeah, it has been a while..


21:53 Feb 19, 2021

a while = NEVER


Mira Caplan
21:54 Feb 19, 2021



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Mira Caplan
21:54 Feb 19, 2021



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Mira Caplan
14:13 Feb 19, 2021

Hiiiiiiiiiii!!! I'll pass it on! And yeah, it has been a while..


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Lilliane Wei
20:39 Feb 15, 2021

Hi, Miraaaaaaa!! You're in my latest story "A Shadow's Struggle" but your role isn't as big as I wanted it to be. Don't worry, though, your character will be returning soon!


Mira Caplan
23:06 Feb 15, 2021



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Mira Caplan
23:06 Feb 15, 2021



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Nainika Gupta
01:28 Feb 14, 2021

MIRAAAAAAAAAAAA don't forget to take mah reedsy-cast quizzz XD


Mira Caplan
03:05 Feb 14, 2021

I WILLLLLLLLLL!!! (I'll take it, not I'll forget, lol)


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Mira Caplan
03:05 Feb 14, 2021

I WILLLLLLLLLL!!! (I'll take it, not I'll forget, lol)


Nainika Gupta
04:11 Feb 14, 2021



Mira Caplan
13:11 Feb 16, 2021

I did!!!!!


Nainika Gupta
13:28 Feb 16, 2021



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Kate Reynolds
03:30 Feb 13, 2021

New storyyyyyyy!


Mira Caplan
15:30 Feb 13, 2021

I READ IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT. WAS. AMAZING.


Kate Reynolds
17:11 Feb 13, 2021



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12:29 Feb 10, 2021

Amazing storytelling! It all felt so formal and serene, like really thought out. Great job!


Mira Caplan
15:58 Feb 11, 2021



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Mira Caplan
15:58 Feb 11, 2021



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. .
15:04 Feb 19, 2021

MIRA. THIS VID IS LITERALLY MY CHILDHOOD. MUST SEE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BS0T8Cd4UhA


Mira Caplan
15:50 Feb 19, 2021

Let It Go? In multiple languages? Okkkkkkk


. .
15:53 Feb 19, 2021



Mira Caplan
16:31 Feb 19, 2021

I have listened!!! Is very cool.


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Mira Caplan
16:31 Feb 19, 2021

I have listened!!! Is very cool.


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Sunny 🌼
20:08 Feb 16, 2021

I FINALLY GOT AROUND TO READING THIS (I feel like the worst friend ever for not reading it sooner). But it is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I've realized how obsessed I am with this storyline and these characters-


Mira Caplan
20:12 Feb 16, 2021

YOU ARE NOT THE WORST FRIEND!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE A GREAT FRIEND!!!!!!!! Everyone's been busy, trust me. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!! My obsession with Therin Caius, Theraya, Alarys, and Luriene is OFF THE CHARTS. Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Mira Caplan
20:12 Feb 16, 2021

YOU ARE NOT THE WORST FRIEND!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE A GREAT FRIEND!!!!!!!! Everyone's been busy, trust me. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!! My obsession with Therin Caius, Theraya, Alarys, and Luriene is OFF THE CHARTS. Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mira Caplan
20:12 Feb 16, 2021

I just saw that you like Blackpink- BLACKPINK IN YOUR AREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!


Sunny 🌼
20:16 Feb 16, 2021

YES! You can think my friend Tobi for my new BLACKPINK obsession lmao


Mira Caplan
20:17 Feb 16, 2021

LISTEN TO MAMAMOO, TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Mira Caplan
20:17 Feb 16, 2021

LISTEN TO MAMAMOO, TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mira Caplan
20:17 Feb 16, 2021

Who's your favorite TDR character so far??? And Blackpink idol???


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Mira Caplan
20:17 Feb 16, 2021

Who's your favorite TDR character so far??? And Blackpink idol???


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Sunny 🌼
20:24 Feb 16, 2021

Oh yeah, I've listened to some of MAMMAMOO's stuff. I really like HIP. I don't really have a Blackpink idol since I don't know that much about them. And TDR character...I think I like Raya the best.


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Kate Reynolds
22:51 Feb 09, 2021

So many cliffhangersssssssss BUT OMG I LOVED THISSSSSSSS IT WAS SO SUSPENSEFUL (Also I LOVED MEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Great job Miraaaa!!! :D


Mira Caplan
22:56 Feb 09, 2021

YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE thank you!!!!!!! yas, raya has an older sister named Nevara. Yes, her mother did pretty much kill her. Yes, IS DRAMATIQUE You and Sapphire are now sisters...hope you don't mind. XD


Kate Reynolds
22:58 Feb 09, 2021

NPPPPPPP!!!!!!!! :O so much plot twistssssss YAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! (Ofc I don't mind!!! Sapphire is awesomeeee!)


Mira Caplan
23:00 Feb 09, 2021

yeeeeeeees!!! And Cress is aliveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I need to come up with a name as cool as the Black Swan or the Neverseen for these people.....any ideas??? ((She issssssssssssssssss))


Kate Reynolds
23:03 Feb 09, 2021

:OOOOOO Oof I'm sorry but you have come to the wrong person XD I am literally the WORST at coming up with namessssss But if I think of anything I'll let you know!!! (YEESSSS)


Mira Caplan
23:04 Feb 09, 2021

is okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk And yay, thanks!!!!


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Mira Caplan
23:04 Feb 09, 2021

is okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk And yay, thanks!!!!


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Mira Caplan
23:00 Feb 09, 2021

yeeeeeeees!!! And Cress is aliveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I need to come up with a name as cool as the Black Swan or the Neverseen for these people.....any ideas??? ((She issssssssssssssssss))


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Mira Caplan
22:56 Feb 09, 2021

YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE thank you!!!!!!! yas, raya has an older sister named Nevara. Yes, her mother did pretty much kill her. Yes, IS DRAMATIQUE You and Sapphire are now sisters...hope you don't mind. XD


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. .
22:31 Feb 09, 2021

YOU'RE LEANING TOWARDS NEVARA I CAN TELL BUT STARLING IS SO MUCH BETTER I WON'T ARGUE BUT IT IS!!! Other than that, you need to make sure to describe more in a way that's appealing to the reader so that we can imagine it. That's it!! Congrats, barely any!!!


Mira Caplan
22:33 Feb 09, 2021

Well.....her name IS Nevara... I think my writing style...like...changed for the first part of this one. It's waaaay more Red Queen or whatever instead of KOTLC. Does that even make sense?? XD LE GASP!!! REALLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY???


Mira Caplan
22:37 Feb 09, 2021

Starling is a nickname, not a nameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I ALSO won't argue but is true


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Mira Caplan
22:37 Feb 09, 2021

Starling is a nickname, not a nameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I ALSO won't argue but is true


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. .
23:01 Feb 09, 2021

It was never KOTLC I dunno why you’re still bringing that up!!! It was THG and kotlc had nothing to do with it!! Also kotlc is too good to be on a writing siteeeeeee are you listening to my critique of the description???


Mira Caplan
23:04 Feb 09, 2021

Luke, I mean the writing STYLE. You know how the writing style is different than Red Queen and how Red Queen has more of a...historical writing style while KOTLC's is more modern? And what do you mean??? Say it in terms I can understand...XD


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Mira Caplan
23:04 Feb 09, 2021

Luke, I mean the writing STYLE. You know how the writing style is different than Red Queen and how Red Queen has more of a...historical writing style while KOTLC's is more modern? And what do you mean??? Say it in terms I can understand...XD


. .
23:17 Feb 09, 2021

I knowwwwww the writing style is nothing like kotlc your writing style is YOU


Mira Caplan
23:19 Feb 09, 2021

welllllllllll................ehhh Is that supposed to be a compliment? If so, thank you?


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Mira Caplan
23:19 Feb 09, 2021

welllllllllll................ehhh Is that supposed to be a compliment? If so, thank you?


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. .
23:17 Feb 09, 2021

about the critiques, I mean that you need to make it a more friendly image in our minds in the sense that its easy for us to imagine and visualize


Mira Caplan
23:19 Feb 09, 2021

oooooooooooooooh. So like.........it was a bit to explosive and.......Red Queen like? Or whatever?


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Mira Caplan
23:19 Feb 09, 2021

oooooooooooooooh. So like.........it was a bit to explosive and.......Red Queen like? Or whatever?


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I CANT WAITTTTTTT I'm dumb tho, and forgot... Is this the arena? or are they going to the arena SORRY MIR IM DUMBBBBBBBB


Mira Caplan
15:58 Feb 11, 2021

tHIS IS IN THE PALACE. Sorry, caps lock. Raya isn't in the arena. And it's fineeeeeee! This IS confusing, lol


It’s fineeeee XD We are getting downvoted sooo much 😢😢😣😣😣


Mira Caplan
20:22 Feb 12, 2021



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Mira Caplan
20:22 Feb 12, 2021



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Mira Caplan
15:58 Feb 11, 2021

tHIS IS IN THE PALACE. Sorry, caps lock. Raya isn't in the arena. And it's fineeeeeee! This IS confusing, lol


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