Submitted into Contest #86 in response to: Set your story at a park during a spring festival.... view prompt



*not related to prompt, just a ‘story’/message to go along with my biooo!*

Dear downvoter,

I’d like to say that more smacks than I have left to give, I hate you.

But I’m not.

Cuz I’m a decent person.

And I’m sure if you met me in real life, you’d be like “Aw, what a cute little girl” (not that I’m little, just younger than half of you) and stop downvoting me.

And I’d be like, “Aw, thank you!”

Then I’d smack you.

Because you’re whatever you get when you cross a jerk and a butt and you’ve better stop downvoting me and my friends.

This account is an extra aid to upvote. With this fresh account, I have a fresh start, a fresh canvas of stories to like, people to follow, upvotes to give. As an alter account of someone on here (I bet you guys know who I am based on my pfp, way I talk, and other clues, but whatever lol, let’s *pretend* I’m anonymous), half of your guys know me and I’ve probably upvoted at least half of you too. But at some point, you run out of material to upvote. So here’s an alter account, whoop!

I know it’s not great to upvote. I know other accounts are annoying.

Well, it’s even worse to downvote, and the sheer amounts of alter accounts created only for that purpose have officially regrouped the Marshmellows—not the original ones, not even people under the same name, but I know there are dozens of us who have been upvoting like crazy recently.

Hence, we’re basically minimarshmellows.

So hello! Here I am! Tell me in the comments if you’ve/a friend has been downvoted and I’m on it. Of course, I’m human, and in school, so I don’t have endless time, but if you spam replies to MY reply asking you to (like, don’t spam comments, just replies), that would make my life easier, lol.

But also, it would be great if YOU upvoted, too. People have been downvoted like crazy lately--I’ve mentioned just a few of them in my bio—and if you can dedicate just 10 minutes of upvoting their replies on their stories, it could make all the difference.

Thanks for reading! Love you guys <3

March 24, 2021 22:47

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User_2443 0967
18:26 Mar 26, 2021

Ooooh can you upvote me? I was downvoted 100+ points the other day...


Upvotey Girl ✨
18:29 Mar 26, 2021

Yesss of course! Added you to my bio, I’ll be on it soon :D Anyone else I should upvote?


Somegenius Kid
00:53 Apr 06, 2021

can you up vote me pls?! Thanks!


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Upvotey Girl ✨
18:30 Mar 26, 2021

Oh and also, I was browsing you bio like half an hour and GEEZ, sign me up for the Miraculous club! I love dat show lol. ALSO YESSS NAME YOUR CAT CAT NOIR IS NEEEDS TO HAPPEN


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Upvotey Girl ✨
22:47 Mar 24, 2021

Hi! Who should I upvote?


Sia S
16:55 Mar 25, 2021



Upvotey Girl ✨
20:57 Mar 25, 2021



Sia S
00:58 Mar 26, 2021



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Nainika Gupta
00:13 Apr 05, 2021

hi! can you upvote me?


Upvotey Girl ✨
17:21 Apr 05, 2021

Of course!


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Radhika Diksha
17:28 Mar 25, 2021

Hey even I got downvoted. Do we talk with each other. I got downvoted by 3500 points.


Upvotey Girl ✨
20:57 Mar 25, 2021

Yup, a little. Sure, I’ll upvote you soon!


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21:17 Mar 26, 2021

I know it doesn’t seem like much compared to other people’s because I didn’t have many points to begin with, but I’ve been downvoted about 600 points.


21:17 Mar 26, 2021

It’s now about 800 :(


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Upvotey Girl ✨
22:09 Mar 26, 2021

Yikes, I’m sorry to here that! Of course I’ll upvote you <3


23:58 Mar 26, 2021

Wow, thank you!


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I had over 1000 points (im just a beginner lol) and it dropped to 300 overnight! I would appreciate upvotes :) lmk and I can upvote in return!


Upvotey Girl ✨
13:50 Mar 27, 2021

Yikes, I’ll totally upvote you soon!


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Radhika Diksha
17:31 Mar 25, 2021

Blixxi you look amazing.


Upvotey Girl ✨
20:58 Mar 25, 2021



Radhika Diksha
05:30 Mar 26, 2021

You are blixxi or aerin.


Upvotey Girl ✨
18:02 Mar 26, 2021

Again, everyone keeps guessing different identities, but I’m not confirming anything, sorry.


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hiiiiiiiiii i kinda feel dumb asking this..... but can you please upvote me? I've lost about 1200 points since last sunday. i'll also find a list of other people who were downvoted too. :) thank you so much, whoever you actually are :) I'll just call you Vo if thats ok?


Upvotey Girl ✨
18:47 Mar 26, 2021

Nooo don’t, that’s literally the point of this account :) Of course I’ll upvote youuuu! Yesss of course you can :D


thank you so much! here's a list of people. I saw that you had some of em in your bio so just skip over the ones you already have :) Ari Reynes (4600-1,000.) ᗩᗴᖇiᑎ ᗷ 💚 (31,010-28,000.) 💜ᴀ ᴍ ᴇ ᴛ ʜ ʏ ꜱ ᴛ 💜 (5,100-1,000.) 山.w. S𝓀y฿elle (3,000-1,000.) 𝕃𝕦𝕟𝕒 ℂ𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕟 (2,000-1,000.) Timber (-100) Sia Sharma (-4000)


Upvotey Girl ✨
19:03 Mar 26, 2021

No problem! Okayyy, thank you!!


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Meera Lakshmi
13:22 Mar 25, 2021

Please upvote Aerin.


Upvotey Girl ✨
16:27 Mar 25, 2021

Of course, thanks!


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Izzie Q.
13:05 Mar 25, 2021

thanks for doing this!!! it means so much and as someone whose been being downvoted, you are kinda like a hero to me :) have a great rest of your day!!


Upvotey Girl ✨
16:27 Mar 25, 2021

My pleasure! Oof, I didn’t know you were downvoted, I’ll get to that right away :) You too!


Izzie Q.
12:24 Mar 26, 2021

Thank u!! #StopDownvotingNow share this with 10 of your friends! its a hashtag going around :)


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Niveeidha Palani
07:52 Mar 25, 2021



Upvotey Girl ✨
16:27 Mar 25, 2021

Thank you!


Niveeidha Palani
03:22 Mar 27, 2021



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Mira Caplan
02:11 Mar 25, 2021

Hai~!!! I have no idea who you are, but I'm kinda getting Saphi or Kate vibes. Idk. Question: Do you ship Theraya??? I got downvoted a ton... whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Thanks for doing this, Upvotey Girl! Whoever you are!!! :)


Upvotey Girl ✨
02:15 Mar 25, 2021

Haiii! Haha, nope, although you’re the 3rd person to guess that I’m Saph. Hintttt: we know each other pretty well and also I used to be a marshmellow XD Huh?? Lol Ajnaskxnsksjjasj eeeep I’ll upvote you sooon! (Wanna spam replies to this?) My pleasure! XD


Mira Caplan
13:19 Mar 25, 2021

Kate??? Or... idk (CLUE???) DO YOU????????? (Therin Caius x Raya Castor!) Yayyyy, thanks!!!!!! (Sure, lol)


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Mira Caplan
13:19 Mar 25, 2021

Kate??? Or... idk (CLUE???) DO YOU????????? (Therin Caius x Raya Castor!) Yayyyy, thanks!!!!!! (Sure, lol)


Upvotey Girl ✨
16:18 Mar 25, 2021

No more confirmationsssssssssssssssssss :P Hehehe IDKKKKKK?!?! Cool!


Mira Caplan
19:03 Mar 25, 2021

You are DEFINITELY not Kate or Saphi. Therin and Raya are from TDR!!! (Saphi would be SCREAMING, LOL, and Kate would know.) I think you're Aerin!!!!!!


Upvotey Girl ✨
20:58 Mar 25, 2021

Or maybe I’m doing a good job at staying kinda anonymous ;)


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Mira Caplan
13:19 Mar 25, 2021

Kate??? Or... idk (CLUE???) DO YOU????????? (Therin Caius x Raya Castor!) Yayyyy, thanks!!!!!! (Sure, lol)


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22:55 Mar 24, 2021

love your pfp :]


Upvotey Girl ✨
23:17 Mar 24, 2021

Aw thanks XD


23:18 Mar 24, 2021

:D I still don't know who you are, but then again, I'm horrible at guessing stuff XD


Upvotey Girl ✨
23:19 Mar 24, 2021



23:19 Mar 24, 2021



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13:46 Mar 25, 2021

Thank you! 🙏


Upvotey Girl ✨
16:27 Mar 25, 2021

No problem!


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Amara Tillington
18:59 Mar 27, 2021

This guy is downvoting people! not THE downvoter, I don't think, but they did some minor damage. https://blog.reedsy.com/creative-writing-prompts/author/beethoven-s-left-ear/


Upvotey Girl ✨
19:53 Mar 27, 2021



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Keya M.
13:33 Mar 27, 2021

Hey Upvotey Girl, I got downvoted 100+ points! Can you help me out plz?


Upvotey Girl ✨
13:50 Mar 27, 2021

Of courseee! :D


Keya M.
13:52 Mar 27, 2021



Upvotey Girl ✨
13:59 Mar 27, 2021

Oki-dokes, did like 50+ pt! (I think. Maybe more like 60.)


Keya M.
14:00 Mar 27, 2021



Upvotey Girl ✨
20:04 Mar 27, 2021

No problem!


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Hey! Thanks for doing this! Akshaya needs some help with upvoting. Also have we talked before?


Upvotey Girl ✨
13:52 Mar 27, 2021

My pleasure! Sure! Yes, a few times ;)


:DD Hmm, nice to hear:) Glad we've talked. Still no idea who u are thought LOL


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19:19 Mar 26, 2021

Wow, can’t wait till this gets chaotic, lol.


Upvotey Girl ✨
22:13 Mar 26, 2021



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Palak Shah
19:10 Mar 26, 2021

Hey could you please upvote me, I've been down voted by around 200 points. Thanks :))


Upvotey Girl ✨
22:11 Mar 26, 2021

Of course, I’ll get to that soon!


Palak Shah
11:55 Mar 27, 2021

Thanks a lot


Upvotey Girl ✨
14:01 Mar 27, 2021

Oki, done!


Palak Shah
18:00 Mar 27, 2021

Thank you so much :))


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Akshaya Sutrave
02:31 Mar 25, 2021

Hii, I really like what you're doing, because it will help people a lot! Are you Aerin?


Upvotey Girl ✨
18:03 Mar 26, 2021

No problem! Sorry, many people have guessed her and others, but I’m not confirming anything cause I’m trying to stay kind of anonymous :)


Akshaya Sutrave
08:23 Apr 08, 2021

Sure, no problem!


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Maya -
01:43 Mar 25, 2021

Hi! Thanks for making this! :) Also, I know you won't tell who you are, but do we talk very much or at all on your real account? Are you maybe Celeste or Saph or Ame or Abbie??


Upvotey Girl ✨
02:10 Mar 25, 2021

Hi! Aw my pleasure <3 We’re definitely friends, and we talk sometimes :D Oki, so, I don’t really want to confirm anything, but for now: nope! I’m not gonna say yes/no to any more guesses, but I can give you a hint if you wanna XDD


Maya -
02:20 Mar 25, 2021

Yay <3 Okay, lol sorry I don't know who you are. xD Yassss please give me a hint!! xDD


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Maya -
02:29 Mar 25, 2021

Oh maybe Luna or Carolina??


Upvotey Girl ✨
16:23 Mar 25, 2021

Nopeeee! But realllly no more confirmations after this. I’ll give you the same hint I gave Mira: I used to be a marshmallow! (Although there was like over 20 of us and more people have joined recently soooo...)


Maya -
23:12 Mar 25, 2021

Lol okay I kinda think you're Aerin now lol. Whoever you are, though, you're pretty. :) xD


Upvotey Girl ✨
01:25 Mar 26, 2021

Ha, a lot of people have guessed that so far :-) Well thank you *wiggles eyebrows*


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