Fiction Romance

Kara stumbled through the grass, a blindfold masking her eyes, her arms outstretched like a zombie.

Β β€œHenry, where are you taking me?” Kara asked the person who hopefully was preventing her from crashing into a tree.

Β β€œDon’t worry, we’re almost there!” Henry assured her while ushering her slightly to the right as she took small steps forward.Β 

β€œWe’d better be,” Kara grumbled. She had to wake up at 4 o’clock that morning for a special event Henry wanted to show her. They’d been walking for what seemed like hours, and on occasion, Kara tripped on a small object and started mumbling curses. Henry guided Kara forward for a few more minutes - the same incident occurred except that time Kara tripped on her own shoelace, twice - until he finally uttered the words Kara was waiting to hear: β€œOkay, you can take it off now.” 

Kara yanked the blindfold off her eyes, and her eyes widened at the beautiful sight set out in front of her. A picnic blanket rested at the edge of a glimmering blue pond, which was lovely all on its own, but the most amazing sight was the sky.

Β It was the world’s canvas, white clouds splattered across the horizon, orange painted carefully around the blinding yellow sun’s perimeter. The light orange blended with cotton candy pink to create a stunning ombre effect. At the top of the sky, some stars were still visible, the glow dotting the canvas as if there were still parts of the white tarp peeking out from behind the paint.Β 

Kara smiled and turned to her right, where Henry was staring at her, likely expecting a big reaction.Β 

β€œHenry, did you do all this?” she continued. β€œThis is amazing, thank you.” 

β€œNo problem,” he smirked. β€œOnly one thing, though. I can’t create the sunset.” 

Kara feigned surprise. β€œWhat? Henry, how could you keep that secret from me?”

He laughed, shaking his head, and then sat down on the fluffy picnic blanket. He patted the spot next to him, gesturing for Kara to join him. She took a spot next to him and lay down on her back, and stretched her arms over her head.Β 

β€œHow did you ever find this place?” Kara asked.Β 

Henry was silent for a moment, and after taking a deep breath, he started, β€œWell, before my dad died, we would always go fishing here in the summer. It was pretty nice just sitting there talking, and the sunsets were amazing. Looking back, I feel like I took those moments for granted.” 

Then it was Kara’s turn to be silent. β€œThank you for sharing it with me.” She entwined her fingers with his own, and at first, he flinched, for it was very unexpectant, but then his grip relaxed. He looked over at her and smiled. Butterflies socialized in Kara’s stomach, and she felt her heart melt.

After basking in each other’s company for a long period of time, Henry turned on his side to face her. β€œDo you wanna get some breakfast?”

Kara sighed, and then replied, β€œYes, I’m starving.” 

After eating a filling breakfast of blueberry pancakes and hot cocoa at Le Leche Cafe, they parted ways.Β 

Kara found herself sitting at her computer, trying to think of something to paint. She scrolled through some images but found nothing that she deemed β€œworthy of the watercolors”.Β 

Instead, she flopped down onto her yellow comforter and stared at her ceiling. She could make out little designs on the ceiling - stars, a moon, the sun. She had painted them all herself.Β 

Then a spark of inspiration hit her. I’ll go to the pond Henry took me to earlier. Then I can paint it. Henry was reluctant to show her the location of the place, but Kara had sneakily pulled up iMaps on her phone when he wasn’t looking, so she knew where to go. She packed an easel, watercolor paints, a variety of brushes, and a white canvas into her blue car and sped off to the grassy hillside.

When Kara arrived, she unloaded her car and took a short walk to the location. She immediately spotted the blue lake, where she unloaded all of her supplies and set them up.Β 

Kara poised her brush at the point where the horizon would be and started off with the grass. She dipped her paint in Lush Green and in swirling motions, created the ground. After finishing the ground, she advanced to the sky. Then the pond. She spent quite some time making sure every detail was immaculate.Β 

The sun was starting to set, she had been there for hours and her painting was nearly done. She was running out of the reference, for she had started painting when the sky was blue, but now it was a mix of pink and orange.Β 

Kara sighed, and at that moment, she heard a β€œThat looks really beautiful.” 

She spun around to witness Henry, hands in his pockets, taking in every detail of her painting. At first, she couldn’t speak, but then she asked, β€œY-you like it?” 

β€œOf course, only one question. How did you know where this place was?”

Kara’s head fell in shame, β€œI… I iMapped it when you weren’t looking. I’m really sorry.” 

It was silent for a few seconds before Henry said, β€œI’m actually… not mad.”

β€œReally?” Kara asked, shocked.

β€œYep,” he responded.

β€œWhy not? I thought you would hate it if I painted something so special.”

β€œKara, why would you think that I was mad?” Henry said. β€œYou recreated a place that I love. I can look at this and think of the moments my dad and I had here. Thank you.”

Kara blushed, and then she replied, β€œYou don’t need to thank me.” 

He took her face in his hands, and then said, β€œI think I do.”

Kara could feel his warm breath on her cheeks. He closed in the last few inches of space between them and their lips fit together like two puzzle pieces - meant to be. And with the moon now glimmering in the pond’s reflection, and the stars twinkling above them, Kara was only sure of one thing - that moment was too perfect to paint.

November 20, 2020 04:58

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01:58 Nov 27, 2020

so which one is part 1?


Part One - Diner of Doom, Toilet Paper, and a Whole Lotta Awkward Part Two - The Almost Breakup, Reese's Pieces, and a Baseball Cap


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Aw this was so cuteeeee Kylie!! Lowkey kinda cringed and then I was like wait I write this stuff 24/7πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. But yes, this was so cute and I really enjoyed reading it! The end was also soooooooo nice!


Yes, I did 2!! Thank youuuu


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B. W.
00:40 Nov 25, 2020



B. W.
04:39 Nov 28, 2020

How are ya?


B. W.
18:44 Nov 30, 2020

I'm trying to work on my novels again ^^


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03:36 Nov 23, 2020

They are such a cute couple! LOVE this. Everyone should have a partner like these two!


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B. W.
23:13 Nov 22, 2020

hey, are you there? we havent talked as much as we used to I think and barely anyone has been saying anything for a while :/


Yeah, I know! :( How have you been?


B. W.
23:22 Nov 22, 2020

I guess ive been good, im trying to work on a new story


B. W.
23:26 Nov 22, 2020

its just gonna be a story on here, ya know the one with the parent getting remarried?


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Amaya .
18:48 Nov 22, 2020

Hey ive got a new story out! could u read it and give critiques?


I actually didn't check my notifications but I did see from a comment thread that you had a new story out!! So I already did!! Haha


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Story Time
20:06 Nov 21, 2020

I loved the way you ended it. Such a great callback to the beginning.


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Elijah Faith
07:33 Nov 21, 2020

So coooool. I love the way you described the scenes. Good job.


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Jane Lansing
05:56 Nov 21, 2020

I love all the detail and... actually I loved everything! The story just fit together so well :) "...like two puzzle pieces-meant to be." if I may quote that line... Also I love the line "worthy of the watercolors." A stroke of genius. This is amazing!


Thank you! (I also loved worthy of the water colors, and aside from the last line, that may have been my favorite) This means so much, thanks again!


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Zena Jalloh
05:21 Nov 21, 2020

This was super cute :')


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Thom With An H
16:57 Nov 20, 2020

Thanks for inviting me to read this gem. It's so warm and loving and real. I almost think you must be a painter because you so thoroughly captured the colors and details. It speaks of a painters eye. I also like that the love story wasn't overdone. It was real and pure and to be admired. I've only read two of your stories so for but I'm becoming a big fan.


Thank you so much! I am not a painter, but I am an artist (I enjoy drawing). Thank you so much, Thom, it means so much! I will go check out your stories now!!


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Amany Sayed
14:29 Nov 20, 2020

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww so cuuuuuuuuuteeeeeeee your romance is on point girl!! I need a Part 4 please!


Aaaaaaaaah, I am so embarrased! This scene makes me bluuuuush from WRITING IT!! Ah, TYSM!


Amany Sayed
16:01 Nov 20, 2020

Totally feel you. But it's almost in a good way. Welcome!


Amany Sayed
19:18 Nov 20, 2020

Title Suggestion: Too Perfect to Paint (I love when the end is the title)


Ahh, i love that! I'm changing it now!


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Avani G
13:56 Nov 20, 2020

This was so cute! I loved the romance at the end. Gonna go read Part 1 now!


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B. W.
09:00 Nov 20, 2020

i'll give this a 10/10 :)


B. W.
17:27 Nov 20, 2020

No prob ^^ your stories are always great :)


B. W.
19:29 Nov 20, 2020

No prob ^^ we havent really talked that much lately, have we?


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10:19 May 07, 2021

Hello! How's life?


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Creed .
15:23 Mar 08, 2021

Do you want to be part of my marvel trend? You just change your name and pfp, if you don't want to, you don't have to! Nice story!


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Laiba M
19:33 Feb 20, 2021

Hii, Kylie!! How are you? We haven't talked in so, so long!! You haven't posted in a while, have you been busy? :)


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Hey Kylie! I noticed you haven't been active as much on here. Hope everything is well, miss you!


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Want to be in my new fantasy? I haven't read your stuff in a while, I'll get back to it soon :D Just tell me your character's: Hair color Eye color Skin color (it's fantasy so it could even be, like, silver or blue if you want to) Age Height Magic power/element Talent Spirit animal Thanks, Crystal!


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Amel Parvez
17:01 Dec 29, 2020



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