#60 Face Your Fears
This week is a special edition of the Reedsy Prompts contest because our friends at IndieReader are taking it over with their own theme, prompts, and bonus prize! We'll let them take it from here...
Hi! Amy from IndieReader here. If you’re not familiar with IR, we’re one of the original (paid) review services for self, hybrid and independently published authors, providing professional book reviews since 2009, in addition to unique marketing and distribution solutions.
We know that 2020 has been a memorable (aka stressful) year for many. According to experts, one of the recommended ways to manage stress and anxiety is by thinking about what scares you most and then writing about it. So fittingly, this week’s theme is post-apocalyptic stories.
Don’t worry if that doesn’t sound like your genre, as we’ve written 5 prompts below that work whether you’re into that kind of thing or not. So pour a glass of wine, take a few deep breaths, and start typing. And we wouldn’t be surprised if, after you’re done, the world around you doesn’t look so bleak. At least there aren’t any zombies!
(As a bonus prize, the winner of this week's contest will receive a discount code for 20% off an IR Pro Review.)
This week's prompts
Write a funny post-apocalyptic story.
110 stories
Write a post-apocalyptic story that features zombies.
Science Fiction
177 stories
Write a post-apocalyptic story triggered by climate change.
134 stories
Write a post-apocalyptic thriller.
Thriller and Suspense
143 stories
Write a post-apocalyptic romance.
196 stories
Spies + Zombie Training = Really Big Bonuses (Part 2)
Submitted to Contest #60