I sprawled out on the couch, playing with a ball of swirling water on my fingertips. Quickly, I made the small water ball into a fairly large one, and my spirit otter floated up to it, then twisted around in it. I laughed. My best friend, Meg was currently shape-shifted into a tiger, play-wrestling with her spirit tiger. I laughed at both Dej (my otter) and Meg with Vanotyisa (her tiger, also called Vano or Tyisa).
“Megan! Will you and Tyisa please take a break? I’ll let Dej out of the water and they can play while the two of us talk. Okay? I’m begging you, Meg. Besides, I think you’ve beaten Tyisa enough,” I said. Meg, still in tiger form, looked at me with excitement in her eyes. She roared joyfully, then began spinning around at a rapid rate. I watched her out of the corner of my eye as I lowered Dej to the floor and took my water back, letting him run to Vanotyisa. After a minute, Meg was in her human form again, her dark-blond-with-dark-cyan-tips hair flowing down her back.
“Who do you think is going to get here first?” Meg asked. She collapsed onto the recliner, out of breath from wrestling.
“I don’t know. Probably Maya. She’s always the first one to anywhere.” I glanced over at our animals, who were circling each other.
“Yeah, but I think that Jeke will get here first. They’re pretty early most times. Except for that one time that they were late to my birthday party, then late to your birthday party a few months later. But, other than that, they’re on time,” Meg rambled. I shook my head, a smile playing on my lips. (Oh! And before I forget to tell you, Reeder, “Jeke” is my close two close friends’ [Luke and Jennie] couple name.)
My bestie and I chatted for a while, laughing at our animals every once in a while. We only stopped when the front door swung open, and Luke, Jennie, Cinta (Jennie’s spirit dove), and Pintar (Luke’s spirit fox) walked in. The couple held hands, and Meg and I rolled our eyes simultaneously. Luke and Jennie were inseparable, and it got annoying.
“Hi, guys!” Luke grinned. Meg and I exchanged glances; I knew just what to do. Lightning fast, I created a jet of water and sent it right in between my best friends’ hands, separating them. Before the water could fall to the floor and create a puddle, I pulled it back to my fingertips and made it disappear.
“Brooke! How rude!” Jennie cried. She narrowed her eyes at me, shaking her head, as Meg and I laughed so hard our stomachs hurt.
“I’m sorry, but you two get all mushy and it’s gross.”
“No offense, but I’m with Brooke on this one,” Meg said. Luke and Jennie rolled their eyes and shook their heads, but Jennie sat down on the couch next to me, and Luke sat in the rocking chair.
“Para roh, pergilah ke ruangan lain. Anda akan lebih nyaman, dan bisa bermain dengan satu sama lain,” I told the spirit animals. They obeyed and headed into the other room to play with each other.
“How’s the book going, Craycray?” Luke asked. That was his nickname for me—Craycray.
“It’s going good. I’m on chapter nine. What about yours? I thought you started one.”
“I did. Jen’s been helping me. I’m on chapter three,” Luke replied. I nodded and created a ball of water, throwing it in the air, then letting it fall back down to my fingertips before flinging it towards one of my friends. Jennie and Meg shapeshifted into different animals, showing it off. I chuckled at them when Luke lifted them into the air using his telekinesis. After that little show, we were all out of breath from laughing, and my cheeks hurt from smiling so much.
“We’re heeeeeere!” Maya floated in, along with Amaya and Aerin. And they floated. Maya was keeping all three of them aloft by using her power to manipulate gravity.
“Hi! I’m happy you could make it!” I beamed. Maya flipped her golden-brown hair over her shoulder as she lowered herself and our two friends to the ground. I sat up on the couch to empty a seat. Amaya shuffled over to me and gave me a half-hug before sitting down on the free spot.
“I’ve missed all of you so much. Thanks for doing this so we can see each other,” Maya said as she passed by me to sit by the fireplace.
“The pleasure’s all mine.” I smiled at everyone and leaned back, watching Aerin lead Pelangi (her spirit unicorn), Serit (Amaya’s spirit tiger), and Licin (Maya’s spirit lemur) into the room where all of the others were.
“Alright, Brooke. Who’s that guy I saw you with on Instagram?” Aerin pried.
“Yeah; I saw that too! Spill, girl, spill!” Amaya added. She nudged me with her shoulder, and I rolled my eyes.
“It’s nothing,” I replied.
“Yeah, right. And the sky’s purple,” Meg teased.
“Fine! Fine! His name is Jordan-” I was cut off by Luke.
“I think I’m gonna go hang with the animals. I don’t want to hear all of the girly details.” He got up from his chair and speed-walked into the other room. Us six girls all chuckled before I began again.
“Well, his name is Jordan. He’s from Mississippi--he’s got that southern accent that I like. He’s a big family guy, but he has a good-paying job at Dow Chemical. That’s why he moved up here. And-” I was cut off again by the door swinging open. Two tigers and Celeste entered the cabin. The big cats roared at the same time, and I immediately knew who it was.
“B! Celeste! Amany!” Amaya cried. She rushed up to them as B and Amany transformed back into their human selves. The three new arrivals were squished together in a hug from Amaya. Finally, she released them and they could breathe again.
“It’s so good to see you! Here, B. You can take my spot.” I slid off of the couch and scooched to the side to let B sit where I was. She took my offer, or I thought she did…
“Ahhh! I’m B! What the heck?!” I cried. And I was B! I was sitting on the couch, just like B was. My body wasn’t mine--it was B’s!
“Hehe. Gotcha, Brooke.” The voice was mine, but I wasn’t talking. Finally, a wave of realization washed over me. B had used her powers to switch bodies with me!
“I want my body back, B,” I teased. With a disappointed sigh, B snapped her fingers, and I was back to my old self. “Never do that again.”
“Fine, fine.”
“You gotta admit, that was pretty funny. Ahahahahahahaha!” Celeste shouted. Luke burst into the room, concern dancing across his eyes. His tense shoulders relaxed as he acknowledged that Celeste had made the noise.
“Celeste! Could you not be so loud? You scared the heck out of me!” Luke cried. We all laughed, even Amany who was sitting at the table, watching politely.
“Oh, leave me alone. You should’ve known it was me.” Celeste punched Luke lightly on the arm. He feigned severe injury before lifting Celeste so her back was pressed up against the ceiling.
“Let her down, Luke. She was just messing with you,” Amany said. Her polite and respectful attitude didn’t falter, although she was upset. (She wasn’t good at hiding her emotions.)
“Okay, okay. I’m putting her down now.” Luke lowered Celeste until she was six inches off of the floor. Instead of setting Celeste down, he let her drop from there. There was a smack! noise when her cheek hit the hardwood floor.
“Luke, stop torturing our friend,” Jennie ordered. She shook her head and rolled her eyes at her boyfriend. The ten of us erupted into talking and laughter. We were all engulfed in our conversations when the door slammed open. A blur of something slammed the door back closed, then came over to me, sitting down. The blur was Winter!
“Oh, hi, Winter!” Amaya greeted. She patted Winter on the shoulder.
“Hi, guys!” Winter grinned. “I hope you didn’t mind me bursting in here like that. I was going fast on my way here, and I didn’t have time to slow down before I came in.”
“Oh, it was no problem!” Aerin said. “And, now that everyone’s here, Brooke and I want to make something for you. Let’s do it!” Aerin and I got up from our spots, creating some ice. We walked to the center of the room and began our masterpiece. Ice and water sprayed out of our hands, making eleven sculptures of people. And not just any people, but the eleven people in the room. Eleven besties, linking arms.
“Awwww, that’s so sweet! Thanks, guys!” Winter cried. The rest of my friends said the same in their ways, and Aerin and I bowed for them all.
Best friends are the best kind.
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O. M. FRIGGIN. G. THIS WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DARN SWEET!!! In real life, tho, I'd be all about that drama XD Also, this was great, but I would like to clarify that me and jennie are not a thing, mebbe you could put that at the top to clear up confusion?? I LARBED THIS SO MUCH CRAYCRAY YOU ARE SO SWEEEEEEEEET!!!! Don't you dare beat up on yourself for this not having a plot. Have you SEEN my Mallow pride stories?? Not a one of them has a plot, and this is soooooo great I can't even... *sniffles into 2345678765432w34567876543234567654323454∞tissue*
THIS IS OFFICIALLY THE BEST COMMENT EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fine, fine. (but you two would be cute together hehehehehehehehe) YOU ARE SWEETER!!!!!!!!!!! lol I haven't yet, but I'll read them ASAP *smiles so much that global warming is REAL, HERE, AND NOT GOING AWAY*
XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD (???????? ARE YOU SHIPPING????????) no YOUUUUUUUUUUU are!!!!!! *global warming was yesterday, today is solar flares burning the earth to a crisp :)*
(maybe....................................... hehehehehehehehehe) :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD YOU AREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE *solar flares was yesterday, today is smile-fires burning the entire Milky Way Galaxy* :DDDDDDDD
*squeezes universe so hard that it is compressed into a black hole*
Soooooo sweeeeet thank you for including me.
I do think, sorry if this is rude, but the plot is... dry. There's really no plot. There's no problem for the characters to face.
But... irl.... are jennie and luke actually a thing now.....
My pleasure!
I know, I know. My writing has been dry for the past couple of weeks. It's frustrating for me.
No, lol. I just wanted to put them together because Jennie's weakness was cute guys. XD
P.S. I'm so happy that you decided to join the food-name trend! :D
Lol yess
I don't have a lot to say for this, though this was really great ^^ maybe it could become a series?
Thanks! Possibly, or I might just put at least one of my Reedsy friends in each of my stories. :D
No prob ^^ Also I forgot to rate this, though its a 10/10 from me :)
Aw, thanks. ^^
Hey, Brooke, just wanted to know if you know how long Megan is leaving for? 🥺😢
Hi! No, I don't. I commented on her story. I know she's not gonna see it... I hope she's back soon.
Cute! Love my politeness lol.
Thanks! XD I just thought that's how you'd act ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It is, unless I'm really close and comfortable with you, then you see my sarcastic side.
Gotcha. I guess I'll know that we're close when you're sarcastic! :D (;
Wow, great story, Brooke! I love how you included a bunch of Reeders! Are you going to make it a series, maybe?
Thanks! :D In a way, I think so. I just want to add at least one other Reeder in each of my stories. I'd do their name, then the personality that I know they have. :D
That sounds super cool! 😎
:DDDDD Yeah, I'll either do that or actually do a series and have this be the introduction to it all. :D
That sounds amazing, I can't wait to read it! :)
Aw, thanks! :D (I'll add you to either the series or my next story first. :DDDD)
𝕆𝕄𝔾 Brooke this is so awesome!!! I love how everyone was using their powers throughout the story and the spirit animal names were soooo cool!!! The dialogue was great and really realistic. The whole story was so funny and fun to read!!! Lol Jeke. I wish we had spirit animals and superpowers in real life! XD
I ⓛⓞⓥⓔⓓ it sooooo much!!! Thank you so much for including me, Brooke!!! :DDD <33333 ❤🧡💛💚💙💜
Aw, thanks so much! I know--Jeke really would be their ship name, though. (Do you think they'd be a cute couple irl? XD I do!) Me, tooooooooooo!!!!!
The pleasure was all mine, Maya! :DDDD <3333333333333333
Of course! Sure they would. :)
Yay! Heading over! :D
OMFG HOLY HECK THIS WAS AMAZING!!!! I liked how you used actual people!
Such a good idea!!! The mushy stuff was like 👌.
....no it was more than okay it was amazing!!!!
I love the drama and the friendship. The ending though was like YEE YEE!!!
(That means supes amazing XD)
And the plot was really good too. omg i used good like 1 million times already, but i dont have a thesaurus.
im suprised i could spell that!!!
this is why i think your amazing!!!! cause your stories have a meaning. each one.
your my idol :)
OMG, thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart, Cass! This means so, so, so, so, so much to me! :D
I'm your idol? I am so seriously flattered. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! YOU'RE an idol of mine!!!!!!!!!!
Yes!!! Since ive read your stories, i mean, i want to write like you!!!
lots of love and no COVID,
zero covid whatsoever and admiration,
OMG ur WELCOME!!!! (reminds me of that Moana song lol)
Just warning you, Isaac might be upset if you put him in a ship. XD
XD Okay! But I might do him with someone else (not Saph)... He can hate me, but I still might do it...
He will not be happy about it...
I don't recommend it. XD
Welp. I guess I'm going to be hated by everyone on this site. I'm destroying my online life.....
Totally worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XDDDDDDDDDDDDD MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
OMG you're so scarrryyyyyyy
Im shipped with Ari XDDDD
hmmmmmmm i ship you with leooooooo or vayddddddddddd
New thread?
Sure! :D
Random question, but whats your favorite villain song?
Probably Hades's song in Descendants 3 with Mal.
I really like Be Prepared from the original lion king
Ooooh, nice! :D
Hi Brooke! I like your story! Just one question though, are you going to be writing a part 2? I don't want to offend you in any way but I feel like there could've been more excitement and adventure! Again I'm not trying to be mean I really liked this story. -CJ
Hi! Thanks! You're not offending me or being mean! I totally understand where you're coming from. I'm thinking about it, but probably not. I think I'm done with series for a while. :) -Brooke
Ok. I'm relieved I didn't offend you! I don't know if you already saw this, but I posted in my bio that I have writer's block and I have no idea what to do. :( If you know what I should do to kill that block then please let me know!-CJ
:D Oh, I didn't. I'm sorry! I would say that listening to good music and attempting to write might help, but reading your favorite authors and getting some inspiration from them should work. Don't force it; when you're able to write again, you're able to write again. :) -Craycray
Ok! Thanks! I hope It'll work! So, I guess I'll just read some of your stories that I haven't gotten the chance to read yet because there are so many, and you are such a good writer.-CJ
I read your bio!!! 🌵
XD Thanks!
Heyyyyy Brooke :DDD
I made a meeting place story for the Skribbls and a lot of new people joined! Want to play at the same time today? <3333333333
I already responded on the other comment, but I'm gonna go check out the story. :)
Lol k XD I commented that before.
Wait- what happened with Megan?? Is she taking a break or leaving??
I don't know! :(
This was from earlier, too.
How could she just leave without telling anyone, even you?? >:(
I don't know! I'm really upset! D:<
Yeah. DDDDD:
At least in her bio it says she'll be back, I think.
I know. D:
Would you like to play skribble again at 3:30 EST? :D <3
Sure! :DDDDDDDDDDDD I'll be able to do it for a while again today. :DDDDDD
Yayyyyyyyy :DDDDDDDD
This is a wonderful story. Keep writing. Loved it.
Thanks so much! Keep writing yourself! :D
Welcome.lol :D
New thread?
I'm sorry! I wasn't near my computer today. D:
That's fine! :D I made a skribble meeting place story and so many people joined! :)
Also, do you know what happened with Megan? Is she taking a break or did she leave?
Oh, okay! :D That's great!
No... I'm gonna head over ASAHP.
Okay... idk what happened but I hope she comes back!
Me, too! I dropped a comment on her recent story. :)