Submitted to: Contest #74

Letters To Tal

Written in response to: "Write a story that takes place across ten days."

Drama Fantasy

trigger warning: suicide mentions.

Lots of crying too, so please bear with me xD.



“Dara, manage her! She’s painting our faces black if she continues bringing misfortunes upon us.” 

“Misfortunes, Papa? My c-condition paints your face black? That’s how you put it? All the years I’ve been living with this body, n-none of you ever considered helping me. And t-that’s inhumane of you.”

“Inhumane, ha! You’ve no say in this, child. You’re no less than a dead pariah to us.”

And with that, Tallulah stormed into her room and slammed the door on the words that kept bickering on the other side. She slid against the door and collapsed on the ground, allowing a dam of tears to out-pour down her lined cheeks. The best insult she could ever endure was from her own flesh and to twist the knife. She didn’t know how to help herself. With nothing else to do, she plopped onto the bed, counted ten dragons and cried herself to sleep.

If only she could sleep on a bed of thorns. Forever. And drown her thoughts about the bastards she called parents. Her world would saunter around in the backwoods and her parents could sleep in peace and forget about having their faces tainted yet again.

Everything would be so ornate, wouldn’t it?


Tallulah’s eyes fluttered at the pile of letters on the table. They were her world now; she’d be committing sins if she ever lost them. They were her newfound love, her memories and emotions trapped in them, and the recipient of those letters was as important as the letters themselves.

She sat down at her table and, plucking the feather pen out from the wooden box, glided it across the cream-coloured paper, pouring her heart and mind into it. The words written so dandy, last letters curled out to resemble cat whiskers, Tallulah folded it into a cylinder and tied a copper fine thread around it, securing it so it didn’t fan open.

A peck on the window glass brought her attention toward it. Outside, in the ominous night of Winter, stood an owl ruffling its feathers and turning its back, looking down and observing life that went on before its eyes.

No sooner had Tallulah slid open the window, than it scooted in and hopped on her.

“Oh, Nox, you got me a l-letter, boy?” Tallulah smiled and chuckled as Nox rubbed his head on her neck and moved closer, depleting the distance between them. “I see, your owner is punctual.” 

She untied the rolled piece of paper from his foot and unfolded it. A gratified smile found its home on her face when her eyes sailed across the letter thrice. The letters kept her alive and compelled her to wake up every morning and persist with life.

Nox hooted once, twice, and thrice until he had gained Tallulah’s attention. He was an owl that belonged in the paintings of children’s books. His tuft-like ears were reminiscent of a teddy bear, yet he stared with yellow eyes befitting a witch’s cat. His plumage was a mottled grey-brown, so prominent that he almost blended into the gathering gloom of nightfall. 

 He loved being the messenger under spotlight where everybody applauded him and garnered him with prolonged hugs, treats and kisses. Tallulah could tell his owner pampered him to death. She felt covetous and selfish at the same time; she’d keep him to herself if he wasn’t taken care of properly. She’d told her parents they had gifted her two hearts; one that beat throughout existence and loved people and the other that bloomed into a heart-shaped flower and opened its arms only to animals. She was crazy in love with them, but petted none. 

19.07. XXXX 

Today, before Tallulah could dip her pen into black ink and end the letter with her name on it, Dara barged in on her and snatched it away from her.

“This is what you do all day?” that was a loud voice, painful enough to rattle her eardrums and startle her heart. “You’re only going to spread your sickness through that, and I don’t want you socializing with anybody. Do you get that?” Dara yelled and took off. When Tallulah tried protesting, she struck her hard on the cheek with her rough hand. 

 Dara twisted her ear and pulled it to her mouth. “You are one heck of a mule. Wait till your father comes.” Tallulah winced under the pain and clasped her hands together. She had gathered all the past letters and set them alight and left her in the darkness of her room. Tallulah’s heart burnt and turned to ashes too. 

Thankfully, her father hadn’t visited her even once, sneaked in only a couple times to call her out for dinner and their regular night chores.


Tallulah’s throat was sore and itchy, as if infested with termites. She had a few twitches today, nothing harmful but increased shoulder shrugs and lips smacks. It was exasperating, but since she couldn’t stop them, she didn’t fiddle anymore.


Tears welled up deep inside and her body trembled as she fought the dam from disrupting. Tallulah wondered how people bottled up their emotions so well. She, on one hand, couldn’t do it. Crying had to happen. She bellowed now and then and disgusted herself for doing so. She clouted her nape violently and blenched at the torment that trailed on her skin. Her body was a vessel, and a psychopath was driving it, snickering at her affliction. 

Her eyes flickered to the tiny drawer beside her bed, and something whooshed past her mind. The incinerated letters weren’t the end; she’d forgotten she had a stack of papers stored into the drawer and she could start it all again, not that Nox wasn’t bringing letters to her anymore. 

She settled into her chair and began writing.

Good whenever-this-letter-arrives-you! That depends on Nox, anyway. I’m not doing good. Mama burned down all my letters, she burned down a piece of me. You know how much you mean to me, don’t you? I can’t bear to see my memories being taken away from me. She triggered my sickness too. It feels like I’m possessed, that a demon is controlling me and I can’t do anything about it.

I’ve been thinking about so many things lately that I can’t put myself to sleep. Even the ten dragons that you suggested aren’t helping me anymore. See, I’m a waste of life, I should just kill myself. I could use something sharp to bleed my wrists, but nothing would help. My parents have broken my heart and I’m just waiting for it to happen in reality. I will scream my mind out, but it’ll all be worth the agony. 

I deeply apologize for ranting to you, I’m a coward and I can’t stand up for myself, so why not just end it?

Yours truly,



I would’ve actually just stopped replying to the letters if it weren’t for you. Tal, do you remember how I first wrote you a letter? I saw you in the market and by how haughty and elegant you seemed; I followed you home so I could memorize the lanes to send you letters afterward. You’re gorgeous. You’re a daisy, my friend. Everybody gapes at you, while you, the elegant princess, walk down the rose strewn path. You have adventures to go to and new food to taste. Love to experience and affection to gain. Please do not undermine yourself. I do not know what’ll become of me if you leave my sight. I can’t imagine the torment you’re suffering, but that’s what happens in life. Fight it. You’re a warrior, lady. You defeat an army of Dara’s and Ben’s single-handedly. 

Oh! I see your smile already. Tal, I love you for stepping into my life. See what the world has for you. It’s not suffering and violence destiny has laid out in front of you.

See you,



The letter crumpled in her hand. Tallulah held it close to her chest as tears broke free. They scurried down her cheeks as if gaining freedom from captivity. She bent forward and screamed like a baby, muffled, intermittent, but distressing and intense. The man who was a stranger until a few weeks ago was the only one who understood her and empathized with her. Tallulah had always declared herself a coward, someone who couldn’t stand up for herself for the smallest of things. His words opened a hole for belief and hope in her heart. And what else could she ask for?


Blast off, daisy. Do you know what my name means? Sorin means Sun, and that means I am your Sun. When there’s a nightmare chasing you and threatening to suck up your soul, remember me and I am there with you, by your side. Tal, we’re both each other’s sunshine and even when darkness bathes us, we have each other’s back. You have my back! The devil shall not gain control over us, for the almighty Sorin is with Tal. 

Yours truly,



…. Sorin, I want to see you so badly. I can’t keep conversing with someone I haven’t had the chance to see the face of. I’m curious about your appearance. You know how I think of you? Remember that temple monk? He’s handsome, both men and women gawk at him and his aura stops you in your tracks and I think he’s beautiful inside too. He reminds me of you, but I’ll be a better judge when I get to meet you, though I don’t know if that’ll happen. Mama will never let me out. 

Yours truly,



Oh no, I’m jealous now, Tal. I am joking. But yes, I bet that monk is handsome, however, not more than me. HAHA. 

Do not worry, my lady, for we shall see each other in future if not now. You’re always here in my heart and I already see you, so don’t pressure yourself.

Take care,



Tallulah had received no letters today. It was harrowing. She’d wake up every morning only to write and read letters, and she realised how much she depended on Sorin. She spent her mornings and nights thinking about her secret friend and how much she trusted in him. To her, he didn’t seem like a man to take advantage of her and turn his back on her when things went awry and toppled upside down like a lopsided ice-cream mishandled by a child.

Her condition worsened, she refused or deliberately forgot to have dinner. Dara scanned her room, suspecting she had socialized again, but Tallulah was careful enough to hide her letters and papers away. They frowned in annoyance at her and left her again. She wondered if they loathed her so much, why hadn’t they done with her already. She shook her head at her thought, and Sorin’s words flooded her mind. It was calming. 

It was at night when she decided something she could have never imagined.


Looking down at the carriages and passers-by, Tallulah’s head spun as she tried to stop the automatic shoulder shrugs. She failed. She thanked Sorin for what she was about to do in a few minutes. He had injected courage into her; something she lacked ever since her parents began mistreating her. 

Tying a couple bedsheets to each other so they resembled a long rope, she tied one end to the leg of her bed and chucked the other end out the window. She knew climbing down the window would aggravate her triggers, but she had to do it. Hardly had she hung tight onto the rope when the door creaked open.


It was way past midnight and Ben wasn’t supposed to be here. Tallulah’s eyes trailed down to his hand clutching onto a bloody pocket knife. Why did he have it with him? With bewilderment, Tallulah slid down the rope as Ben thudded toward the window.

“Tallulah is escaping, Dara. Hurry downstairs. I’ll make sure she follows the same fate as that damn owl did.”

Tallulah halted and gasped. Had he killed Nox? 

No, no, it can’t be. Nox’s smart, he must’ve escaped.

Breaking into a sprint, Tallulah turned a corner when she noticed Nox perched to a wall. His feathers had been vitiated. Blood spurted out his wounds. His hoots were low, lifeless. He didn’t look like the Great Horned Owl who’d hunt for hours on an end. He was just a baby, whimpering for rescue. Before she could get hold of him, he spread his wings and flapped through air. Tallulah followed him, and it was until some painful minutes when they lost sight of Ben. 

“Nox, no,” Tallulah yelled when he took flight away from her sight. Where was she supposed to go now? She feared the outside world. She didn’t remember the number of days she’d spent at home and now, the streets alienated her. 

She ambled down the lanes and didn’t care if danger skulked in the corners. 

“Ah, careful. It burns.” 

Tallulah followed the voice, entered a tiny lane. She peeked from behind the wall as a man crouched on the ground came into view. A stunt man behind him as they muttered inaudible words. 

“That imbecile sliced through my wings as if butchering a chicken. But thank God Tallulah had to witness none of it.”

Tallulah choked and gripped onto her mouth. Their eyes met, and she knew it all. 


Posted Dec 29, 2020

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56 likes 121 comments

Rayhan Hidayat
20:44 Dec 29, 2020

Wait WHAT? Nox can talk?

Anyway, I LOVE THIS. Maybe I’m just biased because I’ll gobble up any fantasy story, but this is such a huge step up from the other stories I’ve read by you. The protagonist is easily empathized with and I was rooting for her the whole way.

The choice to mix in letter exchanges with the standard prose is interesting. I would have stuck with one or the other for consistency, but this didnt impact my enjoyment.

Also, it kinda feels like you were holding back on the fantasy elements. I would love to have known more about the monk they met, about the god(s) they worship and the temple they go to. What foods do they eat in this world? I’m pretty sure you can be more creative than ice cream 😉

Anyway, good stuff. I was gonna ask if a story was coming this week so I’m so pleased to see this. 😙


Orenda .
05:16 Dec 30, 2020

ah, I knew it would be unclear. Sorin is the owl, he can switch bodies and so his owl allias is Nox.

honestly, the only fantasy element was Sorin turning into Nox. I deliberately didn't describe more of the monk because it didn't proceed the story, so yeah.

aw, yes! I'm so glad you enjoyed it 😚


Rayhan Hidayat
08:13 Dec 30, 2020

OOHHH okay. Gotcha.

Fair enough. It’s an awesome fantasy tale, don’t get me wrong.


Orenda .
08:41 Dec 30, 2020

yes, yes, I get you. I wasn't confident about this story but you guys have given such great feedbacks and it's so appreciable. I've changed my mind, I love this story haha.


Rayhan Hidayat
13:59 Dec 30, 2020

I much prefer stories in this style—serious and poignant—rather than the more lighthearted ones. Not that I don’t like what you normally write, this is just more up my alley. I think your readers will be more than happy to support you and help polish this style if you do any more


Orenda .
14:38 Dec 30, 2020

I normally do the serious type, but my newer ones are comedy because I want to kinda specialize in that too? And my serious ones are never sad, all fantasy, thriller or horror.


Orenda .
14:48 Dec 29, 2020

I'm a hypocrite for saying I don't write sad stuff, but I wanted to so here it is.

What is that ending? I doubt the end makes any sense, so feel free to suggest an alternate ending or any plot alteration in general.

I'm not proud of this as much, but eh, whatever.


I loved this sad story, (I know that kind of sounds weird...but please bear with me...) it was amazing and just splendid to read one of them after a long time. Such a tearful, yet such a beautiful story Orenda. I am so glad you wrote one for this contest. Plus, I love all the names you have used in the story, they all are very unique and beautiful.

Plus, for compliments, since I wanna make everyone happy, I have a ton of good things to say about you. You are such an amazing and friendly person to everyone in Reedsy, and that itself can tell a lot about how friendly you are in real life. Such a great friend and a great writer Orenda! Loved this story so much and I admire your personality.

Great job and keep writing! :)


Orenda .
15:59 Dec 29, 2020

Aw, thank you so much, Hari. You're always one of the first few people to read my stories and that is so appreciable. Haha, I thought it'll be tearful because of how bad it is XD.

This means so muchh. Thank youuu <33


No problem Ori (do I deserve to call you that??), I always enjoy reading your stories.

Haha, no! It was tearful because of the plot, and this story was really unique and one of a kind.

Since you wanted a compliment, this was the least I could tell you. Your welcome. 😊


Orenda .
04:45 Dec 30, 2020

OII, you deserve to call me anything. Oatmeal, Ren, anything haha.

yesss thank youu!

of course! <33


Thanks! 😊❤️


Amaya .
03:50 Jan 04, 2021


how are you?


Orenda .
06:42 Jan 04, 2021

heyy sorry for the extremely late reply.


Amaya .
01:34 Jan 03, 2021

guess who's working on a stoooooorrryyyyyy


Orenda .
03:24 Jan 03, 2021


yess, I've been very productive.


Amaya .
20:21 Jan 03, 2021

mee toooo

GOOD JOB KJAFJLKDA you've been writing so many recently


Orenda .
06:38 Jan 04, 2021

haha yess, but I was talking about you. Good luck!


Amaya .
16:42 Jan 04, 2021

ohh lmao

thank youuuu


Orenda .
16:48 Jan 04, 2021

yee, no problem!


Amaya .
22:24 Jan 01, 2021








Orenda .
04:05 Jan 02, 2021




Amaya .
01:28 Dec 31, 2020

I promised you i'd read it by the end of I am!

this was so SAD Orenda! I didn't know you could write sad stuff like this. Well I did, but I didn't. But I did. You get it.

it was tear-triggering (that's not the right word) and heartfelt, it was beautiful. The words flowed so so well and this writing style (seems like a mix of your usual and a new one) fits this story well.

I'm glad you made me read thissss


Orenda .
04:31 Dec 31, 2020

yee, you stuck to your words, Amaya. Thank you for coming here and enjoying my story 😚


Amaya .
17:06 Dec 31, 2020



23:28 Dec 30, 2020

OREO! OREO! ALERT! We’re in a major crisis here! I’m revising the acknowledgments of Color Quest and YOU ARE NOT IN THERE!!!! Back in August, when I was writing the acknowledgments, I thanked a couple Reedsy friends for, like, being supportive and awesome and whatnot. But we weren’t that close then, so YOU’RE NOT IN THERE EEEK! (Neither is Rhonda so I’m about to leave her a message lol) So yea, basically, do you wanna be in the acknowledgments of CQ? I’d basically just include your name in a group of people like Amaya and Vayd and B.W. and Celeste. I just don’t want to do that if I don’t have permission?




Orenda .
04:30 Dec 31, 2020



21:57 Dec 31, 2020

Wuttttttttt how did I not see this response? Well yayyy thx


Orenda .
05:00 Jan 01, 2021

haha, of course!


Amaya .
01:36 Dec 30, 2020

i mean asking for compliments is much better than fishing for them, so here we go. i know your bio was a joke but lemme get serious and VERY mushy.

10 Things That Stand Out About You (to go with the prompts)

1. You're funny. I know you always tell me you aren't, but I think everyone here agrees that that's a big fat lie. You make me laugh when I need it and your sarcasm is unmatched.

2. There's this authenticity about you that, even through a screen, I can feel. It's so easy to relax when talking to you, and I love that you radiate this confidence, even if you don't actually have it, that seems to spread to other people and make them feel better about themselves

3. This one is hard to put into one word, so I'll explain it. I can talk to you freely because I know that you won't be hurt easily. I don't have to bog down my comments with "I'm just kiddings" or random stuff so that you get my meaning. You just get it. Even when you don't, you do. That doesn't make sense. But I think you'll get it.

4. You're kind. You wouldn't dream of hurting anyone and make efforts to make people happy. You would do a lot of things for the people you care about, which is really sweet.

5. You're an artist. You're drawing skills, even though you might not think so, are really really amazing. I've only seen one of your google forms but your drawings were so natural and I can tell you're a talented artist.

6. Your writing skills. I know, I know. Most people on here are good writers (besides me, duh) because this place is for writing. But I love the feel of your stories, your imagery, and the way your stories have a rhythm to them that always keep me there. You could go places with your writing, I just know it.

7. Your fierceness. When either you or someone you love gets hurt, you bring out that protective side of you. You're able to put so much power into your words to protect others.

8. Your strength. When Vayd left, you kind of retreated into a shell for a few days. You might've been closest to him on here, so I know it had to strike deeply. You pulled through, though, and you didn't hurt or strike out at Tom or Tom's hater like some might've done. You showed vulnerability, but you weren't weak. I think that was the first time you showed true sad emotion on here, but I admired you for it because you weren't ashamed or tried to suppress it.

9. Your passion. When you get into something you like, it's almost like I can feel your eyes lighting up. The way you don't give up during writing slumps. I like how you get excited about things you care about, like drawing, and it's infectious.

10. THE YOU-NESS. This one can't truly be put into words either. You have this energy that just spills out from your fingertips into your keyboard that seems to light up your comments. I really can't explain, but I love you for it and I never want you to leave me. If only the way we met was in real life, instead of on reedsy. But I'm so glad that we met in the first place that it's hard to complain

in conclusion, ilysm and I hope you enjoyed my 12837123 word essay about you 💕🥺



Orenda .
04:59 Dec 30, 2020

AMAYAAA MY EYES ARE BLURRY... I can't imagine people perceive me like that. I'm overwhelmed by your response. it means the thousand seas to me. MORE THAN THAT. dude, I love youu 🥺 not just for writing this, you know it.

p.s. please write more. your stories are a feast to people's eyes. WRITE. MORE.


Amaya .
15:39 Dec 30, 2020

yayayayyayay im glad you liked it lolll 🥺not me getting emotional now

i know itt <333

ahhhhh im so so busy with my novella (i have a dad-inflicted due date for it, because I chose to do a novella over a much more boring "project") that idk if I'll have timeeee

i love these week's prompts but im too busy to write anything. Well, you know what? MAYBE. a teensy tiny small little microscopic maybe


Orenda .
16:40 Dec 30, 2020

what's your novella about?

p.s. also, seems like some people don't want me in top 10. each time I barely make it to it, I get dv-ed. What do I even do??



Amaya .
18:01 Dec 30, 2020

basically about this girl and there's this pretty box which is a family heirloom and her brother has cystic fibrosis and yeah. i know that was an amazing explanation.

ik i realized that it's rly weird. please don't take this the wrong way but maybe it's cause rhonda has written 80 stories? and they thought she should be in the top ten? idk though it's still mean and messed up bc rhonda wouldn't care ab that stuff



Orenda .
18:05 Dec 30, 2020

oh is it fantasy? Thriller? sounds amazing though.

uhh, i don't know. seriously, I don't. it's frustrating and I'm just gonna stop giving a fish about it. It HURTS THOUGH.

ah, okie. take yer time, homie.


Orenda... this is freaking amazing. WITH a whOlE lOT oF CrYiNg


Orenda .
18:24 Dec 29, 2020

haha thank you for reading :3


03:57 Dec 31, 2020



Yea, I’m pretty darn clingy. You didn’t respond to a message in five hours and now I’m doing this. Lol.


Oh and side note I got a story out, a part 2, mind checking it out when you have some free time? Thank you!


Orenda .
04:31 Dec 31, 2020

yes, okayy.


This story is very sad, dark, and freaky, so thanks so much for the trigger waring. I would not be prepared without it. However, I do like your idea and your style, so I'm going to "like" this submission!


Orenda .
17:11 Dec 29, 2020

aw, thank youu!


Amaya .
03:14 Jan 05, 2021

we never talk anymoreeee its like we ran out of topics :(



Orenda .
03:18 Jan 05, 2021

I got song recommendationsss.


Amaya .
05:45 Jan 05, 2021

yesyesyes lay em on me


Orenda .
05:50 Jan 05, 2021

lol okay I'll lay 'em on you...

medusa by Kailee Morgue
ghost of mine " "
do you feel this way " "
play me like a violin by Stephen ( my current obsession)
shut up and cry by zolita
summer love by FO&O

listen to them all 😚


beautiful story :)
sorry i have no critiques this story is already so good and thank you for the trigger warning at the beginning

also congratulations on being #10 on the leaderboard


Orenda .
12:56 Jan 04, 2021

aw, thank you and no problem!

thanks so much :-)


you're welcome =)


Itay Frenkel
06:39 Jan 02, 2021

Whoah, I wasn't expecting that, not that the element of surprise took anything away from the reading. You've probably heard this a lot, but the character names are really cool! I remember you said you don't usually write fantasy, so I'm glad to see you're trying new things. It's just...there's already enough fantasy here, we need more thrillers and horror my fellow dark writer. Don't let Rayhan turn you into a fantasy writer, stay on the dark side!

Anyway, I really liked the sad tone and the elements of fantasy, great job!


Orenda .
07:06 Jan 02, 2021

yeahh I mean, who uses boring character names? Try something new, man. I agree, thrillers and horrors are underrated over here. Okay Itay, more thrillers coming your way but I seriously need to work more on horror lol. Dark side it is 😂 No influence from Ray whatsoeverr.

thank you soo much for enjoying this :-)


Itay Frenkel
21:02 Jan 02, 2021

Who uses boring character names? Totally not me sometimes...

Yay! Can't wait to read your future stories. Also, this could just be me, but I've always thought horror and fantasy were similar genres, like twins that were separated at birth and one turned into a brooding goth while the other became a nerd.


Orenda .
21:06 Jan 02, 2021

haha xD

oh boy, that's a fantastic interpretation. I like it ;)


Itay Frenkel
21:10 Jan 02, 2021

Thank you thank you 🙃


Olivia Henderson
05:18 Jan 12, 2021

Wow.... girl this is SO good! It should've won! I loved ur descriptions and how you slowly reveal the characters! Lovely prose, and awesome take 9n the prompt!

Ps . I'm new here, and I dont get the point system. You have such wonderful stories, you should be higher! And weird and boring stories like that one, "Happy bday" or something should be deleted! So, just a suggestion do not read "happy bday" by that girl, um, Siya or something like that.
Keep writing!!


Orenda .
05:40 Jan 12, 2021

thank you soo much! This comment makes me so happy.

oh, so, if you go to reddit or any similar platform, you have the upvote and downvote option. If you agree with a comment, you upvote it and downvote it if it's offensive or simply not agreeable to. But here, things have gone haywire; every comment is an upvote and a downvote. You get 10 points once your story is approved, 1 point on likes (I think) and comment and 100 points on a win. You have to be 18 and up to get a shortlist or win. You might have to wait if you don't fit in the category.

P.S. eyy, thank you so much :-)
oh my, you've misunderstood. Sia's story isn't the typical happy and lively hbd story, it has a much sad and darker meaning behind it. Have you read it? I highly recommend it.

Anyway, welcome to Reedsy 🥳


Olivia Henderson
05:48 Jan 12, 2021

Welcome So much!! Ohhhhh okay! Thanks so much for the info!

Oh really? I read it and did not enjoy it, everything is messed up there. I left a comment there about what I thought.


Orenda .
05:54 Jan 12, 2021

oh. You made sure you weren't being offensive, didn't you?

(I think you're an alternate account, too bored, so embarking on a journey to prank people.)


Olivia Henderson
06:27 Jan 12, 2021

Well, I wrote what I thought. Alt account? Are their people here with two accounts? Isn't that agindtvtue rules?


Orenda .
06:29 Jan 12, 2021

yep. Yeah, there are many, they just prank people 🙄 no, it isn't against the rules.


17:20 Jan 05, 2021

You listen to Kailee Morgue? I LISTEN TO HER TOO! And I have heard all of those songs except the last one!
Ghost of eh though. And play me like a violin is good too! I love Medusa!


Orenda .
17:32 Jan 05, 2021

YESS! You should definitely listen to rock music and Linkin Park, especially.

I love Ghost of MIne <33 And the others too :)


18:37 Jan 05, 2021

Oh right! Congrats on getting on the leaderboard!!


Orenda .
18:40 Jan 05, 2021

thank you, Ugochii! It wouldn't have been possible without you. Getting to top 10 was a fierce competition, though. Also, I've a new story out. MInd reading and sharing your wonderful opinions on it? Thankoo.


22:11 Jan 05, 2021

Ohh Love Crossfire too! I listened to that song to that song awhile back too! We might have the same taste ahaha!

Aww thanks! And sureee!


Orenda .
03:20 Jan 06, 2021

oh my yess!
we definitely have a similar taste in music 👌


14:35 Jan 04, 2021



Orenda .
15:11 Jan 04, 2021

yarss :)


Kristin Neubauer
20:01 Jan 02, 2021

How tragic and beautiful and poignant all at the same time. This is really extraordinary, Orenda. Such sympathetic characters. You wrote them in a way that made me feel really deeply for them. Wonderful!


Orenda .
20:26 Jan 02, 2021

thank you so much, Kristin. Your feedbacks are always a delight :-)


Amany Sayed
19:02 Dec 31, 2020

I broke when Nox got hurt. This was so well written Oreo!(I need to make my own nickname for you lol). What. A. Twist. You're getting so good! And seriously, where does everyone get their amazing names from! I'm here with terrible ones like 'Jacob' and everyone comes up with stuff like 'Tallulah' and 'Zetta'. Sorry it took me so long to get to this. Keep writing!


Orenda .
19:13 Dec 31, 2020

yay! I'm sooo glad you enjoyed this. I just tend to have a name bank in head and sometimes I go through pinterest posts for inspo. I find common names in stories monotonous (no offense to your lovely Jacob haha). Thanks again! 🧡


Amany Sayed
19:29 Dec 31, 2020

Haha, none taken. No problem!


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