Tyler Runde
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Aug, 2020
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Aug, 2020
Submitted to Contest #70
Submitted to Contest #70
Submitted to Contest #69
Submitted to Contest #69
Submitted to Contest #68
Submitted to Contest #67
Submitted to Contest #66
Submitted to Contest #66
Submitted to Contest #56
Submitted to Contest #56
Submitted to Contest #56
Submitted to Contest #56
Submitted to Contest #55
Submitted to Contest #55
Submitted to Contest #54
Tyler is a boring person and needs to get a life. He spends all his free-time writing, editing, and reading stories. While he does this, and even when he's not doing anything writing-related, he listens to music. All kinds of music. His favorite book of all time might be Divisadero by Michael Ondaatje. His favorite writer of all time is Terry Pratchett. His favorite movie of all time is The Spirit of the Beehive, directed by Victor Erice. His favorite band changes monthly it seems, though right now he's enjoying Metric. He'd appreciate it greatly if you could check out his stories. While he tends to like what he writes, he knows an author is a poor judge of his own work. That's why he'd like to get a second opinion. Thanks for reading!