Funny Adventure Kids

“Can you keep a secret?” Miley whispered in my ear. 

I had never been a good secret keeper. Well, at least that’s what everyone told me. In first grade, my friend told me she might be moving and not to tell anyone. The next day everyone at school knew. I don’t know how it happened. I could have sworn I didn’t tell anyone.

“Yeah, sure. You know what yes. I mean not… um… I love secrets. Secrets are, well fun?” I blurted out

“Okay then. Well, this is a big secret. I haven’t told anyone yet. You're a pretty quiet kid, so I thought why not?”

“Pft, yeah! That’s me! Georgie the quiet kid!”

“Here it goes! Melony’s dad got this huge promotion at work, and now they're like billionaires or something. She told me they are buying some big house in California. So apparently Friday’s her last day of school.”

“Oh, wow. Wow, wow, wow, wow! That’s one big juicy secret. I bet she wouldn’t want anyone knowing about that! I mean not that I would tell anyone. I’m not that kind of--”

“Georgie! Chill! I know you're not gonna tell anyone! That's why I told you. Now I gotta get to soccer practice. Catch ya later!”

She left almost as soon as she arrived. I had invited Miley over to my house because we were starting to become friends. And of course, she hits me with my weakness, a secret! I promised myself I wouldn’t tell anyone. After all, I only had to keep the secret until Friday. Tomorrow was Thursday. I could handle it.


I woke up to my alarm clock. Its beep had annoyed me for the last time. I picked it up off my dresser and slammed it to the ground. It broke in half, and my mom came in. “Just um... Don’t do it again,” My mom said while staring at her phone. There goes another great pep talk from my mom.

Ever since my dad left she had been like this. Now she called herself, a social media influencer. I don’t even know what that is. Lucky for me, I don’t have to.

I had almost forgotten about the whole secret thing until Karen from Junior High came up to me. “Hey! You! I hear you're the one that’s got all the secrets! Let me in on one. I won’t tell.”

This was probably one of the worst things that had ever happened to me. If I told Karen I might be in with the ‘cool kids’. If I didn’t tell her, well, then nothing bad can happen. See what I mean? Hard.

Karen was looking me straight in the eye. My guess was she wasn’t leaving until I told her. 

“What’s it gonna be squirt?” She spat on me when she said this. I had been called many things in my life but never squirt. I was very offended.

“I don’t have to tell you anything!” I started it out strong, but as soon as I said this I knew something bad was coming.

“What did you say?” Karen was built big. She had giant shoulders, and I’d guess she was about six feet tall. 

I was terrified. The only logical thing I could do was run. I ran as fast as I could. I looked back to see Karen chasing me. She was gaining fast. 

I saw my life flash before my eyes, and then I knew what I had to do. I kept running until I reached some bikes. I quickly got on one and peddled away. Luckily the school was on a downward hill. I eased on down and lost Karen.

I did two terrible things in one day. First: I stole a bike. That’s not so bad. The stupid person just left there bike sitting right there. That’s their fault. Second: I ditched an entire day of school.

Now that was bad. Luckily I had a mom who didn’t care. I snuck in the house, or at least I tried.

I started singing some spy music quietly. I did a couple of forward rolls and I was in the clear. Although I did break a couple of glass bowls in the act. 

My mom still hadn’t noticed me. And I doubt she would ever notice the broken bowls. I went up to my room and sat on my bed. 

I was very bored. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and started doing what I normally did on my phone. I looked through unnecessary videos. I kept scrolling through and through until I found the most disturbing video.   

It was me running away from Karen. It was me hopping on the bike I stole. It was me easing down the hill. It was me ditching school. 

My life was over. This video was proof that I stole a bike. It was proof that I ditched school. And worst of all, my mom had liked the video.

It already had seventeen thousand views. Everyone in my school probably saw it. I was never going back to school again.

I watched the video over and over again. Then I started reading the comments. Not all of them were people laughing at me. At least ten of them said: This girl can run.

Maybe there was a positive side out of this horrible day. The coach of the top running high school had also commented on this video.

She said: Wow! If this girl doesn’t end up in the slammer, I would love to have her run for me. 

I was honored, but still depressed. I laid back onto my bed and started crying. It was a mix of happy and sad tears. 

I almost fell asleep when my phone started ringing. It was Miley. I answered it but I didn’t know why. She saw my tears and started crying too.

“Thanks for keeping my secret Georgie. I know it was hard, I mean I watched the video.” We both broke out in laughter and then tears and then back to laughter.

Secrets can hurt, but they can bring out the best in you. Even if it means you have to steal a bike once in a while.

August 17, 2020 19:30

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D. Jaymz
02:04 Aug 18, 2020

A fast-paced story. Well done 👏 Glad you're back.


Evelyn ⭐️
14:05 Aug 18, 2020

Thank you, me too!!!


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J.L. Schuhle
01:53 Aug 18, 2020

This was such a fun story! When the narrator sang spy music and did some rolls through the house i actually laughed out loud. Thanks so much for sharing, well done! p.s. when the bike is being stolen I think you used a 'there' instead of a 'their'. clearly you know the difference because they're (lol) both used correctly in other parts but its an easy mix up when you're rushing away from a bully.


Evelyn ⭐️
14:04 Aug 18, 2020

Thanks for reading! Haha, totally!


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00:42 Aug 18, 2020

Wow, Evelyn! I am so glad that you are back! Your writing is just as good as ever. This story was short, but full with emotion and immense detail. Amazing job! Keep writing and stay healthy! Your Reedsy Friend, Brooke


Evelyn ⭐️
14:03 Aug 18, 2020

Thanks Brooke! I'm glad you liked it!


15:43 Aug 18, 2020

You're welcome!


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00:03 Aug 18, 2020

What a funny and entertaining story!


Evelyn ⭐️
14:02 Aug 18, 2020

Thanks so much!


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Doubra Akika
22:16 Aug 17, 2020

This was so funny, Evelyn! Whenever you write any more, I'd love to read it! You did an amazing job with this! The price some people have to pay to keep secrets! If you're ever free, would you mind checking out my story? I'd love your feedback!


Evelyn ⭐️
23:37 Aug 17, 2020

Thank you so much! I would love to check it out!


Doubra Akika
00:28 Aug 18, 2020

Thanks so much!


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Charles Stucker
21:16 Aug 17, 2020

A clever and somewhat humorous take on the prompt. It flows well and has a good ending. I might title it something like, "The Secret of Pain" as a sort of joke on how she might get hurt trying to keep the secret combined with the old sports adage, "No Pain, No Gain." But that's about the only thing I can suggest that might possibly improve it. And yes, I did read all the way through your bio.


Evelyn ⭐️
23:35 Aug 17, 2020

Thanks for reading. And wow! Impressive, my bio was LONG!!!!!!!!!


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Kendall Defoe
20:54 Aug 17, 2020

Impressive story...and oddly familiar...


Evelyn ⭐️
23:34 Aug 17, 2020

hmm...?? Thanks for reading.


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✰ Jessica ✰
20:30 Aug 17, 2020

Evelyn, cool story! I love how Georgie kept the secret like she promised. Thanks for following me! I'm now following you. I have a question... you have so many points and only one story! How did you get that many? Great story! Jessica


Evelyn ⭐️
23:31 Aug 17, 2020

Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed! I had 9 stories before but then I deleted them all because I wanted to start over. I understand your question though!❤️


✰ Jessica ✰
23:56 Aug 17, 2020

Ok, gotcha! Keep writing more!


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Zion Hintay
20:08 Aug 17, 2020

The dialogue was on point in this. Loved how far he went to keep her secret, wish I had that sort of gall. Way to go. I zoomed by through this as fast as Georgie bolted. Had to even double back to make sure I read it properly. hehe. Good job.


Evelyn ⭐️
20:20 Aug 17, 2020

Ha, thanks for reading!


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19:56 Aug 17, 2020

😂😂😂😂😂Evelyn, words CANNOT explain how much I loved this! It was just so funny 😂 and delightful to read! Oh gosh I was actually laughing while reading. I noticed only a few mistakes, like for example you said "peddled" when I think you wanted to say "pedaled". Overall this was nice, I LOVED THIS😂 I can't wait to read more of your stories! You seem like a rad writer! (P.S. Would you mind stopping by to check some of my recents? THANKS :D)


Evelyn ⭐️
19:58 Aug 17, 2020

Thank you! That's the reaction I want from all my readers!! I will check it out gladly!


20:33 Aug 17, 2020



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Maya W.
19:48 Aug 17, 2020

Nice story! There were a few grammar errors, but I overall liked the concept and thought the characters had good development. I'm not entirely sure what the secret had to do with the rest of the story, and I feel like it might have been a smidge better if you left it a mystery, but that's just my opinion. Overall, this was pretty great! Keep on writing! Also, if you can, could you check out my stories? I did a very different one with the same prompt. Thanks!


Evelyn ⭐️
19:50 Aug 17, 2020

Thanks for reading! I will definitely check your story out!!!


Maya W.
19:55 Aug 17, 2020



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15:56 May 20, 2021

I loved it, obviously like everyone else...👏👏👏


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23:14 Nov 20, 2020

Hi, Evelyn. 👋🏻 I just read your story and I can't express how amazed I am. It really good 👍🏻 I think I commented on this one before but anyway I am not sure so I am commenting again. 🤔 Have a great day ahead and happy writing. 😊 And we'll, you might know Safa. She asked you about your age and stuff right?🤔 Well, so me and Safa are actually making a writer's group for people who are 11-14 so that's the reason she asked you that question. (if you were wondering that is:)


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B. W.
14:14 Sep 16, 2020

Hey Evelyn? i was wondering if you could maybe help me with something real quick, if thats alright? its something with the novel and i think you've seen the little thing i did a bit ago. and i also saw the thing in your bio and they all really got to talk with him?? thats amazing


Evelyn ⭐️
22:10 Sep 16, 2020

Totally! What's up?


B. W.
22:12 Sep 16, 2020

Well its something with my novel, i plan for Harlow and Willow to get together, but i suck at romance so i was wondering if you could maybe help with that and how the two could get together?


Evelyn ⭐️
22:15 Sep 16, 2020

This might not be the best idea, I am only in middle school so I don't know too much about romance but I do have an idea! WARNING!!! THIS MIGHT BE REALLY BAD!!! She could like trip into his arms or something. And then you could describe the feelings she feels for him at that moment as she looks into his eyes.


B. W.
22:16 Sep 16, 2020

um- Both Harlow and Willow are girls, i don't know why people keep thinking one of them is a guy. The idea is kind of cute, but do you have any other ideas for it?


Evelyn ⭐️
22:17 Sep 16, 2020

Oops, so sorry!! I totally forgot.... I can sleep on it tonight. You know just brainstorm some ideas.


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The Cold Ice
02:04 Sep 05, 2020

Dramatic story.Great job👍keep it up.I never thought keeping a secret could be also dangerous. Would you mind to read my story “The dragon warrior part 2?”


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The Cold Ice
06:49 Aug 26, 2020

Super story.Great job👍keep it up. Would you mind to read my story “The dragon warrior?”


Evelyn ⭐️
14:30 Aug 26, 2020

Thanks for reading!


The Cold Ice
05:34 Sep 12, 2020

Hey Evelyn I had apvoted you for this story. Would you mind reading my story. “The dragon warrior part 2?”


Evelyn ⭐️
14:07 Sep 12, 2020

Sure No problem!


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