
I think it's best not to question this or how its possible, this is a thing with god's and goddess's and theres ton of weird stuff with them just enjoy it. even though she's not really a new-born either i hope this counts.

Indigo hadn't expected to be a mother of a demi-god child. She hadn't thought she was EVER going to be a type of mother at all. She just thought that maybe in her 30's or 40's she'd find a man and get together. Maybe even have twins together if they both ever wanted kids.

Though here she was, Barely in her 20's as she just turned 21 a few days ago and with a kid. Not even a normal kid, a half god child. The daughter of Iris the goddess of rainbows and messenger of the gods. She hadn't even believed the gods were real until she met Iris and all of this happened.

She had named her child Harmony Who had dark brown hair with eyes that seemed to change color's everyday and was 3 years old. Indigo Had to cut holes in all the shirts as Harmony had wings like Iris (though not the same color like her mother, just the wings.) so that they could fit.

She knew Harmony would start flying at some point because what would be the point of having wings if you couldn't? Though that wouldn't be the worst as she knew Iris could create rainbow's and Shape-shift so she knew Harmony would start to try and do that. she just hoped it would be easy to take care of a half god child.

When she had first had Harmony she thought of bringing a friend to help her, but decided not to at the last minute. how would you react to a friend having a half god child?? what if they brought in a scientist? she didn't want to find that out.

-2 weeks later-

Indigo watched in the corner as it seemed like Harmony was spreading her wings and getting ready to fly. she thought that she would have started to try and fly at around 9 or 10 and not this early. Was she going to have to help her with this? she didn't have any experience with any type of flying. Maybe she SHOULD get a friend to help her, maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

Indigo took out her phone and looked at her contacts, waiting for the right moment when she should call a friend. She noticed Harmony's wings spread apart and then go up as she suddenly started to go up. was she flying?? she's like three and shes already a bit good at it! woah.

She watched in awe as Harmony flew, though it was decent and she wasn't to high up because she must know not to try and go up that high. "uh...good job sweetie!" Indigo smiled. This was like Harmony walking except it was flying, it was still good though. she was proud of her.

She continued to watch it the corner of the room, she didn't want to mess up anything. She was just accepting all of this stuff that HAS happened and that WILL happen. It may have been unexpected with Iris but she kind of liked having Harmony with her. It wasn't what she expected, but hey why not.

Harmony giggled as she flew around until suddenly she yawned a bit and her wings went down. uh oh. this mean't that harmony stopped flying as she started falling down. Indigo gasped as she quickly ran over and caught her. that was a close one! she seems alright...

Indigo sighed as she hugged harmony who seemed to be asleep, She didn't understand how she stayed asleep during that or fell asleep that quickly.

-age 7-

Indigo watched in the corner again, having no control of this as Harmony was laughing and shape-shifting into things that was around the room. she was still just accepting this, she knew harmony was getting used to this as well. Indigo had still not decided to call up a friend to help, she felt like she could handle this.

"hey mom look at this!" harmony said with another small laugh as she then shape-shifts into indigo. woah. was she always able to turn into a living thing or did she learn that? maybe Iris could do it as well.

"Thats...interesting sweetie..." Indigo said surprised. Iris was able to turn into someone's loved one or someone they knew to deliver a message to someone. Indigo then guessed that Harmony was always able to do that.

"i love you mom"

-age 11-

Indigo and Harmony were sitting outside of the house as Harmony was starting to fly more. she needed to be outside to do this now, the house would be to cramped for that. Indigo wished that she could fly, it looked amazing to be up in the sky just being free. she wondered if Iris ever watched or if she was ever going to visit.

the truth was with that, probably not or a 100% no. The god parent's never seemed to visit and if the kid ever met their parent it was probably a very rare thing. Then again Indigo didn't know anyone else who had a half god child so maybe she was wrong.

Indigo started to sip on some tea when she then heard from up above "Mom look at this!" she looked to see Harmony flying around when then suddenly, a rainbow appeared! a rainbow. Harmony just created a rainbow! Indigo gasped, it was amazing.

"its...so beautiful..."

Harmony laughed happily as she continued to fly around in the sky creating a few more rainbow's. She was loving this, and so was indigo. At first when she had learned she was going to have a child, she was first kind of against it and thought she would hate it. but no she wasn't, she loved her.

She sometimes wondered what her life would be like if she hadn't met Iris and had Harmony. she sometimes thought it would just be a normal life. But other times she sometimes thought that it would be a terrible and sad life. Late night thoughts right?

She also wondered how Harmony's life would be if it had been with someone else. Would they be as caring as she was? what if they kicked her out or hated her? she didn't ever wanna know if she was correct about that second one. any living thing deserves to life no matter what.

-age 16-

Harmony's brown hair was now past her shoulders almost to her bottom as her eyes were now a dark blue, though she knew they would change the next day again. She wore a black and white crop-top as her wings fit perfectly through the holes. she had grown so much over the years, her mother, both of her mothers were proud. even if Indigo didn't know that, Iris was also proud of her and Indigo.

Indigo had never even went for help with anything over the years, she had thought of it a few times but never did. Though a few of her friends did at least KNOW about Harmony and wasn't kept a secret. They had all made great impressions when they met two years ago.

Indigo and Harmony left the house with harmony carrying a few things. Both of them knew where they were going, Harmony wanted to go there. It would be fun, there would be others like her there. It would be a while until they got there and Indigo wouldn't be able to go with her, but it would be worth it.

They soon reached as far as Indigo could go with her. It would only be for the summer, maybe another one if she liked it. She was proud of her daughter, she hoped she would be safe here. she didn't want anything bad to happen.

Harmony gave Indigo a hug, indigo hugged back with a small smile. "ill see you soon sweetie..."

"i love you mom..."

part 2? and anyone wanna guess where they are? it should maybe be easy

August 23, 2020 22:37

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02:40 Sep 24, 2020

The plot is amazing! There's already a part 2 so I don't have to wait to find out what happens next! There are a few capitalisation and grammer errors.. other than that well done! You clearly put thought into the plot (hey, that rhymes!)


B. W.
02:42 Sep 24, 2020

Thank's i'm glad you liked it ^^ yeah i know, but it's too late to really edit it or anything. Did you maybe have a favorite part or character?


02:49 Sep 24, 2020

Definitely when Harmony learned how to fly!


B. W.
02:51 Sep 24, 2020

i'm glad ya did ^^


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18:27 Sep 23, 2020

Great job!! I loved all of the descriptions!


B. W.
18:27 Sep 23, 2020

thank's im glad ya did ^^ did you have a favorite part or character?


18:35 Sep 23, 2020

Yes, my favorite would definitely be Harmony, I just love the way you had her grow up! Fantastic job!


B. W.
18:36 Sep 23, 2020

I had been wanting to do a demi-god story for a while now and i didn't know what else to do with this prompt idea so i just decided to go with my Demi-god idea


18:38 Sep 23, 2020

Yeah, awesome work!


B. W.
18:39 Sep 23, 2020

thanks ^^


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Evelyn ⭐️
00:23 Sep 22, 2020



B. W.
00:28 Sep 22, 2020



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N. Thorne
03:08 Sep 04, 2020

Hi, read your entry as promised. Right off the bat, I'd say run your stories through the Reedsy editor. The better the grammar and punctuation, the more your readers can be immersed in your story :) I really liked your take on the mortal having a god story. I've never read a story where a goddess and a mortal woman are involved and have a child. If I were you instead of the opening couple of lines you have about it being unexplainable, try to weave that into the story. If your intent was to make Indigo and Iris involved (the half godchild ...


B. W.
03:25 Sep 04, 2020

Thank's im glad you still liked it ^^ in my other stories at some point i'm going to try and use grammarly or something else to help me. i kind of thought it would be cute to have a mortal woman and a goddess have the child but since their both girls i didn't really know how but its a goddess and really anything is possible so its best not to question how they had harmony. She actually isn't going to go visit her Goddess mom she's going to a camp for demi-gods if you wanna go and read it then the title of the story is "The camp" i'd like to ...


N. Thorne
04:21 Sep 04, 2020

Glad you continued it! I think you’re imagination is great. On the relationship aspect absolutely anything is possible especially within the fantasy genre. It’s always a plus if you can show your readers through interactions with your characters vs telling them. So for example when Indigo finds out she’s pregnant, she could ask how this is possible and Iris then tells her anything is possible since she’s a goddess. When a character speaks it it then becomes a rule in the world you’ve created.


B. W.
13:35 Sep 04, 2020

Alright thanks ^^ in a few hours once the new prompts happen ill have a few stories out by then and i'll tell you


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Sam S.
08:18 Sep 03, 2020

This story is amazing _______ (waiting for your pen name). I liked the way how you presented it and also there are a few mistakes I'd like to point out. 1. "i love you mom..." : The "I" should be capitalized. 2. "Though here she was, Barely in her 20's as she just turned 21 a few days ago and with a kid." : The "Barely" should be uncapitalized. 3. "She had named her child Harmony Who had dark brown hair with eyes that seemed to change color's everyday and was 3 years old." : The "Who" should be ...


B. W.
12:44 Sep 03, 2020

Thanks for the advice, i'm going to try and use Grammarly next time with my new stories. i'm glad you still liked the story ^^ Are you wanting me to change "B.W." into something else or what?


Sam S.
18:05 Sep 03, 2020

No problem. Just my suggestion. I'm not gonna feel offended if you don't.


B. W.
18:17 Sep 03, 2020

Hope isnt my real name but i like it. so i guess you could just call me that then but i wont change it. why do you keep mentioning it


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Kingshuk Kundu
18:52 Sep 01, 2020

This story is very sweet and innocent. I am giving it a 10/10 for the story! A few recurring mistakes, here and there, but other than that, it is beautiful. Keep writing! 😊


B. W.
19:07 Sep 01, 2020

Thanks im glad you liked this story ^^ i'll try to maybe use Grammarly in my other stories so i won't keep making the mistakes later on. if you want to see more there are two others by the name of "The camp" and "not his fault" if ya wanna go and give it a read. make sure to leave a review if ya do. did you also maybe have a favorite part or character ^^


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Batool Hussain
13:46 Aug 28, 2020

Heyoo. You asked me to read and here I am. This is good; kind of unique with all the semi-god stuff, I like it. Things to work on; somewhere you've capitalized randomly in the middle of the sentences and somewhere you haven't capitalized even when starting a new sentence. That would definitely annoy the judge. He/she may as well dismiss it and you wouldn't want that... Overall, a good job. I don't usually rate stories but here is a rate for you 7.25/10 .


B. W.
14:15 Aug 28, 2020

Thank's im glad you enjoyed it. Yes i know i have to work on the capitalization parts, maybe i'll try and use grammarly or something to help me with it. There'll probably be a part 2 for it real soon and thanks for the rating ^^ do you maybe have a favorite part to the story or a favorite character out of the two so far?


Batool Hussain
18:49 Aug 28, 2020

Lia has to be my favorite... Yeah!


B. W.
19:10 Aug 28, 2020

I think she's really great as one of the new character's ive made since her mother is goddess of wolves and i really love wolves, any ideas on what might happen in part 3? :)


Batool Hussain
08:42 Aug 29, 2020

Uh.. sorry but no:)


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Lilian Mbithe
09:12 Aug 27, 2020

I really enjoyed reading this. It is an awesome story.


B. W.
13:21 Aug 27, 2020

Thank's i'm glad you liked it ^^


Lilian Mbithe
17:29 Aug 27, 2020

Yh. Can't wait for part 2


B. W.
17:32 Aug 27, 2020

You won't have to wait to long, it'll probably be out by tomorrow at some point :)


Lilian Mbithe
19:26 Aug 27, 2020



B. W.
16:10 Aug 28, 2020

Part 2 is out now :) "the camp" go ahead and give it a read. id like to see what you have to say


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Artemisia Pearl
20:46 Aug 26, 2020

That was a well written story! Good job! I'm really excited for part 2!


B. W.
20:48 Aug 26, 2020

Aw thank you im glad you liked it ^^ for part 2 or really any of the parts is there maybe something you want to see?


Artemisia Pearl
22:38 Aug 26, 2020

I would love to see Harmony become some sort of Super Hero that fights crime. The development of her powers sets up for a perfect sequel for a Hero/Villain story!


B. W.
16:10 Aug 28, 2020

Part 2 is out now give it a read i'm excited to see what you have to say :) "the camp" is the name


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Lynn Penny
19:21 Aug 26, 2020

I love your take on a mythology! Harmony was an awesome character!


B. W.
19:22 Aug 26, 2020

Thank you i'm glad you liked it! ^^ there will be more parts to this along with more demi-gods from Greek gods/goddesses along with Roman Demi-gods and all that. is there maybe something you would like to see in the next part?


Lynn Penny
19:57 Aug 26, 2020

I’d find some consequences or bad experiences as a Demi god/goddess to be an interesting take.


B. W.
20:01 Aug 26, 2020

Alright, is there also maybe a certain god/goddess that you'd want a demi-god to be the child of? it can be either Greek or Roman


Lynn Penny
20:42 Aug 26, 2020

I'm always a sucker for stories that involve hades and/or persephone. Of if you wanna go further, you could do melinoe the daughter of the two. I love her and rarely see anything about her.


B. W.
20:47 Aug 26, 2020

wait they have a daughter?? i never knew that. i could try to add her but first i gotta do some things for her. jeez she must never be in anything then


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Khizra Aslam
18:36 Aug 26, 2020

Hey there, so I read your story and I found it really sweet although I don't know anything about greek God and goddess but this one is quite unique and I like the way you portray the characters of indigo and harmony. Great job ❤


B. W.
18:46 Aug 26, 2020

I'm glad you enjoyed it ^^ maybe you should look up a few Greek god and goddess myths along with just The gods and goddesses in general to maybe understand more. There's going to be a part 2 with a few other parts that has Both Greek demi-gods and Roman Demi-gods. Did you maybe have a favorite character so far in the story or a favorite part?


Khizra Aslam
06:44 Aug 27, 2020

I found harmony kinda cute 😂


B. W.
13:56 Aug 27, 2020

What did you think about indigo?


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Jacey Lee
15:01 Aug 26, 2020

I loved watching Harmony grow up, it made her feel so real! I'm a big fan of Percy Jackson and all the other series' Rick Riordan has written on Greek and Roman mythology, so this was a real joy to read! I noticed a few sentences that could've flowed a bit better, such as "this mean't that harmony stopped flying as she started falling down." but the descriptive vocabulary you used was wonderful. There were also a few mistakes on capitalization that I noticed, but other then that this was an amazing story!


B. W.
15:35 Aug 26, 2020

Thanks im glad you enjoyed the story! at the end harmony is going to a camp, but its my own one and not camp half-blood. There will be some more Demi-gods that are both Greek and Roman because at first i only thought of it being a greek one. part 2 will probably be my first new story when the new prompt is out, so ill try to tell you when its out. Did you maybe have a favorite part to the story at all or maybe a favorite character out of the two so far?


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Michele Soux
01:21 Aug 26, 2020

This is a very unique idea for the prompt! I love how you made cute little "vignettes" to take the day-in-the-life aspect further into these little snapshots of their relationship and growth. A few things I may suggest - if you're able to pre-write your story in a document editor (such as Google Docs or Microsoft Word), this can catch some grammar, spelling, and capitalization errors for you! As a formatting tip, I think putting your authors notes in italics can differentiate between your thoughts and the actual story :) Again, adorable idea...


B. W.
01:32 Aug 26, 2020

I actually used to make stories on google docs for a while before joining this (i still sometimes do from time to time) and i used to have a friend read the thing when i finished the full story (they were longer than these short ones, they were like full on stories) Yeah that seems like a good idea, if i ever do an authors note thing in my other ones then ill do it with the italics. There's going to be a part 2 and some more parts as well from this with other Greek demi-gods as well as Roman demi-gods. I'm really glad you liked this and i ho...


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B. W.
16:12 Aug 28, 2020

hey part 2 is out now, "the camp" give it a read and tell me what you think ^^


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Lizzie Brown
20:55 Aug 25, 2020

It's an unusual story. I liked the way the story was told as time moved on. It was a difficult prompt so I think you did well with it.


B. W.
21:01 Aug 25, 2020

Yeah i wasn't planning on doing it because i didn't really have any ideas and it didn't sound good to me. Then i remembered i had been wanting to do some demi-god type stuff and went with this. i'm glad you liked it, did you have a favorite part?


Lizzie Brown
10:03 Aug 26, 2020

I liked the part where she realised Harmony could create rainbow's and Shape-shift so she knew Harmony would start to try and do that.


B. W.
12:56 Aug 26, 2020

Thank's im glad you enjoyed it ^^


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Saron Mengistu
11:14 Aug 25, 2020

I really like this story. I love the goddess iris amd think she's super underrated. The narrative was beautiful and watching harmony grow was fun. The only minor problem is the grammar i think. All in all, awesome job!!


B. W.
12:41 Aug 25, 2020

Thanks i'm glad you liked it. I decided to Use Iris Because she is one of my favorites and i don't think she's in a lot of things there will be a part 2 at some point with some other demi-gods. Is there any God or Goddess that you'd want a character to be the son or daughter of?


Saron Mengistu
14:12 Aug 25, 2020

Your most welcome!! I like Iris too, her job as messenger was pretty cool. And rainbows? I also liked how you made her gay in this one btw. I look forward to part 2 then!! Btw, are you doing roman or greek gods? I personally prefer roman. My favorite Roman goddess is Lupa, goddess of the wolves. She's badass, raised Romulus king of Rome, and represents strength and power. So, I'd love a half-wolf fighter sort of child. What do you think?


B. W.
14:28 Aug 25, 2020

there's a goddess of wolves?? i love wolves! i learned about Iris from my cousin who also really likes the myths and all that. So far i've only looked at Greek gods and goddesses and the camp probably would have only been for greek demi-gods. But now that you mentioned Lupa i could add a child she has along with some other roman demi-gods. i could have the Camp be for both Greek and Roman instead of just being Greek.


Saron Mengistu
15:53 Aug 25, 2020

Yes there's a goddess of wolves!! Lol i love wolves and myths too. Btw something tells me your reading the pjo and hoo books. Are you??? I finished the series it's amazing. You should have the camp be for both. It's a great idea.


B. W.
16:14 Aug 25, 2020

Yes i've read the books from time to time. I'll have the camp for both Greek and Roman and maybe one other but probably just the two of them. I've never actually heard of the goddess of wolves but just taking a guess, is she able to turn into a wolf?


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B. W.
16:12 Aug 28, 2020

Hey Saron, Part 2 is out now go ahead and give it a read ^^ i'm excited to see what you think. "the camp" is the name


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Nirosha P
07:06 Aug 25, 2020

This story was lovely! It reminded me of Percy Jackson. (I'm a fan) Good Job!


B. W.
12:39 Aug 25, 2020

Thanks im glad you liked it, im a fan as well. do you know where she was going at the end of the story? it gets better


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Jorja Orne
00:14 Aug 25, 2020

Amazing! I loved this story very much! :-)


B. W.
00:16 Aug 25, 2020

I'm glad you enjoyed it ^^


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Karin Venables
20:42 Aug 24, 2020

This is such an interesting premise. I love how you followed Harmony through all the stages of her growth. I'd love to see this fleshed out into a really detailed short story at the very least. It feels more like an outline that could really take off. You have a few grammar problems, nothing that Grammarly or ProWritersAid couldn't deal with in a hurry though. I enjoyed this immensely. Nice job.


B. W.
20:46 Aug 24, 2020

Thank you i'm glad you liked it. There will actually be another part to this and maybe a few other parts and not just a part 2. I'll try to still use Grammarly or ProWritersAid on my other stories. Did you maybe have a favorite part to this?


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Kristin Neubauer
19:45 Aug 24, 2020

This is a great story! I loved the juxtaposition of the goddess theme with Indigo's ordinary human life. I also really liked how you took us through Harmony's childhood and adolescence. I love these characters and am very much looking forward to a Part 2 - keep 'em coming!


B. W.
19:49 Aug 24, 2020

Thank you, im glad you enjoyed it ^^ once the new prompt comes out ill continue because i already did all the little stories for this prompt. Part 2 will have much more stuff from this as Harmony is at the camp, there will be more demi gods introduced. like maybe a daughter of hades (just an example im not sure if there will be) and even after part 2 there may be a few other parts :)


Kristin Neubauer
19:56 Aug 24, 2020

Can't wait!


B. W.
20:10 Aug 24, 2020

do you maybe have any ideas on the camp name? i dont have any ideas but i dont think it should still be half-blood


Kristin Neubauer
20:00 Aug 25, 2020

I will think about it and let you know if I have any suggestions....but you are so creative yourself, that I'm sure you will come up with the perfect name!


B. W.
20:10 Aug 25, 2020

i do have a few names in mind but if you do, i would love to hear your suggestions for it. i have ideas for who the kids parents should be since there'd be more than harmony, it would be greek and Roman gods and goddesses. maybe there'll be a few of your favorites.


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B. W.
16:13 Aug 28, 2020

Part 2 is out now, give it a read. "the camp" is the name, tell me what ya think :)


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Maya W.
16:23 Aug 24, 2020

Aww, this was really sweet! I love Greek mythology, so I especially enjoyed this one.


B. W.
16:34 Aug 24, 2020

I've kind of been obsessed and interested with all of it because after watching Percy Jackson i started talking to my Older cousin, who got me interested in all of it because they really love greek mythology as well. Thank's im glad you liked it, did you maybe have a favorite character or part?


Maya W.
19:26 Aug 24, 2020

Wait...watching Percy Jackson? Watching? *Cries in fangirl.*


B. W.
19:30 Aug 24, 2020

Yep watching. I've really only seen the first movie though (i think there's three movies of it) but i've watched the other ones for a while as well. along with reading A few of the percy jackson books. Besides that though i got interested into all of the other stories of the greek gods like all the stuff with Zeus and some other ones like athena.


Maya W.
19:31 Aug 24, 2020

As a diehard book fan, I sorta hate the movies with passion, lol. But I'm looking forward to the Disney plus series!


B. W.
19:34 Aug 24, 2020

I mostly only watched the movies whenever we were at school but i dont fully remember. This will be something that'll have more parts and not just 1 :) so when i make the second one i'll tell you, i'd think you would like it as well ^^


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