Just a little bit of background: I wrote a story a couple weeks ago, and people really seemed to enjoy it. So here I am, making a part 2 (It's about what led up to Callie creating the portal). Hope you guys enjoy!
Fortune tellers.
All this hanky-panky palm reading and crystal ball seeing is starting to get to me.
Don't get me wrong, it's a fun experience and all, but I've just never really cared about what they say.
For instance, one told my mother that I was "destined for greatness" and "going to make the world a better place."
That's funny. I could never do that.
Don't believe me?
I'm that junior in high school that comes to school in sweatpants and a stained sweatshirt everyday. The one who has a 4.8 GPA and wears glasses. The nerd.
I've gone through a lot of glasses in the past three years.
Even Ben, my best friend (also captain of the varsity football team; super athletic), can't stop everybody from breaking my glasses. That'd be like beating up half the grade.
In case you didn't guess already, I'm not too popular.
So yeah.
I'm not quite "change the world" material.
And yet, since I was a baby, my mother has been telling me non stop how I'm going to make the world a better place, how I'm going to be rich and famous.
My younger sister is a freshman and still more popular than me. She enters beauty pageants, wins, and brushes it off casually. How come I couldn't be the pretty one?
It's all right. She's a dumb blonde, and I'm the smart blonde.
Once again, I don't fit into many stereotypes.
So how the heck am I supposed to change the world? Time's ticking, my mother says. Don't rush it, I say.
She rushes me non stop.
Kind of like I'm rushing to tell you all of this.
Look, I've been told my whole life that I am "destined for greatness" and yet I have no clue how I'm supposed to do that. Some hero this world is gonna get.
They'd better start being able to live on Mars soon.
Wanna know why?
Instead of saving the world, I'm probably gonna find a way to blow it up or something.
Typical Callie.
If I'm being totally honest, I'm afraid to admit the fortune teller was right.
All of that pressure, all of the building up, is on me.
I have to change to world.
I have to make it better.
But I'm almost done being a kid. One year left, and I'd like to enjoy it. I don't want to focus on making the world better quite yet, but I don't want to wait too long, either.
No more making Christmas cookies with Mom, no more late-night sleepovers with friends, no more ignoring the fact that I will have to have a job one day, and have to pay bills and taxes. That's too much.
As a kid, I always felt looked down on by adults. But now, as reality sets in, I wish I could stay one forever. No worries, no money problems, no responsibilities.
So while I'm trying to be a kid while I can, I'm constantly told how I need to make the world a better place.
I'm so confused.
That's why I'm headed to the exact fortune teller who read my small palm 17 years ago.
Of course, I haven't told my mom I would be here. I need to do this on my own. But it would help to have somebody for support. All that is going through my head right now, as I am slowly pushing back the beaded curtains, is to get in, get an answer, and get out.
I enter, and wrinkle up my nose. It smells of cat pee, but whoever is here tried (and failed) to cover it up with perfume.
I try not to gag.
"Ah, welcome, Callie," a woman's voice calls; it has a heavy French accent. I whip my head around. Great. I'm supposed to make the world better, and a random ju-ju lady already knows my name before I even speak to her.
We're off to a great start.
"Madame...Propulele?" I start, unsure of how to pronounce her name.
"Yes, yes. Now sit down, child, you're wasting my time," she says, quickly pulling up a chair for me to sit on before resuming her spot in a wooden stool across from me.
She continues, "I assume you are 'ere about how to make ze world a better place, and save it from being overtaken by mindless zombies, blah, blah?"
I blink my eyes. She stares at me.
"Oh, dear goodness. Have you not figured zat part out yet?" Her black hair falls in front her make-up covered eyes, and she flicks it back.
"Stupid beaded hair. Honestly, fortune tellers need a better sense of style. But Madame Propulele must fit in with ze others, you see.
"Shall we continue?"
I nod my head slowly. "You're saying that not only am I to make the world a better place, but I have to save it from zombies, too?"
This time, it is Madame Propulele's turn to nod her head, but she does so enthusiastically. "Wonderful! Now zat you understand, pay ze five dollars and get out of my sight. Good day to you."
And with that, she yanks the five dollar bill out of my hand and shoves me out the beaded doorway.
I didn't even see what she really looked like.
Well, not only do I now know that I have to make the world better, but I have to save it from zombies, too.
Some great weekend this turned out to be.
Guys, I really need help.
My life is so messed up. No matter how smart I may be, a book doesn't tell you how to save the world.
How do the zombies get here in the first place?
How am I, a single 17-year old girl, supposed to stop an army of mindless, gurgling freaks from taking over the world? To put that into perspective, that would be like a thousand me's running the Earth.
Wait...maybe...just maybe...
So many things could go wrong.
You're probably wondering what the heck I'm talking about. I'm talking about the portal to another dimension that I could maybe possibly build.
You know, maybe.
I could bring in help from other dimensions to fight the zombies.
If I could build this so-called portal.
I'm pretty sure I'm smart enough.
There's just so many things that could go wrong...
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AMAZING JOB!!! I was waiting for this Zea! I love the part two!! Great job with this story and never forget to always keep writing! :)
Thanks so much! That means a lot to me :)
Aww... you deserve it!! :)
Another great one! Callie is totally the type I would have fallen for in high school lol. I loved it and the story held perfectly to the original. Part three maybe?
Also, would you mind reading my story Ghosts of the Past?
Of course! I'm very tired and about to go to bed right now (It's 12:00 am for me right now, I don't know about you), but I will definitely check it out tomorrow!
Yes, I do intend to make a Part 3...
Like I said this is prime material for a Saturday morning Cartoon. Callie Forward or Back to Callie. I love the style and substance of this story. It's such an easy read. You capture the feeling of a geeky 17 year old girl perfectly and don't we all feel at one point or another that the whole world seems to be counting on us. I look forward to part 3. Tell Maya I said Hi. :-)
Thank you so much. I will ;)
Love this! This would make a great YA novel!
Wow, just wow. I'm so sorry I took so long getting to this story BUT I was far from disappointed once I got to it. I agree with the rest that this should get a part 3, I would totally read that! I love how you finished up with those one-line paragraphs at the end and it gave me a huge smile with the last line, "There's just so many things that could go wrong..." Loved all the breaking of stereotypes and how smart/quirky/weirdly wholesome Callie is. Overall, a fantastic read and a job well done!
No problem! And thank you so much! :)
The second part deserves parsing. Keep going 😊
This is absolutely amazing! I was so excited to see another part, and I'm so glad I read this!
Thanks, Elli!
Ok, I like this a whole lot. Keep writing. You're going to be one of those parts 1,2, and 3 types of a writer. There is plenty to share. GREAT!
Thanks :)
Haha...oh man and we know how very WRONG everything went xD. I like the fortune teller. We barely saw her, but I instantly liked her. She's a hoot. I may or may not start a petition for Madame Propulele to get her OWN story! She'd be amazing :P
That's actually a really good idea! I'll try to incorporate it into one of the prompts 😆
Yaaaaaaaaasss!!!! I'll look forward to it ;)
YES Callie's spunk!! It's cool to see how so much personality can be shown in such a short story. The tone of this had me cracking up and super engaged. Hopefully, there'll be a part 3! :)
Yes! I think what made this story super fun to write was because I based Callie off of myself...and I don't write in a diary or anything so this is sort of how I can talk and be myself :)
Amazing story... Again... I was getting RL Stine vibe throughout... took me back to my childhood days.... " you are destined for greatness".😉.. keep writing... #Im all IN in this story ...
Awesome job, Zea! I like that it’s a prequel. Very creative, and funny, too! Can’t wait to see what else you’ve got in store for Callie ;)
Thank you!
So easy to build an interdimensional portal to save the world from zombies. This gave me a chuckle. Good job.
thank you zea!
Thank you!! I love this part two from your previous story!!!
Lol nothing much. You?
That's not fun :/
I can, trust me.
I'm soo glad I found this. I love the storyline, it was super creative.
I hope there's a part 3 because it was super enjoyable to read!
Yes! I finally had the time to go ahead and read part two! An amazing story as always! This one has a completely different feel to it compared to the last one, but it also brings us back into Callie's own world. I used the same prompt in my entry for last week, but mine's got a much more elusive, horror feel, I guess. Funny how the same prompt can be so different. The best thing about this though is probably how we know what's gonna happen. I bet the fortune teller looked at part 1 of your story as well. Haha, this was amazing, like literally. Callie's voice is just so unique, and I can really feel for her. You have a way of making seemingly boring plotlines (no offense), such as someone just visiting a fortune teller, so interesting!
Oh man, I just realized that I've been droning on. Sorry for being confusing! Basically, the message I've been trying to get across is that I was, once again, amazing. I will give you a virtual high-five!
P.S: Would you mind reading one of my stories once again? I mean, I don't think I did as well as my last story: "If the Clouds Were Cotton Candy," but it would be amazing to hear your feedback and figure out what I can fix (again!). The name is "Nightmare" (hehe I'm not very creative.) Thanks!
This is so good. I liked it.I think you will write the part 3.Keep writing.Well written. This is totally amazing.
Would you mind reading my story
“Leaf me alone”?Thanks?
A very enjoyable second part. I had a great time going through it with Callie, although it seemed a little weird that people would be bullying a girl to the extent of breaking her glasses when both her sister and best friend seem to be so influential. Also, are guys breaking Callie's glasses or is Ben beating up girls who bully her? Still, Callie's a great voice and it's amazing to see the story keep developing. You've done a really good job of establishing character. Please, keep tagging if you do a third part.