Submitted to: Contest #90

ATRG #2: Akatsuki Research Team(+ Gray)

Written in response to: "Set your story in a world living with the consequences of a climate apocalypse."

Friendship Science Fiction

A few weeks ago:

What? I glance at the woman already holding her hand out to me.

The job is safe. Let me explain: we are not going to hurt you. We are just going to see how well you can adapt. You won’t have any lasting changes, and you’ll have a lot of good college applications waiting for you.

It’s going to last that long?! I shout, raising up my arms.

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Do not waste it. 

The woman glares at me and I feel a shiver up my spine.

Is it really that worth it?

Fine. But at least tell my family and friends.

I reach up to shake her hand. She grins, showing sharp teeth.

I will.

Present day:


Tubes were connected to me.

Rain. Droughts. Floods. Ice melting.

Scientists. Scientists shouting words I can’t hear.

Slime. Evacuation. Test subjects.

What were they doing to my body? Why was the weather so important? Slime? Will I ever see my friends, sister, and mom again?

These thoughts swirl in my foggy brain, and I wish that I could sit up and scream. I don’t feel any different, and these experiments aren’t doing nothing to me.

Why had I accepted the offer?

Suddenly, a siren woops.

Glass shatters. I hear a part of the roof caving in.

“Save the test subject!”


“The slime is here!”

I get pushed off the bed I’m strapped to, and my head starts to clear. I look at all the scientists screaming and running around.

The slime is coming.

“What’s going on? Why are you guys all freaking out? Can someone please explain?!”

“No time to, just go!”

I whirl around to ask go where? When the instructions suddenly appear in my head.

Oh. Maple Ave, down a tunnel to the right of Line Park.

I take off running, not noticing how I manage to leap across the collapsed building.

Then I see why everyone was so scared.

This huge, red blob of rainwater, dirt, and ice is smashing everything in its way, and water spins around it, engulfing everything.

I start down the tunnel. 


I was too loud. The slime heard me.


Muck dripped from the walls as I ran for my life—literally. Sliding down the damp underground tunnel, I finally reach the place I was told to go to. I internally scream as I look behind me; THE SLIME WAS A FEW YARDS AWAY. I grip the giant door and push it into place with all my strength. Then, as the slime inches closer, the door bangs shut and I’m safe—for now. Slumping on the floor, I take a moment to catch my breath and look in front of me. A seemingly endless hall was stretching across the bunker, hopefully to the one place that was safe. I took a deep breath, and started walking.


My voice bangs around the bunker, and I wince at how loud it was.

“Ah, you finally came.”

I jump and look behind me.

A boy with blackish-gray hair and a t-shirt with ripped pants is floating above the ground. He’s toying around with a metallic thing, and looks ten years old, but speaks like a twenty year old.

“Um- H-hi?” I squeak.

“You were obviously sent by the scientists. I’m Gray, nice to meet you.”

I nod, afraid to speak. 

“Let me show you the safest spot in the world. Or, at least that I know of.”

He grabs my arms and rockets off with me.

A high pitched scream echoes around the walls.


“Next time, please go slower.”

“Eh, You’ll get used to it.”

Gray phases through a yellow door.

I follow, but end up smacking my head against the wall.

Gray covers his face and I hear him laughing.

“Oh come on. Gray! THIS IS NOT FUNNY!”

“Sorry, sorry! Lemme get Konan, she’ll fix this-”

Before I can ask who the heck is Konan, a girl with blue hair steps out of the stinking yellow door/wall.

She has this rose made out of paper on her head, and is wearing a robe with red clouds on it. She points a sharp finger at me.

“Put your hand on the wall.”

I do as she says, and I watch the door swirl and then become still again.

Alright, now enter the code that the scientists gave you.”

I look at my palm.



The door flashes and then turns transparent.

Konan struts through, and I follow her.

“Gray, another member? What are those scientist’s thinking? As if we have enough room!”

“Hey, be glad she’s a girl.”

“That’s the only good part. And why do you always forget how to let a new member come in?”

“Not all of us are smart like you.”

Konan flicks her hair into Gray’s face.

“Um, sorry to interrupt, but how far is the room we are going to?”

Konan stares at me.

“It should be right here.”

She wretches open a door titled “Meeting room.”

We walk in.

“EVERYONE SHUT UP AND CALM DOWN.” Was the first thing Konan said. I could see that she was the leader, the way that everyone else (all boys) snapped their mouths shut.

“Alright, we have another new member, and her name is…?”

Konan raises her eyebrows at me, and I grimace.

“K-kama.” I choke out.

“Her name is Kama. Now, I want you guys to introduce yourselves nicely.”

She points to the person on the far left, and he brushes his long blond hair back and starts.

“My name is Deidara. Explosive art master, hm. Nice to meet ya!” Deidara grins at me.

Well, he kinda looks like a girl, but seems alright!

I grin shakily back.

The next person is a bored looking redhead, playing with a puppet.

“My name is Sasori, puppet master.”

He doesn’t even bother looking at me, but flicks his hand dismissively.

Konan shakes her head at him, then motions for a masked person to start.

“My name is Kakuzu. Not the master of anything, but I do have five hearts.”

Five? Ugh, what did he do to get those five hearts? Ew.

A silver haired boy started talking immediately after Kakuzu.

“My name is Hidan, and I’m freaking immortal! I also am a follower of Jashinism!”

He laughs and bounces on the couch, earning him a glare from Konan and Kakuzu.

I grin. He is very energetic.

A plant person waves at me.

“I’m Zetsu, and I love plants.”

Konan coughs and turns to me.

“And I’m Konan, origami master.”

“Hey hey heyyyy. Don’t forget me! I’m Gray! Trickster god!”

“Kama, this is my team, the Akatsuki and Gray. We are researching why the slime has formed out of the various climate changes and how we can stop it. Any questions?”

I shake my head.

“Good. Then let’s start your first mission.”

Sorry for not posting in soooo long!

I do not own any of the Naruto characters, I only own Gray and Kama.

(ATRG Means: Akatsuki, Friendship, Romance, and Gray in Japanese lol)

Posted Apr 20, 2021

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40 likes 223 comments

02:42 Apr 30, 2021



13:02 Apr 30, 2021

Henloo! Hru?


Hey Celeste! In the form you filled out you said you wanted a brother with hydrokinesis- problem is, the only hydrokinesis personwe have is a girl. You can:

A. Have a sister with hydrokinesis
B. Have a brother without hydrokinesis
C. Have no siblings

also, if oyu choose A, it would look pretty cool since in the story both of you are a bit psycho and distant with love, and since the person is on the Amators side since their eye got cut out by the Imperiums, it can be that you stayed with the Imperiums but went to the Amators because of your sister


A. I always wanted a sis anyway XD
Feeling better now, Abs?
(I need my own nickname for you lol-)


nice lol
yeah a lil. still a bit rocky but getting there.
Lol I have so many nicknames XD Ratigail, Abi, Gail, Abs, Abba daba doo, Abbocado, Abbie Patty, Rati, Resident Locker Rat, etc XDDD lolll take ur pick or lmk if you come up with another one and i can add to the list lolololol


Happy for you :)
Imma just call ya Abi now okie? So ya recognize me on the docs lol 😆


lol XD lots of ppl call me Abi and i prob wouldnt remember anyway Brain Cell lol


Imma call ya that now! XD


Alsoooo can I like, not be scared of the water but just that I can’t swim?
I don’t want to be afraid of my own sis lol-


lol- umm this is like an extreme phobia, we can have it that like seeing water or a little rain doesn't do much but being submerged or something affects you strongly- like i said this is supposed to be an extreme phobia that's like, stops you in your tracks, traumatizing kind of way y'know?


But I’m not afraid my my sisters power XD(I hope-)


No, as long as she doesn't use them on you. You might be a bit nervous if the water gets too close but that's about it :)


Maybe she kinda hates me but we make up we one of us almost die protecting the other lol


Wait...Are you lesbian or something? I do support btw.


1. HOLY #%$^ BLXXII I-
2. nooo but i supoort ithe bootiful flag


TJ Squared
04:01 Apr 26, 2021

wait a're a Capricorn too???? That's amazing! My birthday is 6 days before yours oof. I wonder who's older XD


TJ Squared
23:38 Apr 26, 2021

noice :)))
how have you been?


TJ Squared
00:00 Apr 27, 2021


doing pretty good :)
read anything interesting?


And Then There Where None :))))


TJ Squared
23:07 Apr 28, 2021

"Eh, I'm just skilled with nature I suppose."
I walked into the doorway and cleared off the small table made of bamboo sticks and palm fronds.
"Here, take a seat. Any particular kind of sandwich sound good?"


“Mayonnaise and salmon?”
I looked at how beautiful the whole place was. No one could be this skilled with plants. At least until now, I guess.


TJ Squared
23:24 Apr 28, 2021

"Alright, a mayonnaise and salmon sandwich coming up." I pulled a salmon out of the cooler pit and pierced it with a stick. I started a fire and in no time it was ready.
"Here you go."


“Thank you.”
I devoured the sandwich, and looked at Sam.
“Why do you live here?”


TJ Squared
16:52 May 01, 2021

I returned my gaze to the creatures. I did the same trick and summoned most of nature to help me. This time, I might not be so lucky.


As I tried to fly out, another creature blocked my way, knocking me off Tamayo.


TJ Squared
21:35 May 01, 2021

"Snowflake, go help them. You know what to do." She rushed off and I grabbed some vines. I knew threatening them wouldn't work. The only way to defeat them is to kill them and I knew how.


I used my power to make me float up. I shouted at Tamayo
He sent a blast of fire at the wind thing. Then Snow came, pulling me onto her.
“Thank you so much” I whispered in her ear.


Part 7 is out and you're featured!!! Ik I just posted Part 6 but Writer's block just went away so I'm taking advantage lol! Make sure you read all of the previous parts first :)


11:46 Apr 21, 2021

For some reason, the "A lot of good colleges are waiting for you" or something like that just made me literally die, lol.

Okay, I also literally love "Hi, I'm Zetsu and I love plants". I have a collaborative story with my siblings, and my brother was so mad bc he made a character sort of based on Nezuko (She can speak though... and she started out passive-aggressive, but now she's just aggressive) and that was literally her introduction was.


XD I died writing it tho

lol Zetsu is like-


Angel {Readsy}
04:59 Apr 30, 2021

I am reading it ; Naruto is a boy who, on the day he was born, coincidentally had a giant demon fox spirit attack his village. ... Naruto's parents however die in this attack, and he resorts to troublemaking for attention, as well as aspires to become the Hokage, the leader of the village, for people to acknowledge him


Angel {Readsy}
04:56 Apr 30, 2021

Black Zetsu tricked Madara to believed he made them. Actually White Zetsu made from humans who absorbed by Divine Tree, Madara didnt know this and thought they just will eternally sleep and dreams


Sunny 🌼
22:41 Apr 20, 2021

1 question
Technically I haven't watched Naruto but my friend Tobi loves it so hence I have the basic gist down. I'm honestly just glad you posted something. It was great btw, lots of fun to read.


Awwwww Sarah! Tyyyyy


Crows_ Garden
12:18 Apr 02, 2022

o - o




Crows_ Garden
00:23 Apr 03, 2022

But A k a t s u k i


Crows_ Garden
03:08 Apr 03, 2022

They're my sanity.
Also- do you possibly want to talk on Remind?


same man
i don't have remind, what is it? o_o


TJ Squared
03:44 May 03, 2021

Alrighty :)
so new characters ;)
Name: Taylor Wynter
Back story: doesn't exactly know o.O
Powers: able to change the past (see why that makes sense XD)
Eyes: Light green
Hair: brownish blonde

and you? lol this should be interesting. Also, any particular setting?


Name: Hailey Wynter
Backstory : Sister to Taylor, and travels all over the world with her.
Powers: Able to see the future, but only if it isn’ t changed.
Eyes: Deep blue
Hair: Black

Setting: Desert (Also, what if you could see the past?)


TJ Squared
17:34 May 03, 2021

well, yeah I kinda have to see the past to be able to change it lol.
alrighty :)
how about you start?


I crumpled into the sand, breathing hard, and trying to pull my sword out of it's sheath.


TJ Squared
23:27 May 03, 2021

I collapsed beside Hailey.
"That was sure something, wasn't it?"


"I-I know, r-right?" I managed to rasp out. "Any water on ya?"


TJ Squared
23:30 May 03, 2021

you good there?


Angel {Readsy}
04:29 Apr 30, 2021

the Naruto characters; ,are you writing Naruto series ; Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow,(。・‧̫・。).**♡(✿◕ ‿◕ฺ)ノ))。₀: *゜❀.(*´◡`*)❀.°˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°


Angel {Readsy}
04:23 Apr 30, 2021

: we are not going to hurt you; it's my favourite sentence


18:45 Apr 29, 2021

Gah, I never realized that I forgot to like this story!
(And I'm not giving you feedback because I haven't watched MHA yet. So I don't want to get spoiled.)
I bet this story is great, though.


(Also this is Naruto lol)
(Also there no spoilers)
Ty, Sky!


20:19 Apr 29, 2021

My bad, lol.
Maybe I'll read this story then. I'll give feedback soon!
No problem!


Angel {Readsy}
05:03 Apr 30, 2021

But in other version of naruto series there are slight spoilers


Part 12 is out and you're featured!!!!!! GO CHECK IT OUT (please read previous parts first)


16:10 Apr 29, 2021

This was a really great story! I love the plot! Kama is a very relatable character! Great job! :D


20:27 Apr 29, 2021

Np! :D




01:39 Apr 30, 2021



00:25 Apr 29, 2021

Hey! Since Whisper . had to leave Reedsy, she asked me to continue the Project Ignite series, but I've realized that I don't have all the characters. Whisper . gave me a list of Reedsy people who submitted characters, and I have a form here for you to fill out (If you still want to have a character in this series):


Angel {Readsy}
05:03 Apr 30, 2021

I had entered in project ignite series


Hey, just letting you know Part 11 of the Adapters is out! Unfortunately, you are not featured and the few people that are only have small mentions. This story is revolved around the Battle of the All-Beasts, go check it out! :D


14:56 Apr 27, 2021

Sis I’ve had an incredibly crappy day and don’t want to talk about it. Can you please cheer me up? I’m gonna read this story dw :}


Sis, I missed you and I need to talk to ya.
So here is so emojis to cheer you up! 😘😘😘😘😗😗😗😗😙😙😙😙🤩🤩🤩🤪😜🤪😝😜😜🤪😄😄😄😄😄😄😃😃😀😃😃😆😆😅😇😇😊😊😍🥰😇😊😅😊😍😍🥰🥰🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗😙😙😙😗😘😘😗☺️😍😍😍😍😍😍😍❤️🧡💚💚💙💙💙💜🤍🖤💞💞💓💗💗💗💗💝💘💖💗☮️💟☮️💟☮️💟💙💜💜💜💜💜
Also ducks:🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🐥🐥🐤🐤🐤🐤🐣🐣🐣🐥🐥🐥🦆🦆🐥🐥🐥🐣🐣🐥🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🐥🐥🐥🐣🐣🐤🐤


17:34 Apr 27, 2021

Y E S. you have filled my soul with serotonin with those ducks, thank you so much!! 💖😭✋


You are my sis. Ofc. More ducks for you :)🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🐥🐣🐥🐣🐣🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🐥🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐥🦆🦆🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥🐣🐣🐣🐥🐥🦆🦆🐥🐥🐣🐣🐣🐥🐥🐥🐥🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🐥🐥🐣🐣🐣🐥🐥🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆


Angel {Readsy}
05:06 Apr 30, 2021

I will not give my ducks to anyone


Angel {Readsy}
05:05 Apr 30, 2021

Ducks are all mine


Angel {Readsy}
05:05 Apr 30, 2021

Cheers & smiles for sister (ಥ⌣ಥ)」( ̄▽ ̄」) ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ(o^∀^o)O(≧∇≦)O(●⌒∇⌒●)(☆^ー^☆)o (^‿^✿)(◡‿◡✿) (◕‿◕✿)(✿◠‿◠)o (^‿^✿)(◑‿◐✿)(◡‿◡✿)(-‿◦☀)(*‿*✿)(❀◦‿◦)
☆(❁‿❁)☆(✿◕ ‿◕ฺ)ノ))。₀: *゜,、’`<(❛ヮ❛✿)>,、’`’`,、٩(✿∂‿∂✿)۶
: ★~(◡﹏⊙✿)★~(◠‿◕✿)★~(◠△◕✿)★~(◠﹏⊙✿)˚✧₊⁎❝᷀ົཽ≀ˍ̮ ❝᷀ົཽ⁎⁺˳✧༚*+:꒰◍•ᴗ•◍꒱:+*╰(✿´⌣`✿)╯♡(。・‧̫・。).**♡(✿◕ ‿◕ฺ)ノ))。₀: *゜❀.(*´◡`*)❀.°˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°


Heyyy! Part 10 is out and you are featured! WARNING: a lot of people die in this part and you may be one of them. Please read previous parts first!


Part 9 of the Adapters is out and you are featured! Please read previous parts first!



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