
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I could hear her murmur, as we nestled into each other. The sunset, reflecting on the water, blazing down on us with motherly warmth. I loved the sunset. It was beautiful and entrancing, but I knew I wouldn't be able to be here with her again. Soon, I would have to leave. We would all have to leave, to never see each other again. I hated the thought of being away from her, but I hated the thought of dying at the hands of the Green Plague even more. I caressed her hair, wrapping my arms around her as if I would never let go, but I would have to.

___________ 13 Months Later________________________

"Mom, have you seen my phone?" My voice was so soft I didn't recognize it myself. I'd been quarantining for thirteen months, and it had taken a significant toll on my heart. I was not only tired and fatigued but also longing and lonely. My Jeanette would never get to see my face again, and I had lost her forever. Still, it was better than dying, right?

"No, honey, but you might've left it in the dining room last night." Mom replied, her tone sympathetic and kind. I knew that she was taking pity on me, and sometimes I enjoyed it, but I would have to grow up sometime.

I grabbed my phone off of the kitchen table, running out to the backyard. My Mom always said that I had to get fresh air every morning, but I couldn't help but think. Think about her. Was Jeanette breathing the same air somewhere across the world? Or had she died? Was she lost not just to me, but to everyone? I couldn't face those possibilities. I couldn't.

As I hiked up the Moor, eager to find some breakfast, I stopped and looked around. It was the first time that I had taken a breath, breathed in all the nature around me. I hoped it wouldn't be my last.

The waterfall ahead was breathtaking, like a powerful stream of dreams. I always thought that my dreams might be in the water, forging ahead into reality. Alas, it was not to be. If my dreams did become reality, Jeanette would be by my side. The Plague would be gone, and we could be together again. One can only dream of such things, only hope.

The Mallowfruit tree was in full bloom, nourished by the powerful waterfall, the soil rich and fertile. I grabbed a couple of fruits and mercilessly bit into them. At that time of the morning, I had the hunger of a crazed cheetah that hadn't hunted in months. I sat by the waterfall, listening to the churning depths, feeling the steam on my face. Jeanette would've loved this place.

I pushed those thoughts out of my mind and forged on, eager to find an animal, an insect, anyone to keep me company. After all, in times of pain, what better way is there? I could talk to my family, but I only ever spoke to my Mom, and even then only in one-sentence chunks. I couldn't speak my mind anymore, couldn't speak unless in questions. Even though the real questions I felt like asking were ones that no one had answers to.

"Caw! Caw!" a parrot called overhead. I rushed to greet it, cawing for a friend. None of the other birds had wanted to be my friend, but the parrot might've. The parrot might've wanted to. Couldn't he? He'd have no reason not to...

My favorite friends were ants. There were so many of them, so many that comforted me. They gave me pinches of love, which in return gave me bumps to remember them by. I would never have better friends than them.

The parrot flew away, rejecting me with its wide wings. I wasn't surprised, the birds were always mean. Flying away from me, leaving me lonely, those were just what birds did. Who was I to judge? Who was I at all?

I heard my mom all the time, telling her friends about me. She kept on saying, "He's not okay. He isn't!" I knew that meant I was not okay, but great. Her friends always took it the wrong way, though, comforting her about her great son. She needed no comfort. That was what my Dad was for.

My Dad was awesome. I talked to him all the time, and my mom even pretended sometimes that she couldn't see him. It was so funny, and she started fake-crying when I talked to him at the table. She was super hilarious, in case you didn't know.

My Dad and I went on tons of trips together. Around the mountain and back, the birds and everyone else ignoring him. I wondered how lonely it must feel for everyone to ignore him for no reason. Jeanette was never like that. She was always the center of attention, being happy and joyous, never down about anything. Even when we went away from each other, she had been confident that we'd see each other again. I knew we wouldn't.

As I got to the lake, I saw some of my friends, the ants. They were so loving that they were everywhere I went. I let them crawl up my arm, give me their signature loving pinches. I loved rubbing over those little bumps. My Mom keeps telling me that I should let Jeanette go, that it's making me crazy, but I know that's not right. Otherwise, I wouldn't be thinking about her all the time.

The symptoms of the Green Plague, the doctors said, were hallucinations, fatigue, skin rashes, and insanity. My Mom, Dad, and I had been watching for symptoms for years, but thank goodness nothing ever came up. They said that if you show any of those symptoms, you might have a seizure and die. But that wasn't going to happen to me.

As the moon came out, I realized how long I'd been out. It was almost night. I might've never seen the moon again, if I caught the Plague. That'd be horrible. At least it was a lovely sight for now. As invisible hands seized me, though, I knew my Jeanette was somewhere out there, grasping for me, remembering me. I sank to the ground, grateful that I still had her, and then drifted away.

November 19, 2020 19:57

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Wow...amazing job. I really enjoyed the read. =)


. .
22:35 Nov 19, 2020

Thanks so much


Your welcome. :)


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Mira Caplan
20:39 Nov 19, 2020



. .
20:41 Nov 19, 2020

I am an amazing queen


Mira Caplan
20:46 Nov 19, 2020

You are officially better at writing than me.


. .
20:46 Nov 19, 2020

Lol no you awesome too.


Mira Caplan
20:47 Nov 19, 2020

But you is better


. .
20:47 Nov 19, 2020

Ha :D


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Mira Caplan
20:40 Nov 19, 2020

I can't stop reading. Like, wow. I- there are no words.


. .
20:46 Nov 19, 2020

Did I do a good job of portraying him as insane?


Mira Caplan
20:48 Nov 19, 2020

Yes! Is was almost like he wasn't insane insane, which was what I though. He seemed like everyone right now, going crazy during quarantine. That thing with whoever the person was at the beginning melted my heart. That's the kind of stuff I like, lol. Very heart- wrenching and sweet and makes you want to cry and get mad at the writer.


. .
20:55 Nov 19, 2020

That’s what I was going for yay glad u like it


Mira Caplan
20:57 Nov 19, 2020

I still can't believe you wrote that entire freaking thing before I could even finish Part 3. You are unbelievable.


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Mira Caplan
20:54 Nov 19, 2020



Mira Caplan
20:54 Nov 19, 2020



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Mira Caplan
20:54 Nov 19, 2020



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Mira Caplan
20:41 Nov 19, 2020

I am actually in shock right now. You are SO AMAXING AT THIS.


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B. W.
02:04 Nov 26, 2020



. .
13:03 Nov 26, 2020



B. W.
17:04 Nov 26, 2020

how are ya?


. .
17:18 Nov 26, 2020



B. W.
17:38 Nov 26, 2020

I'm just kind of bored


. .
18:39 Nov 26, 2020

lol Happy Thanksgiving!


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Felicity Anne
15:04 Nov 20, 2020

Is the new puzzle Divergent by Veronica Roth? By the way, I should be able to get a thorough review on all of your stories sometime today/tomorrow!! :)


. .
15:08 Nov 20, 2020

You got it.... sigh.... wahhhhhh...


Felicity Anne
15:17 Nov 20, 2020

How are you doing today, Luke? :)


. .
15:18 Nov 20, 2020

Great! I'm thinking about the new prompts, and I think I have an idea for one of them!


Felicity Anne
15:23 Nov 20, 2020

Ooooooh yay!!! Please tell me when you have a new story!!


. .
15:24 Nov 20, 2020

I will!


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Susan Lee Zinn
01:25 Nov 20, 2020

Great story!


. .
12:06 Nov 20, 2020

Thanks! I did this challenge to get Mira Caplan to finish hers, because she was only like a quarter done, so I tried to write 1000 words before she could even finish her story, and i did!


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Radhika Diksha
18:03 Dec 28, 2020

Hey, can i ask you favour?


. .
18:06 Dec 28, 2020

Yeah, what is it??


Radhika Diksha
18:08 Dec 28, 2020

i was not expecting your reply so soon. i wanted you to upvote me points. i assure you I will upvote you back.


. .
18:18 Dec 28, 2020

Ok sure!!! I would love too soon, I’ll get it done today but maybe not right now!!


Radhika Diksha
18:26 Dec 28, 2020

Ok. Thanks


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Marcail Nevaeh
22:04 Nov 25, 2020

Amazing story!


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Marcail Nevaeh
20:41 Nov 25, 2020



. .
21:37 Nov 25, 2020



Marcail Nevaeh
22:05 Nov 25, 2020

Who do you ship?


. .
22:15 Nov 25, 2020

Definitely Sokeefe. I was Fitzphie until they broke up and I figured out keefe was legit in love with her.


Marcail Nevaeh
23:55 Nov 25, 2020

Haha. Yeah. I shipped SoKEEFE from the beginning. Fitz was too perfect for my liking


. .
00:25 Nov 26, 2020



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Amaya .
01:47 Nov 20, 2020

wait can you give an example of one of the previous answers of your name-emoji-puzzle thing? so i know if it's gonna be a word or a sentence or what


. .
12:05 Nov 20, 2020

So one of the previous answers was Fahrenheit 451 and Animal Farm, Metamorphosis, School for Good and Evil. They're all books.


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Amany Sayed
01:46 Nov 20, 2020

Hey, we're flute playing buddies!! :)


. .
12:46 Nov 20, 2020

Awesome! How long have you been playing?


Amany Sayed
13:48 Nov 20, 2020

About 2 years, not too long.


. .
13:50 Nov 20, 2020

Oh! 4 Years!


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Amaya .
01:45 Nov 20, 2020

DUDE UR A KOTLC FAN?!?!?!?! wait wait wait how do you feel about book 8.5? me, i am very very very disappointed lmao.


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Amaya .
01:43 Nov 20, 2020

i love how i agree with every single thing in your bio


. .
12:04 Nov 20, 2020

Ha Lol! I was kind of disappointed with 8.5 unlocked, but I'm happy they finally won something against the neverseen.


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Vivian Bee 🐝
16:45 Dec 15, 2020

I'm reading through some of your stories and the descriptions! WHOA! Especially enjoyed the part about the parrot.


. .
16:50 Dec 15, 2020

Thanks so much!!!!!!! you have great potential in your story, and I think you'll become an amazing amazing amazing author over time!!


Vivian Bee 🐝
18:01 Dec 15, 2020

Thanks!!! Your feedback really helped on mine you are awesome at writing! Thanks for telling me about this website it's great 👍


. .
18:02 Dec 15, 2020

It is, isn't it!!! Thanks!!!


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Karen Kinley
17:52 Nov 27, 2020

I really enjoyed this story! You are good at inner dialogue. I could feel the emotions of your protagonist. And yes, you portrayed the insanity very well. Little hints throughout and I like how you protagonist justified everything. Well done.


. .
17:53 Nov 27, 2020

Yeah, I lovvveeeeeee inner monologues!! Thank you so much!!


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02:12 Nov 22, 2020

Wow Luke...I was not expecting this at all. I had a feeling at the beginning but I thought he would die but instead you described his deteriorating mind instead. This was so beautiful, and so sad. The ending was also indescribable too. Your an amazing writer! This was so good.


. .
13:09 Nov 22, 2020

Thank you so much! I was trying to show his progression into madness.


18:37 Nov 22, 2020

Yup of course! It was amazing!


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Jasey Lovegood
01:11 Dec 29, 2020

[My favorite friends were ants. There were so many of them, so many that comforted me. They gave me pinches of love, which in return gave me bumps to remember them by. I would never have better friends than them.] First thing I want to say is that I do NOT like ants. Yet, I'm intrigued by how weird and somewhat different (?) this protagonist is. Excellent work! :D


. .
12:39 Dec 29, 2020

Lol, the point is that he's going insane in quarantine XD


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