Drama Lesbian

“I can’t believe I actually did it! I can feel my hands shaking, feel how shaky they are!” Sylvia pressed her hands against the exposed skin of Kitty’s chest. Kitty took hold of her hands and grasped them tight.

“Your hands are more cold than anything else,” Kitty chuckled, leaning down to peck her cheek. “Trust me, you have this in the bag. Nobody deserves that extra funding more than you do.”

“I’m not so sure. Dr. Vargo didn’t have anything good to say last time I went to him.” Sylvia gained that high pitched voice that always arises when she panicked. “What if I stuttered too much? What if I had food in my teeth? Do I have food in my teeth?” Sylvia raised to her toes while shining her teeth.

“There is no food in your teeth, do you not remember flossing for twenty minutes after lunch today?” Kitty squeezed her hands once again. “This isn’t like last time. You had a beautiful presentation ready with even more students applying to apart of your research. Dr. Vargo would be doing the university disfavour by not choosing you.”

“You really think so?” Syliva asked with her shimmering eyes and sweet smile.

“I know so,” Kitty responded with a grin. “I just have an excellent feeling about it.”

Kitty gave Sylvia one last kiss before wishing her luck for her next class. As much as she wished she could stay and watch Sylvia in action teaching her advanced space physics—or whatever the course was actually called—but those kids created a new mess every second they were free.

One would say that she was above working as a janitor, often bothering her by commenting on her education level. Yes, she didn’t know how to do complex math equations that professors got awards for, or create chemical concoctions that cured cancer, but that didn’t mean she was stupid.

Kitty had a whole different set of tricks up her sleeve.

“How goes life with the Mrs,” Kitty asked her co-worker, an older man named Fernando. His face was aged, and his joints seemed to crack so often, but he still managed to wear a smile on his face.

“She is quite excited today, the kids and grandkids are coming around for dinner, and she has been cooking since yesterday,” Fernando replied with a pep in his voice while he wiped a dried smoothie off a wall. Kitty pulled out her own set of cleaner and joined him in the painful task.

“How wonderful she must be so excited! It’s been a couple of months since the whole family has been together. hasn’t it.” Fernando nodded in agreement, gifting Kitty with the perfect opportunity. “You should go early and see them. It’s not like this happens every week.”

“Oh, I couldn’t, Jerry said he couldn’t get anyone to cover without pushing after hours.” Kitty groaned at the sound of her assholes manager’s name. She had been around long enough to see four different managers come and go, yet he still thought he knew better than her.

“I’ll take your shift, he won’t even know! Think of it as thanks for covering me last month.” Kitty smiled as her plan fell into place as Fernando finally accepted after a bit of encouragement. The day seemed to fly along much faster after that. Before she knew it, most of the students have left, and the apple in her eye was in view.

Inside the physics department, up the stairs and on the second door to the right, was just the place she wanted to be. After every room had been vacuumed and dusted, Kitty took her place at the bastard’s desk.

“Now, what do we have here.” Kitty rummaged through the piles of coffee-stained papers, looking for something that was just a sliver of a memory.

Months ago, Dr. Vargo left something quite suspicious out on his desk when Kitty was doing her garage rounds. Conveniently the next day, there was a lock installed into one of his desk drawers.  

It was quite a smart move to make, but it appeared that he only had half a brain. A locked draw doesn’t do much when the key is hidden under a pen holder. Within the drawer was the final piece to her perfect plan, all that was left to print enough copies to decorate the room.

Kitty made sure to set her alarm early and give Sylvia a kiss on the cheek before leaving. She made herself comfortable in Dr. Vargo’s office with a cup of his expensive Brazilian coffee that came out of the school budget. She topped it off with some top of the market brandy, that also came out of the school budget. Kitty admired her work in his luxurious chair while she waited for the man of the hour to make his arrival, which he did thirteen minutes after seven.

“Good morning Dr. Vargo! Did you sleep well last night? I had the best sleep of my life last night.” Kitty shined her brightest smile as Dr. Vargo stumbled into his office, his head turning like an owl as he took in all of Kitty’s handiwork.

“Wha-wha-wha?” Kitty laughed as she watched the bastard’s face steam up into a lovely lobster red. “How did you get these? Why did you do this?” He started ripping the notes and the pictures off of the wall as if his life depends on it.

“I wouldn’t waste the energy if you think that’s going to save you,” Kitty chuckled as she raised from her spot, easily towering over Dr. Vargo. “I already have my own copies saved and in a envelope addressed to HR. All it needs is for me to drop it off on their desks!”

“This is an invasion of my privacy! I can have you fired!” Dr. Vargo shouted, spit flying from his lips and hitting Kitty on her arm. She wiped it on his jacket, waving off his angry demeanour.

“I don’t think that an invasion of privacy is the real problem here. Personally, if I were going to sleep around with half the department, I wouldn’t keep all the evidence in a poorly locked drawer.” Kitty reached for one of the many letters taped to the wall and started to read the print. She wasn’t even able to get to the real good stuff before Dr. Vargo frantically waved his arm to shut her up.

“Fine! Fine! You win! What will it take for you to keep your mouth shut!” Kitty smirked while shoving the paper into his chest.

“Smart move. I have two demands.” Kitty let her smile grow as he nodded in agreement. “First of all, I better see Dr. Sylvia Vanderveen get a check for her well-deserved research fund.” Kitty watched as his red face lost all its colour. “Is there a problem? Did you exchange sex for that money already?

“That is none of your concern!”

“I beg to differ unless you are okay with me dropping by HR.” Kitty walked towards the door but was stopped before reaching the doorknob.

“Alright! I’ll give her the money. Now, what else do you want?” His voice sounded forced and in pain, but that only brought Kitty more joy.

“I want five hundred dollars. I have a woman to treat, and she deserves nothing but the best.”

October 10, 2020 02:23

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LOVED the story (as usual!!) great job and make sure to always keep writing!! 😊


Lynn Penny
04:16 Oct 10, 2020



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Sue Marsh
20:57 Oct 13, 2020

Lynn, terrific job, the storyline is great and there certainly is twists and turns. Sue


Lynn Penny
23:15 Oct 14, 2020



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Fplldg Wakdwwdg
13:06 Oct 12, 2020

Wonderful story. I thought you won't submit a story this time. But today I was going through your profile and saw '33' so here I am! It is fitting very week with the prompt. Keep writing. (I know you are busy with studies but still) Ps.If you have time, please read my latest story.


Lynn Penny
18:56 Oct 12, 2020

Thanks! Honestly I wasn't going to write a story last week with all my schoolwork but I managed to squeeze one out in under an hour so I posted it.


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B. W.
23:23 Oct 11, 2020

I really loved this story that you did and so i think i'm gonna go ahead and give this story a 10/10 :) i hope you keep writing ^^


Lynn Penny
18:55 Oct 12, 2020

Aww, thanks!


B. W.
18:59 Oct 12, 2020

No problem ^^ i'm excited to see more of your stories


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Andrew Krey
23:07 Oct 11, 2020

Hi Lynn, I really liked your story, Kitty is such an angel of karma! I loved the satisfying ending of getting some walking around money out of him too! I enjoyed that your take on the prompt was to have the event happen BEFORE the result was rigged. Brilliant way to keep the reader guessing despite knowing the prompt, but also a great way for the reader to ride along with the story, rather than be told about it. Great job!


Lynn Penny
17:50 Oct 12, 2020

Thanks! I'm glad you liked my take, I was afraid I was a bit to far off from the prompt.


Andrew Krey
16:42 Oct 16, 2020

You're welcome. No, not at all, I think stretching the prompt is great, otherwise we'd all have the same story :) If I can, I try to use my second or third idea for the prompt, assuming the first might be obvious and others do the same...but unfortunately I often only have one idea! :(


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RS Bhide
16:50 Oct 10, 2020

I had some trouble coming up with a good plot for this particular prompt, and I'll admit I started reading this story only superficially, but I got caught up in it! The storyline was great! Thanks for sharing!


Lynn Penny
17:18 Oct 10, 2020

I honestly wasn't going to go this direction, but I hit an idea two hours before the submission deadline so I just ran with it. Thanks for reading!


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Elizabeth Inkim
05:07 Oct 10, 2020

WOW! That dialogue just flowed so well, I am in awe. I really enjoyed the storyline Kitty was most defiantly my favourite Also, what are the chances that you and I chose the same prompt *insert gasp*! I just upload it and it's called “Of Bone and Blood”. It's my first action-driven short story and I am curious as to what you think. I was really testing my ability to raise the stakes and tension.


Lynn Penny
15:02 Oct 10, 2020

Thanks! I’d love to read it! I bets it amazing!


Elizabeth Inkim
15:16 Oct 10, 2020

The confidence you have in me is strong, thank you.


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Charles Stucker
07:39 Oct 20, 2020

doing the university disfavour by not choosing you.”- a disservice by not “How wonderful she must be so excited!" - change punctuation to “How wonderful! She must be so excited." doing her garage rounds. - garbage draw doesn’t do much- drawer Good take on the prompt. Clean execution and a solid ending. Of course you have set up the plot for the next time there's a murder mystery prompt...


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Hriday Saboo
04:50 Oct 13, 2020

Cool. As usual, brilliant. Pls read my new story if u can


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Cray Ola
02:10 Oct 13, 2020

This story was fun to read, I liked the interactions between the characters. However, maybe you could try adding a few details about the character's appearances and the setting, but other than that the story was great!


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