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GuidesPerfecting your Craft

Last updated on Sep 19, 2023

What is NaNoWriMo? And How to Win in 2024

National Novel Writing Month, or "NaNoWriMo" for short, is an annual event in which participants attempt to write a 50,000-word novel in November. The event was founded in 1999 by Chris Baty and a group of friends in Northern California's Bay Area, and has since grown to become a global phenomenon, with hundreds of thousands of participants.

NaNoWriMo's Rules

Starting after midnight on November 1, writers begin drafting a new novel (or a fresh rewrite of an old one) and attempt to finish by the end of the month.

Planning and outlining beforehand are allowed and even encouraged, but continuing a current work-in-progress is not officially sanctioned by NaNoWriMo — though plenty of writers bend the rules to suit their needs.

The challenge ends at 11:59 pm on November 30. Anyone who completes it is considered a winner. 

Winners are given digital banners and certificates to display if they choose — and winners’ T-shirts are available for purchase. But most importantly, you’ll have a brand-new draft of a novel, and the satisfaction of knowing that you rose to the challenge.

Get started now! Register for NaNoWriMo here

Please note that Reedsy is not affiliated with NaNoWriMo. We merely encourage writers to take part and cannot offer any tech support for your NaNo entry. 

Reasons for taking part in NaNoWriMo

Maybe you’ve always wanted to write a novel, but could never find the time. Or you’ve tried writing novels but just can't manage to finish them. Perhaps you’ve even completed one before, but were frustrated by how long it took you. Or maybe NaNoWriMo just sounds like a crazy, exciting writing challenge!

Whatever your reasons, you're not alone. People come to NaNoWriMo from all sorts of writing backgrounds. But perhaps the three biggest driving factors are:

  1. It forces you to simply sit down, turn off your inner editor, and work.
  2. The practice of writing so much so fast can really improve your craft (even if it doesn't always feel that way).
  3. NaNoWriMo turns a solitary struggle into a collective event; not only will you enjoy the camaraderie of fellow participants, but you'll also learn from this knowledgeable writing community!


Reedsy’s NaNoWriMo Toolkit

Crush your word count goal with planning templates, tracking tools, and more.

Indeed, one of the best things about NaNoWriMo is that thousands of other writers have already done it — and are very happy to offer their own pearls of wisdom on how to succeed. On that note, we've compiled all the best NaNoWriMo tips from both authors and editors on how to conquer this November writing challenge!

Tips for winning NaNoWriMo 2024

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Choosing what to write about 🤔

Laying the foundation: your plot, your characters, and who you're writing for.

1. Find a story you absolutely love

“Write the book you love, not the one you think you should write," says Nathan Bransford, author of the Jacob Wonderbar series. “If you’re creating something you aren’t head-over-heels in love with, you’ll peter out before page 50. Make something you'll be proud of for a lifetime!”

2. Understand what people like to read

That said, if you're hoping to eventually publish your novel, you'll still want to incorporate elements that appeal to your intended market. This is why, according to editor Tom Flood, reading is a key part of NaNoWriMo prep: “Make sure you read contemporary publications in your genre and age target. Then, as they say, write to the current market.”

Need an extra boost to help you smash your word count goal? Write your manuscript with Reedsy Studio and let its productivity features keep you on track.

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3. Come up with characters readers will care about

For Tom Bromley (author, ghostwriter, and head instructor of Reedy’s three-month course, How to Write a Novel), creating characters readers care about, as opposed to likable ones, is key.

"One of the biggest mistakes that people make when they're starting to write is to confuse the idea of caring about a character with liking a character. Sometimes there's a danger of what I call nice person syndrome, where the writers feel that if your central character is a nice person, that's going to be enough. But that's not the case.

"By any stretch of the imagination, and by stretching the imagination, you need to make your characters deeper and more interesting, more difficult, and the reader will respond accordingly. Unlikeable characters can still be compelling, often more compelling than characters that were just a bit nice and a bit dull." 

This is just a snippet from one of Tom's lessons on characterization — head over to the course page to find out more about all the things you can learn from Tom, or enroll below.



How to Write a Novel

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📝 Creating an outline

Once you know what kind of book you’re writing, you can outline it! Here are a few ways to approach this stage.

4. Write a single-sentence story concept before you start

“Novelists need a solid framework to the story,” says author C.S. Lakin. “Make sure your premise is compelling enough to deserve a full-length story. Otherwise, it's a waste of time. Get that one-sentence story concept nailed first, which clearly defines the protagonist and his goal.”

5. Consider writing a chapter-by-chapter outline

Having nailed down your concept, editor Shelly Stinchcomb recommends expanding it into a chapter-by-chapter outline. “Once you have your idea and characters in mind, take the time to plot your story from beginning to end — before you start writing. This allows you to know the purpose of each scene and streamlines the writing process.”

6. Or plot only your most important scenes

Then again, maybe a “skeleton outline” will work better for you. “Sketch the main dramatic scenes and major points of conflict, so you'll have a basic roadmap to work from,” says author Derek Murphy. “Hit those major scenes so the story will have purpose and direction. Then you'll be able to spend your time writing, not trying to figure out what happens next.”

7. Research and “build the world” of your novel

Speculative fiction writers, this one's for you! “A lack of worldbuilding, continuity, or cause and effect are the biggest problems I encounter with NaNoWriMo manuscripts,” says Michael Rowley, the UK editor of Andy Weir's The Martian. “A little planning on backstory, geography, culture, specialist knowledge, or working out the technology for a sci-fi novel can go a long way.”

Get more tips from Michael Rowley on worldbuilding here.

8. Let your characters determine the story

Again, well-developed characters are key to a strong story — and if you're struggling to outline, they may just be the solution. “When you outline a character’s motivations, you'll uncover what situations would cause them the most conflict,” says ghostwriter Hannah Sandoval.

“You’ll learn how they react to situations and interact with each other. This can help you turn a general plot idea into a complex web of biting conflicts, high stakes, and exciting, realistic dialogue. And if ever you get stuck along your plot trajectory, you can use character maps to fuel a new idea!”

⏰ Finding the time to write

Writing 1,667 words per day is a serious challenge, to say the least. Here's how to find the time to do it.

9. Treat your writing time as a job

“Set aside a certain amount of time each day, whether half an hour or two hours, to write — and then show up,” says editor Lourdes Venard. “Make sure friends and family know this is your writing time: you are not to be disturbed.” Indeed, setting up this non-negotiable writing time is the only way you'll get through the month.

10. Set ground rules in advance of November

“Have a plan,” suggests editor Maria D'Marco, “and make your choices about that plan before November arrives. These decisions might include no writing on holidays, no writing on weekends, no writing when exhausted, etc. Accept these choices entirely and inform those around you. Make them now, not in the middle of November, when your judgment may be compromised.”

Find the perfect writing schedule for November by taking our 30-second quiz!


Which NaNoWriMo writing schedule is best for you?

Find out here! Takes 30 seconds.

11. Try writing in several shorter “sprints” per day

“All you need is a few 15-minute bursts of writing each day,” says editor Lindsay Schlegel. “Sit down, do it, and move on. Don't worry if you don't write enough words in the first few days. The creative juices will start flowing, and you'll make up for it by the end.”

If you’re one of those writers who loves Twitter and procrastination a bit too much, we highly recommend this (free!) online course on building a rock-solid writing routine!



How to Build a Solid Writing Routine

In 10 days, learn to change your habits to support your writing.

✅ Finishing the first draft

Tips on balancing your priorities and maintaining inspiration as you power through your first draft.

12. Give yourself permission to be imperfect

When it comes to this pressure-cooker November writing challenge, perfect is definitely the enemy of good. “When your goal is 1,667 words a day, you can't obsess over the quality of your writing,” notes editor Kaitlin Severini. “Just write now, and revise later.”

13. Don’t be afraid of mistakes — they often result in inspiration

Editor Jim Thomas echoes Severini's thoughts and urges writers to not sweat the small stuff. “My advice would be that in the creation phase, there are no mistakes. This is not a time for the critical voice. It's time to be open and forgiving to yourself and the material, wherever it takes you.”

14. Trust your characters, even when they wander

Again, we really can't overstate the value of listening to your characters as you write. “Follow whatever crazy character shows up and leads you down the rabbit hole, and let yourself be surprised!” says author Anne R. Allen. “The point of NaNo is not to write a perfect book or stick to your outline; it's to break through mental barriers and release your creativity.”

As we already mentioned, character development is an important part of your pre-writing prep. And while something like a character profile template (like our one, which you'll find below) is a great starting point, you're not bound to anything you decide early on. If your character begins to stray from who you initially thought they were, then let them!



Reedsy’s Character Profile Template

A story is only as strong as its characters. Fill this out to develop yours.

15. Use this opportunity to experiment a little

“I did NaNoWriMo in 2009, and it changed my writing life,” says author and blogger Joanna Penn. “My biggest tip would be to use the time to play — don't take it too seriously. No one ever needs to see what you write, so let go of any self-censorship and let it rip on the page.”

16. Think of the NaNo as “putting sand in the sandbox”

“First drafts are all about putting sand in the sandbox; you come back to build a castle later," says editor Rebecca Heyman, an undisputed master of the extended metaphor. “The goal of NaNoWriMo should be to collect as much sand in the box as you can. Not every grain of sand will end up being part of your masterpiece, and that's okay. Just get it in the box, and go from there.”

17. But don't ditch quality just so you can hit 50,000 words

While NaNoWriMo's ultimate goal is quantity, you still shouldn't be careless with your writing. A bit of tough love from editor Sasha Tropp: “You can't say your NaNoWriMo manuscript is a story when it's actually a disjointed stream-of-consciousness mental regurgitation. The point of writing 50k words in a month is not the number; it's about the process, the discipline, and connecting with your ability to converse in prose.”

18. Motivate yourself with social validation

“Join some Facebook groups or start your own where everyone posts their daily word count,” advises Derek Murphy. “Not only will it keep you writing, but it will also give you an immediate endorphin rush when you post your word count wins!”

19. Find new ways to inspire yourself

Murphy also suggests using Pinterest to create a mood board for your book: “Grab pictures of actors or models that fit your characters. Add pics of your scenes, houses, towns, objects or places of interest. Find art that matches the mood of your story and makes you feel the way you want your readers and characters to feel.

“If you don't like Pinterest, post all the pics in a blog post, or cut them out and make a bulletin board. Look at your 'world' before you start writing.”

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🙅‍♀️ Don't edit as you go

If you want to win NaNoWriMo, you can't get caught up in editing! Here are a couple of tips to assist you with this.

20. Try not to think about what you've already written

“Let the ideas and words flow unhindered by not worrying about the previous chapter or even paragraph,” says author and book coach Ben Galley. “That way, you can focus on using your daily time wisely, and get all the words onto the page before worrying about the cleanliness of your manuscript.”

21. Remember: you're not writing a novel, you're drafting one

“NaNoWriMo should really be called NaNoDraMo,” says editor Scott Pack. “Because that is what you are actually doing: writing the first draft of your novel. Avoid the temptation to edit or perfect your work as you go along — just get the bloody thing written!”



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✍🏽 Tips for writing fiction

Now for some more advanced, craft-based writing tips to help you write the best novel you possibly can.

22. Use dialogue to relate exposition

“Avoid too much introspection and the dreaded info-dump,” editor Laurie Johnson recommends. “Try to weave the backstory into the present story using dialogue or mini-flashbacks. These are both much sharper ways of delivering info than simply telling the reader, as they allow you to keep up the pace and show how the character feels about it now.”

23. Help your reader "see" the world you've created

On a similar note, editor Geoff Smith encourages writers to take great care with their imagery. “It's hard for readers to form visuals in their mind's eye — the author has to guide them every step of the way. See Elaine Scarry's Dreaming by the Book for the best guide to writing imagery that I know of.”

24. Don't write pages of lush prose when plain English will do

It's all too easy to overwrite when you're trying to fill the pages for NaNo. Here's another solid gold nugget of wisdom from Geoff Smith: “Serving the reader most often means telling your story in the clearest possible way. Plain English is beautiful, and ideas deserve to stand or fall on their own merits. Make your point and move on.”

25. Follow the next logical step in your story

“Only write what must happen next,” author Eliot Peper urges. “There are so many things that could happen next that writing fiction can sometimes feel like an exercise in the paradox of choice. But at every point in every story, there is something that absolutely must happen for that tale to function. The detective discovers a fateful clue. A disaster separates tragic lovers. The protagonist realizes that she's been lying to herself.

“Writing what must happen generates momentum, and momentum is the fuel that drives any compelling narrative (and any NaNoWriMo writer!)”

🏆 Conquering writer's block

The two things all NaNo contestants fear: a blank page and the taunting stare the blinking cursor. Here's how to vanquish them — and all other aspects writer's block — this month.

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26. If you're blocked, skip that scene and come back to it later

“NaNoWriMo is all about getting words on a page, so keep going no matter what,” says Dylan Hearn, author of Second Chance. “If you get stuck writing a specific scene, stop, make a quick note of what you want to happen, and then move on to something else. You can always go back and finish it later!”

27. Be kind to yourself when you can't write

Maria D'Marco reminds writers not to beat themselves up too much. “Accept that there will be delays, interruptions, and times where you are brain-dead,” he says. “Navigate these obstacles as they arise and move past them — they are not the 'enemy,' they are just life.”

28. Use dialogue to unblock yourself

Author and self-publishing guru Mark Dawson has a simple tip to offer: “If you get stuck, start with dialogue and see where it takes you.” If nothing else, dialogue is often more fun to write than pure plot! So if you're feeling stuck or frustrated with your novel, try a few pages of light banter between your characters; you'll most likely feel more inspired afterward.

❄️ What to do in December

You’ve reached the end of November with a 50,000-word manuscript — amazing job! But remember, this is only the first stage of novelizing. Before you publish (if you choose to do so), there's still quite a bit of work to be done.

29. Put your draft away for a month

“After NaNoWriMo, writers should put their manuscripts aside for a month or more,” editor Lourdes Venard suggests. “Then go back to that initial draft and revise, revise, revise!” The time away from your manuscript will be crucial to seeing it with fresh eyes, and you'll be able to self-edit much more successfully than if you started on December 1st.

30. Make use of beta readers and/or critique circles

Again, fresh perspective is critical, and sometimes the only way to get it is through other people! This is why editor Kate Angelella suggests using third-party readers during your revision process. “To get the most out of your editorial experience, do your second and third pass, and consider beta readers or workshopping before turning the manuscript over to the editor.”

31. Don't get an editor for your very first draft

“When you finish your first draft, by all means, enjoy the moment and uncork the champagne,” says editor Andrew Lowe. “But then put your manuscript aside for a few weeks. After that, come back to it and get to work on the rewrite. Working with an editor should come after this point. Otherwise you'll just be paying an editor to fix things you could have fixed yourself!”

For more of Andrew Lowe’s insights on refining your first draft, check out his Reedsy Live session on the topic. 

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📖 Tips for revising

Prior to looking for an editor, make sure you've reworked your manuscript as best you can. Here are our best tips for revising your manuscript post-November.

32. Reread your first and last chapters side-by-side

To maintain consistency with your manuscript, editor Jill Saginario offers one simple technique: rereading your first and last chapters, so you can compare your original intentions to where your story actually ended up.

“So much of NaNoWriMo is about hitting small targets that it can be difficult to see the forest for the trees,” Saginario says. “Sometimes writers start with one story in their head, and it changes so slowly that they don't notice the tonal shift between from start to finish. Reading chapter one and your final chapter side-by-side can really help control for that shift.”

33. Read your manuscript out loud

“I always suggest that writers read their writing out loud to themselves,” says editor Sasha Tropp. "Make sure that it flows well and will be easily understood by readers. I do this as I edit, and find it incredibly helpful if I'm unsure about the structure of a sentence or the pacing of a paragraph, as well as for cutting out unnecessary details and excessive wordiness.”

34. Reduce repetition and excessive description

Indeed, one thing you should always aim for in your writing is efficient language. A useful technique from editor Laura Mae Isaacman: “Analyze the message of each sentence. What is it conveying? If two sentences in a row convey the same information, one might need to be cut.

“Hint: keep the simpler one. When your language gets too flowery or stressed, it becomes inauthentic, and you’re probably veering off the road of your narrative tone.”

35. Don't let the cat out of the bag too soon!

And our final tip comes from editor Katrina Diaz, who will leave you with an essential warning:

“One of the products of quick writing is something called front-running, or heavy foreshadowing. Often the writer doesn't even realize they've given away too much too early. But readers are more astute than you might presume, and they want to figure out the plot over the course of the novel.

“Let the twists and turns of your plot be revealed in the action, rather than alluding to the impending doom long beforehand. Being hyper-aware of your foreshadowing will truly help you with tension and pacing, and make your story a thousand times better.”

Bottom line, NaNoWriMo is a lot of fun and can even help you achieve your writing dreams. And while it is certainly challenging, that’s a big part of what makes it so rewarding! Best of luck — we can't wait to read what you write.


2 responses

Sasha Anderson says:

31/05/2020 – 21:11

27. Don't write pages of lush prose when plain English will do“Serving the reader most often means telling your story in the clearest possible way. Plain English is beautiful, and ideas deserve to stand or fall on their own merits. Make your point and move on.”Doesn't this depend on your style? Surely some writers write for the prose, and some readers read for it. And most want the book to meet at least some minimum bar, rather than having a series of boring, repetitive sentences...

↪️ Martin Cavannagh replied:

03/06/2020 – 10:13

"Surely some writers write for the prose, and some readers read for it." I think some readers do relish an author who can craft beautiful prose, but I'd argue that this piece of advice is more for newer writers who might think that quality prose is made up for ornate metaphors and lush turns of phrase. In most cases, there's a lack of confidence in the reader's imagination. Often, the best writing has a way of sparking their readers' minds to fill in the blanks, which will often create a much more powerful effect than pages of description.

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