Harmony and Arren were sitting on the couch and had been deep in a conversation. "Come on, what took you so long this time? Hades and Persephone usually let you leave for a while much earlier..."
He faintly fidgeted with his fingers as if he was thinking about something, he sighed and finally said, "Oh you know...Persephone just really wanted to be with us a bit longer. And maybe something else..."
Don't ask any other questions, please don't ask any other questions. He'd probably be upset if anyone else knew, Arren thought as he fidgeted with his fingers again.
"Arren, I know that-"
Harmony didn't have enough time to finish her sentence, as the front door suddenly burst open with two figures stepping inside. The first was Lia, who was in her wolf form at the moment, and Zio was standing next to her.
Wait a minute, didn't I lock that door earlier? Did they break my door?? Harmony thought. I swear if either of them broke it, they're gonna have to...
She had been snapped out of her thoughts by Lia, who was still in her wolf form and had almost tackled her onto the ground with attempting to hug her. "Oof! Lia, could you turn back real quick?" she laughed lightly.
"So, what have you two been doing while waiting for us? I hope we didn't miss anything."
She shook her head and told her two friends, "Oh you don't need to worry about that at all. We have just been catching up a small bit since he's been gone."
Lia then turned to look at her husband, who had taken a seat by Arren, and then asked, "What have you been doing Z? Something seems a little off..."
"Oh...um...nevermind that stuff! Why don't you and Harmony tell us what you've been doing and everything? That's probably way more interesting." He gave Arren some sort of look before looking back at them, hoping that they wouldn't question him about anything else.
"What? Come on Z, why won't you-"
Harmony put a hand on her friend's shoulder, "Lia whatever is going on, they probably won't say. At least for a little while... let's just wait it out."
Lia sighed as her tail twitched in annoyance before finally sitting down next to Zio. Well with whatever it is, I just hope that it's nothing terrible...
Harmony sat down next to Arren and one of her wings wrapped around him. "So...do you guys wanna hear about anything from me first?"
The three of them seemed to stare at each other for a good five seconds, before turning back to look at her and then all proceeded to nod. Almost seemingly in unison, she could hear them say, "Sure why not."
She then explained to the three of them, "Well the stuff I've done isn't really that interesting, Though I am going to meet up with Set and discuss a couple of things."
Arren spoke up, "Could I come with you?"
"Oh, I wish you could though unfortunately, I'll be with him whenever you and Zio are back in the underworld. Though maybe some other time?"
All four of them remained silent for a few seconds while trying to think of what else to say. Lia's tail twitched again before she awkwardly coughed to break the silence and spoke, "Um hey Z?"
He almost jumped out of his skin and quickly stopped whispering to Arren, who didn't move at all but had this small shocked look on his face. "O-oh! Yeah, Lia what is it?"
Harmony and Lia glanced at each other, thinking the same thing, and asking in unison, "What have you two been doing lately?"
Zio looked towards Arren, who seemed like he was refusing to speak at the moment, and just motioned towards Zio. "Come on Z, is something going on that we shouldn't know about?"
He lightly chuckled and then said, "Oh it's really nothing at all...We've just been mostly wandering around the underworld and uh...you see...."
"We're waiting Zio..."
"We sorta forgot that today was the day that we were supposed to visit- wait no! Persephone and Hades were just making us do a couple of things, and we were gonna..."
Arren mentally facepalmed as he watched the embarrassing scene unfold in front of him. Oh my gosh, this is so stupid...they probably don't even believe this. Why did he decide to try and do this?
He quickly covered his friend's mouth before anything else embarrassing could happen. How could he even let it get this far? "Alright Alright listen, we'll tell you what's really been going on..."
Lia then said while almost laughing, "You better do it now, neither of you can lie to save your life...that was terrible." Or should I actually say afterlife?
"We're all ears, now please tell us."
Zio moved away from Arren to uncover his mouth and then spoke with a small sigh, "Listen I'm going to go find Zeus and have a small...' chat' with him."
Harmony's wings shot up in surprise as she then asked, "Wait what? Does anybody else know this, besides Arren?" I shouldn't overload them with questions, they probably don't want that much...
"Nope. Nobody besides Arren and the two of you knows about it, not even Persephone or Hades and that's the way I'm wanting to keep it..."
Lia's tail seemed to be twitching a lot more when she then asked him, "Why weren't you going to tell me or Harmony? Did you not trust us or something?"
"No, that's not the reason..."
"Then what?" Lia and Harmony asked in unison.
"The reason I wasn't going to tell anybody was that they'd probably try to get me to stop or they'd start suggesting that they could help me when I do get to Zeus and I don't want anything happening to them, Arren may have found out but he's not going to come with me..."
"Fair enough I guess..." Arren mumbled to himself.
The four of them went silent again, unsure of what to even say or do, that is until Harmony got a perfect idea. A large smile spread across her face, "Zio you need to have some help with him, and I have the perfect idea on who could help you..."
"Well, Zeus does have a lot of children, right? And I'm certain that all of them or most of them would have a problem similar to you..."
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hey how are you doing?
B o r e d
Per usual lol
Are ya planning on making any new stories?
Yeah, I’m currently writing a super silly, super crazy, super random one after all my sad Zetta Grace stories, lol. But idk if I’ll finish. You?
I already wrote one story, and i wanna write another one but I don't have any ideas.
Any guesses on what will happen next?
Zeus is going to be eating chips when Zio comes in to have a chat and Zeus is going to be mad that he can't eat his chips. (I'm slightly joking with this)
Hm, any other guesses?
No, not really.
If you liked this story, would ya wanna check out some of my other ones?
Yeah. I've read some of the already.
I think this was a great Greek Mythology story, and you did the dialogue well. Great job!!
Thanks ^^ did ya have a favorite part?
When they all met up in the room!!
Anything else?
Nope, not really.
Is there anything you'd wanna see in the next part?
Hey Blaire can I talk to you?
My names not Blaire but sure. What do ya wanna talk about?
You know Abby Right? She got seriously downvoted. I have upvoted her. But she does need all our help.
I'll upvote her soon, and yeah I know her. Have other people even started to upvote her yet?
I have already upvoted her.
So how ya been?
Upvoted you B! I know it's not a lot...but I hope you are happy! :)
Really? Thanks ^^
Hey! Just wondering how you 'upvote' someone on Reedsy?
Oh, so basically you see the triangle which points upward? That's the upvote button. I just did it to you!
Ohh okay and thank you so much! Did it back :)
Aww, thank you! :)
Such a great Greek Mythology twist and an amazing Part 2 B! I think that this was a very interesting prompt, and you continued your sequel really cleverly! Great job! :)
Thanks so much ^^ did ya maybe have a favorite part or something?
Idk, I guess all!
Would ya wanna see Set and Anubis?
Is there anything you'd wanna see happen with Cleo and the others?
Great story! I almost thought it was about the movie with the robot, because of the name. :)
Do you want to be in my new story for the same prompt? Just tell me your character's:
Hair color
Eye color
Skin color (it's fantasy so it could even be, like, silver or blue if you want to)
Magic power/element
Spirit animal
Thanks! :)
I'm a bit confused, are we having super powers or something in it now? And Can I only have one power/element or could I have a few? and thanks, I'm glad ya liked it ^^
You can ahve up to 2 elements. And yeah, it's kind of super powers.
How about this?
Hair color: Brown with some purple in them
Eye Color: light purple
Skin color: very pale looking
Age: Eh, I guess around 17.
Height: Average height :/
Magic Power/Element: I have a lot of ideas for this, though I can only have two. The first one I guess she could control wind or water. The second power is where maybe she could do something and switch bodies with someone, or something like that, I don't care that much with what you choose for the second one. At least if its interesting.
Talent: Maybe she could speak to and understand every single animal? Not just her spirit animal or something, she could have learned how to do this at some point.
Spirit animal: Chinchilla
Ok! This is a really good character, maybe she's the main character's second best friend? Just because Aerin is her best friend already, but you can still have a cool role.
Yeah, I'm fine with that ^^ When do ya think the story will be out, who even is the main character if ya don't mind me asking? Is it you?
Very interesting story!~~ I liked how you wrote the part about Zio trying to hide what was going on :)
Thanks ^^ did ya have a favorite part or was that Zio trying to hide what was happening?
Hmm, yeah, that was my favorite part. I also liked how he was getting nervous and how the others continued to question him :D
What do ya think will happen in the next part?
Zio explaining what was happening :)
Is there maybe anything else you'd wanna see happen?
Wow, Blair! As I said previously, I love how you make these AMAZING fantasy stories. I also love the ending! 🤍
Eh? My name Isn't Blair, though im glad that you liked the story and stuff ^^
Sorry, what does B.W stand for?
B.W. stands for my initials, so my first name does still start with a B at least. Besides my nickname B, some people call me Bri, you could call me either of those if you want? Or guess my actual name if you want. Why did ya think my name was Blair though?
I thought your name was Blair Witch, like from the movie.😰
Oh, I had my name as Blair Witch during October for Halloween and stuff, though i changed it back to B.W. after Halloween passed. A lot of people were changing their names for Halloween as well, so i ended up doing it because why not?
Great story, B.W.! You're a very talented writer. Let me or the marshmallow team know if you're being downvoted!!! Have an awesome day :)
Thanks, im glad that ya liked it ^^ well the thing is, I've been getting downvoted a lot for a while as someone is targeting me.
Omg, that is horrible! How dare they downvote such an incredible writer >:(
I'll try my best to upvote you as much as I can!!! Please comment on my story if you ever are getting downvoted or targeted again! <3
How did ya find out about the downvoting and everything else that's been going on here though?
I actually write stories here! I'm not going to reveal my identity, but I noticed that me and many other writers were getting downvoted. That's why I decided to make this account!!
You don't have to reveal it but I at least want a little hint if that's alright? Do me and you talk on here and know each other a little bit?
Amazing Greek mythology story
I rlly like the bit where there was the wolf tackle/hug
well done
thanks so much ^^
Er, I am really bad at understanding mythological fantasy so can you please pleeeeease explain why I can't quite place this with it's first part?
These are the original characters from my first demi-god series i had on here, you might have to go read the original one to understand some stuff. Though with this spin off, it'll sometimes be switching between Cleo and the others, to the original characters because I didn't want to leave them out of this entirely.
Oh, but all the orginals are soooooo scrambled up, and I really want to reeead them, can you pleeease 'state them in order', plz?
And would you mind checking out the only submission i have put out? I would really will have to know more than just how to put up footnotes in word if i have to be called an author and would like comments from people who write 'alluring' stories. (I am not using hyperbole, that's the nearest word i found in my tresurus)
1. The goddess child
2. the camp
3. not his fault
4. her arrival
5. getting her back
Can ya leave some feedback? I'd like to see what ya think, and yeah I'll check your thing out soon.
Oh, but all the orginals are soooooo scrambled up, and I really want to reeead them, can you pleeease 'state them in order', plz?
And would you mind checking out the only submission i have put out? I would really will have to know more than just how to put up footnotes in word if i have to be called an author and would like comments from people who write 'alluring' stories. (I am not using hyperbole, that's the nearest word i found in my tresurus)
Good job! This was short but intense. Wonderful!
Did ya have a favorite part?
Hm... Prob when Arren mentally facepalmed himself. That was funny
Anything else?
I don't think so! :D
Eeeep I love all the names in this one! (Which sounds weird considering one of the names is...uh...MY name, lol, but you get what I mean.) So...what’s up?
Nothing much, I'm just kinda thinking of what I'll do for the next part with this and some of the other things, I hope the new prompts are good. What about you?
Cool! Yeah, I really hope the new prompts are good. Does your school have a long weekend too? cuz where I live, Monday is off, Tuesday is asynchronous (cuz Monday normally is), and Wednesday is off. So with all that time, lol, ima try to write some stories.
Have you read any good books lately? 😄
I'm reading a good book right now actually, I recently just got Pet Semetary
Ooh nice!
Have ya ever read it or watched it before?
Omg, B! You've been downvoted so much :( I'm really sorry this is happening. You're such an amazing writer. I'll try to upvote you as much as I can! How are you doing today?
Thanks ^^ and I guess I'm fine, I'm just really bored and tired.
That's good. Also, I would appreciate it if you check out my latest story on this account.
Alright, I'll do that soon.
I 𝓡𝓔𝓐𝓛𝓛𝓨 𝓮𝓷𝓳𝓸𝔂𝓮𝓭 reading this!!! It's so fun to see the old characters returning. You already developed their personalities so well in the other parts, that it's really exciting to read about them again! The dialogue was extremely realistic and intriguing and the entire time you made the reader wonder what Zio was trying to hide. It ended on another cliffhanger!!! Can't wait to read the next part, whenever you write it! 𝓐𝔀𝓮𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓳𝓸𝓫!
Thanks so much ^^ I didn't want to just forget about the old characters and never have them there or something, so I decided to add them in, sometimes the part will be about them, and another part will be about the kids. Did you maybe have a favorite part or anything like that?
I liked how the whole story came together at the end as a whole if that makes sense. :)
Even though he isn't in this, Harmony mentions Set, who is another Egyptian god. Would ya wanna see him along with Anubis in this?
In the next part? Sure! I don't know much about Egyptian gods but that sounds really interesting!
Not in the next part, the next part WITH Harmony and the others. The third part of this will be with the kids again and Set might appear in one of the parts that actually involve Harmony and everyone else, if that makes sense. Anubis would almost definitely appear in a part with Cleo and the others if he does.
Bye! Ttyl :)
Bye ^^
Hi! How are you?
I'm fine, how about you?
I'm good! :)
do ya like the prompts?
What do you think of the new prompts? :)
I like them, I think I'm gonna make a new part to my demi-god series with one of them ^^
Which one?
I think the one where it starts to snow in the middle of summer
Oh cool! That was my favorite!
I will say this, two new characters are arriving in this one :)
Hey B, would you like to play Skribble (the online pictionary game) at 2:30 EST with me, Mira, Luke, Celeste, Sapphire, Amethyst, Megan, and Isaac?
I think I might've found a downvoter: https://blog.reedsy.com/creative-writing-prompts/author/stop-upvoting/
When did ya find them?
They followed me just now.
I read the bio, maybe they're fine with upvoting but for some reason not the marshmallows?
They have many comments that say they hate upvoting and they said they want to downvote people who get upvoted I think.
Why don't we just try to ignore them?
Its kinda weird :/
Yeah. I kinda want to say something to them, I just don't know what.
Maybe they won't be here for long?
Oo this was a nice part 2! You left quite a bit of suspense at what they're going to do at the end, although you hinted at a certain ending. Great job!
(Btw, I need a bit of help with something, I could use your help-? It's fine if you don't have the time for it tho ^^)
Thanks so much ^^ Did ya have a favorite part or anything like that? Alright, what do ya need help with?
The ending was my favorite part. And the reason I need help is that I need to write poetry about me for an assignment, and I have no clue what to do. I was wondering if you had any ideas, cause I'm trash at poetry-
I suck at poetry as well :/ though maybe you could do a poem about whats great about you or what you like doing?
Hmm ok, well thanks for helping! Cause that gave me an idea ^^
Do ya need help with anything else?