Fantasy Friendship Coming of Age

Hello everyone! I hope you're having an amazing week! This is a collab I did with B.W.! Check out her part (along with the rest of her stories) here!

B. W. – Reedsy Prompts


I came up to the surface, and quickly sat myself down on a nearby rock. My tail had a shark bit. I was loosing blood quickly. Would I even survive?


Would it sound crazy if I said I was a mermaid?

Yeah, a real, flippin' mermaid.

Bet you humans didn't know that.

We keep to ourselves. We try to not mix ourselves with entitled, selfish apes who think this whole Earth is owned by them. When it's shared by all living things. All living things need the others in order to survive.

I've always thought this about humans. They pollute our oceans we swim in. They start wars against each other. They treat others differently if they even look or act the slightest bit different.

They even took my mother.

Ten years ago, I was around eight. My mother and I decided to swim to the surface for her birthday. So, we swam up. We didn't notice that we were in sight for a small island. With humans living on it.

They came on these huge raft-like boxes. So elaborate and well made. It was bigger than my house.

They then set these nets, we didn't notice them. My mother swam right into one. They took her.

I don't even remember much besides that. Ever since that day, I've stayed away from the surface, including other mermaids. My father would always have someone with me to make sure I never got hurt.

We haven't been seen since.


The evening of my eighteenth birthday, I decided to swim into the deep sea caves. I looked in the mirror one last time before heading out. My long, black hair was hidden by a black hood, similar to a piece of attire humans would where. My tail was a deep navy, so I didn't need to do anything about that. I stared into my emerald eyes, and took a deep breath. I swam out of my sand house before my dad saw me, and started swimming east towards the caves.


As soon as I got into a cave, a shark started to chase me.

I must've taken a wrong turn, I thought to myself. I kept swimming away from the shark, until my fins grew even more tired. I started to swim towards the surface.

Darn, dad's going to be furious.

I started to reach the top. Almost there...

The shark bit into my tail, and swam away.


As I laid on the rock, I looked around to see an island. I looked closer to see a human swimming towards me.

Oh shoot-

My tail flooded with more pain, as I started to loose conscious.


I opened my eyes as I was on the ocean floor. Wait no, I was surrounded by air instead of water. I sat up to see I was on a beach, with shells and seaweed littered around it. In front of me was the human girl, with short brown hair, and sparkling grey eyes. She wore this top, cut short along with these tubes wrapping at most a fourth of her arm. She also wore these blue tube-like attire on her legs. She was definitely pretty. I hadn't been this close to a human for my whole life, so I quickly gripped a sharp shell close by and stuck it out.

"Don't move any closer!" I exclaimed. I didn't want to seem weak in front of a human.

Mermaids can communicate with other species. It's one of the many talents we have. This would also include humans, since they're still theoretically apart of the animal kingdom, no matter how much they act like they're not.

"I didn't mean any harm!" said the girl. I started to lower the shell, but still kept it in my hand, "I saw you hurt on the rock! I wrapped this cloth around your, um, tail. Are you a real mermaid?" Her eyes sparkled with delight.

"Yes, I am." I wasn't going to reveal any more then that.

"Whoa! When I was younger, my parents always told me mermaids weren't real. But I still believed. Hey, you want to meet my parents?" She was completely an opposite to me; I don't trust anyone, let alone introduce them to my parents.

"No, no one can know I'm here. Is that clear?" I ask her. She bit her lip at my tone.

"Ok then. Let me finish putting some anti-biotics on your tail real quick. Then you can leave."

I hesitated. Who knows how much humans had evolved in the past ten years? Plus, what were anti-biotics?

I slowly nodded, since I couldn't really move anyways. She moved closer and started to put this clear liquid on my tail.

"This may sting a little," she said. She put a tiny bit on my tail, as I felt a sting. She did warn me.

"Are there more mermaids out there? What do you eat? How do you sleep? Do you even sleep?" Man, this girl didn't stop talking. She didn't seem dangerous though, so I quickly answered each question.

Three questions turned into a few more, a few more turning into more, until I had answered them all. Eventually, she started telling me about the human world. There was this thing called a car, where they would control it and make it move at high speeds. Then there was this place called the Eiffle Tower, in a different country. Mable (the girl who saved me), showed me a photo. I craved to see this new world. It was kind of cliche; She also told me about this story of the Little Mermaid, that sounded pretty similar to my situation. Luckily, there isn't any shady sea-witch I can make a deal with.

We sat under the stars together, talking about both worlds. Maybe humans weren't the entitled, selfish apes I thought they were.

Posted Mar 02, 2021

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33 likes 363 comments

Eleanor <3
23:17 Mar 16, 2021

i love the story hehe ur so GOOD


00:49 Mar 17, 2021

Thx! :D


21:21 Mar 15, 2021

Wonder who was bored and started reading bios lol


22:55 Mar 15, 2021

Lol , I wonder who 🤔✨


Palak Shah
14:59 Mar 13, 2021

I love the way that you have used the prompt in such as amazing way. Well done!!
Could you please check out my recent story and share your opinion.
Hope that we could be friends :))
Have a good day :))



18:47 Mar 13, 2021

Ofc! I'll check it out sometime today!


Palak Shah
02:57 Mar 14, 2021

Thank you so much


03:23 Mar 14, 2021



23:55 Mar 02, 2021

A couple things...
1. This is a collab with B.W.! Check out her stories here!

2. This is my 13th story! WOW! Let's hope this isn't my worst one yet! :P

3. I'm going to be making a tribute in my bio to all the writers who left. I only know of a couple! If anyone knows some writers who left, I'd be happy to put them in!


TJ Squared
04:00 Apr 13, 2021

nice perspective! mermaids pffff
Mable seems nice :)
I does the mer-girl who doesn't appear to have a name :)


16:14 Apr 13, 2021

Yeah lol. The name was Maddie, it was mentioned in B.W.'s part (tbh I've always liked the name Maddie lol)


TJ Squared
16:42 Apr 13, 2021

i can tell lol


16:51 Apr 13, 2021



TJ Squared
20:31 Apr 13, 2021



17:46 Apr 14, 2021



B. W.
23:23 Mar 31, 2021

I kinda thought of something


01:42 Apr 01, 2021



15:27 Mar 31, 2021

I made a forgiveness story!


15:34 Mar 31, 2021

Ok! I'll check it out soon!


B. W.
01:17 Mar 30, 2021

New thread?


02:43 Mar 30, 2021



B. W.
03:04 Mar 30, 2021

Ya wanna hear more jokes or something?


03:43 Mar 30, 2021



B. W.
04:38 Mar 30, 2021

Knock Knock


19:56 Mar 30, 2021

Who's there?


B. W.
18:26 Mar 24, 2021

New thread?


03:32 Mar 25, 2021

Sure! And that's cute, I used to love watching Tinkerbell movies and My Little Pony lol


B. W.
14:41 Mar 25, 2021

How many TinkerBell movies even were there? I remember watching two of them when I was really young and stuff.


16:07 Mar 25, 2021

I forgot, I remember watching around 4 of them or something. I feel like there might be up to 6--? idk


B. W.
16:25 Mar 25, 2021

Have you ever watched Avatar: the Last Airbender?


16:30 Mar 25, 2021

I think I started it, but never finished it.


B. W.
20:46 Mar 23, 2021

ya wanna hear a joke?


20:58 Mar 23, 2021



B. W.
21:00 Mar 23, 2021

Knock Knock


21:03 Mar 23, 2021

Who's there?


B. W.
21:18 Mar 23, 2021



-cue sparkly star emoji- OMGGGG we have so much alike lol. Love robotics and art, fave color purple, love Animal Crossing!!!

Def adding you to my shoutout list in bio<3


21:57 Mar 21, 2021

Aww thanks xd, I'll add you too! <3


B. W.
17:59 Mar 18, 2021

Wanna start a new thread?


18:09 Mar 18, 2021



B. W.
18:24 Mar 18, 2021

So random question, whats one of your favorite shows?


18:30 Mar 18, 2021

Mm Miraculous and Stranger Things.


B. W.
18:38 Mar 18, 2021

Whats one of your least favorite shows?


18:41 Mar 18, 2021

Idrk, wbu?


02:08 Mar 21, 2021

Not really, thanks tho! ^^


B. W.
02:12 Mar 21, 2021

No prob ^^


02:21 Mar 21, 2021

So how's your day been?


TJ Squared
18:09 Mar 12, 2021

part 9 out :)


19:20 Mar 12, 2021

Oo yay!


Cookie Carla🍪
14:42 Mar 12, 2021



16:40 Mar 12, 2021

Tyy 💕✨


B. W.
18:47 Mar 11, 2021

What can you hold in your left hand but not in your right?


21:24 Mar 11, 2021

Hmm, idk, what?


B. W.
21:26 Mar 11, 2021

Your right elbow


22:00 Mar 11, 2021

OHHH that makes sense lol


B. W.
22:04 Mar 11, 2021

Do you know any other ones?


22:06 Mar 11, 2021

I have one, you wanna hear it?


B. W.
18:46 Mar 06, 2021

Do ya maybe know any Riddles or anything like that?


18:47 Mar 06, 2021

A few but I'd have to think.


B. W.
18:52 Mar 06, 2021

I'm sure they are good ones


22:18 Mar 06, 2021

Hmm, I got one. What question can you never answer yes to?


B. W.
22:38 Mar 06, 2021

If someone asks you to answer no with something? I dunno :/


01:18 Mar 07, 2021

The answer is, Are you asleep yet?


TJ Squared
01:37 Mar 06, 2021

did I mention a new story out? It isn't another part, but I would appreciate it if you read it


01:53 Mar 06, 2021

Ill check it out!


B. W.
21:52 Mar 05, 2021

New thread? And It'll honestly be out probably late at night, because that's just when I've been writing my stories lately.


21:54 Mar 05, 2021

Sure! I'm probably going to write later this week


B. W.
21:54 Mar 05, 2021

And you're going to write a story about the one prompt where the character can't remember the date and stuff as well, right?


21:55 Mar 05, 2021



B. W.
21:56 Mar 05, 2021

Will ya tell me whenever you do get the story out? I'd love to read it ^^


21:58 Mar 05, 2021

Sure! ^^


TJ Squared
05:04 Mar 04, 2021

hehehehe part 7 out :)


16:16 Mar 04, 2021



TJ Squared
16:32 Mar 04, 2021



B. W.
00:24 Mar 03, 2021

This was really good and I loved every bit of it :) I don't have a lot to say, but I'll try my best to work on my part of the story.


00:32 Mar 03, 2021

Thanks! And your part will be AMAZING!


B. W.
01:24 Mar 03, 2021

No prob ^^ I'll start working on my part soon, and it probably should be out later tonight or something.


01:26 Mar 03, 2021

Ok! Lemme know when it's out! :D


B. W.
01:27 Mar 03, 2021

Do you think you'll still be up at like 1am or something? That's probably around the time I'll get it out :/


01:31 Mar 03, 2021

Maybe, idrk cause I got school in the morning


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