Submitted to: Contest #64

The Girl in the Goethe House

Written in response to: "Write a ghost story where there’s more going on than it first appears."

🏆 Contest #64 Winner!

Horror Suspense

I pass under the words “GOETHE FAMILY ESTATE” and grapple with a queer feeling of unease. The archway is flanked by faceless statues, their features worn smooth by wind and rain. The path to my right leads down the hill, past rows of uniform headstones, to the old convent. Ahead of me stands the Goethe Manor House.

The convent was closed decades ago, and the Goethe House has been abandoned for over a century. The only building on the estate that is still occupied is half a mile away; the former Catholic girls’ school, now converted to a nursing home for ailing and aging nuns.

The breeze lifts the hair from the back of my neck. I hug my jacket tighter around me and walk straight.

I cannot place the source of my discomfort. Graveyards hold no dread for me and I have spent much time inside crumbling buildings. Perhaps it is the trees that grow alongside the path, brought from far away places and replanted at the Goethe family’s command. Perhaps I can sense they do not belong.

The Goethe House looms larger as I approach. It is made of a yellow stucco that looks out of place in the gray light of the Pennsylvania autumn sun. It looks tired, with peeling paint and sinking edges, but, strangely, all the windows are intact.

I lean down to inspect a monarch drinking from a thistle that pushed its way up through a crack in the stone walkway. It is late in the season to see one and the unexpected beauty makes me smile. I hear my grandmother’s voice. Butterflies are pretty, but moths are special. They carry souls to the moon.

But what happens when a moth gets trapped inside? I had asked her.

Then the soul is trapped too. Why do you think so many houses are haunted?

The insect flutters upwards and drifts past a second story window. A pale face peers from it, watching me from a room I know is empty. I raise my hand to the girl in greeting when bony fingers wrap around my wrist and whip me around.

An ancient nun drags my face closer to hers. A few, solitary teeth jut from her gums like crumbling gravestones in a forgotten cemetery and her breath is sharp and sour. “It consumed the Sisters who walked without feet,” she spits, her eyes boring into mine, as if she could burrow her thoughts into my head by the force of her stare. Her rheumy eyes fill with tears. “Don’t let me die here,” she weeps as two women appear by her side to pry her clenched fingers from my arm. “Not here, not here.”

One of the nurses leads the old nun away, patting her back and murmuring in soothing tones. The taller one remains and fusses over my wrist.

“I’m awfully sorry about that. Did she hurt you?”

“I’m fine,” I assure her. “I apologize if I did something to disturb her.”

“No, no. Sister Agnes is… not well. She was pulling one of her weekly runners.” She twists my wrist this way and that.

“If I may ask, who are the Sisters who walk without feet?”

She shrugs. “The babblings of dementia.” When she is satisfied my arm is still in working order, she steps back. “I’m supposed to tell you not to be so close to the house. You can walk around the estate. It’s pretty this time of year. It’s just that house is not structurally safe.”

I nod in acquiescence, looking at the crack that runs from the base of the house all the way up the three floors.

The nurse shivers. “This place gives me the willies.” Her voice drops to a whisper. “Supposedly, before the convent was closed, two separate nuns tried to burn it down.”

The eastern wall bows out slightly. Someday it will split open like an overripe carcass.

The nurse claps her hands together. The noise bounces off the house walls. “Whelp, I better get back before I get in more trouble,” she grimaces. “Sister Agnes is old, but gosh, she’s fast.”

I wave at her as she trudges across the field towards the nursing home. Before heading towards the old convent building, I look again at the second story window. It’s empty.

It doesn’t matter; I’ll find her when I return tonight.


This will not be my first ghost encounter, nor my hundredth, yet that strange, foreboding feeling still clung to me as I hurried past the trees, their silhouettes made monstrous in the moonlight. It dogged me as I completed the pedestrian portion of communing with the spirits, the breaking and entering part. I successfully jimmied the lock to the heavy oak doors at the front of the Goethe House and slipped inside.

I now find myself standing in the atrium, the yellow-green of the walls faintly visible in the moonlight. It reminds me of a summer sky before a tornado.

The moon is bright tonight, and my nighttime vision has always been excellent. I creep deeper into the house. It has been gutted, all the furniture and paintings having been removed years ago. Dust blankets every surface like a layer of snow. The air is stale and dry.

“Hello,” I say softly to the little girl at the top of the grand staircase. “I’m here to set you free.”

I would estimate she is about seven. She is wearing a white dress, frothy with lace, and her blonde hair is the disagreeable kind that hangs limp and refuses to hold a curl. The room is dark but she herself has a pulsating glow. She is pouting.

“Hello,” I whisper again. “I’m here to free you if you can take me to your wings.” I pick my way across the squeaking floorboards. I put my right foot down and the board underneath splits. My foot goes through the hole and I pitch forward. I land hard and grunt as the air is pushed from my body. I can feel the splintered edges rake against my ankle. I’m sure it has drawn blood. Wincing, I gingerly extract my foot from the hole. I turn on my flashlight and the girl vanishes. I turn it off and she is waiting at the top of the stairs. I sigh and continue towards the stairs in the dark. I prod each board thoroughly with my shoe before transferring my weight.

I reach the banister and the moon better lights my way. “Show me where your wings are,” I say. The girl spins and rushes down a hallway. I follow.

She reaches the third door on the left and passes through it. I catch up and twist the doorknob. The door swings inward and I enter. Aside from a brick fireplace, the room is empty. I limp to the window. I can see the spot in which I stood this afternoon.

I turn on my flashlight and crawl around on the floor but can find no dead moths. I search in the corners and under flaps of sagging wallpaper but come up empty handed. My hip clicks and my ankle is throbbing. I sit against a wall, massage my knees, then turn off my flashlight. “Where are your wings?” I call out.

She appears next to the fireplace and extends a finger. I frown. “I already looked at the fireplace,” I tell her. She stamps a scrawny leg, making no sound and disturbing no dust. She jabs her finger insistently. I scoot towards the fireplace and follow the line of her arm to a black brick. Her otherworldly shine makes it easy for me to see that the brick is not mortared in place, but rather juts out. The brick is rough against my finger pads as I shimmy it back and forth until it is loose enough to remove.

Behind the brick I find a small box tied with twine.

I look at the girl. She is across the room now, near the window, with her head cocked to one side. I take the box from the recess and blow off a thick layer of dust, then untie the twine. I unlatch the box and lift the lid.

Inside is a dead, black moth. I can’t imagine how it got caught here.

Not caught, I think. Entombed.

I think of that yellow-green sky.

I lift the box toward the girl. “These are your wings?”

She nods, her eyes big and mournful. I can easily imagine her sitting dejectedly in front of a mirror as her mother pulls at her wilted hair, trying to make it presentable. I wonder who she was and what happened to her. She is just a child, trapped alone in this comfortless house for a century. I have helped countless other like her.

I offer her a smile. “We’ll take it outside and set you free.” Her timid smile meets mine.

I am about to close the box when I see the wings of the moth flutter. It is almost imperceptible, perhaps a mere trick of the light or my breath disturbing the paper light corpse. Then it shivers again.

I had wiped dust from the box. It had been undisturbed for many, many years. And yet the moth had moved.

My eyes slide sideways. I can see the girl on the edge of my vision. Her face. There is something about her face. Something… trembly, like her skin is about to slip off.

I snap my gaze to her. She looks normal, as normal as a ghost can look. Still…

“These are your wings?” My tone is soothing, loving. She nods emphatically and runs into the hallway, beckoning me to follow.

I hesitate, then shine my flashlight on the box. The moth is grotesque and disfigured: it has eight legs when it should have six; its wings are hard and shiny, its body too long. Is it even a moth?

It consumed the Sisters who walked without feet was what Sister Agnes said. The Sisters who walked without feet…

I had walked the grounds this afternoon, walked through the empty convent and the servants’ quarters, stood outside the former girl’s school, now a nursing home. I would expect a place this old, a place with this much history, to be teeming with tethered spirits. And yet, I found only one.

A cold fist clenches around my heart. I turn off my flashlight. She stands in the center of the room.

“Did you eat them?” I ask quietly. “The others?”

She is trembling, struggling. Her face wobbles.

Then she slumps. Her arms droop and the glow goes out. Dark spots bloom on her face, spreading, taking the place of her eyes and her mouth. They are made of black liquid, of smoke, of nothing. Her eyes are gaping wounds of darkness, her mouth a black maw. It’s like she bleeding shadows. She is still wearing that frilly, white dress.

It drifts toward me.

My heart batters against my ribs. It's a ghost, it floated through a door, it couldn't move the brick, it can't touch me. It can't touch me.

It tugs on my hand. I feel its fingers.

Flesh, it can touch.

My leg feels warm. I realize I have wet myself.

I smile at the creature and close the box. “Alright, let us set you free.”

I make my way back down the hallway and begin my descent down the staircase, slowly, slowly. In one hand I hold the box with its soul, and in the other is my flashlight. I cannot set it free. I must give no indication that I want to flee, no indication.

Fire. The nuns tried to burn the house down.

It is beside me, in front of me, behind me. It appears and vanishes, circling me, assessing me. Tears leak from my eyes. I cannot tell if my heart is racing or if it has stopped altogether.

Maybe, maybe I can set the house on fire. I can get outside, get outside without the moth, I can hear it fluttering inside the box, it wants to get out-

I smile tenderly into the darkness. I know it is watching me though it has no eyes. “Let’s set you free.”

I latch the box shut, retie the twine.

I’ll watch as flames devour the house, devour the thing inside, I’ll laugh in the light of the hungry blaze-

 The girl is in front of me. It touches my hand.

I blanche.

 It knows it knowsitknowsit-

I blind it with the flashlight, shining the brightness at its grotesque face-

Nothing happens. It doesn’t vanish. It’s not frightened by the light. It was toying with me before, like a cat with a mouse.

I scream and hurl the box into the depths of the dark house. I race toward the gap in the doors, toward the tendrils of moonlight peeking through, toward safety and-

My foot hits the edge of the hole in the floor. My heel dangles over nothing. I almost regain my balance-

Tiny, delicate fingers wrap around my ankle and yank.

I hear a snap. I crumple. I try to pull my leg from the hole, but I nearly pass out from the pain. My leg feels wet, so wet, and I know I am bleeding profusely. I scream for help, scream as loudly as I as I can, but only my ears can hear it.

I’m dizzy. I taste copper. I try to crawl towards the door, but the jagged pieces of wood trap my leg. Trap me.

My flashlight has rolled out of reach. The bulb flickers. Flickers. Goes out.

In the darkness, I hear the fluttering of wings beating against a box.

It stands over me, toying. Waiting. It only eats the dead.

No moth will carry my soul to the moon.

Posted Oct 24, 2020

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402 likes 128 comments

Zilla Babbitt
14:04 Oct 30, 2020

Congrats on a second win! I really enjoyed the descriptions of the moths, and the final scene was vivid and intense. Deserved win!


Tyler Runde
05:00 Oct 24, 2020

You know what? I'm going to make a bold assumption and say that the protagonist doesn't die here. I'm sure of it. This story feels more like just a small snippet of a significantly larger work, or at least I hope that's the case.

First, I really want to know how a typical "ghost-freeing" excursion plays out for the protagonist so that I can juxtapose it against this particular situation. The protagonist is obviously very experienced in these matters, as evidenced by how they treat this as an "in-and-out" job, until it isn't anymore.

Second, I was left curious about so many things. What is the blond-haired girl in the white dress? Why does it eat souls? What would happen if the black moth were to escape its prison? Why was it imprisoned in the first place? Who imprisoned it?

You definitely did a good job of getting me invested in this story, and of building the suspense toward the end. My only criticism is that the suspense doesn't build enough, it never reaches that satisfying fever-pitch (which is why I'm hoping that there's more to this story after the "ending"). Also, the antagonist, the-girl-in-the-white-dress creature, is maybe a little lackluster. This has a lot, I think, to do with not understanding the creature as much as I would've liked to. I was uncertain about what threat it posed to the protagonist while they yet lived. The creature is described as standing over the protagonist at the end, waiting for them to die, as if that's all it can do.

Like I've said, I absolutely refuse to believe that the protagonist meets their end here. They are perhaps rescued when a sleeplessly-fearful and ever-watchful Sister Agnes witnesses them entering Goethe House and raises the alarm, or maybe the protagonist passes out from blood loss and pain, but wakes again some time later and is able, with considerable effort, to extricate themselves from the hole and drag themselves out of the house to seek help on their own. Though I think the black moth gains its freedom as well, raising the stakes and making it all the more imperative for the protagonist to defeat the creature with great haste, in spite of their now-debilitated state.

And if I'm allowed to add one more thing to my wishlist, I'd like a scene where a soul attempts to flee the creature, frantically searching for a moth to carry them away to the moon and out of danger.

Lastly, I like the idea of a creature devouring souls, thus preventing them from making it to the afterlife, enough that I'm going to file it away in my head for possible use later. So if you ever encounter such a creature in one of my own works you can be assured that I took it from you and you might be entitled to compensation. ;)


Mollie Rodgers
06:22 Oct 24, 2020

Hey, Tyler! Excellent, insightful comment (as usual).

You brought up so many great points. I added a couple sentences of physical interaction between the thing and the protagonist (because you're right, what is the threat?). If I ever expand upon this, I probably will take that out so the thing is only menace to the already deceased, but this short story needed it.

I love your ideas for the longer version. The idea for the scene of a showing a soul trying to flee by searching for a moth? Ugh, killer. I might take that idea if I ever write more of this, so feel free to use the soul devourer for a story. No compensation needed :p


L. Wu
10:29 Dec 22, 2020

I totally disagree with Tyler!
I thought everything was amazing and insightful. Well done


Rayhan Hidayat
07:13 Oct 26, 2020

Terrifying. The moth imagery is awesome—there’s definitely something eerie about those ghostly wings flitting about at night. I’m so glad I didn’t read this at night or my poor heart would not have survived.


Rayhan Hidayat
15:19 Oct 30, 2020

Oh hey second win. Congrats! 🥳


Scout Tahoe
13:45 Oct 30, 2020

Wow, this is scary and creepy and definitely Halloween-y. Congrats on your second win, ten contests later! :)


Des Feller
21:50 Oct 30, 2020

dont like moths.
this freaked me out.

amazing work


L. Wu
10:30 Dec 22, 2020

Just like my best friend. LOL


17:15 Dec 24, 2020

i love moths.

butterflys suck


Unknown User
11:53 Nov 01, 2020


Mollie Rodgers
03:36 Nov 02, 2020

Hi, Viktoria! Thanks for reading!
I've always been a big fan of butterflies because they are so colorful and nice to look at. I feel bad for moths and think they deserve some attention so I wanted to write a story that gave them a special job :) Plus, there's something ghostly about their wings flitting through the night. Moths carrying souls I made up, but who knows? Maybe they do :)


Unknown User
00:06 Nov 23, 2020


Felicity Anne
14:08 Oct 30, 2020

Congratulations, Mollie!!


H.L Whitlock
20:37 Nov 01, 2020

Love the ideas in this story, I especially like the part about the moths carrying souls to the moon and if they get trapped in your house so does the soul. Good story.


11:22 Nov 05, 2020

Hi Molly!

Personally, i'm terribly afraid of moths, so I can't really sympathize, but your story is magnificent and i'm in love with the characters.

I think it would have really made a pang where it hurts the most if you'd given the protagonist a name, and perhaps a few more personality types. This is a personal insight, so don't take it to heart or anything, but I would have like it more if you'd named the story "No Moth Will Ever Take My Soul To The Moon".

Like other commentors before me, i really felt the "Oh s**t!" moment too, and the plot twist is plain fantastic.

Would love to see more!



17:16 Dec 24, 2020

i agree


02:29 Nov 03, 2020

Great story Mollie! From start to finish, I was drawn in, waiting to see what happens next! Well-written and scary. I like the complete turn-around by the end, where the main character is now the trapped one. I like how you threaded the theme of the moth through the story, to tie it together. Very clever.
Well-deserved win!🥳


Steak AndEggs
20:06 Oct 31, 2020

I love how scared they get once they realize this is not just some scared little girl ghost. I think you captured the horror and isolation really well in this one. A deserved win.


Dawood Abbasi
00:12 Oct 31, 2020

It is a fantastic story with immense ideas of fantacy and fervor. I enjoyed reading the story.


Aaron White
17:11 Oct 30, 2020

Hello Mollie,

This was riveting and compelling all the way through. I really enjoyed the way you present the creature with it's communication as a form of telepathy at the end.

If you were to extend this, I agree with others below that there's still some play for the protagonist that can be drawn out either for more suspense or, as a last gasp of victory for humanity v. the supernatural.

The start of the second half of the story where you begin with, "This will not be my first ghost encounter, nor my hundredth," has me wondering if the protagonist does this professionally or as a hobby? It seems like she is well and familiar with the supernatural and that the majority of ghosts are tied to corporeal bodies - moths in particular. Have they always been the same?

Congratulations on the win and on an excellent story! I'm excited to read now through your other submissions. Happy writing and may the ideas flow freely.



Kate Winchester
21:42 Oct 29, 2020

Hi Mollie,

I read your story as part of the critique circle. It's creepy, but I mean it as a compliment lol. I liked the part where the protagonist realizes that the girl knows that she is trying to escape. I felt that "Oh s**t moment." My only critique is I'm not sure I understood the whole back story about how the creature's moth is alive. Your descriptions are awesome though. This is a great take on the prompt!


Kristin Neubauer
15:40 Oct 24, 2020

This is a heck of a ghost story, Mollie - you got my attention from the beginning and I was hooked all the way through. What a great mystery and great writing. I just read Tyler's comment and was surprised because I thought for sure the protagonist would die. But then I realized that Tyler is right - this does feel like an episode from a longer story or novel. And if that's the case, I'd really love to read the whole thing one day. So eerie, so chilling!


Marley Persinger
21:58 Nov 05, 2020

Like this story


Tracey Carvill
18:48 Nov 03, 2020

That moth link is superb! I love it!


Daisy Ella
08:51 Nov 03, 2020

What a great read! Congratulations!


Raza Adil
12:28 Nov 01, 2020

that.. was.. great!


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