Possibilities (Choices Pt. 3)

Submitted into Contest #66 in response to: Write about a contest with life or death stakes.... view prompt


Adventure African American Fiction

Author's Note: Hey y'all! Now, I know I haven't posted here in a VERY looooooooong time, and I was actually considering deleting my account until I checked my email and it said I had a comment. I got over here and it was Ugochi N. telling me that it's been a while. I'm writing this more or less just because she wanted me to. So, shout out to Ugochi R, you're the best! Her stories are amazing, you've got to check her out! https://blog.reedsy.com/creative-writing-prompts/author/111723/

Thank you all for everything, and for 350+ followers. It means a lot! :)

The Google Form is now updated with the new parts of the story, so go check that out! Here is the link: https://forms.gle/52M2TLLAG1BsFFq17

Here are the paths from Part 2:

K. ----------------- If you grab the knife and continue in your venture to stab him, go to paragraph Q.

If you wait and ask him some questions, go to paragraph R.

L. ----------------- If you let go of the nail, go to paragraph S.

If you reach forward and take your neighbor's hand, go to paragraph T.

M. ---------------- Go to paragraph U.

N. ---------------- Go to paragraph 1F.

O. ---------------- If you follow him, go to paragraph W.

If you stop and ask some questions, go to paragraph R.

P. ----------------- Go to paragraph V.

Q. Will it matter what he means if you're chopped into pieces? You grab a knife and plunge it into his abdomen, blood soaking his shirt. 

He simply looks at it, then at you. “You-your father wanted-” blood flies from his mouth as he talks. 

"My dad? " you say, pulling yourself onto your knees to meet with his eyes. "What about him?"

Your father was a pilot and flew for American Airlines before he died. 

It was a bird strike, they had told you when you arrived at the hospital. It's when birds fly- you had cut the lady off, told her you knew what a bird strike was. Well, they lost both engines and we're too far to try and go back. 

The plane and its passengers hadn't concerned you then. It didn't occur to you that they were people too. They had families that were hearing news just like that at that moment. All you wanted to know was how your dad was doing. 

The lady looked around and asked where the rest of the family was. Your mother had died from breast cancer when you were three, you replied. Your father never remarried. 

She sighed and told you that the burns were too excessive, that he had lost too much blood, that they didn't have the capacity to treat any more people, so he was kept waiting. 

You listened as she explained why you would never see the light in your father's bright blue eyes. Why the two of you would never eat vanilla ice cream with orange sprinkles in the bed of his truck. Why the only person who ever invested time into your life would never pull you close or talk to you in. 

Breathing shakily, you took a deep breath and asked to see the body. It's not a memory you enjoy reminiscing over, but it finds its way into your dreams every night. 

"What do you know about my dad? "you ask more forcefully, your voice breaking slightly.

"He's- "blood pours out of his mouth and you quickly lay him on his back and pull out the knife, pressing on the wound. He grunts and nudges your hands away, putting his own in their places. “I'll be fine.”

Still, you rush to your bathroom and bring out a fresh towel to wrap around him. 

"Your father." his voice is raspy and quiet, but the blood has stopped flowing from the wound.

”Your father is still alive." 

To be continued...

R. "What do you mean?" 

He raises his eyebrows and chuckles. "Let's start from the beginning. My name is Jack." 

"Okay," you reply, crossing your arms. "What else? What do you want from me?" 

"Your father." 

Your eyes still light up whenever you hear someone talk about your dad, even though he died years ago. "Yes?" 

"He wanted me to find you and give you some things. An early inheritance, say." 

You smile sadly and wipe at a silent tear. "You mean late." 

Jack furrows his brow and shakes his head. "No, I mean what I said. Early." 

It's your turn to furrow your eyebrows. "My father is–" 

"You don't know the first thing–" 

"I don't even know you, who are you to tell me –”

"You're not listening to – "

"I saw his body and –"

"Your father is not dead."

He finally finishes the sentence and your mouth hangs open in shock.

"What?" you lose the words to speak. "But I – I saw his body. I touched his body." 

Jack presses lips together as if debating whether or not to explain. 

"Tell me everything,” you say quietly, not able to wrap your head around the concept of your father still being alive.

Jack only smiles at you. He seems to be looking past you, not at you, and you're about to ask what he's looking at before someone speaks behind you. 

"I will. Everything." 

Spinning around, you strain your eyes to see and your jaw drops. “Dad? " he laughs in that way that warms your heart, and you melt. But while nothing can replace him or this moment, a part of you reserves the right to be angry. He left you empty and hurting when you needed him most, when he was all you had. It truly is a bittersweet moment, and you don't know how to approach him.

To be continued...

S. If you take his hand, you don't know what will happen to you. Of course, you don't know exactly what will happen if you let go, but you're willing to take that chance. Closing your eyes, you unwrap your fingers from the nail and let yourself fall. The wind blows your hair up into your eyes, and in your struggle to clear your sight you forget that in order to land correctly from a free-fall, you need to pay attention. 

Your back hits the concrete below you hard and you hear a crack. Before you know it, you're lying in a pool of blood and your breathing is extremely shallow. Through your blurred vision, you can see your neighbor peering over the rim of the hole at you. It looks like he's almost about to climb over the edge and drop in to help you, but someone else in the pit walks over and scoops you up. 

"It's alright," he says, taking your left wrist in his hands. "Everything will be fine." 

From above, your neighbor watches, mortified. Bring his own risk to his lips, he speaks. "She's fallen into the wrong hands."

To be continued...

T. It's only a matter of minutes before the nail will free itself from the wood and you go falling to what may be imminent death. That's not really a chance you’re willing to take. Cautiously, you reach out and he takes your hand, adjusting his weight on the planks to hold both of you. You close your eyes and let go of the nail, feeling your body swing. Thankfully, he holds on to you, and little by little he pulls you out, dropping you next to him on the wood. "You – okay?" he asks, panting and out of breath. 

"Yes," you reply as you massage your throbbing hand. "Thank you." 

He nods slightly and stands, extending his hand to help you up. 

You stare at it for a few seconds and take it, allowing him to pull you to your feet. As you dust yourself off, he begins to speak. 

"I know you don't trust me–" 

"That's because I don't know you," you say, cutting him off. "And you were going to kill me.” 

He chuckles and shakes his head. "I never intended to kill you. Far from it. What I did intend to do–" he slips two fingers into the sleeve of his left arm and presses on his wrist, "– is introduce you to someone." 

From the stretch of hallway behind you steps a man whose face is all too familiar. 


To be continued...

U. "You’re – my uncle?" Draco nods and motions towards the table. "You should sit. We might be here a while." 

You walk around the table and take a seat next to John, looking up at Draco as he continues. “The Choosing is an event that takes place every 6 years, or when the current Chooser hands over to the next one. Whichever comes first. The honor has run in your lineage for generations, and 6 years ago your father took up the role. Just recently, he decided to hand over to you, and so we set out to find you. When John moved in next to you, it was the perfect opportunity." 

You frown. "My dad died years ago. Why are you only telling me about this now? " The pieces don't fit. What's really going on here? 

Draco looks at the ground and sighs. "You really don't know much, do you? " 

He bunches his lips to one side and folds his arms. "Your father is still alive. "

To be continued...

V. Your eyes flutter open and you find yourself in a small bed staring at a pale green wall with white polka dots. Quickly, you sit up and look around the room. You've never seen this place before, but something about the polka dots makes you feel like a kid again. 

A smile tugs at your lips, but a slight throb in the back of your head reminds you of what happened earlier in the morning, and you remember. Madeline. 

Throwing the covers off your legs, you jump out of the bed and rush to the door. You twist the doorknob forcefully, expecting it to be locked, but the door opens easily and you stumble forward. 

Eyebrows furrowed, you venture slowly out into the hallway in front of the door. All kinds of sounds come from both ends of the hall: to your left are the sounds of silverware clinking, and to your right are the sounds of a sparring match. You're about to start down one of the halls when you notice that behind you in the room, there's an open window. 

You're not sure where the window leads or how high up you are, but if you pick either side of the hallway you're bound to meet people, and you don't even know where you are yet, talk less of who's around. You might even see Madeline. Then again, if you pick one of the halls, you may find someone willing to help you.

To be continued...

1F. Your eyes flutter open and you find yourself in a small bed staring at a pale green wall with white polka dots. Quickly, you sit up and look around the room. You've never seen this place before, but something about the polka dots makes you feel like a kid again. 

A smile tugs at your lips, but a slight throb in your back reminds you of the fall that you took earlier. That man...

Throwing the covers off your legs, you jump out of the bed and stumble to the door. You twist the doorknob carefully, and the door opens easily, allowing you to step outside.

Eyebrows furrowed, you venture slowly out into the hallway in front of the door. 

All kinds of sounds come from both ends of the hall: to your left are the sounds of silverware clinking, and to your right are the sounds of a sparring match. Though you want to find the man that saved you, you have no idea where you are. Go down the wrong hallway or make a wrong turn and you could be very lost. Then again, you may find someone willing to help you out and show you around.

To be continued...

W. For some reason you can't explain, you trust him and shuffle along behind him. He leads you to his room, pushing the door open and holding it for you as you walk in.

"What did you want to show me?"

He pulls out his phone and taps a few things, and the lights in the room come on. "This."

Before you lie 2 doors, one a fiery bright orange and the other a dark bronze. "This is your choice."

Confused, you shake your head, "What's behind them?"

"Behind one is a piece of your past, and the other a piece of your future."

"What do you mean?" you ask.

He smiles sadly and stares at the ground. "I'm afraid I can't tell you."

You whimper quietly. "Which one is right?"

"That, my dear," he steps forward and opens both of them, a dull glow emitting from the cracks, "is a decision only you can make."

Taking a deep breath, you step forward.

To be continued...

November 06, 2020 03:53

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Lovely story! :)


Phebe Emmanuel
22:09 Nov 06, 2020

Thank you, Haripriya!


No problem! :)


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Thom With An H
20:28 Nov 17, 2020

Yay!!!! I'm so glad you're back. I've been waiting for more and you didn't disappoint. You have the ability to do something I couldn't even contemplate and you do it well. Please don't delete your account. Even if you only come back now and then we still want to read what you have to write.


Phebe Emmanuel
03:44 Nov 18, 2020

Aww, thank you so much, Thom! I don't think part 4 will come out this week, but maybe the next! :) I'm glad you liked pt.3!


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B. W.
06:12 Nov 11, 2020

Hm, i think that this was a really good story and that you also did a really great job with it ^^ I don't have a lot to say for it besides that you should probably continue to write more stories, though only when ya can. This get's a 10/10 :)


Phebe Emmanuel
19:29 Nov 11, 2020

Thank you!


B. W.
19:34 Nov 11, 2020

No problem ^^ if its alright, could ya check out my new story "Sweet revenge" and then leave some critique/feedback on it?


Phebe Emmanuel
19:16 Nov 12, 2020

I'll try to! :)


B. W.
19:33 Nov 12, 2020

thanks ^^


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Rayhan Hidayat
23:36 Nov 06, 2020

Aww yess part 3. I only vaguely remember the previous parts but it’s always a blast to read this second-person thriller series of yours. And yeah, Ugochi is awesome. Not sure how long you’ll be staying, but welcome back! 😙 P.S. Please don’t delete your account. What if I feel like going back to this series? 😢


Phebe Emmanuel
00:56 Nov 07, 2020

Ok, ok, I won't delete it. It may be a while though... but I'll write sometime. I've got a new story idea, but I'll probably finish this before I start a new one.


Rayhan Hidayat
01:11 Nov 08, 2020

Awesome! 😙


Phebe Emmanuel
05:52 Nov 08, 2020



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18:13 Nov 06, 2020

Hey Phebe!! I knew you posted I just felt it!! Anyways I really enjoyed this story I think the name of the story really fits it as you describe different out comes of the situation. At first I was confused and then I had a AHA moment and I just couldn't stop reading! It was sooo good from finding the uncle then to finding out her Dad is alive then the to be continued I just really found everything mysterious! I am sooo happy your back on here! I really did miss your stories andddd thank you for the shout out!! Just a slight- its "Ugochi N...


Phebe Emmanuel
19:53 Nov 06, 2020

Oh, It looked like an R! I'll change it! I'm glad you liked it! I'm not sure what path you took, but one of them (the one with the doors) is starting to trail off into a fantasy sort of thing. At least, I think. I'm not quite sure where any of this is going anymore. I just write as it comes to me. Lol, okay, I didn't want to say you were a girl or a boy if you were neither, so just playing it safe! :)


20:18 Nov 06, 2020

😂😂I understand that wanting to write everything as it comes to you. But sometimes you can take all those ideas and pin point them into a direction which ends up bringing out the true beauty of your ideas. Don't know if that makes sense... And yeah I understand😂


Phebe Emmanuel
20:58 Nov 06, 2020

WOW. That's deep. That makes a lot of sense. That should go on one of those inspirational quote websites. :) LOL


00:19 Nov 07, 2020

😂😂Thank youu I've always loved writing quotes!


Phebe Emmanuel
00:54 Nov 07, 2020



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Phebe Emmanuel
00:54 Nov 07, 2020



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Barbara Burgess
09:25 Nov 23, 2020

An excellent take on the prompt. Well done and welcome back!


Phebe Emmanuel
16:06 Nov 23, 2020

Thank you!


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22:45 Nov 22, 2020

Hey Phebe!! I got you a couple of points so that your CLOSE to the leader board! Have a greattt day, or night!


Phebe Emmanuel
05:37 Nov 23, 2020

EEEEK! I sign in and I'm like, how did I go from 900s to 1104? Then I go to the bell and see this! Just get ready for it, I'm coming right back at you! :)


06:01 Nov 23, 2020

😂😂Hehe! Aw you don't havee too but thankks!😌


Phebe Emmanuel
06:09 Nov 23, 2020

How's that? What place were you before, I'm trying to get you up one at least if I can.


06:11 Nov 23, 2020

I was on 29 before and I am still on 29, its okay! I appreciate this much! And I am trying to get you on the leader boarddd😌my main goal!


Phebe Emmanuel
06:12 Nov 23, 2020

I doubt it can happen, but that's okay! And I'll raise that to 28 if it's the last thing I do!


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07:53 Nov 19, 2020

Omv Phoebe I’m so glad you didn’t delete your account!! DO NOT LEAVE AND KEEP WRITING PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE AND THANK YOU


Phebe Emmanuel
17:11 Nov 19, 2020

Lol, I've been told that so many times now XD I won't, and I think I'll post the next part in the next set of prompts.


22:47 Nov 19, 2020



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13:53 Nov 10, 2020

Hii, Phebe Sorry to intervene, in this brutal manner, I have a request for you would be kind to give a single glance over the vehicle which my team had been working over months. https://www.instagram.com/p/CHX5VUPBJOp/?igshid=5f72nb3cgg30 Sorry to take your time and If possible like the post.Because this would help team to win


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The Cold Ice
10:29 Nov 06, 2020



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The Cold Ice
05:24 Nov 06, 2020

Wow amazing story.Very nice.Keep writing .


Phebe Emmanuel
05:36 Nov 06, 2020

Thank you!


The Cold Ice
05:40 Nov 06, 2020



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B. W.
23:53 Dec 15, 2020

I'm making another new novel ^^


Phebe Emmanuel
05:12 Dec 16, 2020

Really what's it called?


B. W.
05:13 Dec 16, 2020

I'm calling it "Out of Reality" but I might change it at some point or something


Phebe Emmanuel
05:19 Dec 16, 2020

What's it about?


B. W.
05:21 Dec 16, 2020

The main character, whose name is Evelyn, ends up meeting the main characters from a video game who somehow managed to get out of the game and into the real world. They'd all try to get used to each other while she tries to find a way to get them back into the game, while some other stuff also happens. I won't say exactly what the 'other stuff' would be, since its sort of a surprise and all that.


Phebe Emmanuel
06:04 Dec 16, 2020

I see. That's really interesting!


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B. W.
05:44 Dec 01, 2020

I got a new story out now ^^ could ya check out "Unforgivable" and leave some feedback?


Phebe Emmanuel
05:27 Dec 05, 2020



B. W.
05:27 Dec 05, 2020

Thank you ^^


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Jubilee Forbess
02:03 Nov 30, 2020

Hey hey 👋


Phebe Emmanuel
02:06 Nov 30, 2020

Hey, it's been a while! How are you?


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Gip Roberts
19:26 Nov 29, 2020

All three titles fit the stories well. I don't think I want to cross paths with Madeline again, unless there's a really good reason why she konked me over the head.


Phebe Emmanuel
21:02 Nov 29, 2020

Lol, I laughed sooo hard when I read this! I'm glad you liked the titles, and *SPOILER ALERT* I don't think you want to cross paths with Madeline either! 😝 Of course, if you're going down that path, you might not think that later. Okaay, I should keep my mouth shut and not ruin the surprises!!😶


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. .
17:34 Nov 29, 2020

This is the coolest story idea ever, and I think it's genius. Great Job! Also, for a nickname, you could be Fi or Phebes


Phebe Emmanuel
20:58 Nov 29, 2020

Thank you so much! Yeah, my friends at my old school used to call me Phebester. It's so dumb and I hated it, but they wouldn't stop. Fi sounds good, though! I'll consider it!


. .
21:11 Nov 29, 2020



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Kendall Defoe
15:01 Nov 28, 2020

Did you ever read a book called 'Hopscotch' by Julio Cortazar? You seem to have followed his playbook... Interesting work here.


Phebe Emmanuel
21:56 Nov 28, 2020

Thank you so much! No, I have not read that, but I'll add that to the very long list of books I should be reading! Thank you, again!


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B. W.
00:14 Nov 28, 2020



Phebe Emmanuel
00:57 Nov 28, 2020

Hi! How are you?


B. W.
01:34 Nov 28, 2020

im kinda just tired and bored


Phebe Emmanuel
01:52 Nov 28, 2020

Aww, why?


B. W.
02:11 Nov 28, 2020

I guess a lot of people are just busy with things so I don't have that much people to talk to, I'm also trying to work on stories on here or some of my novels, but nothing is really coming.


Phebe Emmanuel
05:34 Nov 28, 2020

Oh. I'm here, if you want to talk. I am probably in a different time zone than you, but if you say something in my night, I'll respond in the morning.


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Emmanuel Olaleye
09:51 Nov 24, 2020

This is beautiful. I've had thoughts of writing a story in this manner, but I've never gotten the confidence to even start. I hope I will someday. Great work Emmanuel!


Phebe Emmanuel
17:40 Nov 24, 2020

Thank you so much! I hope you find the confidence one day!


Emmanuel Olaleye
09:31 Nov 25, 2020

I hope so too. Thank you!


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The Cold Ice
06:14 Nov 24, 2020



Phebe Emmanuel
03:47 Nov 26, 2020



The Cold Ice
16:35 Nov 26, 2020



Phebe Emmanuel
01:46 Nov 27, 2020

Not much, what are you doing?


The Cold Ice
04:15 Nov 27, 2020

Attending class


Phebe Emmanuel
05:06 Nov 27, 2020

Mmm, I don't have class until next Monday cause we have Thursday and Friday off.


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