March 11th, 2020
12:27 pm
“Ok, tell me once again that we are doing this for real.”
“A-VEEEEVA, this is the last and final time I’m telling you that we are DOING THIS FOR FRICKING REAL!” low-screamed Raina who was sitting right next to her staring at the short, but very loud teacher with big, beetle-like eyes.
“Fine fine fine…and what if he finds out ‘twas us?” asked Aviva again.
“Honestly is this the first time you’re pranking someone or what!” Raina was utterly furious. Her friend was bombarding her with heck too many questions.
“No, it’s not the first time I’ve pranked anyone but it’s the first time I’m pranking him.” Aviva eyed Raina fiercely.
April leaned closer to the pair and whispered, “Guys guys guys, stop fighting.” She was always the peacemaker.
“Do we really have to do this?” asked Hannah skeptically.
“C’mon it’s gonna go alright, um, hopefully.” April murmured.
“Yeah. It’s gonna go awesome!” smirked Aviva. She just couldn’t help herself imagining Michael’s obvious reaction. That’s why she laughed in the middle of the Physics class and when the teacher asked her for an explanation, she had to make a very lame excuse to come off it. “Sorry ma’am, I’ve been having a bad cold lately…probably because of the windy weather.” and she looked out of the window to support her disbelieving statement.
The bell rang and the girls made up their mind to do the crime as soon as possible. “Gosh! It’s been two minutes and forty eight seconds and they still haven’t left the classroom.” said Aviva impatiently.
“I know, right? A-may-zing slowpokes!” followed Hannah.
April and Aviva tried signaling the group when Adrian saw them. They gestured him and Isaak to come over and they did excusing themselves from the other three.
“Wassup?” asked Adrian smiling slyly (he was particularly non-sulky today).
“So, listen to me carefully.” Aviva began explaining. Marks of vivid curiosity were etched on both their faces. “We've decided to prank Michael and—”
“Prank who?” asked Isaak.
“Prank Mike.” replied Aviva.
“Why him?” Adrian narrowed his eyes with suspicion.
“Be-cuzzz…duh, he’s the best victim from the class.” replied Aviva amused.
“Fair enough.”
“Now, I’m going to explain the whole idea only if you two don’t keep interrupting me.” Squinted Aviva.
“Ok, go on.” and they nodded in unison. After a huge explanation, the guys got it. They couldn’t help smirking either.
“Keeping him distracted for two minutes is your job. I mean we want him outta the class for a minute or so. Got it?” Raina kept telling this to them.
“Yup, we got it and thank you, you don’t need to repeat that again. We got that right in our heads.” said Isaak annoyed. Raina smiled the just-so-you-know smile.
“Don’t ruin this for him by telling him or making it look strange. Please.” reminded Hannah before they were about to join the others.
“Of course. We aren’t that stupid.”, they murmured and joined the others.
“What took you so long?” asked Allen.
“Some assignment they had doubts on.”said Isaak. Only did he realize after a few moments what a stupid excuse he had made and how his friends were even stupid to believe him. After all, which school gives assignments on the last day of the school year…
After a few minutes, they left the classroom. “Now’s the time to do it.” said April.
“Listen to me. Riley and Hannah, you guys stay here ‘cause we wanna be sure that Mike’s not anywhere around. Aviva, come with me.” Raina started acting all bossy again. The three had no choice but to agree.
Raina and Aviva cautiously walked over to Mike’s desk on which swear words were clearly carved with presumably, a compass. Raina lowered herself and tied Mike’s schoolbag to one of the legs of the intricate wood table.
“Make it really really really tight, ok? It shouldn’t come off anytime soon.” Aviva smirked evilly.
“There we have it. Without a pair of scissors, this’ll never come off in a century, or two.” Raina said satisfied. “Now here's my contribution,” saying this, Aviva gave the note to her.
“Oh, I almost forgot about it.”
“Guys they’re heading here, come back!” shrieked April. The two got up startled and joined her and Hannah at their usual table. They began chattering about something clueless when the boys were about to start eating.
All the eight of them expected a nuclear explosion to take place and indeed they were right. “Whaaaaat the HELL!” came the familiar boyish voice. “Who’s done this?” Mike looked at his boy friends and could make out nothing until Samuel cracked up. “I NEED an explanation!
“Wuss wrong mate?” asked Isaak still chuckling.
“Aargh, as if YOU DON’T KNOW!”
And what the fricking helluva paper is this?” and he read the words on the note saying:
‘Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
We pranked you,
Without a clue.’
“Maybe, you can find those horrible people by um recognizing their handwritings...” suggested Allen, still laughing.
“But those idiotic imbeciles decided to write each word with DIFFERENT HANDWRITINGS!”
“All thanks to me.” voiced Aviva in her head.
The others couldn’t suppress their laughter and Mike was furious.
I don’t know if it was Isaak’s sudden glancing at them or his fake-sounding “C’mon its not that bad, is it?” that made Mike stride towards the four all-too-innocent girls.
“Hello.” he was surprisingly calm. A calm before the storm. “BOTHER EXPLAINING YOUR CRIME?!” It seemed that Hannah just couldn’t stand up to his awful screeching or else she wouldn’t have given it all away in just a giggle.
And you know the thing about laughing? It’s contagious, by this I mean, there’s not much problem in making a whole group laugh at an instant, somebody just gotta have the guts to initiate the first move though.
“Ok, since nobody cares to explain, I better tell the teacher.” and he marched off. “Wait! MIKE, WAIT!” Raina called out to him. She showed him her scissors and he came back at once. She didn’t do that because she feared he’d complain…duh, all of them knew he’s more of a “bark” than a “bite”.
Raina was on her knees cutting the Ty-Rap which she had so securely tied. “You have it there, all perfectly right!” Mike was glaring at everyone with fierce-looking eyeballs.
And, guess what? Even after almost a year, he’s still mad about it…
October 28th, 2020
4:11 pm
Aviva: Heyy
Mike: hello
Aviva: soo um are you mad at me for anything??
Mike: what? no no, why do you ask?
Aviva: nah, nothing much…
Mike: wait if youre talking ‘bout what happened in 7th grade that stupid terrilbe prank then, yes i am, verrryy
Aviva: oh cmon that was fun
Mike: wasnt
Aviva: was ofc
Mike: well in that case im still mad at you and all the others involved
Aviva: you must have a hard time with adrian isaak sam and allen then
Mike: what
Aviva: they were “involved” too so arent ya supposed to be mad at them toooo?
Mike: no wayyyy
Aviva: yes way
Mike: huh?
Aviva: ask them if you dont believe me
Mike: i will but now they doin some stupid editting
Aviva: oh the vid for chem assignment?
Mike: yeah
Aviva: anyway I gotta go now
my bro is hitting me for no particular reason
Mike: haha
ok bye
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I love how you have taken on to this prompt it is a fabulous story and very well written.
Keep me posted on new stories !!!
~Palak Shah :))
Aw thanks! I'm flattered...of course I will :)
Could you please read my latest story . Thanks :))
I'm sorry I'm late to comment on this, going there rn!
Thank you so much :))
This story is pretty weirdly written as this was a real experience at school. All the same, I had a lotta fun writing this, especially the characters and dialogues hehe :)
Critiques, feedback, and areas for improvement are most welcome.
Hope you have a great day, thanks!
It’s so good! I bet it was a good prank☺️
I like the ending
Haha thanks!
Oh yes, it was. Especially Mike's reaction, it was a-mayyy-zingly funny hehe XD
Hehe ty!
You seem like a really nice person
Do u wanna write a story together?
Aw, thank you, yes, I sure would love to!
Yay! How would you like to write it?
1. Make the structure together, write our own part, and combine them?
2. Write the whole story together?
3. Something else?
Ok, we'll decide the plot together and divide it into two and then write our parts...yeah exactly, the 1st way :)
U wrote that.... ohh cool luv it 😻
And the poor Mike 😅😂
Thank you, Zerah!
I know, right? Poor Melvin XD
new thread?
yay! the other one was preeeetttty long hehe
So what do ya think the new prompts will be about?
um I'm not entirely sure...maybe about healthy lifestyle or something as yesterday was W. health day? this is a very wild (and unlikely to happen) guess lol
what do ya think it'll be about?
I'm not really sure either, I just hope that they are good. I don't like the ones that are like "Say or do this at the beginning, and say or do this at the ending"
I know, right? One, it sounds demanding; two, it just feels like we're not free to write what we feel.
XD I'm dying from laughter!
The prank was genius and well thought out- and I'm kinda tempted to try it. The story overall was suuuper enjoyable to read and I liked the section at the end where Mike and Aviva were texting each other.The personalities of the characters were really fun to read!
And it was a real experience form school? Wow that's- XD I wish I could've been there!
Great job!
Thank you! Good luck! Oh that, I didn't wanna include it at first but then later changed my mind lol, thanks again!
Yesss it was! Aw, it would've been even better if you were there XP
You can try guessing who I was in the story XDDD
Wow I just realised you were Sapphire, Saph!
Haha! XD The name change was just for fun and I was bored out of my mind 😬😆
No problem!!!!!!!
I wish XD :P
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Aviva? Her personality is similar to yours! But I'm not sure ack. Okay, final answer- Aviva.
(Also, if you read KOTLC and PJO, you are officially one of my friends sorry I can't change the rules XP)
Haha alr XD
Yup, that's me!
Yessss I've read them and they're damn goooddd XDDD and why would you ever have to be sorry for making me your friend, I'm honored!!
hahaha XD
Okay. question of truth.
Sokeefe or Sofitz?
I love the fact that this story was so playful. It held like a childish hold and I really liked the work you put into the characters. With that being said, I think you have a few grammatical errors and missing punctuation marks. Not saying that I'm a pro or anything because I know I miss stuff like that too but I happened to notice🤗 This was actually a good story. Good job!!
Thank you so much for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
Oh, will it be alright if you point them out to me, I won't be offended :)
Haha yeah, musta been that lol
Thank you!
No problem!!
After majority of your dialogue, I think all of it, you left out the comma thing that goes after the line. Like you know how when you say: "'Yes,' she said."
like the comma after the word yes, like that (im not sure if that made sense).
And who's talking throughout the story? Is it the narrator talking for the story or one of your characters? I think some of your tenses didn't match up that's why I said grammatical errors.
Hmm...yes, I should work on my dialogues.
The narrator is. Oh ok, I shall try to um maybe proofread better next time? And thank you, Carla!
No problem!!!
Hey Inara! This is much better now! The letter gave it some more depth! Great work<33
Thank youuuu!!!
Of course!
Hey Inara! I really loved the comic way u took this story!!! The names were really creative! Good work for your first story<33
One thing I would suggest is maybe enhancing the prank and Mike's reaction to it?
Overall great work! And i can't wait to read all the other stories u come up with!
Haha, back at was really funny lol. Thanks! Aw, thank youuu!
Hmm? Ok I shall try editing it but I'm not sure and ty damn lots, you are so kind XD
Can you guess who I am in the story XD
LOL it was:)))
aww, of course! It was my pleasure:DD XD u are as well!
I Think you were Aviva!
Yesss I'm Aviva! I'm surprised you got it right lol and I've added a teeny bit of detail so check that out :)
I knew it!!! :DDD
LOL, sure, I will soon :)
Hey so what do ya think of the new prompts?
altogether, its ok....I liked the one where you hafta write bout a messed up party so I'm thinking of ideas for that, what about you?
I sort of like them. Though I'm not sure if I can even continue some of my series with these ones.
If ya do end up making a new story, could ya tell me when its out?
Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!
Ari!!!!!!! I love this story... I bet the prank was really funny. Poor Mike...
I love cheeky Aviva... she is DOPE!
All in all an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G D-O-P-E Story!! XD
I love it! <3
You always got ma support gurl! I got your back! one of the best people I know :)
Love ya! <3
(PS: Keep me updated on new stories! Also, you'll be happy to know... I started reading Harry Potter and Me.... LOVE IT! XD)
Ty! Ty! Ty! Ty!
I betcha it was damn fun, yup, poor Mike ^^
Well, duh, you already guessed that's me XD
Thank youuuu! Haha you sure've ^^
*gasp* ohmygoshthatsgreat
Haha, told you XD