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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jan, 2022
That evening as we were driving along my wife said “The shop StunTex is nearby. Allow me a few minutes there to see their new dresses.” I said “Okay. But it’s near their closing time.” I parked outside the shop and saw it had been shut. I said “Now that we’re parked why don’t we have some ice cream? We could sit in the park opposite for a while. I feel like sitting there due to fond memories it evokes. Remember I first brought you to this park after we were engaged?” She laughed and said “I remember more your having climbed out of the park ...
The answer is simple: They are the faint hearted. Joe was walking along a lonely road talking on his phone. A man I will call Gag suddenly swooped on Joe to seize his phone. Both Joe and Gag were total strangers to me. I was watching what was happening from a distance. Would I go to help Joe? I would seek instant answers to several questions: Was Gag more powerful than me? Was he armed? Would my going to Joe’s help endanger my life? I was recently married and my wife depended on me. The ethics of going to help Joe was daunting. I am not...
I am Ptocho and was a citizen of Broq island on planet Tellus. I had been highly regarded for my ability as an astronomer, magician, wizard and also medicine man. However circumstances conspired against me and the king ordered me exiled to Dulam island which was done. That island’s oldest citizen was Zoya, a woman past 35 who had been exiled for some lawless act she did commit. I won’t go into the pasts of those on Dulam. Zoya said “Ptocho, I don’t know if you’ve been told about Dulam. Since I came here, Tex the fisherman, and Lipka th...
It was early morning as he stood at the window of his house looking up. He saw the Bezeq fountain in eruption as usual, water squirting up and coming out like smoke. Who was he? He was Ptocho the well-known astronomer and magician who practically ruled that little territory on Tellus. Only a couple of days earlier he had returned from Rubi Isle after meeting the king. He was satisfied the ruler had been most cordial. He now directed his energies on other matters. Meanwhile the same morning on Rubi Isle the king was taking a walk on the royal...
(This story is set on Tellus, earth’s twin, 800 years younger, evolving.” The town o0f Zuzim was very prosperous as demand for agricultural products was booming - particularly sugarcane which was grown in abundance in the region. There were big stills in which sugar solutions were boiled and poured into moulds to produce jaggery the chief ingredient of indigenous confections. Citizen Mjol not only owned sugarcane plantations but also a plant to produce jaggery which product was in great demand. Being a moneyed entrepreneur he acquired land b...
(This story is set on Tellus, Earth’s twin, 800 years younger, evolving.) “Are you there God? It’s me Qima. I became a widow at age 18 and have been facing problems. You know my story and my suffering.” Hear her story as I tell it: Qima was only 16 when she got married to Rusq who was a sailor. He was a handsome young man no doubt but he would often be away at sea. Of course he was coarse like all seafarers which Qima didn’t approve of. Otherwise they were a well matched couple. Two years after they were married Rusq was on a voyage to...
I am a female ascetic and I call myself Tora which I heard is tigress in Japanese. I am the youngest of 3 daughters of my parents and will be 20 next birthday. My sisters have married and have settled elsewhere. How do I look? Well I am attractive, am fair and am slender and tall. I have long hair reaching up to my hips which I’ve knotted behind my head. I wear ochre robes concealing the feminine curves with which I’ve been amply endowed. I am unlike my sisters and have decided to be a nun. I drew inspiration from my dad who is a popul...
(This story is set on planet Tellus, earth’s twin, 800 years behind and evolving.) Qoqa was young, handsome and sturdy and would work hard. Farm owner Fez chose him to be supervisor of his farm. Fez’s daughter Milma managed the farm under the overall direction of Fez himself. Qoqa was given a living quarter on the farm where he lived alone. Milma was quite young and very attractive and Qoqa would often dream of getting her as his wife though he knew her higher status stood in the way. But he scented that she had a soft corner in her hea...
(This story is set on the newly discovered planet Tellus, earth’s twin, younger by 800 years and evolving) To tell you the Spark Story I have to begin by telling you about Tellus and Circa. Nature brings its seasons, heat in summer and cold in winter. If you were in the town of Ficoq on Tellus you would experience snowfall in winter. Natives prepare for it and so their dresses completely covered their bodies year round. Ficoq was fertile and produced a variety of fruits. From these were brewed different kinds of intoxicating liquor which wer...
A NAMELESS WORLD? Before attempting to respond to Reedsy’s prompt about a nameless world I thought I would write about a name full world and see the difference. Here it is: Everything sentient and non-sentient has names. A name is the word by which a person, animal, place or thing is spoken of. To start writing this blog I need paper and pen. Without names these objects can’t be identified. People have been given names right from the time of cavemen. However such names haven’t come down to us and so when we imagine cavemen we jocularly use g...
(This story is set in the newly discovered planet Tellus which is Earth’s twin, about 800 years behind, still evolving) CAPTAIN SPEAKS: I am from a family of fisher folk and used to go to sea since I was very young. As I grew up there were family problems and I decided to quit home. I came into contact with a crew of a ship and through him became a sailor. Over the years I went on many voyages and made a lot of money. I am now 40 and have decided to quit going to sea. In fact I plan to settle far inland where people who on sighting an ...
I was looking into the massive roll top desk which had belonged to an ancestor when I saw a stout old fashioned Sheaffer’s fountain pen with my name engraved on it. I remembered it was a costly American make. I took it out and unscrewing the cover saw the big gold nib labelled 14K. It looked to be in good condition. Near it stood a bottle of Scripps ink. I lifted it and found it had a well on top which could be filled by inverting the bottle. That was to ease drawing up ink into the pen’s barrel. Before I revert to the pen I will ...
Bean comes home in his vintage car, opens the door, finds old Julia in her sofa patting the cat. Bean shuffles upstairs. BEAN: I’m going to make myself a hot cuppa. He searches in the shelf overhead for a pot. The cat has been following Bean. Bean wants to select the pot and as he examines what he has, the cat jumps up and pushes a pot down. Pot crashes breaking into pieces with a loud noise as Bean chases the cat out. BEAN: The darn cat! Julia is furious. She looks up and shouts. JULIA: Bean what was that noise? What did you break this...
(This story is set in the newly discovered planet TELLUS which is Earth’s twin but about 800 years behind and evolving} Rubi Isle is a thriving business centre with a large floating population. Very near the docks was the Paz Inn where transient visitors could camp. Paz was basically a fisherman who had inherited the land close to the port. He had developed it with borrowed money and built the Paz Inn. It was run jointly by Paz and his wife Jazma. Jazma was about 35, was portly and unattractive but was innovative. She had produced a drink us...
govindraj shivaram <govindraj_2003@yahoo.com> To: govindraj Mon, 3 Jan at 10:00 pm SPIRIT OF THE MEDIUM (This story is set on newly discovered earth’s twin TELLUS that is about 800 years behind us and is evolving.) It was a bright summer morning on Rubi Isle. Gardener Hertz who was about 35 and well- muscled was tending to the plants in the public garden where he was employed. His dress covered him only waist down which was the national costume and adopted by males and females alike. Jago the superintendent of the garden now ap...
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