Adventure American Suspense

"It's summer!" I quipped rather rousingly. "What do you mean summer is here?" "It's March" don't you remember what grandma said happens in the United States during summer? It snows! Oh no. Sarah took off hastily towards the door, leaving me awe and surreptitiously vilified but not surprised at all. Tom was grinding his maize harvest the season in most African countries by December, and that's his name, my Father. "She spoiled this brat" "Who disturbs Uncle Jameson that remotely?" Kate asked provokingly of the bosom friendship he shared with her last born, Sarah. Kate was justly right in one thing, though, "nobody disturbs my dads' peace when held up. Dad came to love her most when my mom passed away through an accident seven years ago. She was barely three.

His memory is clear of her profound escape from death on that greasily night in September. I kept my memory away from the pain because in the words of my favorite writer, C.S. Lewis, "If we think that home is elsewhere and that this life is a 'wandering to find a home,' why should we not look forward to the arrival? "And that became my hope, struggled with the acceptance again and again and again.

 Though in his 40's, he had his struggles. Once, he told me of how getting Sarah to leave for the states gives him riddance. It was an opportunity to travel upcountry in Africa to watch animals in the zoo and sometimes setting our family goals. Being the firstborn was a caricature backbone of the family and a future illuminating act. I was the best student in Literature and the following month was a rather hallmark audition of the plays and renditions of set books culminating the rush. So it was sadly my first time I would miss the travel by flight to the US.

Deep down, I knew my fathers' suffering and anguish of his wife's loss. He had loved my mother that of shilling to shilling and backbone to Eve and Adam.

Once I popped unnoticed and crept stealthily only to find him crying. He might have missed my mom so much. We all did. He had shown strength in sorrow. Every time I would drive Sarah away to avoid more pain.

The African family setup is so lovely. We could talk loudly in a fire camp in the homestead and listen to legendary heroes of yore until everyone was asleep or brasses of fire wane off at dusk. My dad was not only an amazing father but a believer in matters of science and environmental conservation that she wished both of us followed in his footsteps. "No wonder she allows her to travel every time." Kate sluggishly commenced.

Sending Sarah was always a happy moment to do away with the cruelty of shambles she posed both domestically and at school. For her praise, she was astounded when narrating her ordeals that she could interject her colleagues with clear sizzling sound to prove a point on her vast knowledge about snow, traveling, and everything. Her troubles in school and at playfield were mostly snow and relating to traveling to granny.

She was casual as Sister Teresa’. She was 70 years old and lived through difficult times from civil war, 9/11 to the worst recessions in her country but got out stronger. We were clandestinely her hope too. She loved me more, got me thinking of helping her with every effort and grit I withheld. Last summer, we had a long time sharing stories of old and reminiscing historical warriors going against wind fringe and coming back solitary in agreement-it was the best moment to argue with an elder without thinking of being disciplined or getting cursed.

I got to know when she received Sarah at JFK Airport because it was an introductory note of valiance that her wish had come true. We hoped she would call anytime torrents of verbal say and exhilaration and excitement bequeathed her, and it was likely close. We arrived at a peek of throngs. People clad in their beautiful traditional regalia amid applause from the auditorium and guests who sat.

"This is your time, don't panic, give your best narration and live to the creed of your heroism. Talk about William Shakespeare, Dennis Elliot, Chinua Achebe, and your grandmother too". Such were beautiful tips on a flexible occasion I knew my dad counted on me. When my time to give my ordeal and narration came, I commenced with courage and used witty riddles and proverbs. On stage, my predecessors had almost exhausted notable literary greats. I wasn't aware which script to take first. On my hand was a small note which my dad had written characters to mention in my maiden speech. So when I winked my eye to the last word, I knew this was a grand timely moment to live to my heroine and tell her story. Luckily before the gong went, I bumped on Kate leading to the auditorium, making noise uncontrollably.

"You can't believe what Sarah told me just right now", "Receive the call please and hear her out." That moment there, I was afraid as a chameleon on a frail twig and remained still, numb and fray. “What might have happened to my sister, "I thought to myself? Tears rolled down my cheeks, tears of joy as I blinked them in a bid to send them back. I guessed that it was a joyful and a laughing issue when Sarah narrated how she has rolled down the snowy surface and learned skating too on her second day there.

My grandmother cheekily told me of how she fell on a rough frozen surface, tripling down. As laughter caught the better of me towards the stage, I knew I was headed for a landslide victory to tell the story of my grandmother and sister. What happened next was amazingly surprising, you know what happened next?

Snow happened for the first time. Guess where? Africa!

January 22, 2021 11:55

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That Asian Creep
21:58 Jan 27, 2021

Hi! Great story, I really like the idea of snow in Africa, I think it’s unique and makes me want to keep on reading. Good luck for the future 🙂


Dan Odhiambo
22:57 Jan 27, 2021

Hi thanks for the comment. Well you may want to come over to Africa,good luck Sahana


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Dan Odhiambo
12:58 Jan 22, 2021

African set up for the first time had a summer of snow and i didn't regret going to the states...when Sarah realized what happened, guess what?


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Dan Odhiambo
12:39 Jan 22, 2021

A great peace waiting for approval and comments from other great writers


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Mazie Gray
20:06 Mar 14, 2021



Dan Odhiambo
15:07 Mar 19, 2021

Thanks Brook and i love you too


Mazie Gray
13:22 Mar 20, 2021

You're welcome! awwww


Dan Odhiambo
04:25 Mar 21, 2021

Your phone number kindly,we chat


Mazie Gray
14:20 Mar 22, 2021

I'm sorry--what?


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Dan Odhiambo
04:25 Mar 21, 2021

Your phone number kindly,we chat


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Sapphire 🌼
16:54 Feb 01, 2021

Spectacular story! This fit the prompt perfectly and I loved the conclusion sentence! I was wondering, does snow fall in Africa? Like, ever? Amazing job!


Dan Odhiambo
19:06 Feb 01, 2021

Yes it does,but rarely...i love your writings too


Sapphire 🌼
19:09 Feb 01, 2021

wow that's cool! Thank you so much!


Dan Odhiambo
20:08 Feb 01, 2021

and do you chat often in WhatsApp? am so inquisitive, sorry


Sapphire 🌼
20:10 Feb 01, 2021

No no that is not problem at all, it's great to be inquisitive! I don't use WhatsApp very much, but I do know some people who do. I heard it's a very great place for chats? Sorry if you are disappointed, I wouldn't want to displease one of the best writers in africa :)


Dan Odhiambo
20:19 Feb 01, 2021

its okay just wanted to be friends and chat more...have instagram?


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Kelly Ellen
13:30 Jan 28, 2021

Wonderful story! Your vocabulary is excellent. I felt like this was so well written with wonderful descriptive words that you don't hear everyday in normal conversation which gave an extra confidence to it!


Dan Odhiambo
13:32 Jan 28, 2021

Thanks you are a brilliant writer i will check and comment on your piece too,God bless


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Danny -
07:31 Jan 28, 2021

Hii, great story :) One question, did you use MS Word to write this story? Also, I loooooove the idea of snowing in Africa for the first time, it never snows where I live and i dunno, the concept's just cool (lol cool and snow....bad joke), I guess..


Dan Odhiambo
09:41 Jan 28, 2021

Hi Danny thanks for the comment,yes i did use MS word...looking forward to reading your work too


Danny -
09:47 Jan 28, 2021

Of course, I use word too.... And it gets weird when I copy paste it into reedsy's editor...I usually press enter in between paragraphs after I paste it, they tend to clump (sorry I can't think of a better word) together... Sometimes they'd look like one big paragraph.. Anywaysssss, great story! Can't wait to read more of yours as well :))


Dan Odhiambo
10:25 Jan 28, 2021

You should practice it before submission to help you not get it clumped


Danny -
10:28 Jan 28, 2021

Ohh, I will :)) Thanks!


Dan Odhiambo
10:33 Jan 28, 2021

where do you stay currently


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Beth Connor
00:02 Jan 28, 2021

Your writing has a rhythmic cadence. I enjoyed this story, it made me feel hungry for travel. I would like to go somewhere in Africa someday, and I could visualize it in your description of family time around the fire.


Dan Odhiambo
00:05 Jan 28, 2021

Thank you Beth.Will glad to welcome you,come and see how we arrange our stuff home


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Dan Odhiambo
00:05 Jan 28, 2021

Thank you Beth.Will glad to welcome you,come and see how we arrange our stuff home


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Dan Odhiambo
00:05 Jan 28, 2021

Thank you Beth.Will glad to welcome you,come and see how we arrange our stuff home


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Nainika Gupta
16:12 Jan 27, 2021

Hey Dan! Awesome story! I loved the concept of snow in Africa! One thing I would work on, is in the first paragraph, to kind of make the dialogue clear and individual, because it got a little confusing - other than that, great job! can't wait for more -happy writing N


Dan Odhiambo
16:15 Jan 27, 2021

Happy writing Gupta and thanks for the heads up am gonna make it more interesting next time,i have to read yours....


Nainika Gupta
16:22 Jan 27, 2021

aww, thanks! you as well!


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