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Getting "Traction" for Your Books — Interviewing Justin Mares

Nov 06, 2015 – Book Marketing

“Most startups don't fail at building a product. Most startups fail at getting traction.” — Traction Book The same can be said of books. Most authors don’t fail at writing a book, they fail at finding their readers and selling the book to them. This is why we’ve always stressed how authors and st... Read more →

Query Boot Camp Vol. 2: Thrillers

Nov 02, 2015 – Perfecting your Craft

The second installment of Query Boot Camp focusing on thriller query letters. If you want free feedback on your query, just read the post and drop us a line! Read more →

Agent-Assisted Publishing: Interviewing Robert Caskie from IPSO Books

Oct 20, 2015 – Understanding Publishing

We started Reedsy around a year ago, thinking mostly about independent authors and hoping to give them, through our marketplace, access to a range of talent that has so far been exclusive to traditional publishing companies. Read more →

Launching our Reedsy Project Protection

Oct 14, 2015 – Reedsy News

Establishing a safe place for authors and publishers Our goal with Reedsy since the very beginning has been to create a safe place for authors and publishers to work seamlessly with the best publishing talent. We envisioned a place where they could be certain that every single collaboration would... Read more →

Writing memoir: Tips for Finding Your Memoir’s Theme — By Julia Scheeres

Oct 13, 2015 – Perfecting your Craft

[caption id="attachment_644" align="alignleft" width="170"] Julia Scheeres[/caption] A few months ago, we had an interesting piece on our blog from our Reedsy editor and advisor Rebecca Heyman on why authors should think twice before writing a "memoir". We believe that in a subjective industry l... Read more →

Publishing a Fundraising Field Guide, by Carlos Eduardo Espinal

Aug 14, 2015 – Book Marketing

Three days ago, we experienced the mixture of fear, excitement and fascination that comes with a book launch. We released our very first book under the Reedsy imprint: a Fundraising Field Guide, by Carlos Eduardo Espinal, partner at Seedcamp (Europe’s #1 Acceleration Fund). Reedsy is not really ... Read more →

Pinterest for authors: a step-by-step guide

Jul 28, 2015 – Book Marketing

Pinterest is the social media site that has every wannabe chef and bride-to-be totally hooked. It allows users to “pin their interests” to create virtual scrapbooks filled with hundreds of inspirational images: recipes, vacation destinations, home decor, wedding details, etc. With about 70 millio... Read more →

A Reedsy Success Story — Julia Laflin’s The House At Roc Noir

Jul 02, 2015 – From our Authors

We see so many amazing projects go through our platform that we sometimes feel bad about not bragging more about them. So that’s we’re doing today by letting Julia Laflin share her Reedsy experiences on our blog, and offer some invaluable pieces of advice for other authors out there. Our favourit... Read more →

What to expect from your book cover designer

Jun 25, 2015 – Book Design

You’ve written a brief and commissioned a designer. What’s next? In this guest post, bestselling book cover designer Simon Avery explains the process of working with a cover designer, from the first concepts up to the final payment.  Professional cover design is part of what makes a bestsellin... Read more →

Stranger Than Fiction? Probably Not: Why you might want to rethink your memoir

Jun 23, 2015 – Perfecting your Craft

Today, our lovely editor and Reedsy advisor Rebecca Heyman shares her thoughts on writing memoirs. In this lively and informative post, Becca offers some brilliant no-nonsense insights on the competitiveness of the memoir genre and why fiction might be a safer bet. Memoir is everywhere. The genr... Read more →

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