Fiction Romance

Kara stumbled through the grass, a blindfold masking her eyes, her arms outstretched like a zombie.

 β€œHenry, where are you taking me?” Kara asked the person who hopefully was preventing her from crashing into a tree.

 β€œDon’t worry, we’re almost there!” Henry assured her while ushering her slightly to the right as she took small steps forward. 

β€œWe’d better be,” Kara grumbled. She had to wake up at 4 o’clock that morning for a special event Henry wanted to show her. They’d been walking for what seemed like hours, and on occasion, Kara tripped on a small object and started mumbling curses. Henry guided Kara forward for a few more minutes - the same incident occurred except that time Kara tripped on her own shoelace, twice - until he finally uttered the words Kara was waiting to hear: β€œOkay, you can take it off now.” 

Kara yanked the blindfold off her eyes, and her eyes widened at the beautiful sight set out in front of her. A picnic blanket rested at the edge of a glimmering blue pond, which was lovely all on its own, but the most amazing sight was the sky.

 It was the world’s canvas, white clouds splattered across the horizon, orange painted carefully around the blinding yellow sun’s perimeter. The light orange blended with cotton candy pink to create a stunning ombre effect. At the top of the sky, some stars were still visible, the glow dotting the canvas as if there were still parts of the white tarp peeking out from behind the paint. 

Kara smiled and turned to her right, where Henry was staring at her, likely expecting a big reaction. 

β€œHenry, did you do all this?” she continued. β€œThis is amazing, thank you.” 

β€œNo problem,” he smirked. β€œOnly one thing, though. I can’t create the sunset.” 

Kara feigned surprise. β€œWhat? Henry, how could you keep that secret from me?”

He laughed, shaking his head, and then sat down on the fluffy picnic blanket. He patted the spot next to him, gesturing for Kara to join him. She took a spot next to him and lay down on her back, and stretched her arms over her head. 

β€œHow did you ever find this place?” Kara asked. 

Henry was silent for a moment, and after taking a deep breath, he started, β€œWell, before my dad died, we would always go fishing here in the summer. It was pretty nice just sitting there talking, and the sunsets were amazing. Looking back, I feel like I took those moments for granted.” 

Then it was Kara’s turn to be silent. β€œThank you for sharing it with me.” She entwined her fingers with his own, and at first, he flinched, for it was very unexpectant, but then his grip relaxed. He looked over at her and smiled. Butterflies socialized in Kara’s stomach, and she felt her heart melt.

After basking in each other’s company for a long period of time, Henry turned on his side to face her. β€œDo you wanna get some breakfast?”

Kara sighed, and then replied, β€œYes, I’m starving.” 

After eating a filling breakfast of blueberry pancakes and hot cocoa at Le Leche Cafe, they parted ways. 

Kara found herself sitting at her computer, trying to think of something to paint. She scrolled through some images but found nothing that she deemed β€œworthy of the watercolors”. 

Instead, she flopped down onto her yellow comforter and stared at her ceiling. She could make out little designs on the ceiling - stars, a moon, the sun. She had painted them all herself. 

Then a spark of inspiration hit her. I’ll go to the pond Henry took me to earlier. Then I can paint it. Henry was reluctant to show her the location of the place, but Kara had sneakily pulled up iMaps on her phone when he wasn’t looking, so she knew where to go. She packed an easel, watercolor paints, a variety of brushes, and a white canvas into her blue car and sped off to the grassy hillside.

When Kara arrived, she unloaded her car and took a short walk to the location. She immediately spotted the blue lake, where she unloaded all of her supplies and set them up. 

Kara poised her brush at the point where the horizon would be and started off with the grass. She dipped her paint in Lush Green and in swirling motions, created the ground. After finishing the ground, she advanced to the sky. Then the pond. She spent quite some time making sure every detail was immaculate. 

The sun was starting to set, she had been there for hours and her painting was nearly done. She was running out of the reference, for she had started painting when the sky was blue, but now it was a mix of pink and orange. 

Kara sighed, and at that moment, she heard a β€œThat looks really beautiful.” 

She spun around to witness Henry, hands in his pockets, taking in every detail of her painting. At first, she couldn’t speak, but then she asked, β€œY-you like it?” 

β€œOf course, only one question. How did you know where this place was?”

Kara’s head fell in shame, β€œI… I iMapped it when you weren’t looking. I’m really sorry.” 

It was silent for a few seconds before Henry said, β€œI’m actually… not mad.”

β€œReally?” Kara asked, shocked.

β€œYep,” he responded.

β€œWhy not? I thought you would hate it if I painted something so special.”

β€œKara, why would you think that I was mad?” Henry said. β€œYou recreated a place that I love. I can look at this and think of the moments my dad and I had here. Thank you.”

Kara blushed, and then she replied, β€œYou don’t need to thank me.” 

He took her face in his hands, and then said, β€œI think I do.”

Kara could feel his warm breath on her cheeks. He closed in the last few inches of space between them and their lips fit together like two puzzle pieces - meant to be. And with the moon now glimmering in the pond’s reflection, and the stars twinkling above them, Kara was only sure of one thing - that moment was too perfect to paint.

November 20, 2020 04:58

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I love the romance between these two, I have been following their journey with all of your stories and I am definitely loving it. I also loved how you described the sunrise, that was really beautiful. Also, I just posted my new story after a few months of not being able to. If you had the time I would love it if you could check it out! (No worries if you can't though)


Thank you so much! And of course!


Ok! Thank you. I can’t wait to see what you think of the story


I left a comment! It was a great story!


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Nothing much, just working on my latest story! I'm trying to brainstorm some ideas!


Oh, cool! What prompt?


Umm, I think the two people and a lie and a truth one.


Wait, which one? Oooooh, that one! Cool, do you have a plotline?


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Hii! Congrats on getting in the top 10!!! I remember just a little bit ago when we both hit 100 and were so excited! I just upvoted you around 70 points as a lil celebration! Congrats and I hope to see you higher soon!


And let me just say it was really hard not finding comments I have already upvoted.


Thank you so much, Blair! I remember that as well, and I was FREAKING out when I had 450ish points!! We've come a long way :)


No problem! Remember when we told each other that we would get at least 25 karma points after we came out with our first story and we thought it was soooooo much and thought that there was no way that could happen, lol


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I finished my bio! Check it out!


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Why do I so relate to your "relatable moments?" Especially the "math problem" one and the "mirror" lol


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Elora Genovia
21:35 Nov 23, 2020

Hello! I have been looking some of your stories while I didn’t have an account on Reedsy and I really enjoy them! Your writing style is super unique and lively as well as your dialogue usage. You also come up with super good plots! Thank you for sharing! I really enjoy it! From, Elora ❀️


Thank you so much, Elora!!


Elora Genovia
23:00 Nov 23, 2020

Your welcome ❀️


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I love this story so much!! I am also so glad you got in top 10! Congratulations!!!


Ahh, thank you so much!!


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1. This is Part 3 to The Diner of Doom Series! (can somebody please give me some name ideas for that series??) 2. This is the 2nd kissing scene I've ever written and probably the 22nd romance scene! 3. Feedback is appreciated!


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Raquel Rodriguez
20:37 Dec 01, 2020

Check out my bio! :D


Raquel Rodriguez
20:50 Dec 01, 2020

Yayyy! Tell me if you love it! :D


I DO! "You may kiss the bio." *smooch* "Awww, look at the happy couple!"


Raquel Rodriguez
20:55 Dec 01, 2020

Lol yayyyyyyyyy *Claps extra loudly* Ohmisoul, they're so cute together! *Faints from couple cuteness*


I could totally imagine you at my wedding, which makes me wonder, 'What do you look like?' Let me guess first: Brown hair, green eyes, tan skin, tall, hair down most of the time, sometimes hair in a braid, artsy, mascara, and light pink lip gloss. How much did I get right?


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Raquel Rodriguez
20:54 Dec 01, 2020

It was funny! :) Aren't we all weird? Lol


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Awww, thank you so much!


Raquel Rodriguez
20:55 Dec 01, 2020

You're so welcome! :D


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Raquel Rodriguez
13:16 Dec 01, 2020

This was so good! I didn't realize that I didn't comment, because I had already read it before, lol. I love the part where Kara takes off the blindfold and sees the pond. And the part where Kara paints it and Henry finds her. This is all really good, and the relationship between Kara and Henry is adorable! :)


Awww, thank you so much, Raquel! You are making me smileeeee! Yeah, I do feel like their relationship has progressed since their first story (my literal first story) and it's been cute writing about them for so long. I need a series name, though, can you help me?


Raquel Rodriguez
17:57 Dec 01, 2020

You're welcome! No problem! :) Lol, totally! Their relationship is SO cuteeee! Sure, let me read the whole series


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Raquel Rodriguez
14:26 Nov 30, 2020

Hey! I just had one of those moments where I was about to sleep and I remembered the scary movie I watched At first I was like: 'Demons aren't real, they aren't gonna get me, I'm a holy child and I just prayed to God, so good luck trying to possess me!' Then something touched my door and I launched into full panic mode: 'AHHHHH DEMONS TOUCHED MY DOOR OHMISOUL OHMIGODDD NOOOO GET AWAY FROM ME OR I WILL WIELD THE CROSS' Yeah, lol, just wanted to talk to someone >:)


Omigosh I HATE THOSE MOMENTS!!! Once when I was like 7 and I had finished reading Harry Potter 3, I went to bed and I was like, "I'm completely safe from dementors!" But I practiced my Patronus to be safe. Nothing happened! And I SWEAR I saw a DEMENTOR IN MY WINDOW THAT DAY AND I WAS FREAKING OUT AND I WANTED TO SCREAM SO I JUMPED INTO MY YOUNGER SISTER'S BED IN AN EFFORT TO PROTECT MYSELF BECAUSE I THOUGHT THE DEMENTOR WOULD WANT TO SUCK HER LIFE AWAY INSTEADDDDDDD!! Hahahahahahahaha! *dies from laughter* You are seriously one of the funni...


Raquel Rodriguez
17:36 Nov 30, 2020

Lolll yes the dementors, I love those things. Oh my gosh yeahhhh I know, right?! The movie I watched was 'Antrum' aka 'the deadliest film ever made' I'm just talking about it in ELA class, lol Usually, when I watch a scary movie, I make fun of it after and just binge-watch anime lol Ohmigosh yesssss use your sibling to escape what a great tactic yee I thought of that >:) *revives* oh my, I'm simply hilar-rious, lol


Hahaha, i've tried doing that, like, "Psh, NO! ThEy ArEn'T sCaRy At AlL!!!!!"


Raquel Rodriguez
22:35 Nov 30, 2020

It totally works for me, I love the feeling of being scared, but then I can't sleep lol


Ah yes, fear. To love it or not love it, that is the question. BUT IT'S ALWAYS 50/50 FOR MEEEEE


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Hey! So um..should I call you Crystal now or just keep the Kylie?


Ummmm, just call me Kylie!


You know, what, nvm, call me Crystal for a change! I know, I think it's pretty weird too, though!


Okayy, Crystal! I might mess up a few times before I fully get it right though! Its a pretty name though, I used to name all my girl characters CrystalπŸ˜‚fun times fun times. Well that was all I was gonna ask but now that I am hereeee, I just wanted to let you know I put a new story out!!


Yay! I'll check it out!


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Sia S
17:48 Nov 27, 2020

Hi Crystal ;)


Sia S
04:18 Dec 02, 2020

Hehe, lol sooooooo sup?


Guessing what the Reeders look like IRL. I'll do it w/ you in a sec!


Sia S
17:06 Dec 02, 2020

Ooh nice! I imagine u as Blonde, a little longer than shoulder hair, hazel or green eyes, always smiling, mostly open hair, wearing jeans, slight tanned skin, a little shorter than average height, and a pendant-thingy?




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Kate Reynolds
02:12 Nov 22, 2020

Wow I loved this story! You are such an amazing writer and your descriptions are amazing! I was really inspired, as I am still pretty new. Looking forward to your future uploads!


Thank you so much, Kate!!


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I have one thing to say about this: :) :) :) :) :) Actually, two. GREAT WORK!


You're welcome! I like the idea of the sky painting!


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Laiba M
23:30 Dec 04, 2020

Heyy~ New story out! It's called "The Dollmaker". I'd love if you read it!


Of course! As soon as I finish replying to comments!


Laiba M
00:20 Dec 06, 2020



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Sam S.
09:39 Dec 03, 2020

Hiya! Am I a bit late to comment? Sorry then lol This story was mesmerizing. Too perfect to leave uncommented. The romance was sweet. I loved the title and checked out the prequels as well. They were equally nice. And I wanna ask you if this was a typo cause I didn't get it: Kara’s head fell in shame, β€œI… I iMapped it when you weren’t looking. I’m really sorry.” The iMapped part.....so just that to give as "critique". Otherwise, everything is picture perfect! I've checked out Scarlett's story and it was amazing! Can you check ou...


Hi! Nope, you're not! Thank you so much! iMapped is my own thing that I came up with - an equivalent to Google Maps! Thank you! And yay! Thank you so much for doing that, and of course!


Sam S.
17:17 Dec 03, 2020

Ooh....that's cool! My bad. No probs


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B. W.
05:28 Dec 01, 2020



B. W.
17:40 Dec 01, 2020

I'm good though im a bit bored


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Laiba M
17:07 Nov 28, 2020

I was so so confused!~ I thought you had fallen off the leaderboard, which is impossible considering the number of points you have. I thought maybe Crystal was a downvoter who got into the top 10 with no stories and recognized all the stories and realized I had liked them! Then I read the bio and noticed that it was very familiar, lol~


Haha, I know! That's one of the reasons why I did it, I love the trickeryyyy!


Laiba M
15:43 Nov 30, 2020

Yeah, you definitely succeeded!~ I love this story, btw :)


Laiba M
16:34 Nov 30, 2020

No problem! How are you?


I'm great! What about you?


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