Historical Fiction Fantasy Thriller

I could feel their eyes on me, all the eyes of the people we walked past. Our new neighbors were weird, just watching my Mama and me. No one back home would stare at us like this. I don't think that I'm that fun to look at. I asked Mama why so many people were staring at us, but she only told me to keep my voice down.

"I don't like it here, Mama, when are we going back home?" I pulled on her dress while she was doing something in the kitchen.

"This is our home, now go feed the chickens and let Mama do her work." She handed me a heavy bag and sent me out the door. I tried to ask her again after I feed the chickens, but all she did was give me another chore.

I don't want this to be my home. All of my friends are gone, and no one here wants to talk to me. I try and ask all the grown-ups what they are doing, but they just turn away and pretend they didn't hear me. The only adult who would talk to me was the man who wore long clothes and worked at the church. He just told me to listen to God, but I don't know who he is. I asked him to show me where he lived, but he just started saying things I didn't understand, so I just nodded and left.

"Why is this our new home, Mama?" I asked as I was being tucked into bed.

"We can live a better life in the Colony, now sleep my child." She kissed my forehead before blowing out the candle and crawling in next to me. I wanted to ask her more questions, but she looked too tired. I wanted her to sleep instead.

The next day Mama sent me out of the house and told me to make some friends. All the grown-ups looked at me weird again and still didn't answer any of my questions. The man from the church was walking towards me, so I ran the other way. Today I was tired of hearing things I didn't understand.

Over one of the hills was three kids, they were playing by a river that flowed into a forest with tall trees. I ran over to them, and they immediately let me join in on their games. We ran around and chased each other, seeing who could run the longest before falling over. The other girl got tired, so she called me over, and we started playing with the flowers that grew in the meadow and started weaving them together into crowns. A couple of minutes later, the boys came too, but instead just peeled petals off the flowers.

"Have you ever been into the forest before?" Jeremy asked. He was the boy with fluffy black hair.

"My Papa told me to stay away from the forest if I want to live," Mary snapped back, looking over at the trees with a face that twisted in weird lines. "I don't want the Black Witch to turn me into a soup and eat me."

"The Black Witch? Is she one of the Indians?" I asked Mary. She looked at me with wide eyes and a big smile.

"You haven't heard of the Black Witch?" I shook my head, confused about why she asked me when I already told her the answer.

"So, who is she?"

"She used to live here in the village, before any of us were born." Ernest butted in, pushing past Mary so he could be in the middle. "Everyone knew she was weird, always staying by herself in her house and making soups that had strange smells to them. At the same time, some kids were going missing, walking into the forest, and then never coming out."

"And then one day," Mary interrupted, taking back her spot. "She was walking through the forest, and a priest caught her talking with the devil in the river! He said that the devil was helping her catch children so she could make them into soup!"

"What did they do to her?" I could feel my fingers moving weird from the feelings the story gave me.

"They tied her up and lit the fire to burn the devil out of her," Jeremy said solemnly while the others nodded. "The ashes seeped into her skin, so it turned black. That's why she is called the Black Witch."

"But if she was burned and died, why would she be in the forest?"

"When they were burning her, a big wave of water came from the river and pulled her to the forest." Mary glanced one last time at the forest before going back to her flower crown. It was so pretty already. "They say the devil is hiding in that forest, so no one can go in."

"Now, when we get rid of the witches, we chain them up and send them down the river, so the devil doesn't leave the forest." Jeremy finished. I squinted my eyes and stared deep into the forest to see if I could spot any evil, but there were only overgrown trees.

"I'm tired of talking about the forest," Ernest complained as he rose from his spot. "Let's play another game, I know a perfect one." The rest of us followed, but not before Mary could place her yellow and orange flower crown on my head. With that, we continued on with our playing, with no more talk of the devil forest.


Somedays, I wished I never told my Mama about the rumors of the devil forest. I know eventually, the townsfolk would have told her after they got past their suspicions. I still wish I didn't because I would have had time to seek further into it. Often I pass the forest entrance when I grab water from the river for our washings. Every time I leave the house with the bucket in hand, she repeats the same warning.

"Don't stay too long near the forest, it's not safe for little girls."

I always want to tell her that I am no longer a little girl, I can stand taller than her shoulders now, but I already know what she would say. I cannot lie about going near the forest, for the river entrance is behind our garden. I can see her flowing dirt-covered dress from the base of the river. I can almost see the caring look in her eyes.

Over and over, I have heard the forest's warnings, but that doesn't stop me from venturing. Some days when I walk past the river, I can listen to a voice of silk. There are no words I can understand, but the sound that filled my ears is the sweetest fruit. I can only hear it when I stand in place while the sky is still, for it is the faintest beauty.

I would love nothing more than to bring my Mama and asked her if she could hear it as well, but I already know how that would turn out. She already asked me why I bother to stop and listen to nothing, so I tell her it is a bird's song.

I awoke this early morning to my only chance. Beside me was my mother, still asleep under the light of the moon. I stepped over each squeaky board with nothing more than my nightgown and left through the front door. There was nothing but silence as I walked across the field, feeling the damp earth beneath my feet.

Once I reached the bank of the river, I heard the voice. Though I still knew no words of the call, it was more apparent than ever. Walking along the edge towards the devil's forest entrance, my heart fluttered with excitement and fear. Never before had there been life spotted in this river, but right at the entrance was something.

It sparkled like a thousand suns within the water, a beauty my eyes had never seen before. There was nothing more I wanted than to reach out and touch the forbidden shine. As I got closer, a shape formed under the water. At first, it was nothing more than a blob of light under the water, but soon enough, I could see…the tail of a large fish…could it be?

"What are you doing?" A hand grabbed onto mine and pulled me away from the light. I turned to see Jeremy staring at me, his face painted with confusion. "Are you crazy, following the calls of the devil?" I looked back at the water, but it was nothing but black. Did I imagine the whole thing?

"I'm not sure what I was doing," I lowered my head, feeling shame pull me down. "Please don't tell. I wish not to get into trouble."

"It's okay," Jeremy started, letting go of my hand. "I won't tell anyone, but only if you promise not to do it again." I looked back out at the river again, my mind not knowing what to say.

"I promise," I sighed. I felt a weight come off my head, but the words still made my heart twinge.

"That's good, I don't know what I would do without you." Jeremy finally smiled before offering his hand up. "May I please walk you home?"


"Are you sure it is safe to do this?" I asked Jeremy, his eyes staring down beyond my skin.

"You worry too much. Trust me, everything shall be fine." He reached out for me and repeated the act he has done time and time before.

My mind is always plagued with fear when Jeremy approaches me in this fashion, behind the vows of his wife, Mary. With every beat of pleasure comes a wave of regret, the morning after as I chat with Mary as she tends to the animals.

Perhaps my guilt was too much for my poor body to handle, so it forced its way out to show my shame. The blood had stopped flowing, and my stomach could not take a night of sleep. I knew I could not keep it secret much longer. For now, my stomach lay flat, but soon it will present the child I'm carrying. The next night Jeremy came by, I broke and wept to him and told him the truth I had been hiding.

"Please, Darling, do not cry like this. I will fix this, I promise." Jeremy wiped my face before pulling me in close. I knew I could not release my worry; Jeremy was capable of no miracles. Once word was out that I had slept with a married man, I would lose everything.

I waited two months for Jeremy to fulfill his promise, but it seemed he had forgotten completely. Mary still spoke with me, but Jeremy avoids me like poison. The more time passed, the more I worried about my fate.

I went to Mama's resting place to seek her guidance. I spoke to her my sorrows and begged for help in any form that could be provided. It was only when I was silent, did I hear my answer. It was a soft voice, smooth as silk coming from beyond hill, by the river that entered the forest.

Years of silence from the beautiful song, and now it appears when I cry for it the most. I raised myself up and stepped forward towards the river, but a hand reached out for mine.

"They are calling everyone to the church, it's urgent that you come," Ernest told me, his eyes wavering with nervousness that wasn't well hidden. I turned back to the river, but the voice had gone silent. I followed behind Mark while promising myself I would return to the voice that night.  Once I entered the church, three people rushed at me. In their hands were cold chains, wrapping them around my body.

"What are you doing! Chain me, please! I beg of you!" My chest started to hurt from the sheer weight of the chains. I could feel them already taking my breath.

"Quiet, Witch! We shall no longer be a victim to your power!" The priest shouted, gaining the support of the townsfolk behind him. All of their eyes fell on me, holding the same look of disgusted they did when I first came off the boat.

"Witch? I am no witch, I have no such powers! I beg of you to believe me!" I look around and see nothing but cold faces. Far in the corner was Mary and Jeremy. Mary had tears in her eyes, but Jeremy refused to look at me. "Jeremy, please, tell them I am no Witch!"

"You can not hide it anymore," Jeremy started, walking closer to me but still avoiding my gaze. "It is there for all to see, a child you are carrying with no husband or father to help you! Only a witch could bear a child on her own!"

More yells echoed from the crowd as they demanded my death, but I had no voice left in my throat to fight it. I could feel hands grab at the chains and pull me out the door, but I had nothing in me but more sorrowful tears. Towards the river, we went right to the spot I had cherished as a child.

"Tonight we shall send this witch back to the devil, we will no longer allow him to taint our souls!" I raised my head one last time to look at Jeremy, at he stared right at me. His eyes were hollow, and lost all love they held before when he was with me. It was the last thing I saw before being pushed into the river.

The cold water burned my skin, my chest stabbing with pain from the water's weight and the chains. The voices above were nothing but muffled, the lanterns above sparkles through the surface of the river. I was ready to give up and let the river consume me when I heard the voice again, that beautiful call now clearer than ever.

Coming from the forest river was the sparkle I had seen before, closer and closer it got, I could see the face of a woman and a fish's tail. I could do nothing but stare in awe as she grabbed the chains around me and pulled me deeper into the forest. I was so enchanted by this creature's beauty that I had forgotten my desperate need to breathe. Soon after she pulled me up from the water, I started puking up water while she undid the chains.

"Thank you," I hissed while my throat burned, doing my best to show my appreciation to this marvelous creature. She held herself above the water, allowing me to better see her under the swaying sun's light. Her skin was whiter than the snow in winter, her hair matching the same hue. Her tail was long and was white as well, except for a slight shimmer of blue.

I had so many questions to ask, both old and new, but the only thing I could seem to produce were weak thanks. After the chains were removed, she looked behind me and did a wave of her arms.

"What do you have here, Sova?" Said a voice from behind me before a hand reached down to my shoulder. Next to me was an older woman, with aged skin that wore a pattern of white and dark colors. It was etched together, creating a piece of art right on her skin.

"The Black Witch?" I whispered before I could even think about what I was saying, but luckily the woman laughed.

"Yes, that's what that village calls me. You can call me Mona." I nodded and repeated the name again, liking how it sounded. "How about we take you inside and make sure that child is taken care of?"

"Are you sure?" I hesitated. "This child was created from unholy actions."

"All children are holy in my eyes. Trust me, I have lots of experience raising children." She helped me to my feet and guided me along the river, bringing me to a place more magical than I had ever seen before. If only the other could accept such beauty.

September 18, 2020 15:42

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Corey Melin
16:35 Sep 19, 2020

Greatly impressed with your story. Love the storyline and wouldn't be surprised if it was published one day. I love fantasy having read countless tales and yours fits in with the top ones.


Lynn Penny
18:58 Sep 19, 2020

Thank you, that makes me so happy to read. I love fantasy and writing it is just so fun!


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B. W.
16:10 Sep 19, 2020

Hey this is a really good story and you did great with it ^^ i think i'll try and check out your other stories after this, i know they would be just as great as this one as well. I didn't really have a favorite part or anything because i just liked everything about it tbh. so ya know what im gonna go ahead and give you for this? a 10/10 :)


Lynn Penny
18:53 Sep 19, 2020

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!


B. W.
18:54 Sep 19, 2020

No problem ^^ question, have ya ever worked on a novel before?


Lynn Penny
18:55 Sep 19, 2020

Yes! I'm working on two right now! One is just for fun, not a serious one while the other is my main project. It's going through a re-write on the second draft. You?


B. W.
18:56 Sep 19, 2020

I'm working on one but i think i might need some help with it


Lynn Penny
19:01 Sep 19, 2020

I'm always open to help out! Feel free to email me at corrie-lynn@hotmail.ca


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Bookmark Here
03:29 Sep 21, 2020

Fantastic job! Definitely one of my favourite character tropes. You did well describing dynamic of community and the psychology of herd mentality. I really enjoyed this.


Lynn Penny
05:58 Sep 21, 2020

Thank you! I’ve always found herd mentality interesting, having groups of people going along with anything can make for such a good tale.


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Hriday Saboo
13:46 Sep 20, 2020

Cool storyline. Would you mind checking out my new story the zombies


Lynn Penny
19:50 Sep 20, 2020

Thank you. I would love too.


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Fplldg Wakdwwdg
06:51 Sep 19, 2020

Marvelous story as always. you write better than many established writers.


Lynn Penny
14:57 Sep 19, 2020

Thank you so much! That means so much to me, helps validate my efforts. 💗


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OMG! The title was so captivating! The story was so thrilling! Beautiful story Lynn!


Yay! First to comment!


Lynn Penny
14:53 Sep 19, 2020

Thank you so much for your kind words💗


You're very welcome!


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S. Closson
21:51 Sep 24, 2020

This was such a cool take on this prompt! I loved the way you built up the aura around the Black Witch and how the fear of it just completely infected the colonials. Awesome job!


Lynn Penny
15:23 Sep 25, 2020

Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it!


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Iris Silverman
01:55 Sep 24, 2020

I loved this story. The main character was really giving me Hester Prynne vibes--in her own, unique way! I loved the way the story began in such a plain and simple fashion without any indication of mystical features appearing later on. Your imagery really made me see a clear vision of this location. Looking forward to reading more of your stuff:)


Lynn Penny
02:17 Sep 24, 2020

Thanks! I absolutely hated the scarlet letter, but I love the setting so I wanted to write something that took place at a similar time. To be honest, I had no idea where I was going when I started this piece but I'm so glad it was well recieved.


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Bianka Nova
19:28 Sep 20, 2020

Well done, Lynn. Now that I had a better look at your profile pic, I realize where the fantasy element in the story must've come from. You had a lot of historical realism in this one, but at the same time the fantastic element and the mystery served as a very good bait for the reader to keep on and get really invested. Should you decide to write a sequel one day, I promise you that we would be very much interested in reading it as well 😉


Lynn Penny
19:56 Sep 20, 2020

Thank you! I never tried mixing historical fiction and fantasy so I'm glad it came out well.


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Warrior C
00:39 Sep 20, 2020

I love it Lynn much! Thank you for this awesome story.😊


Lynn Penny
02:32 Sep 20, 2020

Thank you for reading!!!


Warrior C
03:19 Sep 20, 2020

You are welcome Lynn. Keep safe.


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Elizabeth Inkim
23:19 Sep 19, 2020

Phenomenal story, I absolutely adored the twist with them throwing her in the river and the appearance of the black witch! She somewhat reminded me of the character Baba Yaga, who originated from Slavic folklore. She’s a supernatural being who traditionally appears as a deformed or ferocious-looking old woman. I would love to know what you think about my latest stories ‘Silent Citadel’ and ‘Enigmas of the Shadow Sea’.


Lynn Penny
01:39 Sep 20, 2020

Thanks! I was actually just reading about Baba Yaga, such an interesting folklore. I would love to read your work!


Elizabeth Inkim
01:48 Sep 20, 2020

Yes, and be sure to let comment and let me know what you think about my evolving magic systems. Also if you liked the tales of Baba Yaga I think you would enjoy stories about Soucouyants; which in summary is a vampiricesque character in carribbean folk law, I wrote my own spin on the character in 'Silent Citadel'.


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Mariam Mansuryan
10:47 Sep 25, 2020

I'll limit myself to saying that this story had some guts :)


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Aqsa Malik
10:14 Sep 24, 2020

Hey Lynn, I'm here from Critique Circle :D As soon as I started to read this, the title and setting of a small town really reminded me of a recent Netflix movie called "The Devil All The Time." It was a pretty good movie, so reading this was equally as pleasurable. I think you brought of the setting of a small town really well, with people having the same mindset and believing in a limited number of things. I love the way you seperated the story into three distinct parts, each having a well developed plot that fit into the overall ...


Lynn Penny
13:49 Sep 24, 2020

Thank you for taking the time to read this! Your thoughtful analysis means a lot to me. Thank you for helping we with the editing, I was unfortunately rushed by uni so I had no time to edit. I wanted to change marks name to Ernest, can’t believe I missed a spot. Also I do have a bad habit of word repetition. Thank you again and stay safe!


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18:07 Sep 20, 2020

Hey Lynn would be kind to watch my first video on Harry potter https://youtu.be/KxfnREWgN14 Sorry for asking your time and I would read your story


Lynn Penny
19:55 Sep 20, 2020

Wonderful edit! It is clear that you put effort into your work.


17:03 Sep 21, 2020

Thanks for parsing me 😊


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