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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Aug, 2019
Submitted to Contest #50
Wiping his hands on his jeans, he glared at the impossible choice in front of him; there were dozens of sparkly diamond rings and all were worth a pretty penny. Derek had carefully planned the perfect proposal for his girlfriend Harley and the only thing left to do was to choose a ring. He had been standing in the jewellery shop for the better part of an hour and was still no closer to making a decision; he had been fending off the glares of the older saleswoman since he entered. In the hour since he had been searching for the perfect ring, ...
Submitted to Contest #47
1910 You pull the silver pocket watch from inside your jacket pocket for what seems the millionth time in twenty minutes. The taxi seems to be moving at an agonizingly slow pace, chugging past tall buildings and shiny windows with inviting displays that are practically begging you to stop and buy something before you leave the city for good. Biting your lip, you resist the urge to stop the bright yellow taxi; tentatively you ask the driver if he could go any faster, he simply grunts in return and ignores you. Suddenly, the silver pocket wa...
Submitted to Contest #46
White smoke puffed lazily out of the wooden pipe as Jasper shuffled to the worn overstuffed armchair. He glared at his typewriter that sat at the large ornate wooden desk across from where he sat. It had been 25 years since he wrote his last book, which at the time had been highly successful; after that, however, he just couldn't seem to find the inspiration to write another word. Tragedy seemed to plague him before, during and a year after his successful book; publishers from around the country continued to send him letters asking him to c...
Submitted to Contest #42
May 1944 She applied one more coat of deep red lipstick, smacking her lips before grinning at her reflection in the long oval mirror. Henry told her he had something important to ask her, Lynn felt like she was going to explode if she didn’t find out soon what he was going to ask her. ‘We’ve been going steady for about five months now…maybe he’s going to ask me to wait for him.’ thought Lynn as she raced down the stairs and out the door before her mother and father could questi...
Submitted to Contest #40
Ally parked her car in front of her friend Jane’s house, she pushed her hand on the horn twice. Adjusting her sunglasses, Ally took a large bite of chocolate as she waited for her friend to come out of the house. A few minutes passed and Jane came bursting out of the front door with arms filled to the brim with bags; Ally laughed as Jane finally managed to lock the door and make her way to Ally’s car. “What’s with the bags?” laughed Ally, “We’re only going to be gone for at mos...
Submitted to Contest #39
Steam rose from the white porcelain teacup as her eyes scanned the horizon; the sweet herbal tea slid down her throat soothing her frayed nerves. The wind blew the dust in little delicate swirls, Fenn couldn’t remember the last time she had seen grass growing on her farm; ‘What I wouldn’t give to see grass again…’ mused eighteen year old Fenn, ‘I wonder if the rest of the world looks like this desert I call home?’. Her father took her from the city when she was four years old, telling her that the world had become dangerous and that if they ...
Submitted to Contest #38
Evelyn stepped out onto the balcony, relishing the cool breeze dancing across her skin; she reached up and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. Her eyes searched the darkness for Nathan’s lantern. It wasn’t long until her eyes found the light from his lantern swinging gently as he made his way to their spot by the fence dividing their family’s property. A smile graced her lips as she quickly gathered the burning candle and quietly opened her bed...
Submitted to Contest #37
June 14, 2014 “Alec, how much longer till we make it to the lake?” called Cassia as she adjusted the heavy pack that felt like it was glued to her back, “I definitely put too many things in my pack.” Alec stopped and pulled out his GPS, panting heavily, he looked at the directions on the small screen. Turning to look at her, he grinned as he handed her a power bar. &n...
Submitted to Contest #36
Rose flipped onto her back and opened her eyes; staring at the dark blue ceiling, she sighed, ‘Apparently I am not meant to sleep tonight.’. Rolling onto her side, she turned her lamp on, flooding her bedroom in a warm yellow glow; swinging her legs over the side of her bed, Rose picked up the soft blue leather diary from the bedside table and walked to the window seat. After she had settled onto the overstuffed cushions, with a soft blanket covering her legs; she opened the di...
Submitted to Contest #35
1960 Jane groaned as her friend threw an armful of dresses onto the bed, she sat and watched as Alice began to sort the dresses in order of color before turning towards her a look of excitement lit her face. “Alice, I told you that I have no intention whatsoever in going to the spring dance!” pouted Jane crossing her arms over her chest “Jane this is...
Submitted to Contest #34
Wales The bright yellow taxi pulled to a stop in front of the large country manor, Emmy warily looked through the rain speckled window at the imposing Gothic styled manor. Reluctantly, she opened the door and stepped out, quickly opening her umbrella; she rushed to help the cab driver gather her luggage. As soon as her belongings were placed in the entry way of her new home, Emmy paid the cab driver and as she watched the yellow taxi drive away, a part of her wished she had got...
Submitted to Contest #33
1949 Benjamin wiped the sweat from his brow as the sun beat down mercilessly on him. Confusion filled his face while he observed the two paths before him; unsure of what to do he walked over to the tree that stood behind him, his suitcase suddenly felt heavier than usual. He lowered his tired aching body and leaned against the tree, grateful that the tree was in full bloom. The shade lent him a bit of relief from the hot sun; Benjamin plucked his fedora from his head and set it on top of his suitcase. "Which p...
Submitted to Contest #32
England 1885 11-year-old Abigail rearranged the tea cups on the white lace table cloth; her fingers shook a little as she lit the match and carefully lit the wick. As a soft yellow glow filled the moonlit room steam rose from the teacups. With shaky hands, Abigail smoothed her day dress, waiting anxiously for him to arrive. As soon as the maid helped her into her ni...
Submitted to Contest #29
Alberta, Canada1889 Caleb hoisted the heavy bag of flour over his shoulder and slowly picked his way up the cellar stairs; the stairs creaked beneath his weight as he slowly made his way to the open door. As he made his way back towards the kitchen he smiled as he heard his mother ordering his sisters around. His mother was trying to prepare a grand feast for her childhood friend and was frantically rushing around the house to prepare rooms and food for their guests. “Mother,...
Submitted to Contest #28
Gwen checked her make up once more in visor mirror; this was the first date she'd had in a year. Her career as an emergency nurse kept her busy and by the time her shift was over, Gwen felt too tired to out afterwards. Her sister Alice had urged her to take Friday night off, Alice had even set up her up on a blind date.She looked at the door to the restaurant, the butterflies in her stomach fluttered furiously at the thought of having to come up with conversation.6:58 pm"Well, I guess it's show time...I just really hope this works out." mutt...
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