“Macarons, macarons! Get the most delectable macarons in town here!” Julie says, a huge grin on her face.
People smile at her as they pass, and some stop to buy some cookies and macarons.
“We have delicious butter cookies, fresh out of the oven!” I avoid the glare Julie gives me and turn the other way.
“Hey, Romi!”
I roll my eyes. “Please don’t-” My eyes widen as I turn my head to see Rosalie waving at me. “Oh! Hey, what’s up?”
“Nothing much, just here to buy some cookies. I hear they’re famous, and I need some for a festival we’re having,” she says, stopping in front of the table.
“Oh, okay,” - I bite my lip and avoid her stare, a bit hurt that I wasn’t invited by her - “what cookies do you want?"
“By the way, you’re invited, and Julie’s invited too! Have you guys ever spoken?” Rosalie says, her hands on her cheeks.
Julie, hearing her name, turns in my direction and stares at Rosalie. A smile lights up her face and her chocolate brown eyes crinkle up, creating tiny root-like creases on her cheeks.
“Rosie!” she exclaims, running around the table and towards Rosalie. “I missed you so much! Never leave me again!”
Rosalie laughs, extending her arms out for Julie. “I saw you just yesterday, calm down.”
I watch them and toe the ground with my flour-stained shoes, my hands behind my back.
“Alright, anyway,” Rosalie turns back to me, Julie connected to her hip. “I’ll take the famous butter cookies, some pizzicati pinch cookies, cuccidati cookies, lemon crinkle cookies, and-“
“Rosie, why don’t you get cookies from my shop?” Julie asks, her eyebrows furrow. She glares at me for a second, making eye contact, then glancing away.
Rosalie stares at Julie, sighing. “I’ll get to you later, okay?”
“Alright, fine.”
Julie lets go of Rosalie, gives me a feeble goodbye wave, and runs back to the front of her shop.
“How many cookies do you want?” I slip a piece of paper out of my pocket and grab a pen from my pocket.
“Uh... I don’t know...” Rosalie pulls at her bottom lip, her hands on her hips. “How many people are in this town?”
“I don’t remember either, I mean, I could check the list in the back...” I say, taking a step back toward the shop door.
“Sure, go ahead, I’ll watch over the sweets.” She winks at me and stands behind the table.
I smile at her and nod my head, staring at her smile. “Thanks, I’ll be right back.”
“That’s Rosalie, right? She wants the treats for the festival. I have the list right here. Her dad gave it to me beforehand,” my mom says, pulling the drawer handle and taking out the slip of paper. “Tell her to get around this amount, no less.”
I take the note from her hands and hop over to where Rosalie is standing in front of the table. “Hey, I got the list right here. Apparently, your dad wrote how many he wanted of each before you came.”
Rosalie turns towards me. She purses her lips. “I dunno why he sent me here then. I mean, he already decided everything, so...”
“When is the festival?”
“Tomorrow, I’m pretty sure. Yeah, it’s tomorrow.”
I hand Rosalie the list her father made and she nods, placing it in my palm again. “Take it, you’ll need it. He only gave me the list for...” she says, nodding her head towards Julie.
“Well, I’ll see you at the festival!”
“Yeah, see ya!” Rosalie waves at me, walking towards Julie, who grins as she sees her coming.
“I bet you’re so excited to see Rosalie all dressed up, huh?” my friend, Jaison says, nudging me with his elbow.
I avoid his eyes, grinning.
“The only thing I’m excited for are those lemon crinkle cookies,” the boy next to me - Jaison’s older brother - said, closing his eyes and sighing.
“Oh please.” Jaison’s eyes rolled like bowling balls. “Have you ever had a crush at all?”
“Oh please,” - Jaison’s brother mocked him, punching him in the back - “why do I need to have crushes at all? They aren’t necessary.”
I walk around them, my hands in my pockets. The breeze caresses my cheeks as I look at all the bright lights and stands. It’s so satisfying to watch other people work after a hard day of selling cookies.
As I make my way towards the fountain in the middle of the square, I hear several people call names that sound like Rosalie’s. I look around, but can’t spot her at all.
“Dude, that girl!” Jaison exclaims, nodding his head toward a girl with black overalls. “Do you think that’s Rosalie?”
I ignore him and walk toward the girl, hesitating.
She has her hair in a messy french braid, fiddling with the hem of her white crop top.
“Uh, hey,” I say, tapping the girl on the shoulder.
She turns towards me, her mouth open like a ring. “Uh… hi?”
The girl smiles at me, opening her eyes. As she realized it was me, her eyes widen and she turns away from me.
“Oh, uhm, hey Julie.”
“Were you expecting someone else?” she asked, her eyes narrowed.
I shake my head. “No, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sound… Anyway, I’m on my way to the cookies, do you want to come with me?”
Julie smiles at me, biting her lip. “Sure,”
“What kind of cookies did Rosalie get from you?”
“Oh, well, Rosie got macarons, pizzelles, cannoli cookies, and madeleines.”
“Oh wow, I love cannoli cookies!” I say, grinning. My stomach rumbles loudly and I cover it, a little gasp slithering off my lips.
Julie’s eyebrows raise, her arms behind her back. She steps in front of me and reaches for her pocket. “Oh, you do?”
I nod, watching her hand slide out of her pocket. The crinkle of a paper bag sounded as she pulls it out. A cannoli cookie was inside the bag, and Julie avoids my eyes as she hands it to me.
“Here, since you like them so much,” she says, her fingers touching mine as she drops the bag in my hand.
“Thank you!”
“No problem.”
“Also, where is Rosalie?”
Julie stares at me as we continue walking towards the mouthwatering scent of the cookies. “She said she’d be a bit late today, so… I don’t know.”
“Oh, alright!”
Julie watches me as I look over the cookies, grabbing a plate and taking two of each. The woman behind the table glares at me, and her eyebrows furrow, but I ignore her.
Julie takes one of our butter cookies from the plate and bit into it, her eyes closing. “Mm,” she murmurs, her hand leaning on the bench.
I smile at her, cocking my head. “You like our butter cookies, huh?”
“Well, yeah…” she grumbles, and her arms cross. Her fingers press into the cookie and stain with crumbs and grease.
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Such a cute story! And mouth-watering too. I want a cookie! I love the romance you've built up between Julie and Romi without anything romantic happening yet...in fact, the opposite, but we can still feel the attraction. Great job!
Lol, thank you! I'm glad that you like it! I want a cookie too, so good. Yes, thanks! :)
I ate this for lunch!
I love the drama in thissss
Lollll, is it that appetizing?
Yay dramaaaaaa!
Whooooooooo! :D
Delicious 🤤
Lol, I'm glad. I'm trying to make my next story more dramatic, and I already wrote the first few POVS, so look out for that :)
A sneak peek: two murderers against each other
YOUR BDAY IS IN 11 DAYSSS????????????????????????????
LOLLLL my birthday is December 27. I'M SO EXCITED FOR ITTTT!
wait um with Abby you said you weren't offended, is that actually true? i feel like it would be hard not to be offended by that, i was and im not even LGBTQ+
No, I'm not really offended. I've met a lot of people who don't support LGBTQ+, including my own grandparents and father. I respect everyone's opinions, because to each their own. But what I don't want is for anyone to try to change mine, or insult me because I do. Lol, I mean, I guess I've kind of been expecting stuff like that, so I'm fine.
Thanks for asking, lol ;D
as long as youre happy im happy
as long as youre happy im happy
Again, thanks for worrying.
i always worry about you peopleeee and all peopleeee
Lol, and that's why I think you're so nice! :)
I'm soooo sorry if you were offended. I did not mean that at all. Someone asked my opinion and I gave it to them. I said before that, I don't care if someone is gay/lesbian. Raquel and I are good friends regardless.
ofc, im so glad. i was just making sure she wasn't hurt, but yeah we both evidently respect your opinion and you seem seriously so sweet and nice <33333
Oh okay... Just making sure. I didn't mean anything rude at all..
ofc! <3333333
ofc! <3333333 i know you wouldn't, ur too kind
Awww thank you <3
I really don't know what to say for this, but its great and ill give it a 10/10 :)
Thank you, Bee! I told you it was based on Romeo and Juliet, right? It was SO obvious, but I sort of wanted it to be :)
Hm, maybe you should do another story at some point that's based off another thing? like how ya did with this?
I don't know about that, I'm talking to Ash right now, and I think I have my idea for the only romance prompt :)
whos Ash?
My IRL friend.
I really loved your story! Romance is one of my favorite themes and you've done a really great job of creating an intriguing relationship between Julie and Romi in a short time. I really liked how I could feel that Julie has strong feelings for him that she isn't sharing. It drew me right in and I would love to follow their story to see them get together! Well done!!
Thanks a lot! Ooh, lol. I've never really written romance, so I'm trying to get better at it. Thank you! I like small romance since romance doesn't just have to be extreme. I'm so glad you liked it! :D
aaaa rocky this was so cute (and it made me hungry. im gonna go look for some cookies now🍪)! i absolutely LOVE the way you use figurative language and describe your characters; it really makes the story come to life. it felt a little weird that you left us with an open ending, but it’s just my personal preference in stories, lol. a few other people commented saying that you should do a series based off of this story. I think that sounds really interesting, and you should definitely try it out! this is an amazing story, rocky! great job :DDD
Thank you so much, gurl! Lol, I see donuts on the counter of my kitchen, but they belong to the workers that are fixing it right now, so I can't eat them, oof. Thank you! Lol. Wait, what? They did? They said I should make a series off this? Lol, I've never done that before, maybe I'll consider it. I have too many stories with expected part 2s though, aaa! Thank you Izzie! :D
No problem, rocky, lol
Ouch, you can’t eat the donuts :(((
I mean I think they did? Or they said something similar? Lol maybe I just misinterpreted
Lol, you really spammed that button, girl.
Nope, my mom said not to :((((
Oh, well, idk lol.
No problem, rocky, lol
Ouch, you can’t eat the donuts :(((
I mean I think they did? Or they said something similar? Lol maybe I just misinterpreted it
No problem, rocky, lol
Ouch, you can’t eat the donuts :(((
I mean I think they did? Or they said something similar? Lol maybe I just misinterpreted it
Wowwwieee!! Noicee! Man, I NEED some cookies now. I liked the slight romance ;)
Thank youuuuu! Lol, same. Macarons and lemon crinkle cookies sound so good right now, honestly. Thank you! I wish I had more time because this contest finished yesterday, but if I did, I would've developed the romance further :P
Yessss! Ohkiee cool! :p
I love your story so much! Is it bad I want a macaron now? I love the romantic vibes we're getting!
Bit of constructive feedback: I personally got slightly confused with the names and nicknames. but that might just be me?
Can we pls talk about how you did the romance without too many romantic interactions going on...
Thank you so much! No, I want one too, lol. Thank you!
Oh, I'm sorry about that, I didn't mean to confuse anyone.
Lol, I like doing slight romance better than romance, so I use my strong suits more in stories. Thank you (again)!
Don't be sorry! :(
Ur story is amazing!
Thank you! :)
Don't be sorry! :(
Ur story is amazing!
Don't be sorry! :(
Ur story is amazing!
I love how you did the names. And I like how it begins. This is such a good story. Congrats.
Thank you! I'm so excited that you liked it! :D
Merry Christmas!
I personally love Romeo and Juliet, and this spin-off was amazing. I loved the cookies and Romeo's expression. I would suggest you end the story with a kiss, like have a full fledge scandal. BTW just a silly opinion, I loved the story and moving forward to read your other stories. Keep writing.
I do too! Thank you! Oh, well, I usually do a sight romance for these kinds of stories, since they just started getting together, so I think a kiss would be a bit of a rush, but maybe! Thank you, you too! :)
Romeo fell for Juliet at first sight, so the kiss may not look like a rush. I want a kiss because it will be a scandal.
1. It's Rosalia's party and Romeo is the boyfriend.
2. Juliet is kind of her best friend.
Just suggesting nothing else.
heyyy how are you?
Good, being bombarded with homework though, how about you?
Are you writing a novel? I'm only on chapter 2 of mine, I'm trying to get each chapter to be 8 pages, back and forth :)
This is probably a random question but I'm just kinda confused, its about your Bio. in it your listing and friends and stuff, when it gets to Abby you mention something along the lines of "Bee's stream" whats that supposed to mean, and is about me or something?
Oh, so, I meant, like, I met Abby when I was looking at all the comments in the comment section (I was looking for any spam). And I came across Abby's comments, and I immediately went to her and upvoted her, so you sort of helped me become friends with Abby :)
I changed it to be a little less confusing now, lol. Thanks for pointing that out though!
Oh, thanks for telling me
No problem! :D
I'm not really exactly sure either, though I think for you I might have actually been your first friend, though again I'm not sure, I know I met you not that long after I joined and stuff though.
Yeah, you were my first friend on here. You started talking to me a lot, and we became friends. Honestly, I'm so glad you're my friend. I've mentioned this before, but you are the definition of perseverance. You've been through a lot, yet you still can go on with a smile. I admire you for that. :)
been forever and im missing all these people i haven't talked to in forever <3333
Lol, same! Miss you! How've you been?
I'm being bombarded with homework, but luckily our break is soon, and snow is coming tomorrow (hopefully)!!!
SAME i've been swamped recently. luckyyyy no snow where I live :( but yeahhhh
OMLUCKYYYYYYYYY! It's Tuesday today for me, and I have break next Wednesday, ughhhhhhhhh!
Lol, yay I get snow! Hopefully it PILES ONNN! :D *pat pat* don't worry you'll get snow soon.
really? Ours starts this friday mwahahahahahaha
no we won't, like it hasn't snowed here....well, ever. maybe during the ice age. I live in a place where it just doesn't snow. ever. but it's not that hot either? it's like super mild the whole year, it's a whole production if it gets in the low forties. but in the summer it doesn't rly go above 95 or so. Sadly, we get lots of wildfires (yup, that just gave away my entire location) and im terrified that my fam and I are gonna be caught in one. they keep getting worse and worse every year. Every time it fogs, my brother and i automatically turn on the air purifier (yup, we have that, like everyone in our area) before realizing that's it's not smoke, it's fog, so no fires have started *thank goodness*. This year, there was a fire literally less than a 40 minute car drive away from our house. Thankfully, it didn't go in our direction, but I was terrified for a sec there (im a worrier) and now all the fires are pretty much gone.
Lol, I wish!
Oof, it hasn't snowed here in a long time. That's why I'm really excited about this. I haven't looked outside yet, but it doesn't seem to be snowing. Fires rarely happen here. At least, I think. I've only seen one fire in my life, and it was right next to the highway when we were driving. That's really scary :/
What's up?
I'm a bit bored and tired
Same, I just finished making a scarf so now I'm writing
thats a bit interesting
Yeah, I really like knitting. I made an infinity scarf for both me and my dog :D