Drama Friendship Sad

By the time you step outside, the leaves are on fire. But you didn’t step outside. You were in your room the whole time.

Orange and yellow flames flicker in front of your face.

Hard banging on the door disrupts your focus.

“Open the damn door!’ your father yells, but you simply shake your head.

It’s my fault, you think, I need to face it.

So you ignore your dad and sink back into your mind, wanting to torture yourself until you break. Because it was all for her.

I could’ve stopped her, but I’m so stupid, and I didn’t.

The day she moved, she didn’t tell you. You found out as the principal told everyone over the loudspeaker.

That made you feel horrible. Worse than a man forced to eat his wife.

You weren’t special. You were everyone else. A nobody.

The flames flicker even higher, burning the yellow, red, and orange leaves that fall from the tree.

That is how you feel now, burning before you even touch the ground. Suspended in mid-air.

Flames overtaking you.

That’s what you want. To feel the pain.

The guilt.

The blame.

The fire.

You need this. You know you do.

Nobody else can take the blame.

You will never see her again, and you hadn’t even said ‘sorry.’

But you know that if Katelynn were here, she would tell you that you were forgiven. That it was okay.

But it wasn’t.

It wasn’t okay.

Nothing was okay.

She’d always been a forgiving person.

You glance down at the note in your hands. Smiling at the first words. She’d always spelled your name wrong, and it was cute.

Dear Julis,

Thank you for being my frend, and thank you for lisening to me when I blow the wistle (I know, it is bad!)


Tears flood your eyes. She'd trusted you. You had been her friend. She'd given you Valentine's Day gifts every year, even when you'd made fun of her.

The flames act as if someone poured gasoline on them.

Although your eyesight was blurry, you took another note down. This one was on the wall, and you'd never forgotten what it said. It made you cry without fail, every single time you had read it.

I miss you, Julis. Where did you go? Not the 'you' now, but the 'you' before. Where is he? Let him out, I want to see him. Please.

-Katelynn ❤

She'd noticed your change. Anyone would. And she'd always been sensitive. She noticed that you made fun of her speech, instead of laughing with her about other things.

When you told her that you guys could only be friends outside of school or when nobody was around, that'd been the last straw for her.

You remember that she always used to sound out words before writing them, and they would almost always be spelled wrong.

But she didn't care about that.

Katelynn had always preferred writing letters, especially because when she spoke, nobody understood her.

Now she was gone, and it was all your fault. She had to start over, and it was all your fault. Everything was your fault.

She had liked you, and you had broken her heart.

Shattered it.

Into pieces.

Broken, irreversible heart.

No matter how much you tried, you couldn't put it back together. You never got the chance to, because she'd moved.

Moved states.

All because of you.


"Open the door, Julius!" your mother screams, and you could hear her sobs.

`The same sobs that Katelynn had probably cried when she'd figured out that you had been talking about her behind her back.

The boys had cornered you in the staircase and talked about Katelynn. You hadn't partaken in their chat, but you knew from posters in school. Bystanders were just as bad, if not worse, than bullies.

Plus, she'd given you gifts and chocolate. Nobody else had ever been that nice to you.

If she kills herself, it'll be my fault too. I forced her to cry, to move, to start over, It was already hard enough for her, dammit!

The fire spread to the leaves and the branches connected to those leaves.

"Why is his door locked?!" your father says in a low tone, growling at your mother.

"I-I don't kn-kno-know!"

If only you hadn't listened to the people who were mocking Katelynn. If only you'd shooed them away like pesky flies and continued with your day. If only you had talked to Katelynn about everything. If only you had told someone.

The flames spread from the branches to the trunk itself. The entire tree is engulfed in flames.

Katelynn had autism, and she couldn't speak well. Nobody understood her.

She'd trusted you. She thought you wouldn't make fun of her.

But you did.

You traded the one person who actually liked you for a chance to be liked by everyone.

Except nobody actually liked you. Not before, not after, and definitely not now.

Before, you had only watched people make fun of her, even if they were right next to her. You had shaken your head at those people and promised Katelynn that you wouldn't become one of them.

You had promised her.


Let her down.

She cried.

You watched her, and you suffered too. But you didn't tell her. You didn't talk to her.

And that seemed to be fine with Katelynn because she didn't talk to you either.

You sob, covering your mouth with your hand.

Tears trail down your cheeks, and you wish that you could put out the fire you had started.

Salvage what was left of your friendship.

But you knew you couldn't salvage anything.

There was nothing left.


"No..." you croak. It is the first time you heard yourself talk in months.

Still sobbing, you quietly walk over to the door and unlock it. Sitting on the floor next to your door are both your mother and father. Their eyes are wide and full of relief that their son is okay. If only they'd known what you'd done to your once best friend.

They stand up straight as soon as they see you.

"Julius," - your father clears his throat - "Katelynn's here to see you."

October 11, 2020 17:31

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Kathleen March
22:18 Oct 13, 2020

Not sure if I missed something here. I thought Katelynn had moved, but at the end she visits the narrator? Anyway, I really like the voice here, the rhythm that gives it a tough of anguish and a ton of guilt. Nicely done!


Raquel Rodriguez
23:53 Oct 13, 2020

She did move, but she came back because she wanted to talk to Julius about everything that happened, because there's always at least two stories to a story. Sorry about that! Thank you! I wanted to experiment with my writing, so I'm glad you liked the story!


Kathleen March
22:03 Oct 14, 2020

I think that is a bit of a stretch. She has moved, then returns? It would be easier to see if it turned out she hadn't moved yet and came to speak one last time before leaving. Maybe?


Raquel Rodriguez
22:39 Oct 14, 2020

I was thinking she moved somewhere close, but not quite close. Maybe I'll do that. Thank you! :)


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B. W.
23:03 Oct 18, 2020

Heya there :)


Raquel Rodriguez
03:25 Oct 19, 2020



B. W.
03:42 Oct 19, 2020

how ya been?


Raquel Rodriguez
03:55 Oct 19, 2020

Great! I gotta go to bed, talk to you in the morning! :)


B. W.
04:01 Oct 19, 2020

oh, alright ^^


Raquel Rodriguez
11:34 Oct 19, 2020

Hey, morning! :)


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Ariadne .
21:22 Oct 16, 2020

Dang, Raquel, this is FABULOUS!!! I feel you experimented with the style and tone in this one. I think I like this the most out of all your stories. The emotions were real, the prompt was beautifully met, and all in all, this story made it to my fave list. Thank you for the story! I'm so glad they could talk through things again. Their friendship sounds so beautiful. Will there be a sequel? I notice you're writing a novel (from your bio). I wish you luck! Let me know if you need anything, k? I know you didn’t ask for it, but I’ll d...


Raquel Rodriguez
22:19 Oct 16, 2020

Holy frick! Oh my gosh, I am now very overwhelmed with laughter. X _ X <-- This is me currently I honestly really like this story, and I wanted to experiment, because I've seen this type of story on Reedsy, and I want to get better at writing. If I make a sequel, I promise I'll tell you about it first, though it probably won't be as good as this one, so sorry in advance. Thank you so much! I've been asking my friends if they want to read the first draft after I write it because first drafts are horrible for me. The only time ...


Ariadne .
22:29 Oct 16, 2020

Haha, I'm glad! I love commenting on bios cuz it's so fun and so so funny to read. YESSS!!! I’m first on your contact list! Oh my gosh, what?! That’s so funny! I remember this one guy spread a rumor that we were dating and my bf - who’s in a different school - heard and CAME INTO THE SCHOOL (we were having some family/friends event thing) AND SHOVED HIM AGAINST A WALL, THREATENED HIM TO NEVER COME NEAR ME, AND PROCEEDED TO KISS ME SENSELESS IN FRONT OF HIM! I was dying with laughter when he told me his reasons. Jealous guys make me laugh s...


Raquel Rodriguez
22:40 Oct 16, 2020

Wow, lucky! That scenario is only one of my fantasies, lol. I'm pretty gross XD The thing is, I always end up asking my mom to carry my bag, whether for a little bit or a long time. Lol, I just stare at people and their clothing choices. K, I'll upvote you too! :)


Ariadne .
23:03 Oct 16, 2020

Aww, don’t say that! You’re beautiful in your own unique way. I guess I’m pretty lucky though. Guys (and girls) have asked me out a ton. I’m straight, though, so… well, I’d say no regardless. I love my bf. (cring mode activated. I hope he doesn’t see this! He probably won’t cuz he ain’t on Reedsy, but he does like going through my laptop occasionally) 😏 Smart! I was wondering how you could carry that entire thing yourself all the time. Same! But I look at other things too. :)


Raquel Rodriguez
23:10 Oct 16, 2020

Literally, I wish! I've never been asked out, I might be missing out, lol. You should love your boyfriend, don't be afraid to let people know ;) I can't, and when I ask her, my mom gives me a look (lmao). I stalk some of the people (not really, but I stare at them as they pass), so they hate me XD


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Kristin Neubauer
17:28 Oct 15, 2020

Wow, Raquel - that is a powerful story. You handled these topics of autism and bullying with such sensitivity and skill. And amazing writing. The short sentences worked and the way you developed it kept me in such suspense. I felt like a got a really good picture of Katelynn without even seeing her. And such a great ending....it works either as an ending itself or a cliffhanger for Part 2. So well done!


Raquel Rodriguez
17:47 Oct 15, 2020

Thank you, Kristin! I really liked this story, so I'm glad you do too.


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B. W.
19:20 Oct 14, 2020

Hey, could you possibly help me with some stuff? I'm having some trouble with a couple of stuff


Raquel Rodriguez
22:40 Oct 14, 2020

Sure, what is it?


B. W.
22:53 Oct 14, 2020

Are you good with romance?


Raquel Rodriguez
22:59 Oct 14, 2020

Of courseee! :3 I love writing romance!


B. W.
23:00 Oct 14, 2020

Did i ever tell you about my demi-god novel? i need help with the romance and some other stuff in that


Raquel Rodriguez
23:01 Oct 14, 2020

Yeah, you told me about your demi-god thing! How far have you gotten? And sure, if you want, I'll help you.


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B. W.
23:26 Oct 11, 2020

Hm, i think that i really enjoyed this story ^^ though with any error type things i guess i would have to agree with charles, though i hope you fix them. i'll give this story a 10/10 :)


Raquel Rodriguez
14:35 Oct 12, 2020

Thank you, Blair! Lol, yeah, I fixed them. :D


B. W.
14:38 Oct 12, 2020

Oh, this is still just a halloween name and i'll just change it real soon, you can still call me B


Raquel Rodriguez
14:41 Oct 12, 2020

Yes! Halloween spirit! :)


B. W.
14:41 Oct 12, 2020

Yep ^^ do you think you'll get your own halloween name?


Raquel Rodriguez
14:43 Oct 12, 2020

Maybe... I have to think of one


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Charles Stucker
19:04 Oct 11, 2020

But you didn't stepped outside- step The day she moved she didn't tell you.- comma after moved But you know that if Katelynn were here she would tell you that you were forgiven.- comma after here Katelynn misspells things in her notes by your design, correct? And I see later that this is indeed by design. This is a fascinating take on the prompt. Not literal fire, but metaphoric fire. I'm not personally fond of long, introspective, internal monologue, but this is managed proficiently. I can't judge more than that because I reall...


Raquel Rodriguez
14:33 Oct 12, 2020

Thank you, Charles! I knew I missed something, since I changed this story from past-tense to present-tense. I submitted it right after I wrote it, so yeah, thank you so much for helping me! I wanted to try something different, because I've always done stories where my characters talk too much for their own good! That sounds interesting, I'll be sure to read it when it comes out! :)


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23:57 Oct 16, 2020

Hello Raquel, This is beautifully written. My one piece of feedback would be to edit it if you haven’t already. There is one word missing in the male character’s thoughts I believe: “It had already been too much FOR her.” Otherwise, it was brilliant. The characters and descriptions were excellent, and I always appreciate writing that makes a good point about humanity. Well done!


Raquel Rodriguez
23:59 Oct 16, 2020

Okay, thank you so much, I will edit it immediately! :)


00:03 Oct 17, 2020

Any time. :)


Raquel Rodriguez
00:06 Oct 17, 2020

I didn't even notice, wow! Thank you for pointing it out. :D


00:10 Oct 17, 2020

I’m always making mistakes and having to edit them lol. 😉


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Wolfy 🐺
21:59 Oct 16, 2020

Hi Raquel! know Arham and Shannon, they've told me how good your stories were. I can see why- this is so good!


Raquel Rodriguez
22:27 Oct 16, 2020

Thank you, and don't forget, your writing is good too! :)


Wolfy 🐺
00:41 Oct 17, 2020



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Izzie Chan
02:37 Oct 16, 2020

Oh wow, this is amazing! I love the way the story progressed bit by bit, and the way you utilized the second person point of view. Some of the parts were a little vague, but If that’s what you were going for, I like it because it added to the tone, haha. Awesome! :D


Raquel Rodriguez
11:15 Oct 16, 2020

Thanks, Izzie! :) Lol, idk what else to say.


Izzie Chan
13:28 Oct 19, 2020

Lol :D


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B. W.
01:09 Oct 16, 2020

Hey, i could use some help with a new story


Raquel Rodriguez
02:59 Oct 16, 2020

Hey Blair! Sure, I'll see how I can help you, but talk to you in the morning because I gotta go to sleep. Goodnight! :)


B. W.
03:08 Oct 16, 2020

aw alright, i'll tell ya the plot then if ya want in the morning ^^


Raquel Rodriguez
11:14 Oct 16, 2020

Okay, I'm ready! Hit me with it.


B. W.
14:19 Oct 16, 2020

Here: the main character would end up at a school that has vampires, werewolves and other things and they'd either have to hide the fact that they aren't a monster or just get used to it. They'd also have a vampire friend there and i was thinking there was something that the character had to protect them all from.


Raquel Rodriguez
14:40 Oct 16, 2020

How about you create another species of animal so that the new animals are created by {someone, maybe a vampire hunter or the government?} to kill the vampires. If you're asking me for help with that.


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Yolanda Wu
05:42 Oct 15, 2020

Wow, this was such a powerful story depicting friendship and betrayal and heartbreak. Every sentence was so packed with emotion, and especially the use of second person, which you wrote really well, makes everything feel really close. I loved the short sentences, so it read almost like a poem. The friendship between Julius and Katelynn is so well-described, even though we only see Julius's side. I also really like how you incorporated the fire into the story, your beginning was definitely really strong in conveying that. Amazing work, Raquel!


Raquel Rodriguez
11:29 Oct 15, 2020

Thank you so much, Yolanda! :) I'm glad you enjoyed it! I wanted to make something different than what I usually make.


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Kaitlyn James
21:27 Oct 14, 2020

I really like it! Great job! Keep up the good work!


Raquel Rodriguez
22:39 Oct 14, 2020

Thank you so much! ;)


Kaitlyn James
03:01 Oct 15, 2020

No problem!


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Arham Ishraq
19:39 Oct 15, 2020

Yes! I was so excited for this story, and I knew it would be great! You even told me what it was gonna be about, but I'm still surprised by the story! This is great and I love it :D


Raquel Rodriguez
22:40 Oct 15, 2020

Boi you told Shannon you were gonna use me for followers-


Raquel Rodriguez
00:39 Oct 16, 2020

Lol sorry XDDDD


Raquel Rodriguez
00:39 Oct 16, 2020

It did offend me but I'm okay :P


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Izzie Chan
12:59 Oct 16, 2020

Lmao wait what-


Raquel Rodriguez
13:29 Oct 16, 2020

Arham told Shannon that if I followed him, my followers would follow him too, and I got offended because I had to write stories and he just wants to use me, so yeah.


Arham Ishraq
01:57 Oct 17, 2020

I said it happened on my last account, not that I wanted you to...I mean I wasn't going to force you, I was just going to ask wow ok-


Raquel Rodriguez
01:58 Oct 17, 2020

Lol, dude, I got over it, it's fine


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